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Valkyrie Rising

Page 81

by GR Griffin

  The Sidhe females had been furious, their angry screams almost enough to deafen a less superior being's hearing. Brahms and Heimdall had tried to escape, but it had been the first time they had ever been exposed to such beauty, to the awe inspiring sights of a naked female in all her glory. It made them slower than they should have been, the Sidhe easily caching and restraining them. If not for the ruckus the Sidhe's screams had caused, rousing the attention of Heimdall's father, this might have turned into an incident that would have led to renewed tensions between the two races.

  Brahms explained that though they had escaped a beating from the Sidhe females, they had not been so lucky where their fathers were concerned. Both men had tanned their son's hides, and the experience had been enough to get Brahms to keep away from bathing females for the foreseeable future. But it did not ensure he behaved entirely, other mishaps occurring. On what should have been a routine herb picking mission for Eir, Brahms and Heimdall had discovered a plant that when smoked let out a sweetly intoxicating scent. Unfortunately the two young Godlings had chosen to experiment with the plant just before an important ceremony was to happen. The entire pantheon of Gods and the Sidhe who served as their einherjar, had ended up high, many saying and doing things that led to awful embarrassments for each individual. There had even been some relationships that had been damaged almost beyond repair, friendships falling apart, a marriage dissolved.

  The plant in question had another aspect to it, holding certain curative properties. The need for it's healing powers was what spared it from being destroyed, and a few Gods began to use it for it's recreational properties. Brahms admitted to some of the stranger aspects of the nine realms being owed to a God who had become most creative when stoned out of his mind. But no matter how much Silmeria begged and pleaded, he would not reveal just which God it had been.

  Silmeria didn't pout for long. It was too hard to maintain a sullen air, not with the vivid stories of a fun youth to distract her. Brahms' time as a young God was so different from Silmeria's own experience. As a child, she hadn't played much, nor had she had a friend like Heimdall. She was closer to her sister Lenneth than to Hrist, but neither sister had known how to truly play. Oh there had been attempts by their parents, especially by their father. He had longed to interest all three into something other than swords and war. Silmeria remembered how he had never given up trying to tempt her with dolls, a different one showing up every few months.

  The dolls had remained on a shelf, unloved and ignored by all three sisters. Silmeria had much preferred playing games that inadvertently honed her skills, the girl learning to track a person through the game of hide and seek. Or increasing her running stamina in a game of chase. Even ball playing helped to coordinate her limbs, Silmeria becoming an expert at hitting targets with the soft ball.

  Looking back now, Silmeria could see past her father's disappointment, to realize he had been in pain. He had wanted them to live, to experience as much life as they could before they were taken by Odin to serve up in the Heavens. A pity for all that the three sisters' desires had been in conflict with their father's, the girls not so much wild, but driven by the Valkyrie blood in their veins. The lesser Goddesses had been made for battle, and little could quench their desire for it.

  It had taken Silmeria centuries before she had become so dissatisfied with the Valkyries' way of life. Created for battle though they may be, even a Valkyrie had to feel some sort of dismay when the same war was being fought out again and again, with no clear victor in sight. To Silmeria it had all become so meaningless, HER life meaningless. Silmeria had felt as though she wasn't truly accomplishing anything, save to kill a few hundred vampires and thousands of undead. But no matter how many died at her hands, more kept on coming, the war never-ending.

  Silmeria had wanted a purpose beyond the fighting. She still did. She wasn't sure if a life with Brahms could give her that purpose, but already she felt freer than she had as a Valkyrie. He had given her the chance to live, to experience the wonders of life. She had thought that experience would be by Lord Rufus of Alfheim's side, but fate had had other plans. She didn't mind. As Lord Rufus' wife, she would have still been a puppet of Odin's, ignorant of the truth. Another reason existed, one that was purely selfish for Silmeria had been in a lot of pain after surviving the brutal attack of the vampires who had tried to kidnap her. The pain and her injuries had been such she would never have recovered, would have spent the rest of her mortal life suffering to some degree. Brahms bite had freed her from that pain, ushering her to new health and vitality. She owed him for that, and did not know how to properly thank him for it.

