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Rookie Love

Page 4

by Skye Turner

  Finally, she tucks her dark waves behind her ear before pulling the thick tresses up and wrapping something around them to hold them there in a ponytail.

  Where the hell did a rubber band or whatever come from? It’s like magic. Nothing was there and then her hair was up.

  It’s female magic…

  What the hell, Jase? Get your ass off the ground and be cool here.

  She’s obviously not ok with the fact that she just straddled me and sucked on my tongue like a popsicle on a sweltering summer’s day!

  That would be a hell of a lot easier if I didn’t have a raging hard on!

  Like if I stand up right now… it’s going to be just like being called to the chalkboard in school when you’re trying to conceal the pop-up tent in your pants.

  Not that she wouldn’t see my erection if she actually looked at me.

  Jesus… this is humiliating.

  Pushing myself up, I stand and turn sideways so my very obvious discomfort is shielded from Cally… if she chose to look at me.

  She hears me and glances over before quickly looking away. She grabs the pile of leashes that were hung on one of the lower branches of the tree and starts calling the dogs. Some come and allow her to clip them. As she does, she uses a hook I didn’t see on the tree to place the end of the leash in. She glances over, hands me a few leashes, and says, “You can help me by wrangling the runaways. Some of them aren’t used to the leash yet and a couple of them just think it’s a fun game to have you chase them.”

  That’s it?!

  So, it’s just back to work and we’re not even going to discuss what just happened between us?

  That’s the way she wants to play it?!


  Taking stock of the dogs that are still loose, I spot two that I can see are going to give me hell. One is a mutt, but absolutely adorable with his shaggy fur that sticks out everywhere and his floppy little ears. I can’t even tell what breeds might have created it. The other is a black lab that appears to still be a baby and is taunting me. His butt is in the air with his tail wagging while his chest and front legs are on the ground. His tongue is also hanging out and his body is screaming, “Let’s play, human!”

  With a laugh, I head toward the two. As expected, both take off with excited barks. They run together, then split up and circle back. Both allow me to get within feet of them before barking and taking off again. I can see that these two are some trouble makers. But, I love it.

  I’m laughing as I chase them. Quickly realizing I’m going to have to separate them to actually catch them, I focus on the smaller dog. It barks at me and I chase it, then just stop and sit on the ground. I see the dog stop from the corner of my eye and smirk to myself. Acting like I’m ignoring it, I whistle as I stare in the opposite direction from the dog but keep an eye on it from my peripheral vision. Its head is cocked to the side to watch me and I can see it’s confused as to why I just stopped chasing it. It starts to creep toward me, stopping every foot or so to see if I’m looking at it.

  Finally, after a few minutes it’s right behind me. I can see it just sitting there. The lab is also laying in the grass watching me from about ten feet away. Still whistling, I pluck grass and act carefree. It can’t stand it and circles around me, stopping right next to me.

  Not yet… almost.

  When I still don’t look at it, it walks right in front of me and stops. With lightning fast reflexes, I hook the leash to its collar. Then, I scratch its head and laugh. The dog jumps onto my lap excitedly and starts barking and licking my face as I pet and scratch him. “Good doggie. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.”

  A musical laugh catches me off guard. I look over and see Cally just watching me with all the other dogs on the leashes. She nods. “That was pretty good. Bandit is a mess. He loves to play chase. You got him though. I’m impressed and he sure seems to like you.”

  Bandit, huh?

  And she’s impressed… wow.

  Laughing back at her as the hyper puppy smothers my face with kisses, I respond. “Thanks. I love animals. I’ve always wanted a dog. I just think it’d be cruel to have one with me being away from home so much. He’s a cutie.”

  She doesn’t say anything as she just looks at me, but a peculiar expression crosses her face.

  Before I can dwell on it, another bark distracts me. Glancing at my side, I see the lab sitting there. Grinning, I clip his collar, too, and pet his head before standing with both dogs firmly on leashes. I look back at Cally and see her mouth hanging open in disbelief. She gasps. “Oh my God, Noche never just comes to anyone when it’s time to go in. I can’t believe you just got him to do that.”

