Book Read Free

Rookie Love

Page 5

by Skye Turner

  He’s just being kind by inviting you.

  I nod down at Percy who’s sitting on my feet. “Um, we can just talk later. No big deal. Besides, I’d have to bring Percy home if we went anywhere.”

  He glance at Percy and says, “Ok, well, I can pick something up and come back if that’s better. I don’t mind.” Then he frowns. “Unless you just don’t want to have dinner with me. Which is ok, too.”

  He thinks I don’t want to have dinner with him?

  That is SO far from the truth.

  I make a hasty decision. “No, I do. I mean having dinner with you… that’s fine. I wasn’t trying to say I didn’t want to. I mean… not that you asked me out or anything… Shit, I mean that I wasn’t saying I didn’t want to eat with you. I really do have to bring Percy home… But, I live down the road… You–– you could come there if you wanted. To talk about the idea. I have stuff to throw together a quick dinner. If that’s ok?”

  He’s staring at me and then he chuckles. “Well, ok then. Careful, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you were asking me out for dinner.”

  I did not.

  Oh my God…

  Wait, I sort of did… Did I?!

  My face feels like I spent all day in the sun with no sunscreen and I sputter, “No, I wasn’t asking you out. I don’t ask guys out. I was just saying that if you didn’t mind, you could come with me to my house… which does sound like I’m asking you out… Oh my God…”

  He laughs and holds out his hands. “Stop freaking out. I know you don’t like me and wouldn’t be asking me out. I’m just teasing you. You’re so flustered… it’s adorable.”

  I don’t like him? I’m not asking him out?


  Just what every woman wants to hear from a gorgeous man…

  Kill me now.

  My hackles are up and I snap. “Great, now that we’ve established I’m twelve, I need to go wrap up in the office.”

  I stomp past him and push the door open before stalking across the patio. He calls after me, but I ignore him and open the door to the office. Percy races past me and disappears into my office.

  A strong hand wraps around my upper arm and stops me from continuing down the hall. “Cally, would you stop? What the hell? Why are you mad?”

  Breathing through my clenched teeth, I snap. “No reason. Let me go. I need to finish up. Evie is probably freaking out. It’s five past five…”

  He turns me to face him and I can see the confusion on his face. “She can wait a couple more minutes. You’re saying you’re not mad, but your body is screaming that you’re pissed and your eyes are trying to stab me… I have a sister in law who is feisty as shit… so yeah, you’re mad. But why? What’d I do?”

  My eyes flash and I look past his shoulder at the taupe paint on the wall. “I’m not twelve, Jase.”

  He gasps and exclaims. “What the hell?! I know you’re not twelve.”

  Pinning him with my gaze I say slowly. “Twelve… Year… Olds… Are… Adorable. I am not twelve. I’m a grown ass woman.”

  His mouth drops open and he blinks. His hand tightens on my arm, but not enough to be painful. Then he leans his head back and talks to the ceiling. “God help me.” He looks back at me and grimaces. “Trust me. I know damn well you’re a woman and not a child. I’m not in the habit of kissing children while they straddle me. In fact, I’ve never kissed a twelve year old in my life… not even when I was twelve.” His eyes capture mine and he groans. “I am extremely aware that you are a woman, Cally.” His nostrils flare. “A very beautiful and exasperating woman.”

  Jase thinks I’m beautiful?

  Oh boy… His face is very close…

  What happens next takes me totally by surprise. Standing on my tiptoes, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his head down to mine. My lips press against his as my body curves into him. His hand leaves my arm and slides down my side to curve around my hip as his mouth takes control of the kiss.

  His tongue slides against my teeth and I open wide to allow him access to whatever he wants. The groan that escapes his chest rumbles against me. My nipples bead against the slight padding of my bra and my thighs clench. My fingers splay in the hair at his nape and try to pull him closer against me.

  I don’t know how long we kiss… maybe seconds… maybe minutes.

  Then, a shocked voice echoes down the hallway. “Holy shit! Get it, cuz! Told you he was fine as hell! No fair, you get him though.”