  Perhaps just listening to him, was enough for now. In giving him her attention, she was giving him pleasure. He truly seemed to enjoy talking with her like this, his face far happier than she had ever recalled seeing. Silmeria could almost share Brahms' happiness, if not for some of the more troublesome aspects of her vampirism. The hunger had yet to rise in her, but Silmeria knew it was only a matter of time. Eventually she would have to feed, and yet she wasn't prepared to experience the pleasurable aspects of it again.

  Silmeria had meant it when she had bemoaned to Brahms about how good it had felt. But good seemed an inadequate word to describe the feelings that had coursed through her. Pleasure like she had never known, pleasure that was as sensual as it was addicting, filling her. Her body had ached in ways that had little to do with pain, Silmeria having been shock to find her nipples growing tight and uncomfortable in a way that had nothing to do with cold.

  It hadn't been just her nipples. Warmth had rushed through her, riding in on the swallows of blood she had greedily guzzled down. As the blood went through her, her body had heated up, and molten liquid had dampened the flesh between her thighs. That had been especially troubling, for Silmeria had never experienced such arousal. She was innocent enough to not even know exactly what that dampness had meant, or the needy itch that had made it almost impossible to keep from grinding her thighs together.

  The blood hadn't just made her body crave things. She had wanted the blood itself, wanting the life and vitality in it. It had tasted undeniably good, perhaps even better than the ambrosia enjoyed up in the Heavens. She had wanted more, hadn't wanted to stop, and only Brahms insistence had kept her from draining him of every drop. Even after she had sated the worst of her hunger, her gaze had been drawn to his neck. To the almost delicate looking pin pricks that

  had bled for her delight.

  As sensual as it had been, it had also been frightening. Her one hunger was satisfied, but a new one had risen up in it's place. She had wanted, needed someone to help her though it and yet hadn't dared ask. It would have been too many losses of control in one night for Silmeria had already found it near impossible to stop drinking from Brahms' neck. The taste of blood on her tongue had almost made her mindless, Silmeria so greedy and hungry for it. She knew, just knew, that if she had drunk from one of the humans that lived and served in the castle, she would have killed them.

  She might still. Silmeria didn't only remember Brahms difficulty when first encountering humans. She vaguely recalled his words, Brahms telling her she had to learn to control herself before she could feed on a mortal. Until then, he would personally see to her feedings, an idea he obviously relished. She even dimly recalled his own arousal, his own breathing harsh gasps as he struggled to deal with the repercussions desire had had on him.

  Silmeria now knew why some found the vampires so seductive. They were the epitome of sexual beings, their bite bringing pleasure to both the giver and recipient. It was too much for the woman who had once been a Valkyrie Goddess, a maiden who had been all but ignorant of sexual desire. Silmeria couldn't see herself as a sexual being, not yet. It was even worse to think of others viewing her that way, or others reacting to her bite the way Brahms had had. Worse yet, she didn't want to be aroused when feeding off of strangers! It was mortifying, and just the thought alone brought a blush to her cheeks.

Brahms noticed. He seemed to notice everything about her, his gaze inquisitive as he stopped talking. She hadn't heard most of what he had just been saying, too lost in her own memories and thoughts about her first feeding. It made her blush harder to realize Brahms knew she had stopped listening, Silmeria trying not to fidget in her seat. That inner calm she had attained was gone, Silmeria feeling dreadfully embarrassed.

  It was almost enough to bring her claws out, Silmeria gripping the arm rest in response to her tension. She kept waiting for Brahms to ask her what was wrong, wondering how in the world could she admit to the thoughts she had been having. It would almost be better to lie, than to admit the new struggles the feeding had given her.