  Smirking, I reply. “What can I say? They say animals are a good judge of character. Maybe they sense I’m a genuine guy.” I turn toward the center and call over my shoulder. “Shall we head in?”

  Before she can respond, I start walking back to the gate. Bandit and Noche happily lead me.

  I just took a jab at her. It wasn’t intentional, but dammit, it was truthful. I AM a good guy. I work hard, don’t sleep around, love my family, and would do anything for anyone. Yeah, I’m here because I made a stupid choice to drive after having a few drinks, but that’s not a normal thing. It’s NOT who I am.

  I’m not some hard partying baseball star. Ha, not even close.

  Yet, she judged me as just that before I even got here.

  So, yeah… I took a jab at her.

  But, that’s not really the kind of guy I am either.

  Shit! I’m going to have to apologize.


  Well, son of a bitch.

  Jase just pretty much called me out on judging him. But he did it in the nicest possible way.

  In fact, he’s been nothing but nice since he got here. He’s been kind and respectful to me… even though I was a bitch to him. He tried to make Evie feel better when she was embarrassed, though he doesn’t know I heard that. Everything I’ve tried to do to unnerve him or have him show his true colors… he’s acted exactly the same.

  Hell, I straddled him and sucked on his tongue and then jumped off him like he burned me and he didn’t call me out on that.

  He’s great with the dogs and Bandit and Noche are not overtly trusting… yet, they actually came UP to him. They trust him.

  Dammit to hell…

  Maw Maw was right… I should have given him a chance before jumping to an assumption about who he was and what he would be like.

  He’s NOTHING like I assumed he’d be.

  You’re in so much trouble, Cally.

  Jase Stevens is gorgeous, genuine, a bucket full of surprises… and HERE for the next few months.

  I’m so screwed.

  I’m following behind Jase as about sixteen dogs pull me. He’s got Bandit and Noche and I can hear him talking to them as he laughs at their antics. I also can clearly see that really magnificent ass he’s got in those khaki shorts.

  Good lord. How can a man so gorgeous have such a perfect ass, too?

  Stop it! What the hell is wrong with you, Cally?

  Sure ok… Jase is gorgeous. Duh, I can see that shit as plain as day. But so what?! This place is full of gorgeous guys.

  Hell, Drew is sexy as shit with his nerd glasses and the body of a superhero… Hello, Clark Kent! I know he’s interested in me, too. He doesn’t make it a secret, yet, he’s never actually asked me out.

  I’m kind of glad, too, because he’s a great guy and as sexy as he is… which is WAY sexy, I’m just not that interested in him in that way. I don’t want to hurt his feelings and I don’t want to screw up the easy camaraderie between us.

  So, why Jase? Why am I SO incredibly attracted to Jase?

  We have nothing in common. He’s a baseball player. I read a few articles about him being drafted for the major’s very soon… That means he’s going to head out to bigger and better things. Louisiana doesn’t have any major league baseball teams. Hell, I don’t know anything about baseball, but I th
ink the Braves and the Yankees are still like the top two teams ever. One is in Georgia and the other is in New York. Neither of those is close to here.

  I’m firmly rooted to this place. Love & Paws is my home. It’s my heart. I could never leave here. This is my life. This is my passion.

  What the hell are you even talking about, Cally?!

  Why are you even contemplating all this shit? You kissed Jase ONE time… he thinks you hate him. It’s not like he’d want to have a relationship with me anyway.

  Besides… he’s here to serve his community service hours and then he’ll head out.

  No need to make a mountain out of a molehill anyway.

  Freaking crazy town!

