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Margaret Thatcher: The Autobiography

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by Margaret Thatcher

Bruce-Gardyne, Jock, 133, 137, 140, 164

  Bruges: MT’s speech in, 656–8, 712

  Bruntisfield, Victor Warrender, Baron, 20, 27

  Brussels: European Council meeting (1984), 441, 549–51; NATO heads of government meetings, 675, 682–3, 688

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 211

  Buchan, John: The Gap in the Curtain, 75

  Buchanan-Smith, Alick, 196–8

  Buckingham, University of, 101

  budgets: under Heath, 126, 131, 137, 141; quarterly by Healey, 164; April 1975, 185; under MT, 270–2, 277, 320–2, 328, 396; Lawson’s, 616–17, 630; Major’s, 618

  Building Societies Association, 155

  Burke, Edmund, 21, 38

  Burnet, Alistair, 410

  Bush, Barbara, 723

  Bush, George (senior): discusses arms control, 396–7; on Hungary, 507; at Houston G7 meeting, 666; elected President, 670; MT meets in Washington, 680, 700; and German reunification, 686–8, 690; MT meets at Camp David, 687; view of Yeltsin, 692; MT meets in Bermuda, 694; on future of NATO, 695; and Saddam’s attack on Kuwait, 698, 702; confides in MT over First Gulf War, 700, 703; and budget compromise (1990), 705; at CSCE summit (Paris 1990), 720, 723; on ‘new world order’, 720; MT writes to on resignation, 734

  Buthelezi, Gatsha, 543

  Butler, Adam, 217–18

  Butler, Sir Michael, 649n

  Butler, Richard Austen (later Baron): Education Act (1944), 37; pre-election Budget (1955), 60; in leadership contest, 61, 63; congratulates MT on Commons performance, 75; speaks at new MPs’ dining club, 76; tax cuts, 271

  Butler, Robin (later Baron), 408, 459

  BX Plastics (company), 44, 49

  by-elections: Ely and Ripon (1973), 141; Walsall North and Workington (1976), 194; Crosby (1981), 332; Mid-Staffordshire (1990), 606; Eastbourne (1990), 711; Bootle (1990), 716; Bradford North (1990), 716

  Cabinet: under Heath, 110–20, 140; MT first attends, 119; Economic Sub-Committee, 142, 399; MT first chooses, 260–3; economic discussions, 328–9; discusses Falklands crisis, 344–5; sub-committee on Falklands (‘War Cabinet’), 349–50, 359, 362, 369, 372; reshuffled: (1962), 81–2; (1981), 319, 330–2; (1983), 418, 421–2; (1985), 483–5; (1987), 569; (1989), 659–63; fails to support MT in 1990 leadership election, 730–1

  Cable and Wireless, 620

  Callaghan, James: MT opposes as Chancellor, 90; opposes union reform proposals, 102n; manner in Commons, 192; and pact with Liberals, 199, 215; opposes entry into Europe, 201; criticizes MT for US visit, 208; and extreme Left, 218; premiership, 225, 235; delays calling election (1978), 226–7, 230–1; denies crisis, 234; and winter 1978–9 strikes, 234; in debate on trade union reform, 236; and devolution question, 237–8; 1979 election campaign, 243–4, 247; concedes defeat in 1979 election, 255; support in Falklands War, 351; rejects unilateral nuclear disarmament, 413

  Camp David, 514, 519, 687

  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 395

  Campbell family (of Grantham), 10

  Campbell, Gordon, 125

  Campbell, Judy, 10

  Camrose, William Ewert Berry, 1st Viscount, 52

  Canberra, 285

  Canberra (liner), 350

  Cancún summit (Mexico, 1981), 336–8

  Candidates’ Conference (August 1974), 154

  capitalism: popular, 621

  Cardiff, 247

  CARICOM (Caribbean organization), 427

  Carlisle, Mark, 331

  Carlton Club, London: bombed, 481

  Carr, Robert (later Baron): and race relations, 93; as Employment Secretary, 124, 126; and miners’ strike (1972), 134–5; moves to Home Office, 140; interventionism, 150; and manifesto for October 1974 election, 154; and mortgage rates, 159; MT appointed deputy to, 164; not appointed in MT’s Shadow Cabinet, 176, 179–80

