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Making of a Magister (Realm of Hulsteria Book 3)

Page 16

by Frank David

  “Do you believe this man is God?” Lucia stared at her sister.

  “He did not deny the claim. It would explain why he is able to do so much. Why he is able to know things which have not yet occurred. If he is God…” Astrid stopped, fearing if she finished her thought the man would appear and strike her dead.

  “If he is God, what?” Lucia pried.

  “I do not wish to say. The man is everywhere. He hears everything. He struck Roderick down for speaking out against him. I do not wish to face the same fury,” Astrid said as she walked on.

  “The man cannot be everywhere. If he is God, surely, he would not harm you for sharing your feelings about him. We have been taught by the Church he is a fair and just God.” Lucia smiled, trying to ease her sister’s fears.

  “You have not seen him. You have not witnessed what he can do. You have not sensed the anger in him when he is questioned. I have seen it, sister. If he is God, I fear the stories we have been told about him are untrue. He is a prideful man. A man that does not wish to be pushed. A man that I believe does not love us as the Book claims.” Astrid froze, waiting for him to appear.

  “I guess Stela does care for you,” Lucia laughed.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said she warned Braynard to stay away from those she cared about. Since he has not appeared to challenge you, or strike you dead, Stela must like you.” Astrid huffed at her sister’s logic. “So, you can return to Hulsteria.”

  “If you insist that I return, I will do as you ask, but I do so against my better judgment.” Astrid frowned. She feared Stela and did not want to be her guest while she awaited her own wedding.

  “What of this talk about a battle with the followers of Diana?” Lucia bit her lip.

  “There have been whispers that Diana is preparing Daniella and the others to come for Stela.”

  “Do you believe the rumors?”

  “Daniella killed the mother of the man she was to marry. She believes she is rightful heir to the throne. I believe she will do what she can to achieve her goals. I worry that with Diana’s assistance, she may succeed.” Astrid began fidgeting with her fingers as she spoke. She could feel her fear heightening.

  “This is all the more reason you must return. You must use your gifts to help Stela. I fear what may be if this Daniella were to take the throne. It would stop Joseph from uniting the four realms, but at what cost?” Lucia thought about the implications of this woman on the throne.

  “It would not stop Joseph. Daniella would have no claim to the throne of Xasha. Joseph, being the son of Edmund, is rightful heir.” Astrid had thought the scenario through.

  “Yes, but he would not also command the Hulsterian throne. It would be more difficult for him to unite us if he only commanded Xasha and Savien.” Lucia responded.

  “You forget, his brother will be Benedictus. He would have the support of the Church’s armies. Even if we were to combine our efforts with Hulsteria, I do not believe we would be a match against the three.” Astrid pointed out the detail her sister had overlooked.

  “Right, the brother. I had forgotten about him. How will he become Benedictus if Braynard is dead before the brother is named?” Lucia wanted more details.

  “It was said that Braynard had already planted the seeds in the souls of those who will name Antonio’s replacement. It seems there is little anyone can do to stop what is to come. Unless one is willing to kill an innocent child…” Astrid whispered the last words.

  “Is the child innocent if he is to bring war upon his people?” Lucia questioned how innocent the child was if the visions were indeed his future.

  “I do not think Joseph is the child with whom we need to be concerned. I believe it is the queen’s daughter. I believe she will be the one to rise up against the realms. Stela killed her mother. She has reason to attack. Besides, we all know the story of her people.” Astrid wanted to stop the discussion about Joseph. She still feared Stela would find out what was in her sister’s heart and lash out against Trokha.

  “If the stories we have been told of God are untrue, how do we know the stories of the Barbarians are not also skewed?” Lucia pondered. “We know nothing of these people from Zabytyy. Their queen came to stop what she believed was the future. If it was her desire to bring war, I do not believe she would have come to offer the warning.”

  “Stela was already aware of what was coming. Braynard told her long before the queen came.” Astrid saw the figure appear behind her sister. “I am sorry, my Lord!” she screamed.

