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Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3)

Page 15

by Frank David

  “Is that why you agreed to marry Sofia and Felicia?”

  “It is. I asked Braynard if it would be okay. He agreed but said I could not do it as the Benedictus. It would seem even though he does not agree with the words in the Book, he will adhere to them, as I must. That is why I told you I do not agree religiously.” Antonio rubbed his forehead.

  “Why did Braynard allow Lena’s child to die? Diana said he could have saved her, but refused.” Stela thought about Lena. She wondered where she was. She worried how she was coping with the loss.

  “Braynard has his reasons for everything he does, or does not, do. I can only imagine it is tied to Joseph. He wants the boy on the throne. He wants the boy to unify the realms. I believe him when he says that the attack will come from Zabytyy. There is no reason for Joseph to launch an attack against the people of that realm. Unless the attempts on his life will somehow affect him later. Joseph is a good boy, with a good heart, like his mother.”

  “What will happen during Joseph’s reign? Will it really be as bad as Svetlana and Braynard predict?” Stela sat back down, tiring of pacing.

  “He will unite the realms, but not through violence as Svetlana claimed. Trokha will gladly come under his protections. He will not require the reigning Imperials to step down. They will continue to rule but will do so under his guidance. At least, this is what I have seen. I fear your actions against Svetlana have cemented the hate Zabytyy holds for Hulsteria and the other realms. Her daughter, Alexis, will know that you killed her mother. She will be told it was in cold blood. She has no knowledge of her mother’s attempt on Joseph’s life. Her hatred for you will grow as she does. As it has been Diana’s campaign to ruin everyone who Braynard loves, so will it be Alexis’ campaign to go after those who love you.” Antonio sighed. He was becoming winded and need a moment. He poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher sitting on the table in front of them.

  “If you need to rest, we can stop. I do not wish to tire you.” Stela watched as the man’s hand shook as he raised the glass to his lips.

  “No, for me this is the confession I thought I would never be able to give.” He smiled as he placed the glass on the table.

  “Who is Alexis’ ally? Can you see her?” Stela thought if she could discover the girl’s identity she could stop what was coming.

  “I was not sure. Then the events at the wedding made it clear.” He paused to take another sip. “I believe the girl who will aid Alexis in her campaign against Hulsteria is…young Autumn. Your mother tried to remove her memories but was not successful. Do you know who Autumn’s father is?”

  “Courtney’s husband, Simon Roberts,” Stela answered.

  “No, her father was also a follower of Diana and an Imperial. Her blood is strong. Her father came to me in a vision after the wedding and it makes perfect sense. Courtney was not fond of Autumn’s father, for fear he would one day come forward and claim her as his own. Though to be honest, the two were forced to reproduce. Diana demanded them to produce a child – she knew the child’s fate, as I have now learned.” He stopped again.

  “Who is her father?” Stela insisted.

  “Her father is your cousin, Rupert.” Antonio watched her for a reaction.

  “That is not possible. He was a homosexual,” Stela stood and began the pacing again.

  “My dear, just because one is a homosexual does not mean one is not able to reproduce,” he laughed. “It was another reason Rupert had to die. He told Calvin of Autumn. Calvin wanted him to claim her as his own. Braynard feared it would push Diana to bring the war before you were ready.” Antonio sat back. The conversation was long and had taken much out of him. “Do not attempt to find the girl. Diana has taken her to Zabytyy. She will be raised there. She will be a formidable foe for young Joseph. He has many gifts but has only Imperial blood. She has the advantage of Diana’s blood.”

  “Thank you for coming to me. I appreciate everything you have told me, but I believe you now need your rest.” She approached him and offered him her hand. She helped him stand to his feet and escorted him to the door.

  “I believe, when you replace him, many changes lie ahead for us.” He smiled as he left her.

  Stela returned to the settee and sat, taking in all the Benedictus had shared with her. Perhaps she was too harsh with Braynard. If only he had confided in her, she might have understood him better. She did not agree with his tactics, but could appreciate his motives.

  Her door opened. Harris peeked his head in. “May I enter?” his voice was quiet.

  “Of course you can. This is your room as well. I am sorry for earlier. I was not myself.” She walked over to greet her husband.

  “The Benedictus thought it might be safe to return,” Harris laughed. “It is I who should apologize. I forget you are not like most women. You would think the time I spent with Felicia would have taught me to not underestimate the fairer sex.”

  She gave him a cross look as he referred to her as the fairer sex. “I will forgive you this time. Do not allow it to happen again.” She pressed her lips against his. “What ever shall we do to make up?”

  Harris looked to the bed as he lifted her and carried her away.

  Chapter Twenty-One – Daniella

  Daniella sat in her small part of the cave. It had been weeks since Diana left to attend the wedding of Stela and Harris. No word had been received. She worried the Goddess had met some trouble.

  Casey entered. She carried a tray. “Thank you, mother but I am not hungry.” Daniella stood as her mother placed the tray on the table beside the makeshift bed.

  “You need to eat. You are not a Goddess,” Casey pleaded.