  "Silmeria..." She almost closed her eyes at Brahms' now husky tone. It sounded like sex itself, seduction given a voice to whisper coaxingly to her. "You are hungry." He did a low chuckled at her startled response, his smile more than tolerant and holding open affection for her. "Your gaze keeps drawing to my neck, to here." His hand lifted, fingertips stroking over the marks of where she had bitten him. Mortified heat filled her, Silmeria starting to shake her head. But to deny hunger as the reason for her staring, would only invite Brahms to question her more deeply. And thus, blushing ever redder, Silmeria slowly nodded her head yes.

  Brahms was pleased. Far too much for Silmeria's liking. But why shouldn't he be, when the act of feeding was an intimacy that helped to bond them closer. It was a pity for Silmeria that she wasn't yet ready for that kind of closeness, the girl hardly ready to act on her attraction to the vampire king. But she had to feed, sooner rather than later, and there was no one else she could practice on even if Brahms would allow her to bite another vampire. His jealousy, and her mortification worked together, keeping them in agreement about who alone Silmeria should feed from. But she didn't entirely like it. It was too much, too troubling to have these kind of strong reactions when she was just developing her feelings. Two nights ago, she had still viewed Brahms as an enemy, as an obsessed mad man who had all but ruined her. Though she had made the effort to correct her thoughts, it was still difficult to get used to. She didn't need further complications of lust and hunger confusing her!

  Brahms remained sitting, his gaze fixed on her. She felt a tightening deep in her body, parts unnamed clenching with violent need. She couldn't possibly turn any redder, Silmeria digging nails that had become claws yet again into the armrest, actually tearing grooves into the expensive fabric. "Sorry." She murmured, but she didn't really care about the damage to the chair. And from the look Brahms was giving her, neither did he!

  "Come here." It was more invitation than order, Brahms extending a hand towards her. He waited patiently for her to take it, but Silmeria remained rooted in her seat. "Silmeria?"

  "Can we leave this room....?" She blurted out. "After...?"

  "There are reasons we shouldn't." Brahms retorted, but even that couldn't entirely distract her from her embarrassment and the strange, downright frightening arousal starting within her. Heavens help her, she hadn't even fed yet, and just the thoughts, the look on Brahms face was enough to get her to react.

  "What reasons?" She asked out loud, but so distracted by the sensations was she, that Silmeria barely cared to hear his answer.

  "This is not a good time for you to be seen." Brahms explained. "The others...they will be angry....they will not want the reminder that some of our people died because of an invasion brought about by my desire for you."

  On one level she understood what he was saying, but on another, it was all gibberish. "Please...?" What was she really begging for, Silmeria wondered. For blood? For the chance to get out of this now stifling atmosphere, or for that which would bring relief to her feverish body?

  Brahms paused, letting the silence drag out between them. Silmeria fought to keep from squirming in place, her thighs clamped firmly together. "All right." Brahms conceded at last. "There is a place I can take you. A place where not many if any vampires will go to on this night." It wasn't as big a relief as she had hoped, Silmeria shifting now, uncomfortable in her own skin. "But..." Brahms held up two fingers. "There are conditions."


  "You must feed before we go there." Brahms told her. "And you must promise to return with me to this room at the first sign of trouble."

  "Trouble...?" But she couldn't really focus. "I won't repeat my behavior of the night in the ball room...."

  "That is not my only concern..." Brahms again extend his hand towards her. "Come Silmeria. Come, take what you want."

  His smile said he knew just how tempting his words were, Silmeria almost unthinking as she rose up out of her seat. It wasn't much of a distance that separated them, Silmeria gliding forward on silent feet. Taking hold of Brahms hand. Too late did she realize the touch would allow him to feel just how badly she trembled, and Silmeria could only hope he would be without comment about that aspect of her state.

  Brahms' fingers closed around her hand, a secure but not restricting hold that drew her closer. She did not press against him completely, holding them separate that last intimate inch. Brahms crimson colored eyes had darkened, Silmeria staring wide eyed into them.

  "How hungry are you?" He asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.