  Lucia turned to see the man behind her. She was not familiar with him. She could gauge by Astrid’s reaction he must be Braynard. “Greetings, my Lord. I am Empress Lucia Imaz of Trokha, but I assume you already know this.” She curtsied.

  “Fear not, Astrid. I do not come to you seeking vengeance for your questions or doubts.” Braynard approached the shivering princess. “I have come to ease your mind. Both of your minds.”

  “Lord, I am sorry that I doubt you,” Astrid moved back as he approached.

  “My dear, if I wanted to harm you, I would not need to appear before you to do so,” Braynard laughed as he reached out his hand. “Take my hand. I will show you what lies ahead. I will show you both futures. Then you can decide which you prefer and where your loyalties should lie.”

  Astrid took the man’s hand. Her eyes widened as the images ran through her mind. She saw how Joseph would unite the realms, the peace that would ensue. The joy of the people under their new ruler. She saw the powers the young Emperor commanded. Her mouth fell open in wonder. She saw the dark clouds forming as the armies of Zabytyy brought war upon the lands. She saw Alexis. The woman was filled with hate and fury. She too commanded many great powers. The visions became unclear as the cloud of war covered the lands. She could not make out who was victor, but she saw the landscape changing before her eyes as the powers of the two were let loose on the world. When the smoke cleared she could barely recognize what was once her home. Tears filled her eyes as she saw the countless lifeless bodies which covered the ground. She shrieked as she watched the waters run red with the blood of the innocent. Braynard released her hand and the visions ceased.

  Braynard looked at her. She was shaken but he needed to show her more. “I would like to share with you what the future holds if Daniella is to defeat Stela.” He offered her his hand again.

  The visions began once again. She saw Stela lying in a pool of blood, Daniella standing above the lifeless body. She could sense the power growing within the woman. The fire in her eyes let Astrid know Daniella would reign with a strong fist and many would fall before her. She watched as Daniella organized the followers of Diana. They attacked Carpathia, destroying the Church and killing all who served her. The island would become home to the new religion, the one where Diana was God. She turned her attention to Trokha. Her band of religious zealots attacked Astrid’s home and secured the Imperial Throne for her own brother, Luke. The vision showed she continued her rampage through each of the realms. She stood before Joseph, ready to take Xasha. It was a futile attempt. Joseph was too strong for her. She left Xasha under his reign, believing he would not be a threat once the other realms fell to her. Savien was the last of the realms to face her wrath. Their resistance was pointless. She would be victorious. She would bring peace between the four realms and Zabytyy, but at what cost. Braynard released her hand once more.

  “If Daniella defeats Stela, Joseph will still rise against her. He will unite the four realms under his rule. The peace with Zabytyy will be shattered with Joseph on the throne and the war will come. There is much power in the young Emperor. You would be wise to align yourself with him now. With his help, he may be able to prevent Daniella from taking your realm, if she is victorious.” Braynard shared the last piece of the puzzle. “Your decisions now can alter the future you have seen.”

  “We must support, Joseph,” her voice barely a whisper. “I must return to Hulsteria and stand with Stela against Daniella. Th
e future with Joseph upon the throne is bleak but with Daniella, there is no future.” She looked at Braynard, “Where are you while all of this is occurring?” she asked.

  “With Joseph’s path, I am no more. In the future that is Daniella’s I am powerless. I can do little to stop Diana or her followers,” Braynard said with a heavy sigh.

  “You can do nothing to stop this?” Lucia tightened her fists.

  “As I said, in Joseph’s future, I am gone. I am unable to do anything. With Daniella, it is a pact that was made long before there were four realms. Long before the barbarians were forced from your lands. I would be powerless to do anything.” Braynard lowered his head. “Neither future is bright but only one future leaves some hope. You do not want a world where Diana is God. While many will die with Joseph on the throne, your legacy will live on.”

  “It is decided. I will prepare to leave for Hulsteria as soon as I can. I will offer the support of Trokha in the coming war with Daniella.” Astrid rushed off toward the palace.

