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Ice Queen (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales)

Page 3

by Julie Law

  They were pointed, far bigger than a human’s; only the long blue hair hid them.

  Tatiana reluctantly left Maud behind and moved out of the room.

  She had called her advisors into an emergency council, hoping to discuss her niece’s appearance and what they could do to rescue Katya now that they had some sign of where she was.

  The young queen knew what most of them would say already, some thinking this was some kind of trap, other’s believing Maud wasn’t her niece and her sister Katya was already dead.

  Tatiana didn’t believe that and knew she would rescue her sister, one way or the other, but she couldn’t ignore their doubts and worries, not if she wanted to retain her power.

  But no one would stop her from doing what needed to be done.

  She would save Katya.

  Chapter 3

  “Are you sure we are going in the right direction?” Tatiana asked, holding the horse’s reigns and guiding him gently.

  Maud, who was seated in front of her, nodded cutely, her blue hair shifting with the wind.

  “We just have to get to the lake nearby.”

  Tatiana sighed but did as Maud said. The girl had been strangely quiet since Tatiana said she would take her home, probably worried about her mother’s reaction to her disappearance.

  They arrived at their destination quick enough and Tatiana dismounted, helping the blue-haired girl down and securing the horse against one of the trees.

  The young queen looked around, trying to see a sign of Maud’s home, but there were only trees and the lake around them. “What now?”

  Maud grabbed her hand and dragged her to the edge of the lake. “It’s this way,” The girl started, explaining what she was about to do. “We just need to get through the water to get home.”

  Tatiana blinked. “What?”

  “Let me show you.”

  Before the blonde could say anything else, Maud reached down and touched the water. At first it seemed nothing happened, but then the water started swirling, slowly at first but faster as time passed.

  Tatiana didn’t have time to think about what she was seeing, because the next moment she was dragged forwards, Maud’s pull much stronger than it should be for a girl her age.

  One moment Tatiana was falling into the water and the next she was in a cavernous room made of ice.

  She blinked once or twice to process what she was seeing and then looked down at her niece.

  The girl was fidgeting slightly and looking towards the room’s entrance.

  “I hope I haven’t worried mommy.”

  Tatiana put her need for answers aside and leaned down, putting a hand atop Maud’s head and ruffling her blue hair. ”I’m sure she will be happy to see you.”

  Maud nodded absently, but didn’t speak.

  Tatiana followed her niece throughout the building, realizing it was a palace completely made of ice.

  Soon enough they stopped in front of a door and Maud breathed deeply, opening it gently. “Mommy…” She said almost questioning.

  “Maud.” Tatiana heard a woman scream from inside the room and then her niece was pulled into strong arms, almost faster than the blonde could see.

  Tatiana froze upon seeing her face, red hair swaying as the woman sobbed into Maud’s little frame.

  The blue haired girl also had tears running down her face; the only sign she had greatly missed her mother.

  Tatiana remained silent, her eyes taking in her sister’s frame, seeing Katya for the first time in almost nine years.

  A moment later Katya noticed something out of the corner of her eye and looked right at Tatiana, seeing her little sister right there. She froze and looked from her daughter to the blonde, realizing where her daughter had gone.

  Maud squirmed out of her mother’s hold and then grabbed her hand, pulling towards Tatiana.

  “Mommy,” The little blue haired girl started. “I brought Auntie Tatiana to visit us.”

  Katya looked quickly at Maud. “Maud you…”

  “Katya.” Tatiana interrupted, bringing her sister’s gaze back to her. She didn’t want the redhead to blame Maud for anything.

  “Tatiana.” Katya said, tears escaping from her eyes, forgetting about what she had been going to tell her little girl.

  The sisters looked at each other for a few moments and then rushed into each other’s arms, holding tightly and sobbing.

  Maud watched them for a while and then she joined in, the two women embracing her as well. They enjoyed each other’s warmth for a while, relaxing against one another.