  Jase and I break apart and he smirks down at me as I blush. He winks and turns toward Evie. “Sorry, Evie.”

  She laughs and claps and I slowly turn my head towards her. She’s grinning like a fool and clapping in glee. “No worries, Jase. My boyfriend might have a problem with it anyway. My cousin can have you.” She glances at me and says, “Dammit, I should have bet you some money.” I glare and sputter as she waves at us both. “I’m out. Lock the door behind me. Have fun, you two…”

  Her laughter fades as the front door closes and I’m left in the deserted office… still wrapped around Jase with his arms firmly holding me.

  Chapter Seven


  Is she about to flip out again? She kissed ME.

  Like full on Rachel and Ross when she realized he’d been in love with her all those years, kissed me.

  Ha, did I just remember Friends?!

  You’re a loser, Jase!

  Who cares… Cally just went full throttle and kissed me. She actually acted on her attraction. Damn.

  Is this about to get all weird again though?!

  Looking down at Cally, I can see she’s embarrassed. I loosen my hold, but don’t let her go. “So, are we going to act like that didn’t happen? You know like we did earlier?”

  Her eyes look up at me and I see her worrying her lip. She shakes her head. “Um, well, it’s happened twice now. I don’t think we can just brush it off.”

  She pushes against me and I let her go. Her hand reaches up to some hair that fell out of the ponytail. She tucks it behind her ear. “Ok, here’s the thing. I wasn’t expecting you to be… like… well–– well, this.” She circles me with her finger. “You were supposed to come in here and be some cocky jerk that it would be really easy not to like.” She sighs. “But, no… instead you come in here and are like super nice and real and freaking sexy as hell.” She glances at me. “Like really sexy.” I can’t stop the grin from crossing my face. She sees it and groans. “No, see, don’t do that. Don’t smile and flash your perfect teeth to go along with that perfect smile in that perfect face.” Her hands are knotted together as she looks at me. “Seriously, why can’t you just be an asshole?”

  I shrug. “Because I’m not. I’m sorry. I can’t be a dick just because you want me to be one. I wasn’t raised like that and I’m not that guy. I’m sorry if you thought I was going to be something that I’m not, but I’m also not sorry because you like me… and that’s what this is about… You like me and you weren’t expecting to.”

  I smile at her and reach out. My hands close around her tightly clenched fingers and I gently pull her toward me. “But that’s good… Because I like you, too, Cally. I like you a lot. I’ve only known you a few hours but I’d really like to know you better and I’d like for you to get to know me… Jase Stevens the guy… not the guy who plays baseball and is here because he made a mistake.” My eyes light up as I make a stunning realization. “Though had I not made that stupid choice, I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t have met you.

  “I’m really glad I met you and I want to spend more time with you. I think you want that too. Look, I didn’t walk into here today thinking I’d meet some woman who drives me crazy but whose kiss wakes me up. But, I did and you do, so what do you say…

  “Have dinner with me tonight… On a date.”

  I hold my breath as I wait for a response… any response.

  She has a poker face for the longest time and then she slightly nods. “Ok, I’ll have dinner with you… on a date
. I do like you and I wasn’t expecting to. But we need to just be cool and see where this goes… if it fizzles, no hard feelings, ok?”

  I laugh. “I asked you to dinner, Cally. Not to marry me and run off to Cancun to have babies on the beach.”

  She smirks and then chuckles. “Good thing. I hate the beach, so we’d be getting divorced hella fast.”

  My nose wrinkles. “Who the hell hates the beach?”

  She snorts. “Me. That’s who. When you’re pale and have sensitive skin, sun and sand are not your friends.”

  Wrapping my arm around her waist, I look down and exclaim, “Um, don’t be alarmed, but I think we lost your dog.”