  “I am too nervous to eat. If something has happened to Diana, we are all at risk. Perhaps we should think of finding a new location. If Stela knows where we are, she will come for us, for me. She does not want the war that lies ahead, this I know.”

  “She is a Goddess. Who could do her harm?” Casey laughed nervously.

  “I do not know but I expected her back by now. She has been gone too long, something went wrong. Perhaps Braynard was there and he confronted her.” Her mind raced with ideas of the Goddess’ fate.

  “She has returned!” someone shouted from the main corridor of the cave.

  Daniella rushed passed her mother, almost knocking her down. Her fears eased when she saw Diana standing in the middle of the open area. She ran to greet her.

  “Stay back,” she commanded as Daniella approached.

  “Where have you been?” Daniella said, stopping her advance.

  “Follow me,” she ordered as she stomped off toward her area of the cave.

  Daniella could sense Diana’s anger, her grunting helped to indicate her frustration. She kept her distance as Diana led her deeper into the cave toward her portion.

  Diana entered her chamber. She turned to face Daniella. She grabbed the young girl by the throat and lifted her from the ground. “When you face her, you had better kill her, or pray she kills you, else my wrath will be worse than anything you could imagine.” She released the girl who fell to the ground with a loud thud.

  “I will…serve you…well when the time comes for me to face Stela.” Daniella stood, trying to catch her breath. She rubbed her neck. She could feel the Goddess’ claw marks deep in her flesh. “May I ask what happened that has upset you so?” The girl whispered the words.

  “She killed her. She killed my beloved Svetlana.” Diana picked up the glass sitting on her bedside table and lobed it at the stone wall, shattering it in a thousand pieces. “She is not the same woman. There is an anger, no, a hate growing inside of her.” Diana pulled at her hair as she tried to calm herself. It had been weeks since the wedding, but the images still haunted her.

  “She also killed Courtney.” Diana turned to see the terror in Daniella’s eyes at the revelation. “She removed her head, like she had done to Edmund.”

  “She loved Courtney. Courtney helped her find the strength she needed to move p
ast her husband and sister’s betrayal. Why would she kill her?” Daniella did not know Courtney well, but the news brought her tears.

  “She figured out Courtney was tied to me.” Diana moved wildly about the chamber. “How did she know? That is what I do not understand. Neither Braynard nor I can sense when one follows the other. I have the advantage of knowing the Imperial blood is his but beyond the Imperial line there is no way for me to sense his followers.”

  “Could it be a gift?” Daniella asked, keeping her distance.

  “A gift that neither Braynard nor I possess? I do not see how it is possible.” Diana ran her nails along the walls.

  “Perhaps it is a gift each of you does possess but it is locked away?” Daniella knew that her own Imperial powers remained closed to her. Could the same not be true for them?

  Diana eyed Daniella. “Perhaps,” she said moving toward her. “It would not surprise me to find that the old God had somehow removed this ability from us both before he perished.”

  “What happens now?” Daniella reached for Diana’s hand.

  “Now we prepare to end Stela’s reign.” Diana’s smile scared her. “I have commanded all of my followers in the four realms to come to me. If you are to be victorious, you will need everyone who shares my blood to come and take up your cause.”

  The cave began to quake. Daniella heard the screams coming from beyond Diana’s chambers. Fear showed in her eyes. She was certain the ceiling was about to collapse upon them.

  “Do not fear, Daniella. We will have many joining us soon. I need to make sure we have the room to accommodate them.” She laughed as the quaking ceased. “You will find the cavern is much larger now. There is also a lower level with many rooms.” Diana turned and walked out to calm the screams in the outer corridors.


  Daniella sat in the chamber thinking of what was before her. Stela was not going to be easy. She worried she was not strong enough to complete the task at hand. She knew if Diana sensed her concern, she would not last long. She needed to keep the thoughts from her mind.

  “Daniella,” the voice whispered.

  “Luke!” Daniella jumped up to greet her brother. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in days. I was beginning to worry.”

  “Diana sent Celeste and I to town to gather supplies.” Luke blushed as he talked of the girl.

  “I am sure you were happy with the company,” Daniella teased, knowing his interest in Celeste.

  “I have no interest in anyone until this has all ended.” Luke turned from Daniella. “Do you regret any of this?”

  “I do not know, Luke. We are the rightful heirs to the throne, but I worry that I am not as strong as I thought. It would seem Stela has become stronger as well. I fear I will not survive when the battle begins. Even Diana seems concerned with Stela.” Daniella was glad his back was to her, so he would not see the tears that were forming.

  “Could we not leave here. Go to Stela and beg her to forgive us?” Luke worried none of them would survive, including Celeste.

  “She killed Courtney,” Daniella whispered.

  “Who did?” Luke turned to face his sister. He saw the fear on her face.

  “Stela. She discovered she served Diana and took her head.” Daniella could not hold back the tears any longer.

  Luke rushed to her. He tried to comfort her, but he struggled with his own fears.

  “There is nowhere we can go. There is nowhere we will be safe from Diana or Stela. I must face her. If I do not, Diana will see to my punishment. If I run to Stela, she will add my head to her collection.” Daniella’s tears continued.

