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Valkyrie Rising

Page 82

by GR Griffin

  Silmeria hesitated, time seeming frozen, her awareness narrowed down to Brahms and herself. It wasn't a limited awareness, Silmeria conscious of every feeling and sensation, every panicked thought and rebellion against their desires. Brahms smelled good, his voice an all too pleasing sound whenever he spoke to her. He was an impressive male, a magnificent being whether he was a God or vampire, and Silmeria was inundated with memories of him. Perversely, she focused on the memories of the time she had seen his naked body reflected in the waters of Hvergelmir. Even then he had been a sight to inspire awe, even dirty and ruined by the sun.

  Worse yet, she remembered the rough and violent sex he had had with Hel. The frantic claiming, the desperate need to posses Hel in every way. It didn't dampen her arousal, Silmeria horrified that she wondered just what the sex would be like if Brahms were to take her in that manner.

  "Silmeria..." A low growl, expression strained, Brahms claws digging into her. It was as though he knew what she had wondered about. Knew and reacted to it. "Don't wait any longer..."

  But he really meant don't make him wait any longer. But she wasn't prepared to give him her everything, especially not in that manner. Her lips drew back, Silmeria poised to strike. Brahms rasped out for her to control herself, but Silmeria was beyond such an attempt. In that moment, she wanted to cause pain, to hurt him for making her such a confusing mess.

  Brahms would actually gasp, his hand clasping the back of her head. But he didn't try to pull her off him, Brahms just holding her as Silmeria began to feed. She was like a ravenous beast, drawing powerfully on his vein. Blood filled her mouth and was swallowed down seconds later, Silmeria drinking and drinking. Savoring the taste of his flavorful blood, Silmeria's hands free and clutching at him in return. She was careful not to dig her claws in, not wanting to waste even a drop of his blood with an accidental scratching.

  Brahms let out the softest of moans, then attempted to get a hold of himself. She heard him speaking, telling her to focus, to concentrate on his heart beat. She didn't want to, biting harder in response. That earned her a growl, and a sharp tug on her hair. Silmeria could recognize she bit him hard enough that a mortal would have already been dead from her feeding, and so, grudgingly, she gentled her bite.

  The feeding was not a few seconds affair, instead lasting several minutes. Brahms' body was rich with blood, the vampire having fed some time earlier this night. She felt an uneasy thought that he had probably fed off a Valkyrie, but even that wasn't enough to get her to give up her treat. Or the sudden demand in his voice, Brahms ordering her to stop. When his hands began tugging at her hair, Silmeria protested, doing a wanton wiggle against his front. It was a dirty tactic, distracting Brahms from what he was doing. She drank in several more mouthfuls before he mastered his response to her wiggling, pulling on her hair to the point it was painful.

  Silmeria reluctantly released him, the Valkyrie having noticed the taste of his blood had changed somehow. As though responding to the weakening of his heart, his pulse slowing to dangerous levels. He would need to feed and soon, Silmeria feeling ashamed of her little tantrum that had ruined all chance to practice the lessons he had wanted her to learn.

  "I...I am sorry." Silmeria whispered, lowering her gaze. Brahms was breathing heavily, still so aroused but now also hungry. " there anything I can do...?"

  Brahms didn't hesitate, taking hold of her hand. "Your finger...give it to me."

  That was not what she was expecting, Silmeria raising her startled gaze in time to meet his as Brahms began to suck on her fingertip. A pin prick of pain followed, Silmeria holding back a wince. Brahms began to lap up the blood that welled from it, his tongue moving in an almost obscene way. Silmeria was full of his blood, her blush blooming with it, her knees weakening. Even that small bite on her finger, felt good now that he was actively sucking on it. But she didn't believe for one damn second her finger alone could appease his thirst for blood.

  Her teeth worried at her bottom lip, Silmeria trying to gather her courage. She couldn't believe what she was about to offer, and she fought not to sound hesitant as she spoke. "Would to feed from me?" She cursed silently at how breathless an entreaty it had sounded like, Brahms' eyes flaring with surprised emotion.