  It was Tatiana that scrunched up her courage and moved away, breathing deeply and looking right into Katya’s eyes.

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “I know. I’ve missed you to.” Katya said, pressing Maud’s body tighter against her.

  Tatiana nodded and for one moment she let her emotions get the best of her, something she hadn’t let happen in a long time. “Get your things; we’re getting out of here.”

  Katya shook her head. “We can’t.”

  Tatiana opened her mouth to protest, but her sister’s raised hand stopped her.

  “I need to show you something.” The redhead said, turning around and moving further into the room.

  The little girl followed and Tatiana simply watched them for a moment, before she shook her head and moved as well.

  She immediately saw the reason for her sister’s reluctance to leave. In the middle of the room there was a cradle where another blue haired child rested, perhaps four or five months old.

  “Meet your other niece, Lea.” Katya said, looking at Tatiana and smiling gently.

  Tatiana blinked; for one moment Katya had looked so much like their mother, her face exhibiting the same concern and kindness. She looked down at the sleeping child again and couldn’t help but smile. “Hello, little Lea.”

  Katya grabbed her hand and held tightly. Tatiana let her and the three of them remained there, looking at the sleeping baby.

  “This is all very touching, little wife,” An acidly, almost amused voice said from the room’s entrance. “But I need to speak with your sister.”

  Tatiana looked at the Ice Queen.

  The woman was pale and beautiful, but it was a cruel beauty, as was the smirk the woman sported on her face.

  Katya made to move in front of Tatiana, trying to protect her, but the blonde stepped forward without worry.

  “Tatiana, don’t.” Katya pleaded, fearing for her little sister’s safety. She couldn’t imagine how the Ice Queen would react. Despite being the woman’s lover, and the mother of her children, Katya felt like she barely knew the otherworldly being.

  “Don’t worry.” Tatiana replied, looking confident and strong. “She won’t harm me.”

  “You don’t know that.” The redhead said, almost shouting. “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  Tatiana froze.

  She hated it when people doubted her. “I think I know what I’m doing better than you did all those years ago.” Her voice was cold and Katya recoiled as if was struck.

  Tatiana felt guilt almost immediately and smiled at her sister, trying to take the bite out of her words. She hadn’t meant to hurt the redhead, not consciously at least. She was just so nervous.

  “I wouldn’t be here if she,” She said gesturing towards the figure of the Ice Queen. “Didn’t want me here, she won’t harm me.”

  Katya looked from her sister to her lover and back again. She feared for Tatiana. “There are many ways to hurt someone.” She warned.

  Tatiana nodded. She had learnt that a long time ago. “I know.”

  The Ice Queen started moving when the blonde got close to her, and Tatiana followed, never taking her eyes of the woman’s back.

  It didn’t take long for them to arrive at what could only be the palace’s throne room, and Tatiana’s host didn’t waste any time in seating herself.

  Tatiana looked around, seeing no seat she could use, so she remai
ned standing looking at the woman in front of her. “Well, I can’t say this is a pleasure.” The blonde said at last.

  The blue haired woman in front of her raised an eyebrow. “Oh! Were you expecting something else? Perhaps you imagined me differently?”

  “Now that you ask about it, and seeing all I’ve read about you, I imagined you to be …”

  “Taller?” The Ice Queen interrupted with a smirk.

  “… Prettier, your beauty is supposed to be the kind of beauty that makes men wage wars, makes women insane with greed and poets despair. I supposed you’re charming enough, if pale exotic women are in your tastes.”

  The Queen smirked, her teeth showing. “And how do you like your women?”

  “Obedient.” Tatiana replied promptly.

  The blue haired woman laughed, amused and startled from the unexpected answer. “Well, well isn’t this unexpected. I prefer my women a little more rebellious, like your sister, I can say I quite enjoy her.”

  “Enough.” Tatiana raised a hand to ward of the woman’s cruel words. “We both want something and you purposely angering me won’t make a deal easier to barter. Don’t mention my sister.”