  " is manageable..." Silmeria told him, which wasn't a lie. The hunger stirred in her, but it was weak, holding a more lazy interest in the drink offered. She wasn't anywhere near ready to turn savage, and not even the scent of blood that tainted the clean scent of his recent bath could make her lose the last of her frayed control. She took several deep breaths, his spicy masculine smell was flavored with blood and his arousal. The gears clicked into place, Silmeria making a mortified sound, trying to pull away. Brahms held onto her hand, his other arm snaking around her back, keeping her before him. For once she wasn't thinking of the sensations, instead horrified at the new realization she had just had. If she could smell Brahms arousal, then he could certainly smell HERS!

  "Easy Silmeria..." Brahms had forced her against him, fitting her slender body perfect against his. His breath was hot on her ear, voice rasping out in a manner that was not soothing in the slightest. "You will not hurt me..."

  That wasn't at all what she was concerned about at the moment, Silmeria holding herself still against him. Every time she breathed in, she smelled his intriguing scent, her cheeks staying in a permanent flush in response to her own arousal. Why was feeding so erotic, why was this man such a temptation to her? It wasn't the first time she had felt this way, Silmeria remembering vaguely the night in the ball room. She hadn't been in control then, but that mindless predator she had behaved as, had responded to Brahms. And that night, the vampiress hadn't had any feelings of embarrassment and fright to deal with, Silmeria simply wanting and trying to claim that that she had desired.

  "I think it's time for the first of your lessons." Brahms was saying.

  "Le...lessons...?" Silmeria stammered out, trying desperate to appear a part of this conversation.

  "There is much you need to learn, in order to function in your new society." Brahms told her. "The most basic of course is centered around feeding." His lips practically caressed over her skin as he talked, Silmeria's pulse pounding hard.

  "This...this isn't a good idea." She said. "Now is not the time..."

  "The hunger is still weak inside you. You will be able to exert better control over your actions." His words made a mockery of themselves, Silmeria feeling completely out of control in the moment. But she couldn't, wouldn't admit to that, fearing to give Brahms any more power over her.

  When she tried to protest further, he was speaking over her, words so harsh in response to the gentle way his lips moved over the skin of her cheek. "There may come a time when I am not around to feed you." He sounded angry then, as though grudgingly acknowledging she would have to feed on someone else. "When the hunger will be strong, the choice between your life and that of a mortals." Her trembling was increasing, Silmeria fighting not to c
lose her eyes.

  "You need to know how to gentle your bite. Too much force will guarantee an instant kill, giving you the blood you so seek, but at the cost of an innocent's life. The bite is not the only thing you need to control....the feeding have to learn to watch for the signs, to hear the heart beat as it starts to weaken and slow...there are other signs, but the heart beat is the easiest to recognize. If you keep on feeding after that point, you are in danger of draining a mortal to their death."

  It wasn't just death she had to worry about. As a fledgling, she could inadvertently created a revenant, a mindless, blood seeking creature that would never know an end to it's lust for blood or the killings it would do to obtain it. It would be many years before Silmeria could even hope to be able to create a fledgling of her own, though right now creating more vampires was the furthest thing on her mind.

  "Silmeria!" A harsh growl of her name, drawing her back to the conversation. Just barely though, Silmeria making a sound to show she was listening. But it was so hard to concentrate with his lips moving against the softness of her cheek. It was practically a kiss, Brahms taking liberties with this intimate way of speaking. "You'll have to feed least once a night....that will help keep you in control, keep you from giving in to anger and violence so easily."

  But it wouldn't help with the arousal. Silmeria knew this without Brahms having to say anything. "I...I understand..." But she didn't entirely accept this, Silmeria wondering how she could endure night after night of such intense feelings and stimulation.

  "Good." He suddenly eased back, Silmeria missing the warmth of his mouth on her skin. "Now do it..." His head was bowing back, throat offered up to Silmeria. Impossibly, her eyes went huge, her fangs growing to their full length. Brahms' hands were holding onto her, preventing her from retreating. He was eager to be her meal, but his hands didn't force her mouth to his neck.


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