  She laughs and whistles. “Percy, here, boy.” He pokes his head out of her office doorway and drops a bone on the floor. He barks and picks the bone back up before strolling over to us. As he reaches us, he bumps her leg and then… nudges my thigh with his nose before settling at the floor at our feet with the bone between his massive paws. Leaning down, she pats his head and steps away from me. “Ok, well, let me lock the door and shut down my computer. I need to do a quick run through the center to make certain all lights are off and everyone is fed, watered, and put away safely for the night, then we can head out. You can just follow me. I live about two miles down the road.”

  I nod and ask, “Ok, well what can I do to help?”

  She turns and then grins. “If you could check the doors to the supply room and the food room to make certain they’re locked that would be great.” She turns the corner into the main lobby and I hear her shuffling around. I do as asked and check both rooms. Both are locked tight. Walking back up, I look out the front glass doors. The parking lot is empty other than my Charger and a silver Silverado with Love and Paws with the logo written across the back window in pink vinyl.

  Cally drives a truck?

  I hear her shut her office door and then she’s beside me in the lobby. Percy followed her and is laying near the door as he waits to go home.

  She looks at me and smiles shyly. “Ok, well I need to go check the other buildings. Walk with me?”

  I nod. “Of course. After you.”


  Jase helped me check all of the animals. We locked them all up for the night. I have cameras in every room and can see every animal even when we’re not here. The live feed goes straight to my phone and I have monitors in my office at the center and also at home. If something happens, I can be back there in less than two minutes. It’s a fantastic system that works well for us.

  I’m driving down toward my house with Percy looking out the window beside me. He comes everywhere with me. He’s too spoiled. When I have to do something and he’s not allowed to come, he has his own room at home and I enclosed a half-acre behind the house for him to run and play in. Glancing over at him as he sticks his head out of the window for the second time, I laugh. “You spoiled, silly, boy.” His tail is happily wagging.

  Looking in my rearview mirror, I see Jase following behind me. His car is very cool. It fits him. I sigh and glance at Percy again. He’s inside of the cab now and staring out the front window as the wind from his open window ruffles his fur. “So, Percy… It looks like we have a date tonight. Jase is coming over. I’m going to make him some dinner. Nothing fancy though. I think I have some frozen shrimp I can thaw really quickly.

  “Shit, does he eat seafood? I was going to make pasta, but do baseball players eat pasta? Are carbs good for them?

  “What the hell was I thinking inviting Jase over to the house? Is it clean? I mean I’m clean in general, but did I leave my bra on the couch or something? Oh my God… I don’t know what I’m doing. I never invite men over. Hell, I never invite anyone over except family.

  “When was the last time I went on an actual date with someone I liked?”

  I’m so out of my element here. I never do things for myself and this date is for me. Well, sort of. I did say I wanted to ask Jase about something for the center and I do. I think it would be great for the center and it would also be good for him. Not that he seems to need anything to make him more appealing.

  Good lord. If he gets any more appealing, I’ll strip naked, jump on him, and beg him to marry me and make babies.

  Oh God… shut up, Cally.

  My house comes into view and I turn off the road. The cottage is set back about a quarter mile from the road and trees line the drive on both sides. Looking at it, I try to imagine what Jase will think about my home.

  It’s a mini version of the much larger main house that my grandmother lives in. It’s white-washed with two columns and a porch. It’s about 1200sq ft, but it’s spacious. I have three bedrooms, one of which is Percy’s room for when I have to leave him inside, and two bathrooms. There’s a large kitchen with an attached dining room and a pretty good size living area. In the back is a small sun room that leads out to the patio.

  I love my house and I hope that Jase likes it, too. I’ve put so much of myself into it in the years since I moved in.

  Pulling under the tree to the right of the house, I park and open the door to hop out. Percy bounces up and jumps down beside me. We wait as Jase pulls in beside me and cuts his engine. He opens the door and I watch as he slides out.

  Once again, I’m caught off guard at how good looking he is.

  So, not fair!

  He closes the car door and leans back against it. He looks around. “This is really nice. I love the look of the place. It’s yours?”

  I nod. “It is. It was my parents wedding gift when they were married. I grew up here and then when I was about eight, they built a bigger one further down the road…” I point in the general direction. “Between here and my grandparents.”