  “I hope your visions are true,” Lucia looked at him. “She is my sister and I do not take her safety lightly. She is going on your counsel. I expect you to watch over her and protect her.”

  “You have my word, Empress. I will do all I can to ensure she is safely returned to you when all is done.” Braynard vanished as quickly as he had appeared.

  Chapter Twenty-Three – Autumn

  Autumn sat crying in her room, haunted by the memories of her mother’s death. She had been in Zabytyy for three months. Diana brought her here saying she would be safe. She did not feel safe. She was locked in her room morning and night. The only visitor she would receive was the maid bringing her meals or emptying her bed pot.

  When she arrived, their language was foreign to her, but she was learning their words. She stood and walked to the large window of her room. The view reached out beyond the walls of the palace. The land was beautiful. Lush hues of green covered as far as her eyes could see. The people here seemed happy. It was unlike her home where the commoners were forced to work for their Royal or Imperial masters.

  She heard the door to her room unlock. It was not yet time for a meal. She quickly hid behind the large red drapes that bordered the window.

  “Lady Autumn,” the voice called.

  Autumn’s hands shook as she moved the curtain to the side to see who had entered. She was not familiar with the girl standing in her room.

  “Please come out, I wish to talk,” the voice was calm. It eased Autumn’s fears.

  She slowly moved from behind her cover, exposing herself to the girl.

  “I am Queen Alexis.” The girl extended her hand. “I am the daughter of the other woman Stela murdered.”

  Autumn moved forward and curtsied as she took Alexis’ hand and kissed it.

  “Why am I here?” her voice was shaking.

  “My grandmother believed you would be safe here. The people of Zabytyy will protect you from Stela.” Alexis smiled.

  “Who is your Imperial ruler?” Autumn looked at the girl in fear.

  “We do not have Imperials in Zabytyy. I am the ruler of the people of the realm.” Alexis moved toward a set of seats in the room. She gestured for Autumn to join her.

  “Am I your prisoner?” Autumn asked as she sat.

  “No, I am sorry that it has appeared that way. I did not mean for you to remain locked in your room, but I needed to be certain you were of no harm to me or my people.” Alexis watched the girl’s reaction. She sat listening.

  “I am only a little girl. What harm could I bring you or your people?” Autumn laughed nervously.

  “I am only a few years older than you and I assure you, I will bring much harm against the woman who killed my mother, and her people.” Alexis slammed her fist against the arm of the chair.

  “I am one of her people. Are you planning to harm me?” Autumn sat back in her chair.

  “No, you and I will rise up against the four realms together. We are connected,” Alexis laughed at the girl’s trepidation.


  “You do not know, do you?” Alexis stood and moved closer to Autumn. “Your mother and father were followers of my grandmother, Diana. Her blood flows through both of us. She makes us both strong. I fear you will be stronger than me when you are older. You also carry the blood of the Imperials, His blood.”

  “I am not strong.” Autumn’s eyes lowered.

  “Not now, but you will be. We will avenge our mothers’ deaths. We will make those responsible pay, even if it is her sons that pay the price for her actions.” Alexis took Autumn’s hand and led her toward the door. “It is time for you to know your new home. I want to show you my lands.”

  Autumn took in the sights as she was led down the large hall. The stone of the palace was different from those in Hulsteria. This stone was light in color, which made the corridors brighter. Windows lined the walls, allowing the sunlight to permeate their path. She took in the paintings that lined the walls opposite the windows. They were portraits of various people. She was not familiar with any of them.

  “Who are these people?” she asked as she was led.

  “These are the rulers who came before me,” Alexis smiled. She stopped in front of the last painting before the stairs. “This is my mother, Svetlana,” she said, tears forming in her eyes.

  “She was at the wedding,” Autumn responded. “She was the woman Cousin Stela stabbed in the back.”

