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Ice Queen (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales)

Page 4

by Julie Law

  She looked down at the ground and only looked up when she saw the Queen’s feet stop in front of her.

  The Sidhe smirked and then her clothes simply melted, leaving the pale woman naked and completely unprotected from the blonde’s eyes.

  She ran her hands over the blonde’s hair, threading her fingers through the curls and then touching Tatiana’s face.

  The human queen shivered at the caress and moaned, startling herself with the sound and the Sidhe smirked, stepping back.

  Tatiana watched her do it, confused, and then her mouth fell open when she saw a cock slowly grow from the Queen’s clitoris, the blue haired woman moaning loudly as it happened.

  “What?” Tatianna managed after seconds.

  The Ice Queen laughed. “Startled? How exactly did you think I impregnated your sister?”

  “Magic.” Tatiana replied almost dumbly.

  She couldn’t quite comprehend the sight in front of her and simply watched the prick swing from side to side as the woman approached her once again.

  The Ice Queen poised her hands on the blonde’s head, caressing it. “Oh, magic is involved, I guarantee you. Now I want to see another kind of magic, the one your mouth will produce upon my cock.”

  Tatiana glared at her.

  She could feel the woman’s hands running through her head, and her resistance diminishing with their motions. She knew the Ice Queen was using her magic to make her more compliant, and while some part of her resented it, another argued that it would make things faster and easier.

  In the end she knew it didn’t matter much.

  If she wanted Katya back then she would need to do as the other woman wanted.

  Slowly Tatiana leaned forward her eyes seeking the pale cock she had seen emerge from between the Queen’s legs. She had never seen a cock before. She wasn’t a virgin exactly, but the sex she had before had been with a couple of maids in the palace, never with a man – or a woman with a cock.

  The blonde reached out and grasped the Sidhe’s pale appendage, tightening her fingers around it.

  The blue haired woman moaned at the first touch and again when Tatiana started sliding her hand up and down, fingers tight, stroking the cock. They didn’t speak and the only sounds that could be heard where the moans and flesh moving on flesh.

  Tatiana became surprised with the excitement she felt rising within herself.

  She didn’t like the Ice Queen, but she couldn’t deny the attraction she felt for the woman’s body. Slowly, she inched forward and kissed the head of the cock.

  The Ice Queen watched as Tatiana used her mouth on her, the blonde starting to kiss the cock’s body, her lips soft and warm. She moaned and her hands moved faster over the blonde’s head, encouraging the human queen.

  Tatiana replied by swirling her tongue around the head of the Sidhe’s cock, before bobbing forward.

  The blue haired woman moaned loudly as her cock slid into Tatiana’s tight mouth, and looked down to find the blonde’s eyes fixed on her face.

  The Sidhe could see amusement in those green eyes, and she thought about teaching the human a lesson, but then Tatiana’s tight lips robbed her of her thoughts as the blonde bobbed over her cock.

  Tatiana was a quick learner and it was easy to make the Ice Queen writhe with pleasure.

  Her tongue swirled around the pale rod, while her hands moved up the other woman’s body, feeling the Queen’s soft skin, until she grasped the woman’s rear and pulled her forward, making the Sidhe’s cock slide deeper into her mouth, into her throat.

  Tatiana smiled as she felt the pale woman moan again, the Queen starting to thrust against her face, pleasure evident in her motions. She loved that she could make the arrogant Sidhe enjoy what she was doing.

  The blonde moved her hands over the Sidhe’s buttocks, cupping them, and then slid her hands between the woman’s thighs and touched her core.

  The Ice Queen trembled as she felt Tatiana’s fingers proving her pussy, the touch unexpected. She had underestimated Tatiana, thinking she would be like Katya all those years ago, but the blonde was more resourceful and experienced, and wouldn’t settle for lying on the ground and being fucked.

  Soon enough Tatiana’s mouth and hands became too much and the Ice Queen reached her high, coming inside the young woman’s mouth.