  Carrington, Peter Carington, 6th Baron: as Defence Secretary, 124; MT reappoints as Leader of Lords, 178; in 1979 election campaign, 246, 248; as Foreign Secretary, 262; on Rhodesia question, 286–8; and reduction of British EC budget contributions, 293; and Iran-Iraq war, 297; and MT’s 1981 Cabinet reshuffle, 330; and Argentine threat to Falklands, 343; defends Falklands policy in Lords, 348; and Soviet threat, 387; replaced by Pym, 418; on MT’s leaving office, 711

  Carter, Jimmy: elected President (1976), 210; disarmament policy, 211; letter to Sakharov, 211; in London, 211; at Tokyo G7 meeting, 284–5; and Iran hostages crisis, 293–5, 334, 704; and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 294; and SALT II agreement, 384; and supply of Trident to Britain, 385

  Cartland, Barbara, 92; Ronald Cartland, 24

  Cartledge, Sir Bryan, 266, 516

  Carvel, Robert, 155

  Catholic Church: and Northern Ireland problem, 567–8; and situation in Poland, 677

  Catto, Henry, 698

  Cavaco Silva, Anibal, 659

  Ceausescu, Nikolai, 684

  Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB): and threat of coal strike, 438, 440; coal consumption, 443; maintains power supply in 1984–5 miners’ strike, 455; and privatization, 623–5

  Central Office: changes under MT’s leadership, 180–1

  Central Policy Review Staff, 119

  Centre for Policy Studies: Keith Joseph establishes and heads, 156–7, 159, 177; MT joins, 156; relations with Conservative Research Department, 181; recommends Conservative policies to MT, 184

  Challenger tank, 704

  Chamberlain, Neville, 22, 34

  Change is our Ally (Conservative Party document), 193

  Channon, Paul, 150, 496, 498, 509, 660–1

  Charter 77 (Czechoslovakia), 211

  Cheltenham, 607–8

  Cheney, Dick, 700

  Chequers (house), 266, 736–7

  Chernenko, Konstantin, 507–8, 510, 516, 550

  Cheysson, Claude, 547

  child care, 590–1

  Child Poverty Action Group, 163

  Child Support Act (1991), 590

  Child Support Agency, 590

  Childe, Rev., 8

  Chile: in Falklands dispute, 352

  China: separated from Soviet Union, 203; claims and policy on Hong Kong, 390–2, 525–9; MT visits, 390–1, 525, 528; development, 524

  Chope, Chris, 732

  Churchill, Sir Winston: repudiates Munich Agreement, 22; wartime broadcasts, 25; election defeat (1945), 36–8, 708; on A-bomb, 41; speech at Llandudno Conference (1948), 47; in Albert Hall Conservative Women’s rally, 53; resigns as Prime Minister (1955), 59; ‘iron curtain’ speech, 520; on democracy not respecting persons, 708; on rumours of resignation, 728

  civil service: advice to ministers, 80; MT’s relations with, 106; recruitment frozen, 264, 273; MT reforms practices, 273–6; size reduced, 273, 275, 277

  Clark, Alan, 730

  Clark, Joe, 284

  Clarke, Kenneth: as Health Secretary, 584–5, 661; as potential Party leader, 660; as Education Secretary, 714; on MT in 1990 leadership election, 728–9

  Clegg, Hugh, 242, 264, 272

  closed shop (trade unions), 218–19, 221, 236, 240, 269, 301–2, 400, 613

  coal industry: and stocks, 141, 443; government investment in, 323; proposed closures, 323–4; threatened strike (1981), 323–5, 437–8; history in UK, 437; pit closures and redundancy offers, 439, 452; subsidies, 439; uncompetitiveness, 457; see also miners’ strikes