  “Daniella, you are one of the strongest people I know. Stela is no match for you. Do we even know what powers she possesses?” Luke tried to comfort his sister but feared it was useless.

  “Diana said she can sense who one follows, God or her.” Daniella looked up at her brother. She began to laugh. “That is not a power that can do me harm. She knows who I serve. Perhaps all is not lost.”

  “You can strike her dead without getting within reach of her. What defense would her gift offer her against that?” Luke joined his sister’s laughter. “You will win. You must win.”

  “You are right! I have been a fool. Stela keeps her enemies at bay through fear. I cannot allow myself to fear her. She can use whatever words she likes but I know the true weaknesses of the Empress. I will use those weaknesses to bring her down. I will be victorious!” Her voice echoed through the cavern.

  Diana smiled when Daniella’s words reached her ears. “I would have hated to kill you. I am glad you have realized your strengths and her weaknesses.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two – Astrid

  “I do not care what is proper. I do not wish to return. You were not there, you did not see what I saw!” Astrid screamed.

  “Calm yourself, sister,” Lucia reached for Astrid, but she pulled away. “You must return to marry Kyle. He wishes the marriage to take place in Hulsteria.”

  “Sister!” Astrid screamed. “You do not know what has become of Stela. It has been two months since the wedding and still I cannot rid myself of the nightmares. I will remain unwed before I return to Hulsteria!”

  “I know you are shaken but was it really as horrible as you say?” Lucia was trying to understand but found it difficult.

  “She killed her cousin. She removed the woman’s head, without even a glance. She killed a queen. Granted the queen tried to have her son murdered but still she stuck her sword through the woman’s back!”

  “You have not angered, Stela,” Lucia said. “She would not seek to harm you. You said this queen ordered the murder of her son. I would have done the same, if I were capable. As for her cousin, I understand she was plotting against Stela. Was this not justified as well?”

  “Why must you always be the voice of reason? Why can you not just allow me to die an old maid? I still fear the woman,” Astrid admitted. “I would rather find a suitable match here in Trokha. Is that not possible?”

  “It is but if you fear Stela as you claim, to deny the arranged marriage to one of her Imperials may just bring you face to face with her wrath,” Lucia laughed as she walked on.

  “That is not funny,” Astrid scolded.

  “I do need you in Hulsteria. I am worried about the visions of both the dead queen and Stela. I need to know what is true. If Joseph is to bring war upon us, we may need to do what is necessary to stop him.” Lucia made the threat with conviction.

  “Do not say such things aloud. You do not know what she can hear. Perhaps she is listening to us right now.” Astrid looked about, fearing the ears of Stela were all around them.

  “The vision was of her son attacking, not her. I do not fear Stela. She has always been a sensible woman. I do not think she would strike unless provoked.” The sea breeze blew Lucia’s hair as they walked the garden. The palms were gently swaying.

  “She is different, I tell you. She is not the Stela we knew,” Astrid pleaded for her sister to believe her.

  “When you attacked her with the rats, what did she do?” Lucia stopped and looked at her sister.

  “Nothing,” Astrid looked down as she made the admission.

  “Exactly. You attacked her, and she did not respond in kind. She is sensible, as I have stated. If she were as you say, you would not be here talking with me today.” Lucia returned to strolling the gardens.

  “That was before,” Astrid stopped.

  “Before what?” Lucia asked.

  “Before she killed Edmund.” Astrid whispered the words, still fearing Stela was listening. “After taking his life, rumors circulated that she was not the same. Her behavior at the wedding proves the rumors to be true.”

  “Why did she kill Edmund?” Lucia was pushing Astrid.

  “Because he wanted her dead,” Astrid answered.

  “Again, she was pushed. She struck back,” Lucia sighed. “Do you not see, if you remain in her good graces, you will be fine. Or do you plan something o
f which I am unaware?” She looked harshly at her sister.

  “No, never. I only seek to keep my head.” Astrid could not believe her sister would insinuate such a thing.

  “You attacked her once with rats. My question is not so farfetched.”

  “I attacked her because I believed she was behind the plot that killed father.” Astrid was becoming frustrated with her sister.

  “Had you not believed this, would you have attacked her?” Lucia asked.

  “Of course not!”

  “So, you attacked her because you were pushed,” Lucia laughed having made her argument.

  “I suppose you are right, but must I go back so soon?” Astrid pleaded.

  “If Kyle requests you to return, you must return. Until then I will not force you,” Lucia smiled.

  “Thank you, sister.” Astrid curtsied as they continued to walk.

  “I want to get back to Joseph,” Lucia paused. “Do you believe Stela’s version or the queen’s?”

  “I do not know. I believe Stela learned of this from Braynard. I do not believe she has seen these things. The queen claimed she had visions, but she was a follower of Diana. I think there is a game afoot between the two, Braynard and Diana. I have never seen Diana prior to the wedding but Braynard I experienced often while I was with Stela. He is God, so do we believe the word of God or the word of a Goddess?” Astrid stopped walking to consider the revelation about Braynard. The events at the wedding had overshadowed the announcement that he was God.


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