  The blonde prolonged the orgasm for as long as she could, milking the pale cock, her lips tight as she bobbed over it.

  And then the taste of the Ice Queen’s seed penetrated the young woman’s senses and she couldn’t think about anything else; she loved it and needed more, swirling her tongue around the cock’s head, cleaning it of its last drops, trying to draw more of the precious fluid.

  She only stopped her desperate motions when the Sidhe woman grabbed her head and pulled her back.

  Her mind still high from her pleasure, the Ice Queen smiled as she saw the squirming human trying to escape her hold and return to her cock.

  Her hand on the young woman’s face was enough for the blonde to stop struggling; the Queen’s magic making blonde’s craving disappear just like that.

  “I apologize about that,” The Sidhe woman said, amusement lacing her every word. “I forgot the reaction some humans have to a Sidhe’s seed. It’s quite something, isn’t it?”

  Tatiana blushed, not quite believing what she had been doing; she had lost her mind when she tasted the Queen’s seed, and could only think about taking more and more of it.

  Seeing the young woman’s embarrassment the Ice Queen laughed and then pulled Tatiana up, taking her into her arms, kissing the human queen with all her fervor and want.

  Tatiana replied to the kiss in kind, forgetting all her doubts and fears about the Sidhe, her arms surrounding the pale woman and drawing her into her body. Their kiss was a heated affair, making both women pant and breathe fast, as the Ice Queen’s unclothed body pressed against Tatiana’s clothed one.

  When their kiss started to wane, the blue haired woman reached with her hands, grasping Tatiana’s clothes and ripping them apart.

  What clothes weren’t destroyed by the Queen’s actions Tatiana took off with the woman’s assistance, until she stood as naked as the Sidhe in front of her, and they returned to their embrace.

  The Ice Queen felt cold to the touch, but she was soft like silk and Tatiana could only pull the woman tight against her.

  Tatiana moaned when she felt the other woman’s mouth descend on her throat, lips could and soft, kissing all the right places.

  The Sidhe’s mouth moved along the blonde’s collarbone, leaving a wet trail of saliva to mark her passage, while Tatiana pressed their bodies together, breasts against breasts.

  Tatiana could feel her nipples as hard as rocks and the wetness between her legs. She couldn’t wait anymore and pushed the Queen’s head down, directing it towards her breasts.

  The Queen’s mouth closed around one of Tatiana’s pink buds, teeth scrapping against the flesh and biting lightly, just enough to be noticed, making the blonde arch her back into the woman, offering her breast to be devoured.

  The blue haired woman did just that, taking as much of Tatiana’s supple flesh into her mouth as she could, suckling and marking it, before she moved to the other breast and repeated the motion.

  Tatiana was so focused on the pleasure she was feeling she didn’t protest when the other woman left her breast and pressed down on her shoulders, making her kneel once again.

  She did protest when the Sidhe walked behind her and pushed her, making her go to her hands and knees.

  Tatiana froze when she realized the position she was in and what would come after.

  Part of her wanted her first time to be more dignified, but a moment later the Ice Queen’s hand touched her sex, her wet and aching sex, and all complaints faded from her mind.

  The Ice Queen kneeled behind Tatiana, and pushed the blonde’s legs apart, spreading her, displaying the pink pussy held between her thighs. With her hands she traced the young woman’s
nether lips, coating then in wetness and rubbing Tatiana’s clit.

  Tatiana trembled with pleasure and then felt a finger pressing against her opening. It slid past her pink lips without difficulty, and the blonde moaned out loud.

  The Ice Queen moved her finger in and out of the blonde, a second one joining in when she believed the young woman to be ready.

  Tatiana suffered the older female’s ministrations, feeling her cunt tightening around the fingers and trying to draw them in.

  When she couldn’t take it anymore she trembled and shook, and then begged, but the blue haired woman was cruel and the more Tatiana begged, the slower she moved, until the human queen started crying with need.

  At long last, the Ice Queen had mercy and grabbed her cock, rubbing it over the other woman’s nether lips, and the pressing it against Tatiana’s clit.