  “Yes,” Alexis tried to remain calm. Her guest seemed to care little for her mother’s death. “My mother was there to stop the war she saw in her visions. Your Cousin Stela decided to take her life instead. Stela cemented Hulsteria’s fate with her actions. My mother came to your people in peace. Her selfless act was repaid with death.” Alexis gripped Autumn’s hand tighter. The girl struggled to free herself from the queen but was unsuccessful. “Do not struggle, child.”

  The figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

  “Be kind, Alexis. You are both victims of Stela’s anger,” Diana greeted her granddaughter with a kiss.

  “Sorry, grandmother,” Alexis curtsied. She tugged at Autumn to do the same. She complied.

  “How are you doing, Autumn?” Diana addressed the young Imperial.

  “I want to go home. I miss my father.” Autumn could feel the tears.

  “This is your home now, if you are to remain safe.” Diana reached for the girl, trying to offer some comfort. “Alexis and you will become great friends. Give it time.”

  “Why am I not allowed to go home?” Autumn began to sob.

  “I am afraid that Cousin Stela is now aware of the part you will play in my plans. If you were to return, she would kill you.” Diana realized she was too honest with the girl, as her sobs increased.

  “I want to see my father. Can you bring him here, like you did me?” Autumn asked, trying to dry her tears.

  “My dear, the man you know as your father, is not.” Diana could see the pain in the girl’s eyes as she made the admission. “Your real father is dead. Killed by the man who you know as God.”

  “Why did God kill my father?” Autumn lowered her head.

  “God did not like that your father followed a different God,” Diana said as she embraced the girl.

  “A different God?”

  “Yes, my dear, a different God,” Diana smiled as she released the girl from her hold. “Would you like to see your real father?”

  “He is dead. How can I see him?” Autumn’s face contorted in confusion.

  “I am the other God. I can bring him here, so you may meet him.”

  Diana raised her hands and whispered his name “Rupert.”

  The man appeared before them.

  “My lady,” Rupert greeted Diana. “Why have you brought me here?”

  “I would like to introduce you to someone.” She pointed to Autumn.

  “Autumn,” Rupert called out as he rushed to the girl.

  “I know you. My mother did not like you
very much.” Autumn hid behind Diana as he approached.

  “Do not be frightened, Autumn. This is your father.” Diana moved the girl out from behind her.

  Autumn stared at the man who stood before her. She was uncertain that it was all true. She did not know what to believe. She knew Rupert, though not well. Her mother talked ill of the man when she was alive. Why, if this man was her father, would she speak so poorly of him?

  “Your mother feared I would claim you as my child and ruin her marriage to the man you know as your father.” Rupert smiled as he knelt to speak to Autumn. “I had given her my word to never speak of you as my child, but your mother was not a trusting woman.”

  “You have my eyes,” Autumn said staring at this face. “They are the same color.”

  “Courtney,” Diana whispered.

  “Autumn,” Courtney called out, tears in her eyes.

  Autumn ran to her mother, leaving Rupert behind. “You are not dead,” she said as she entered her mother’s embrace.

  “No, Autumn. I am dead. Diana has allowed me to return to see you.” Courtney looked up and noticed Rupert. “What is he doing here?”

  “The child needs to know her real father.” Diana raised her brow at Courtney’s question.

  “Is it true, mother? Is he my father?” Autumn turned and pointed at Rupert.

  “He is, Autumn. I am sorry I did not tell you, but I did not want Simon to know the truth.” She stood and walked toward Rupert.

  “Courtney, I am sorry for what Stela did to you,” Rupert’s eyes were heavy. “I do not know what has come over her.”

  “Hate,” Courtney said. “The woman is filled with hate since killing Edmund. I am sorry that Braynard orchestrated your death, just when it seemed your life was starting to have some meaning.”

  “Were you not the one that encouraged her to face Edmund. Did you not convince her that she could take his life?” Rupert accused.

  “I did not expect it to change her as it did. I was instructed to give her guidance and push her to face him.” She looked at Diana.

  “Who is Braynard?” Autumn spoke up.


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