  He whistles and says, “So, y’all own a lot of land?”

  “We do. Well, my Maw Maw does. It’s like two-hundred acres total. This is mine. They gave me the cottage and four acres to do what I wanted with. All I did was put my touch in the house and add the fence in the back once I got Percy.”

  I see his eyes widen as he laughs. “Did you just call that house a cottage?”

  I giggle. “Yeah, I know. It’s called Serenity Cottage. I know it’s a normal sized house.”

  He nods. “Yeah, for most people, that’s pretty much a normal house. A cottage is like a tiny house.”

  I furrow my brow as I reply. “I know. I’m not belittling my house. It’s perfect and I love it. Compared to my grandparents house though… this is a tiny house. If you saw it, you’d understand why they called this a cottage.”

  He shakes his head. “Oh, I know you weren’t. My parents have money, too. I know about big houses. I grew up in one.” He grimaces. “I come from old money, too. But my family isn’t snobby. Well, other than one of my asshole uncles… but no one likes him anyway. He’s a pompous idiot who thinks he deserves special treatment because of his pedigree.” He snorts. “I once told him dogs have pedigrees, not humans.” He chuckles again. “He was not amused.”

  Jase comes from money?

  Wait… Jase STEVENS?

  Stevens, like the political family?! Nope… if he wants me to know, he’ll tell me.

  “I get it.” Striding to the house, I climb the steps and insert my key into the lock. “Come on. Let’s get inside. It’s hot out here.”

  He follows behind me silently. Once inside, I toss my keys on the pink marble table in the small entryway. I see Jase looking around as I head into the back, where the kitchen is. I stop when I reach the open and airy kitchen. Two walls are floor to ceiling windows, so the natural light pours in and it’s bright. He whistles as he walks in. “Damn, this is a fantastic kitchen! My momma would flip out for this kind of natural light.”

  Turning, I grin at him. “I know, right? I love it in here.” Opening the freezer, I take stock. “So, what am I making? Do you like shrimp and pasta or would you prefer I make a quick hamburger steak? I don’t know what you eat so just let me know.”

  He laughs and walks over. His chest presses a
gainst my back as he looks into the freezer with me. The cold air is coating the front of my body, but my back, where Jase is standing, is on fire.

  He leans over and his breath tickles my ear. “I eat everything… everything. You pick. I’m easy and I’m your guest, so whatever you decide to do… I’m game.”

  Holy fuck! Is he talking about food?

  And why am I praying that he’s not?!

  Chapter Eight


  Did I just say that? Out loud?

  Oh my God… Cally is going to think I’m some creepy pervert.

  Her breath hitched and now she’s breathing rapidly. Is she about to tell me to get out of her house?

  I totally didn’t intend to say that. It just sort of came out, but it’s true. Whatever she wants to do is fine with me. I’m open to all of the possibilities. If she only wants dinner… I’m good. If she wants to make out some more… I’m even better with that. And if she wants to take it even further… well, I’m not opposed to that either and that alone kind of freaks me out.

  I don’t sleep around. I’ve been with a few girls and women, but not as many as people probably think and I was in relationships with them all. I’m not a no strings, casual hook up, let yourself out, kind of man.

  But Cally and I aren’t in a relationship. We only met this afternoon. I think I’m hoping that she might be interested in actually starting a relationship with me and we can see where it leads.

  But shit… maybe she really did only ask me over here for dinner and my stupid thoughts won’t even come into play.

  Jesus, Jase. Stop the insanity!

  Stepping back, I lean against the island behind me. “I like shrimp and pasta and I like hamburger steak, too. Whichever is easier for you is fine with me.” Cally glances at me over her shoulder and I can once again see she’s chewing on her lower lip. I smile slightly. “I’ll help, too. My momma always had me in the kitchen with her… chopping vegetables, stirring pots, whatever. She made my brother and I learn how to cook ‘as it was a necessary skill for every man and it wasn’t a woman’s place to be her husband’s servant’.


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