  When the blonde thought she would die from need the Ice Queen’s cock pushed against her opening and entered. Tatiana squirmed as the first inches penetrated her, and moaned when the woman moved back.

  During the next half a minute the Queen moved in and out of her, a bit deeper each time, letting Tatiana get used to her girth.

  Tatiana didn’t know what to do at the beginning, but soon got used to the Queen’s thrusts, especially when the woman stared playing with her clit, and she moved back against the queen.

  They stilled when the pale cock reached too deep and hit Tatiana’s hymen.

  Tatiana knew from that moment on there would be no turning back, and that knowledge made her doubt.

  The Ice Queen knew the blonde’s thoughts, but she didn’t care – the young woman had given herself to her and she would have her.

  With one hand the blue haired woman rubbed the girl’s clit, trying to get her to relax, while the other soothingly ran over Tatiana’s buttocks and her lower back.

  Tatiana relaxed and let lust consume her once again, and in that moment the Queen thrust forward, breaking her virgin barrier and claiming her.

  Tatiana winced at the pain, a pain that continued during the next few thrusts the Queen made, but soon enough it went away, replaced by a renewed pleasure, and the blonde thrust back, screaming when the Queen’s cock hit a more sensitive spot inside of her.

  The Ice Queen quirked an eyebrow when the blonde lurched, and repeated her thrust in the same exact way, realizing she had found one of Tatiana’s weak spots.

  The blonde screamed again, arching her back, feeling sweat running down between her breasts. She wouldn’t be able to take it if the Queen continued.

  The Ice Queen laughed, knowing just how good it felt to be touched in that magic place, and moved in and out of the girl, faster, shifting slightly so that she hit the spot with every thrust of her hips.

  Tatiana moaned and howled, uncharacteristically loud in her pleasure, as the Ice Queen fucked her again and again. The pale cock that moved in and out of her pussy filled her completely, the Ice Queen sheathing herself to the hilt inside of Tatiana with every thrust.

  It didn’t take long for the blonde to feel her pleasure reach a peak, and she bit her lip, trying to be quiet, but as she felt her pussy tightening around the cool flesh entering her she couldn’t resist and screamed out loud, her breasts heaving with her breath and sweat gathering at her small back.

  The Ice Queen watched amused as the blonde came trembling, feeling the pressure on her cock increase. She didn’t stop and kept thrusting, mounting the blonde into a state of perpetual pleasure.

  She only moved out of Tatiana when the woman seemed to lose her strength and lay with her breasts on the ground. The Ice Queen made her turn and lay on the ground, and then moved once again between the blonde’s thighs.

  The Ice Queen actually preferred this position; she wanted the blonde to watch as her cock moved in and out of her pussy; to see the young queen’s eyes filling with pleasure.

  Tatiana didn’t resist and soon enough the Ice Queen was moving in and out of her as fast as before, the blonde arching her back and offering her breasts to the blue haired Sidhe on top of her.

  The older female took her offering willingly, her hands cupping the full breasts and gripping them tightly, while her hips thrust forward.

  Tatiana moaned and looked at the Ice Queen with such need that the woman was touched and she leaned down, kissing the blonde, their tongues mingling. Their kiss lasted for enough time that the Queen felt her own orgasm come.

  She parted her lips from those of the woman beneath her and screamed as her cock exploded inside the blonde, her seed seeping deep into Tatiana’s womb.

  Tatiana put her legs around the Ice Queen’s body imprisoning the other woman against her, the blonde coming once more at the same time as the Sidhe.

  They remained like that for a few moments, tired and spent, separating afterwards.

  Tatiana turned her back on the other woman and rose from the ground, aching between her legs. She couldn’t believe how she easily submitted to the Ice Queen.

  Looking down she found her ruined clothes on the ground and groaned, she didn’t want to ask the other woman for help, but she couldn’t let Katya see her like that.