  He reaches the gate and stops. The dogs start barking and running around his legs, tangling themselves and him in their mess. He laughs and manages to sort it out before squatting down and petting both of them. As I get closer, I hear some of what he’s saying to them. “Good babies. Someone is going to snatch you both up. I’m going to help you get out of here and find some forever families. I wish I could take you. I’d adopt you both, but I don’t want to leave you alone and with practice, travel, and games, you’d be neglected. That’s not cool.

  “I’ll talk to my teammates though and those who have families need to get over here and adopt some of you and your friends.”

  My heart melts at his sweet words.

  Oh shit… he is a good man.

  An idea pops into my head and I decide to run with it. I approach him and he straightens. My brow arches as he just stands there and looks at me. “What? Why are you waiting here? You can open the gate.”

  He smirks. “I can?! I wasn’t sure that was allowed. Waiting for an employee was in all of the rules and I try to follow rules.”

  I blink.

  SHIT! He’s right! I did say that!

  I can feel my face burning as a blush spreads over my cheeks. “Oh, right. Well, yeah. I said that. But, well, after seeing you with Bandit and Noche… you don’t have to follow them quite so staunchly.”

  He reaches over and opens the gate. Bandit and Noche push through and he says, “Slow… Wait, guys.” Both stop and sit on the haunches. I’m speechless. Jase gestures for me to walk through. “Come on, I’ll close it behind you as you have your hands full there.”

  I laugh and nod at him as the dogs pull me. I’m not slight, but I am petite and dogs on leashes can easily overpower me if I’m not careful. “Thanks. Next time, you get more dogs. You’re much bigger than I am.”

  He grins and says, “No problem. I’m here to help in whatever capacity you need. All you need to do is ask.”

  His voice softened at the end.


  Is that double edged? Ask what?

  I am so out of my league here.

  Ignoring it for the time being, I smirk at him again and head toward the kennel room. “So glad you said that. Let’s get these guys fed, watered, and picked up and we’ll talk as we work. I have an idea I’d like to run by you… about how you can help.”

  Chapter Six


  An idea of how I can help? With the center? Or her?

  Don’t read anything into it. Let’s just see what she’s thinking.

  I relieve Cally of some of the leashes and she sighs. “Thanks. Really. These guys are small, but pure muscle for the most part. They’d drag me all over if I let them.” She nods at one of the buildings we passed earlier. “Come on. Let’s get them inside. It’s pretty hot today and they’ve been out awhile. Even with the shade, they need to cool down some and rest their paws.”

  Nodding, I say, “I get it. Dogs can’t sweat, right? Isn’t that why they pant?” She nods at me and mutters, “You are correct. They can’t sweat, so it’s not hard for them to get overheated. Especially here in Louisiana. We let them out a couple of times a day, but never mid-day. And two hours is pretty much as long as we’ll let them play in the pasture. Even with shade, it’s hot as hell.” She looks at me and says casually, “I mean, you play ball in the heat, right? So you know just how hot it can get.”

  Is she asking me about what I do? Like she’s interested?

  Or is she just trying to be polite.

  What the hell is happening? She seems… softer towards me.

  Is it because we kissed?!

  The door closes behind us and the room’s air conditioning is a welcome reprieve. I didn’t really get just how hot it was out there until we walked in here. I have sweat I didn’t realize was there cooling on my skin. Following her lead, I start unlatching the dog’s leashes. They race around the room and hop onto big, cushy pillow things or head straight to the water and food bowls. Cally unhooks the last dog and checks their bowls to make certain they have water. Then, she hangs the leashes on some hooks by the door. I hand her the leashes I’m holding and decide to answer her question. “Yeah, we play in heat, cold, wind, rain… pretty much everything. The only thing we don’t play in is lightening. I drink like three gallons of water and Powerade a day just to stay hydrated.”

  Her nose wrinkles and she gags. “Powerade disgusts me.” She laughs. “Sorry but the taste makes me want to hurl.”

  I grin at her. “Yeah well, when you sweat your weight every day, you learn not to care what something really tastes like as long as it quenches the thirst.”