  The Ice Queen remained silent for a moment, but nodded, acquiescing.

  “What I can’t figure is what you want precisely.” Tatiana spoke, starting to walk around the room. “You know I want my sister back, but you I can’t figure.”

  “What makes you think I want something?”

  “The fact I’m not an idiot,” Tatiana replied bitingly. “I doubt Maud left this place without you knowing about it, maybe you’ve even encouraged it. It would be terribly easy for you to manipulate a loving little girl like her, simply tell her Katya would feel better with me around and she would march out of here and come to get me.”

  The woman on the throne said nothing.

  Tatiana waited for a word, a sign of some kind that she was right or wrong, but the silence continued until she lost her patience.

  “This would be much faster if you gave me something to work with.” Tatiana coldly stated. “We both know I’ll do almost anything to get Katya back, so don’t let us waste any more time and say what you want.”

  “You humans are always impatient, but I supposed time is of the essence.” The Queen said at last. “My race’s time on this realm, this world, is ending.”

  “What do you mean?”

  The blue haired woman shrugged. “You could say we’re fading away, ceasing this existence.”

  “Why?” Tatiana asked brow furrowed.

  She knew enough about the Ice Queen to guess what kind of being she was – one of the Sidhe, beings that were almost like gods in power, but whimsical, inhuman in intention.

  They liked humans well enough, especially to make deals which most of the mortals ended up regretting. They also couldn’t lie directly, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t deceive.

  “The reasons why are varied and would take a long while for me to explain. What is necessary for you to know is that it is happening.”

  “And you want to stop it.”

  The Ice Queen shook her head. “It cannot be stopped; it is far too late for that.” She looked right at Tatiana’s eyes and the blonde couldn’t help but shiver at the emotions she saw in those blue orbs. “What I mean to do is to leave a mark on this world, something that will make your people remember me and my lineage for eternity.”

  Tatiana remained silent, trying to understand what the woman was getting to. “How do you intend to do that?”

  The Ice Queen laughed. “By siring the most powerful rulers this world has ever seen.”

  “Won’t they fade away eventually?” Tatiana asked, feeling a pang on her heart as she thought about her nieces, Maud and Lea.

  “No.” The Queen replied, shaking her head. “I made sure of it, while they have some of my abilities, the daughters your sister bore me are more human than not, they will not cease to be.”

  “But they will not be queens, or rulers.” Tatiana finally understood what the other woman wanted. “My children will inherit the throne.”

  The Ice Queen remained silent.

  Tatiana shook her head and laughed. “That’s what you want, to father my children, like you did with Katya.”

  “Perhaps; are you saying you wouldn’t accept that deal?” The blue haired woman smirked, knowing she had the upper hand.

  Tatiana fumed but tried not to show it. She was pretty sure she failed by the widening of the Queen’s smirk.

  “Why did you choose us, me and my sister?” She asked.

  “I didn’t choose you, I simply took the opportunity that appeared before me the day your sister summoned me. Your blood is the blood of kings, and there’s power in that. It’s what allows your nieces to have a nugget of my power.”

  Tatiana closed her eyes.

  In her readings of the occult she had noticed that the Sidhe interacted with kings and queens more than they did with everyone else. She had assumed that was simply because the lives of kings and queens were more noteworthy and so more mentions of their dealing were recorded, but perhaps this was the reason why.

  The blonde was conflicted. She wanted to have Katya back so much it hurt, back she couldn’t easily grasp the consequences that would come if she did this.

  There were many things that would change with this, from the fact some would want her sister to assume the throne in her place, to how most of the nobles would react to what the Ice Queen proposed.

  She didn’t know what to do.

  “What about Maud, and her little sister? Do they get to go with Katya or do they stay here?” She asked, partially curious, and trying and find some more time to think.