  The Ice Queen touched her shoulder and she felt a sensation running up her body, like water falling on top of her. When she looked down she was clothed in a long blue dress.

  She looked at the Queen and the woman replied with a smirk.

  Tatiana turned her face away, blushing and infuriated at the ease with which the other woman discomfited her.

  “So…” She started after a while.

  The Ice Queen didn’t look at her and turned away. “You may go,” She said, with a gesture towards the door. “Take you sister and nieces with you.”

  “You aren’t going to help?” Tatiana asked.

  “Maud can take you where you need to go, I’m not needed.”

  Tatiana glared at her, but turned and left the room without another word.

  She saw her sister as she stepped outside the room and froze. Katya looked at her and then at her clothes and Tatiana realized her sister knew what happened.

  “What have you done?” Katya asked.

  Tatiana heard the anger and fear in her sister’s voice and tried to calm her before she did something she would regret.


  “What did she do to you?” Katya’s voice was louder and she made to enter the room, but Tatiana blocked her.

  “We made a deal.” The blonde replied.

  Katya froze and turned to look at her, panic in her eyes.

  Tatiana bit her lip, but didn’t look away. She wasn’t proud of what she had done, but she would do it all over again to save Katya.

  “You didn’t…” Katya started her voice breaking. “Please tell you didn’t.”

  Tatiana grabbed her sister’s face, hard, almost hurting. “I did what I had to do in order to take you home.”

  Katya tried to speak but Tatiana put a hand to her mouth. “Please trust me and we’ll talk later. Pick up your things, get Maud and Lea ready and we’ll go home.”

  Katya’s eyes widened then she smiled sadly. “She won’t let me leave.”

  “Yes she will,” Tatiana replied. “I made sure of it.”

  Katya looked from her sister to the door, hesitant. She had wished for so long to go home, but now that she could she didn’t know if she should. “Are you sure?”


  Katya sighed and looked down. Her sister’s voice was so confident, so secure that she could do nothing else but what Tatiana wanted and so she turned around to get her daughters.

  Tatiana watched her go for a few moments before she followed. She was safe, they’re safe, and Katya was going home.

  That was all that mattered.


  The uproar that occurred when Tatiana returned with Katya and her children in tow was enormous.

  Their cousins tried to discredit them, trying to once more take the crown from Tatiana’s hands, especially when the blonde announced t
he Ice Queen would be her consort.

  They failed when the Sidhe herself appeared, in a display of magical power that put fear in the hearts of the bravest men.

  That was enough to convince some of the most neutral nobles to side with Tatiana; they realized the power the Ice Queen realized and how it could be used for the betterment of their country.

  Problems didn’t disappear from one day to the other, but with some concessions to her enemies Tatiana kept the peace and, with time, the kingdom became as strong as it ever was.

  Katya and Tatiana needed several weeks to learn to live as sisters once again, but slowly they got used to one another and spent most their days talking, or playing with the little ones.

  Maud and Lea themselves were adored by everyone who saw them, much like their mother and aunt were when they were younger.

  The months went by and Tatiana became pregnant, followed by Katya who realized she was waiting her third child.

  There was some awkwardness between them because of that; they had never talked much about the Ice Queen, both of them not mentioning anything about their lover to the other.

  When she came, the Sidhe would spend some nights with Tatiana, others with Katya, but the sisters never talked about it.

  Eventually the sisters got over their awkwardness and they started speaking about the Ice Queen, and they ended up giggling atop Tatiana’s bed, speaking about the nights they spent with the woman.

  They couldn’t say they loved her, but she was a good match for them, and it allowed them to be much freer than if they simply married for duty.

  The years went on and the kingdom grew strong under Tatiana’s rule.

  Both sisters had several children, all of them blue haired as the one who fathered them. Tatiana complained about it sometimes, she wanted to have a child that was blonde like her, but it never happened.

  Katya and Tatiana lived long, happy lives and they died of old age, surrounded by their children and grandchildren, one sister dying a few months after the other.

  The Ice Queen left the mortal realm soon after they were buried.


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