  Cockfield, Arthur, Baron, 551

  Colchester, 45

  Cold War: Reagan and, 335, 504, 512; and cruise missiles, 338

  collectivism, 38, 121, 142

  Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), 130, 262, 282, 290, 433

  Common Fisheries Policy, 130

  Commons, House of: MT’s early activities in, 71–6, 81; place of women in, 72–3; MT’s performances in, 165, 168, 184, 236, 270, 496, 502, 734; and Prime Minister’s Questions, 270, 401, 563, 646–7, 774; debates on Falklands crisis, 347–8, 358, 373; televised, 563; debates situation in Gulf (1990), 704; No Confidence Debate (1990), 734–5

  Commonwealth: support for Brit
ain in Falklands dispute, 351–2

  Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGMs): Lusaka (1980), 286–8; Melbourne (1981), Delhi (1983), 430; Nassau (1985), 536–8; Vancouver (1987), 541; Kuala Lumpur (1989), 541

  Commonwealth Immigrants’ Bill (1968), 93

  communism: ideology, 19–20; Hayek on, 42–3; and human rights, 206; as threat to West, 297; Reagan condemns, 389–90; disintegrates in Europe, 670, 683, 710

  community charge: MT defends, 595, 597–8, 607–11; proposed, 599–603; Conservative Party differences on, 602–3; introduced in Scotland, 602–3; effect on individual households, 604; estimated level, 604–6; popular hostility to, 605, 607, 726; abandoned, 610

  Community Land Act, 269

  Confederation of British Industry (CBI): discusses prices and incomes policy, 129; and trade union reform, 305–6; opposes MT on monetarism, 319; Industrial Trends Survey, 329

  Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE): Paris summit (1990), 715, 720–3

  Congdon, Tim, 632

  Conqueror, HMS (submarine), 368

  Conquest, Robert, 204, 209, 505

  Conservative Party: electoral defeat (1945), 36–40; National Union Executive, 53; election victory (1955), 60; state intervention under Macmillan, 62; policies, 76–7, 101–2, 184, 193, 404–5; leadership contest (1963), 84; narrowly loses 1964 election, 84–5, 87; routed in 1966 election, 89; and unresolved February 1974 election, 147–9; manifesto (October 1974), 159; loses October 1974 election, 161; MT elected leader, 173–4; divisions and differences, 216; policy on trade unions, 219–20, 227, 232, 240–2; and Party Political Broadcasts, 225; publicity and advertising, 225–6; on pay policy, 228–9; 1979 election campaign, 245–53; election victory (1979), 253–4; proposes legislation (1979), 269; benefits from Falklands victory, 393–4; funding, 400; privatization programme, 405; organization and finances, 407; landslide victory in 1983 election, 416; Tebbit appointed Chairman, 485; Central Council, 519; record and policies in 1987 election, 557–8; legislative programme (1987), 559; election campaign (1987), 560–2; manifesto for 1987 election, 563–4; election victory (1987), 568; poor result in 1989 European election, 658; leadership election procedures, 708; MT stands and loses 1990 leadership contest, 708–10, 714–15, 718–32; Conferences: 1946 (Blackpool), 39–40; 1948 (Llandudno), 45; 1966 (Blackpool), 91; 1975 (Blackpool), 18, 188–91; 1977 (Blackpool), 221; 1978 (Brighton), 225, 228–9; 1980 (Brighton), 315; 1981 (Blackpool), 332; 1984 (Brighton), 458–61; 1987 (Blackpool), 602; 1990 (Bournemouth), 709

  Conservative Political Centre: annual lecture, 95

  Conservative Research Department (CRD), 181, 405, 409

  Conservative Trade Unionists, 251–2

  Cook, Beryl, 47, 56

  Cooke, Robin, 171

  Cope, John, 167

  Corby: steel works closed, 307

  Corby Glen, near Grantham, 43

  Corfield, Fred, 128

  corporal punishment, 77

  Cortonwood colliery, 440

  Cossiga, Francesco, 385

  Costa Mendez, Nicanor, 353, 357–8

  council houses: provision, 151; and right to buy, 152–3; see also housing

  Coventry, HMS, 374–5

  Coward, Sir Noël: Present Laughter, 10

  CPRS: report leaked, 401–2, 415

  Crawford, Cynthia (‘Crawfie’): as MT’s personal assistant, 260; and Brighton bomb, 459–60; helps MT with wardrobe, 563; and Lawson’s resignation, 646; in Paris with MT (1990), 721; packs for MT after resignation, 734, 736