  The other woman shrugged. “I suppose they can spend an equal amount of time here and there. I will not deny them contact with Katya.”

  Tatiana closed her eyes.

  Katya wouldn’t part from her children, which meant she would have to spend half of her time with the blue haired woman; which the Sidhe wanted, most likely.

  This was really happening. Tatiana thought. She couldn’t see a way to resolve this situation that wouldn’t lead her to accept the Queen’s deal, at least in some manner – but she could make it better.

  “Maud and Lea will stay with Katya at all times, in our country.” Tatiana riposted, trying to negotiate.

  The Ice Queen shook her head. “I will not part from my children completely.”

  “You won’t have to,” Tatiana replied. “You can visit them, in Adalia. We’ll host you at the palace, but Katya doesn’t leave my side.”

  The Sidhe paused for a moment.

  “You would have to part from whatever child I gave you otherwise.” Tatiana cajoled. “I couldn’t leave the kingdom for you to meet them. I will even acknowledge you as my official consort.”

  The Ice Queen took a long time to answer, but then she finally nodded a smirk showing on her face.

  Tatiana couldn’t help but think she had done exactly what the woman wanted, but she wasn’t regretful.

  She understood quite clearly that the Ice Queen was a figure of power, and her presence, however fleeting it was, might be enough to sway some of her kingdom’s neutral parties into helping her, strengthening her rule.

  It would also alienate some other parties, especially the church, but those were not friends of her, disliking the fact that a woman ruled the kingdom.

  Tatiana wasn’t a greedy person, but she had her rights, and now that her sister would come back she wouldn’t entertain the thought of any threat to her or her daughters.

  “I must warn you,” The blonde started. “Even when I recognize you as my consort, your position will be basically ceremonial, I will rule alone and at most I might take your advice in consideration. Our children though will rule the kingdom eventually.”

  “That’s all I want.” The Ice Queen said. “The deal is struck then?”

  “Yes.” Tatiana replied.

  “Are you certain of your decis

  Tatiana nodded, knowing that with the Sidhe something only became written in stone when it was repeated three times. “Yes.”

  “For the third time I ask, is our deal struck?” The Ice Queen asked, leaning forward in her seat with anticipation.

  “I’ve replied yes thrice, I am certain.”

  “Ah! Good!” The blue haired woman replied, and there was such a rough and lusted edge to her voice that Tatiana blushed. “Then get on your knees!”

  “What?” Tatiana blurted out, her eyes widened, and then she regained her bearings and grew angry. “How dare you?”

  The Ice Queen smirked again. “My mistake, I thought you wanted your sister to go with you as soon as possible, I supposed I was wrong.”

  “What does that have to do with anything?” Tatiana asked, taken aback.

  “I will only fulfill my part of the bargain once you fulfill yours.”

  “I’m not going back on my word.” The blonde woman said. “I will make you my consort and all that entails, but the ceremony will take time to organize.”

  “And in the meanwhile, your sister will remain by my side. Unless you do as I said,” The Sidhe riposted. “Ceremonies between my kind are simpler; all that’s really needed is for you and I to join together with the full understanding of what will come from it.”

  Tatiana opened her mouth to protest, but closed it.

  “Obviously, later there will have to be some kind of human ceremony; your people won’t recognize our union otherwise and you’ll want to make a show of strength, but for all that matters our deal will be in effect if you don’t resist, obey me and get on your knees.”

  Tatiana swallowed.

  It hurt to ignore her pride and kneel in front of the Ice Queen, but she wouldn’t be parted from Katya for even one more moment.

  Slowly, she let herself fall to her knees, seeing the amusement on the Ice Queen’s face and hating the woman for it.

  The pale Sidhe rose from her seat, moving languidly towards the blonde.

  Tatiana watched her and couldn’t help but her heart beating faster. Despite what she had told the woman earlier, she found the Ice Queen a very beautiful creature, and wouldn’t mind enjoying that beauty in another situation.


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