  "There is little more I would like to do..." He said, letting her finger slip free of his mouth. "But...I know you don't offer it to me out of any reason except a sense of obligation to right a wrong you've done me." His hand cupped her cheek, skin feeling colder than it had been. "The next time you offer to feed will be out of true desire."

  She was shaken, not only by the confidence in his eyes, but the truth of that statement. She wanted too badly, and Silmeria was too intrigued by him to not want to experience first hand the full pleasure of his bite. That first time he had bit her, she had resisted, feeling more pain than enjoyment from what he had been doing. It had hurt less when she stopped fighting him, but she had also weakened, dying slowly in his arms.

  She been so incoherent at that point, Silmeria hadn't known what she had been doing, not realizing it was blood she had been given to drink. It was the only reason she was alive now, alive to feel all the strange and frightening things Brahms stirred in her.

  Still blushing heavily, Silmeria stepped away from him. Her arms crossed over her chest, hands trying to rub warmth into them as she shivered. She could no longer look at Brahms, the ease of in which they had conversed, shattered by the feeding and their desires.

  Brahms didn't immediately try to stand, his eyes on her as Silmeria began to pace about the room. The tension was back, any progress they had made ruined by what had happened. It wasn't his fault, not entirely, Silmeria placing most of the blame on her fright and discomfort. She wondered if being a vampire would have been easier to handle if she had been an experienced woman, knowledgeable in the ways of sex and arousal. But she didn't dare ask such a question to Brahms, hurting just at the thought of seeing his amused smile in response to her inquiry.

  A sound from behind her, Silmeria whipping around to see Brahms had stood. Her eyes traveled down, watching fascinated as his long fingers adjusted his clothing. He appeared to be in control. and he wasn't even staggered by the amount of blood she had taken. He was a really good actor to hide how she had weakened him, Brahms walking without stumbling towards her.

  Silmeria would blink, bemused by the arm he offered to her. "Are we...going somewhere?"

  "I promised you an excursion did I not?"

  "But..." Silmeria shook her head no. "I didn't expect you too. Not after..." She trailed off.

  "I keep my word." stated Brahms.

  "Yes, I know. But are in no condition.....surely you must go and feed!" Silmeria exclaimed feebly.

  "I can last a while yet." Brahms insisted. "And it will not be a long trip."

  She was still so shaken over everything that had happened, or had almost happened, that Silmeria was no longer so eager to get out of this room. But the alternative was to be left alone, to sit and stew in her own warped feelings, reexamining everything that occurred, every damnable feeling she had had this evening. A trip out was infinitely more preferable to being left to go mad from her thoughts, and so that is why Silmeria took hold of Brahms arm.

  "Where are we going?" She asked, trying to feign interest.

  "Just wait and see." He drew her closer, but not so close as to be improper. Something began to happen, a shift in the energies around them. Silmeria tensed, but knew by experience what he was doing. She did after all remember how it had felt to be teleported to Brahms' camp by the vampire that had pulled her out of her carriage in the Forest of Spirits. It was just as disconcerting now as it had been back then, Silmeria actually dizzy and clinging to Brahms arm. He put out his other hand to steady her, Silmeria looking up gratefully. But the words of thanks never came, Silmeria having spied the people around them.

  They were humans, she could tell by their scent and the lack of crimson coloring their eyes. The
humans barely reacted to the sight of the two vampires, moving on about their business.

  "Where are we?" Silmeria asked Brahms, wary interest in her eyes as she studied her surroundings. They were in the midst of an enclosed courtyard, freshly scrubbed cobblestone beneath their feet. Several stalls were set up across from each other, prospective buyers examining the shop's wares. Other humans stood in groups, talking, LAUGHING. There was even a couple sitting on an iron bench, openly displaying their affection for each other in a necking manner that reminded Silmeria too much of the way vampires bit their prey.

  That reminder was a bit too much for her, Silmeria quickly turning away from the couple. But not before she noticed how the humans were all dressed, their clothing cut in a revealing manner. It was similar to the outfits the blood donors had worn at the vampire's ball, Silmeria gasping with realization. "These are the humans who have come to serve your people?!"