  Her face appears curious as if she’s mulling something over and then she sighs and asks, “So, is that why you were arrested?” She starts putting the dogs into kennels. They’re spacious and very nice.

  My brow furrows as I look at her.

  Is what why I was arrested?

  I blink and frown as I help her. “What? I was arrested because I drank four beers celebrating a win. Four beers in four hours. I wasn’t wasted. And I was supposed to have a designated driver, however, he was wasted, so I made a stupid choice to drive home. I wasn’t blitzed, but I ran a red light because I was exhausted and was pulled over. The cop asked me if I’d been drinking and I told him I’d had four beers. He had me get out and I blew just over the legal limit.” I sigh and look out the window as she puts the last dog into its kennel. “I knew better than to drive, but my pride stopped me from calling my brother to grab me and I genuinely thought I was ok to get home.

  “Obviously I wasn’t. Because it was my first offense and I honest to God don’t drink and drive, I was let off with community service.” I look at her and shrug. “And here I am.”

  I didn’t intend to tell her all that, but she asked and I’m not going to lie. I made a stupid choice and this is the repercussions of that. Besides, it’s not like she didn’t already know.

  Hell, she’s been busting my balls since the second I walked through the door.

  She looks at me and her eyes soften. She sighs and then says, “I’m sorry.”

  Huh? She’s sorry? For what?

  “What are you sorry for?”

  Her lips lift in a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry I judged you without knowing you. I heard you were a local celebrity who is heading to the majors and I assumed that you were a jerk who finally got caught.” Her lips twist and she picks at her nails. “I haven’t exactly been nice to you and I’m sorry about that.”

  Smirking, I hold my hands out. “Yeah, you haven’t rolled out the red carpet for me. But then again, I don’t expect you to. I don’t expect anyone to.” Reaching up, I squeeze the back of my neck and roll my shoulders. “Look, it’s ok. You assumed I’d be something, but I’m honestly not. I don’t drink and drive. Hell, I rarely drink at all.

  “But, I am a damn good pitcher and I do have scouts sniffing around me. It’s what I’ve worked my ass off for. Everyone has dreams and aspirations and mine is to play Major League ball. It’s always been that. Since I can remember.

  “I don’t expect special treatment for my talent with a baseball but I do want the recognition that I’ve worked my whole life for. Yeah, it’s amazing to have people cheering for me when I pitch a great game. It’s great to have people k
now my name and want photos and autographs. When little kids come up to me after games and are so excited to meet me, I’m honored to spend a few minutes with them. But I don’t expect any of it.

  “My dad is a brilliant lawyer and my brother… he’s also a lawyer with political aspirations… then there’s me… I play baseball. But the one thing that my dad always taught us is that life is what you make of it. The world doesn’t owe you a thing. No one owes you a thing. If you want something, you work your ass off until you achieve it.”

  Shaking my head to clear it, I look down at Cally as she’s looking up at me. She glances at the clock on the wall and mutters, “Hey, it’s almost five. We close down at five. I need to get back to the office so Evie can head out. I’m sure she has some plans for the night that just can’t be missed… or something.”

  She sighs. “Do you need to head out? If so, I can talk to you about my idea the next time you’re here.”

  This idea has me very intrigued.

  But not as intrigued at the idea of spending more time with Cally.

  With a grin, I shake my head. “No, nowhere to be. I have practice in the morning, but I can stay awhile.” My stomach growls and I laugh. “Better, yet… how about we talk about this idea of yours over dinner?”


  Over dinner? Did Jase just ask me out? Like on a date?

  My mouth forms an “o” as I stare at him. I can’t breathe for a minute and then I shake my head. “What? You–– you want to have dinner with me?”

  He nods. “Well yeah. My stomach is telling me it needs some nourishment and since it’s about that time anyway, I thought why not talk about your idea over dinner. My treat.”

  Dinner… with Jase.

  Um… ok then.

  It’s just to talk about your idea… not like a date date. He doesn’t just want to spend time with you… he’s just hungry and you asked him to stick around.


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