  Craxi, Bettino, 552–3

  crime: and punishment, 419; increase in, 587–9

  Criminal Justice Act (1988), 588

  Criminal Justice Bill (1961), 77

  Crosland, Anthony: in Oxford Labour Club, 40; educational policy, 107; attacks MT’s housing proposals, 155; attacks Conservative October 1974 manifesto, 159

  Crossman, Richard, 81

  Cruise missiles: deployment, 334, 338, 383–4, 430, 433, 672; control of, 395–6, 414

  Cuba, 209, 294, 334, 428, 535

  Cuckney, Sir John, 487–8, 491–2, 495

  Cullen, Muriel (née Roberts; MT’s sister): birth, 2; pen friendship with Austrian Jew, 21–2; wartime nursing, 26; visits MT in Blackpool, 41; MT acquires car from, 53

  Czechoslovakia, 22, 211, 684, 692

  Daily Express, 251

  Daily Mail: on MT as Education Secretary, 111–12, 117; on MT’s 1975 Conference speech, 191

  Daily Telegraph: election parties, 52, 103; praises MT’s Commons performance, 91; on MT as Education Secretary, 111; MT writes in, 170, 201; supports MT in leadership election, 173; on MT’s speeches on foreign affairs, 210

  Darbishire, Helen, 33

  Darkley, Co. Armagh, 470

  Dartford, Kent (constituency), 45–53

  Darwin, Falkland Islands, 375

  Davidson, Mimi, Lady, 40

  Davies, Edmund (Lord Justice), 263

  Davies, John: economic advice, 124, 126; and industrial unrest, 133–5; White Paper on Regional Development, 137; leaves Trade and Industry, 140; favours confronting unions, 145; as Shadow Foreign Secretary, 195

  Day, (Sir) Robin, 35, 185, 233, 308, 410

  Deal: Royal Marines School of Music bombed, 481

  death penalty: abolition, 97

  Declaration of Intent (1964), 90

  Deedes, William (later Baron), 182

  defence: budget and spending, 316–18; in 1987 election campaign, 565–6; see also missiles; nuclear weapons

  de Klerk, F.W., 541–2, 544–5

  de la Billière, General Peter, 296, 705

  De L’Isle and Dudley, William Sidney, 1st Viscount, 217

  Delors, Jacques: as French Finance Minister, 434; as President of European Commission, 550, 555, 653, 655; chairs committee of European bankers, 640–1; Report (on Economic and Monetary Union), 643–4, 648–50, 658–9; advocates federalism in Europe, 654, 668, 712; reports on talk with Gorbachev, 668–9

  Democracy in Trade Unions (green paper), 399

  Democratic Unionist Party (DUP, Northern Ireland), 465, 469

  Deng Xiaoping, 390–2, 525–6, 528

  Denmark: opposes IGC at Milan, 553; supports MT in opposing Central Bank, 653

  Depression (1930s), 18–19

  détente, 203, 205, 208, 294

  devolution (Scotland and Wales), 196–7, 237–8

  Diamond, Jack, 90

  Dicey, A.V., 68

  Diego Garcia (island), Indian Ocean, 384–5

  diplomacy: MT’s view of, 524

  District Health Authorities (DHAs), 581–2, 584

  divorce, 589–90; law, 96–7

  Djilas, Milovan, 213

  dock strikes (1984), 446–7, 449

  Dodd, Ken, 252

  Dodds, Norman, 51

  Dorneywood (house), 662

  Douglas-Home, Sir Alec (earlier Lord Dunglass; later Baron Home): speaks at Oxford, 40; and widows’ pensions, 81, 84; as Party leader, 84–5, 87; qualities, 85; as Shadow Foreign Secretary, 92; as Foreign Secretary under Heath, 123; in Lords, 165; reviews procedures for electing Party leader, 165, 708

  Downing Street (No. 10): organization, 257–8; as home, 258–60; MT leaves, 734, 737–8