  "Yes." Brahms smiled, a beaming expression as though she was an apt pupil who had exceeded his expectations. "This is where the humans stay when their services are not required, or they need to recover from feeding our people." He nodded at an open door, a dimly lit corridor stretching past it. "They all have their own rooms inside. We try to make them as comfortable as we can given our gratitude for what they offer us."

  "And they are all here willingly?" Silmeria tried to keep an open mind, honestly she did. But doubt crept into her voice. Brahms didn't so much as bristle in response to it.

  "You may ask them yourselves. They have not been compelled or coerced in any way."

  Silmeria nodded, letting go of his arm. His watchful gaze kept on her, Silmeria understanding he was merely being cautious. She wasn't a danger to these humans, not now that she had fed. She realized that was why he had insisted on feeding her, so as to allow Silmeria to safely walk amongst these humans.

  "Excuse me..." Silmeria had walked up to a woman, the female looking roughly thirty years of age. She was one of the oldest looking humans here, leaving Silmeria to wonder if age played a factor in a vampire's feeding preferences.

  The woman looked up from the book she had been studying, then quickly stood. She bobbed in an uncertain curtsey, face flushed as she spoke. "Yes, your ladyship? Do you have need of me?"

  Silmeria was embarrassed, realizing the woman thought she had come to feed. "Oh no, not like that!" She exclaimed, her eyes flitting to the woman's neck. There was bite marks there, and on her arms too. This woman was well used in the feeding of Brahms' people, a fresh bite mark even on the swell of her right breast. "I just...well I wanted to ask you some things. If you don't mind." She hastily added, wanting the woman to have a choice in the matter.

  "Of course, your ladyship. If I am able, I will gladly answer your questions."

  Silmeria gave her a nervous smile, gesturing for her to sit back down on the bench. The woman didn't seem uncomfortable in the slightest when Silmeria sat down next to her. It made her wonder if the vampires often sat with the humans here, feeding out in the public on these benches.

  "Your ladyship? The woman inquired when Silmeria didn't immediately speak.

  "What is your name?"

  "Treeia." Was the answer.

  "It's nice to meet you, Treeia. I am Silmeria." She put her hands together, fingers fidgeting in nervous play. "How did you come to be here...? I mean....are you here willingly?"

  "Oh yes, of course." Treeia quickly answered. She lifted a hand to her silky black hair, brushing it behind one ear. Silmeria wondered if Treeia realized what she was doing, flashing her neck and bite marks to a vampire. It was a provocative thing, but Silmeria's hunger didn't rise. "Lord Brahms and his people have been nothing but kind to me."

  Silmeria felt the smallest, irrational bit of jealousy to hear Treeia speak Brahms name so familiarly. "Kind?"

  "They've given me so much..." Treeia replied. "A roof over my head, food, money...."

  "You don't mind the price they ask for in return for those things?"

  " first I was hesitant....but it wasn't as though I had many options back in my old village." Her gaze lowered but not before Silmeria saw the hint of pain in her eyes. "My mother dead, no other relative to take me was either starve or whore myself out....and neither option appealed. I was fortunate to come across Lord Trevain."

  By the respectful tone of voice, Silmeria had the feeling this Trevain was a vampire. "Lord Trevain is...?"

  "He is the one who recruited me." Treeia explained with a shy smile. "I was lucky Trevain had come to my village at that time....I don't want to think what would have happened to me otherwise..."

  "It was that easy a decision for you?" Silmeria asked.

  "Oh no!" Treeia shook her head. "I was ever so frightened of him. He was a vampire after all. I thought for sure he would kill me, and I could hardly believe it when he didn't so much as bite me. Instead he talked to me, presenting a case as to why I should come with him to the vampire's island. I...I didn't accept right away....I didn't know what to think....I was so confused when I returned to my home that night. But I didn't once call upon the local boys to hunt down Lord Trevain."

  Silmeria wondered if Trevain had used a minor compulsion on Treeia to keep her from alerting others to a vampire wandering their town.

  "It took me almost three days before I had the courage to seek Lord Trevain out." Treeia continued. "I was shaking, still not sure of what to do. I knew I had to experience something for myself before I could give a definitive answer. I..." She blushed bright red, lashes lowering shyly. "I let him bite me. Just to see if it would hurt!" She added hastily. Treeia didn't need to say anymore, Silmeria knowing for fact the recruiting vampire wouldn't have made it anything but a pleasurable experience.

  "It wasn't long after that bite, that I made up my mind. Giving blood is infinitely more preferable to whoring myself." Treeia looked at Silmeria again. "Your ladyship. I have a better life here. I have been paid for my donations, and soon enough I will have more money than I will ever be able to spend in this lifetime. I will leave this place, and be able to make my way in the world, choose any kingdom in Midgard to make my home. I cannot regret what I have done, or the friends I have made among the humans here."

  "I see...." Silmeria murmured. "It's been a long time since I have walked upon Midgard....but even I know a bit about how hard it is for a woman on her own...." Especially one not born of the humans' nobility, with little money and no title to their name. Wealth indeed brought privileges with it, affording women luxuries to be self reliant the way the lower classes could not. Those without the money, could scarcely afford to live, let alone educate themselves, or learn a trade or skill. It wasn't fair, but it was the way of the realm, the rich idle, while the poor struggled to make ends meet.

  Silmeria was glad she had never had to worry about finances. Her father had made a more then adequate wage as a knight employed by Crell Monferaigne. Her family had lived in comfort, blessed and receiving daily giftings from those seeking miracles from the three young Goddesses. When it came to food, there had been little Silmeria and her family lacked, the people of Crell Monferaigne almost fanatical in leaving such offerings in front of their door. And even it something terrible were to happen, Silmeria losing both her sisters and their parents, the city itself would have spared no expense to care for Silmeria until she was old enough to be accepted into the heavens.

  Hunger, and the desperation it could cause, had never been a problem for Silmeria. At least not until she had become a vampire, the need for blood making her crazed. Just thinking, even briefly about the feelings and sensations caused by the hunger and sating of it, made Silmeria blush. She quickly brought a hand to her face, trying to hide her reaction.

  "Lady everything all right?" A concerned Treeia asked. "You look...unsettled."

  That was a good word to describe how she felt about feeding, Silmeria taking several small breaths before she could compose herself enough to lower her hand. "I am...fine..." She didn't know
Treeia well enough to be comfortable confiding how overwhelming she was finding life as a vampire to be. It wasn't that she thought Treeia wouldn't understand. The woman had experience with the vampires, with their bites. More specifically, Treeia had experienced the pleasure of it, and must have found a way to reconcile herself to the eroticism of feeding multiple vampires.

  Silmeria could barely handle it with one vampire, and the thought of feeling that way with any others was enough to turn her stomach. It was one of the downsides to being a vampire, unexpected in comparison to the enemies her vampirism now brought her. Silmeria was now part of a race of people that was the most hated beings in all of Creation, despised and feared. Many would hunt her, and even more would try to kill her on sight. It would be quite an adjustment to make, going from a Valkyrie beloved by nearly all the races, to hated vampire. Treeia was an exception, as was the other humans inside this castle. Silmeria would take the time to meet with several others, learning their stories while Brahms watched from a distance.

  Some of the stories were similar to Treeia's, women having to choose between prostitution and starving to death. There was even a young man, a youth now in his mid twenties, who had faced the same decision when his parents died when he had been only fifteen. He was fair of face, with a slender build, and had been so close to selling himself. A vampire, one of the select few who went around searching out suitable donors to approach, had been the one the boy had offered himself to, the fifteen year old never dreaming he would be offered a once in a lifetime opportunity.

  Some of the blood donors, were people hoping to become vampires one day. They hadn't come to the island with that desire, but somewhere along the way, they had decided they didn't want to return to life among humans once their contracted time was up. There were even a few men here, who had been wrongfully accused of crimes, their fate to be hanged or enslaved for the perceived offenses. The chance to start over elsewhere with the riches the vampires offered, had looked the infinitely better choice to slavery or death.


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