  Druze: in Lebanon, 426–7

  Dublin: European Council meetings, (1979), 290–1; (1984), 549–51; (1990), 665

  du Cann, Edward: as Chairman of 1922 Committee, 140, 179; hostility to Heath, 164; as potential Party leader, 167–8; welcomes MT at 1922 Committee meeting, 177; declines Shadow Cabinet appointment, 179

  Duff, Sir Anthony, 288

  Duport Steels (company), 304

  East Germany: in Africa, 294; flight to West, 683

  Eastern Europe: MT’s policy on, 506–7, 676; potential membership of EC, 571; collapse of communism in, 670–1, 683–4, 710; liberation of, 735

  Eccles, David, 1st Viscount, 105

  Economic Dining Group, 164

  Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), 629–30, 640–3, 646, 6
48–9, 652–3, 663–4, 666–7

  Economic Policy Committee, 120

  Economic Reconstruction Group, 184, 220

  Economist (journal), 222, 402

  Eden, Anthony (later Earl of Avon), 40, 53, 59, 61, 728

  Edith (Austrian Jewish refugee), 21–2

  Education: A Framework for Expansion (White Paper), 117–18

  education: and selection at secondary level, 100–1; socialist ethos and Conservative policy, 105–8, 269, 417; MT’s policy as Secretary of State, 107–18; nursery, 116, 118; higher, 118; in 1987 election campaign, 564–6; and national curriculum, 570, 572–4; reforms after 1987 election victory, 570; voucher scheme, 570–1; and teacher training, 575; see also schools

  Education Act (1976), 110

  Education Reform Act (1988), 570

  Education and Science, Department of: MT as Shadow Minister, 99–100; MT as Secretary of State, 105–18; and national curriculum, 572

  Edwardes, (Sir) Michael, 310, 312–13

  Edwards, Nicholas, 220, 308, 559

  Egypt: MT visits, 530

  EH 101 project, 487

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., 60

  Eisenhower, USS (carrier), 374

  Eksund (ship), 477

  electricity: generation, 92; prices increased, 277; privatization, 620, 623–6

  Elizabeth II, Queen: Coronation, 54–5; summons MT to form government (1979), 255; MT’s audiences with, 256, 737; at Heads of Commonwealth meetings, 287; informed of progress in Falklands dispute, 364; dissolves Parliament (1983), 408; and MT in 1990 leadership election, 727; and MT’s resignation, 732, 734, 737

  El Salvador, 423

  ‘Eminent Persons Group’ (on South Africa), 538–9

  Employment Acts (and Bills), (1980), 303–6;

  (1982), 398–9; (1988), 613; (1990), 613

  Enders, Thomas, 352

  Endurance, HMS, 342–3

  Energy, Department of, 625

  Engineering Employers’ Federation (EEF), 301

  engineering industry: dispute (1979), 301

  Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh: bomb, 477

  environment: concern for, 592

  Environment, Department of the, 120, 125, 149, 599–601, 604

  European Assembly: direct election to, 198–9; powers, 552

  European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, 663

  European Central Bank: MT opposes, 652–4

  European Commission: presidency, 433

  European Community (Union): negotiations for British entry, 77, 82–3, 125, 129–32, 201; Enoch Powell opposes, 94, 129, 131, 146; and British financial contributions, 129–30, 201, 265, 281–3, 290–3, 297, 434, 546–9, 652; referendum on membership, 200; farm surpluses, 282; support for Britain in Falklands War, 352; policy on South Africa, 544; shift towards statism and centralism, 546, 550; bureaucratic complexity, 550, 652; and proposals for Single Market, 551, 553–5, 652, 659; powers and authority, 554; economic and monetary policy, 555; enlargement, 556; on water quality, 592; Finance Ministers’ meeting (1989), 645; federalist aims, 652, 654–5; Franco-German axis, 652, 663; aims for economic and monetary union, 653–4; extends authority, 655–6; MT opposes growing powers, 655–6, 669, 710; Social Charter, 658–9, 664; and political union, 664–5, 667–9; and GATT agreement on agriculture, 667–8; East European memberships, 671; see also Common Agricultural Policy


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