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One Summer in Santa Fe

Page 13

by Molly Evans

  “What’s all that stuff mean?” Alex looked up at him, his brown eyes dark and filled with questions.

  Taylor looked at Piper, and she nodded. It was his place to explain. The words stuck in his throat. How was he going to explain this to Alex? The kid would likely read through anything he said. Helplessly, he appealed to Piper, needing her now more than he ever had and hating himself for it. “The words won’t come,” he said, his voice rough.

  Piper looked at Alex, her gaze soft and filled with compassion for the boy. “Your mom has to have surgery on her leg to fix it, so Taylor’s friend Ian is going to do that tonight. She doesn’t have any brain damage, even though she’s still not awake. She had some X-rays of her head and everything’s okay.”

  “But her eyes are shut, and she has cuts all over her and she won’t wake up.” His chest heaved with anxiety.

  “I know. Right now her body is trying to heal and that takes a lot of energy, so she can’t spare the extra energy it would take to wake up just yet.” She sighed and looked at Taylor for confirmation. He looked as if he was getting his feet under him again. That was good. He was going to need to be the stable one for Alex for a lot longer than he’d anticipated. Caroline’s injuries weren’t going to heal overnight.

  Piper explained the process of going to the OR, then to ICU until she woke up. Alex seemed to take it all in, but he was still a child and fears still clung to him.

  “Piper?” one of the secretaries approached. “OR’s ready for bed one.”

  “Thanks.” She spoke to Alex. “I’m going to get your mom ready to go to the operating room, and you can go with us up there, but just to the big doors, then other nurses will take over for us.”

  “Okay.” He nodded.

  Minutes later, they had Caroline ready and wheeled the stretcher down the back hallway. The neon lights overhead were too harsh, too bold, and revealed too much. Taylor saw everything with surreal vision, one color bleeding into the next. Nothing seemed real right now. Everything about him was exposed and raw in the awful lighting, leaving him stripped bare.

  After handing Caroline off to the OR team, Taylor took Piper aside. “Is your shift almost over now?”

  “Yes. Do you want me to stay over?” She would. For him, she would stay forever and beat herself up later for being such a marshmallow. Now he needed help. Should she tell him it was her last one? He was going to find out sooner or later.

  “No.” He fished out his keys and removed one. “This is to the back door. Can you go to my house and take down the party stuff?”

  “Party stuff?”

  “Yeah.” He blew out a harsh breath and shoved a hand back through his hair. “We had a welcome-home party planned for Caroline. I don’t want Alex to see it.”

  Oh, God. “That’s a good idea.” The key he gave her was warm from his pocket and she closed her fist over it. “I’ll do it. Do you want me to call when I’m done or what?”

  “I don’t know, yeah, maybe. I’m going to want to stay here the rest of the night. I know it’s a huge imposition, but maybe you could take Alex home for me in a little while. He should go home, but he can’t go by himself. Someone needs to be with him.” Looking into Piper’s face, he knew she would do whatever he asked of her. She was loyal to a fault, and her compassion overwhelmed him right now. Unable to name the emotions filling him, he pulled her close for a quick hug and pressed a hard kiss to her temple. “Thank you.” It was as close as admitting to her and himself that he needed her once again. He needed her more than he could admit to either one of them.

  Nodding, she pulled away. “I’ll be back.” She said goodbye to Alex and left them alone in the waiting room.


  PIPER let herself into Taylor’s home. The lights were on and the video game still shot bullets at empty targets. They’d obviously left in a hurry. She turned off the TV and most of the lights, leaving one lamp burning by the couch. The atmosphere certainly would have been festive if the circumstances had been different. She carefully removed the banner and folded it, hoping that maybe they could use it if…when Caroline came home from the hospital. The festive paper plates, napkins and cups she put into a paper bag with the banner and set it on the bottom of the pantry. The cake was going to be a problem, though. It was too big to hide easily and wouldn’t fit in the freezer, so she just put it in the oven until she could ask Taylor what to do with it. Maybe she could scrape the icing off it and take it to the ER for the staff rather than just tossing it out. She hated to waste cake, especially chocolate.

  By the time she returned to the hospital to pick up Alex, it was very late, and he was asleep on the couch in the surgery waiting room.

  “She’s still in surgery. The leg’s a mess, so it’s taking longer, but so far she’s tolerating it okay.”

  “How are you tolerating it?” Piper asked.

  “Tolerating what?” he asked, his face closed off and emotionless, the look in his eyes flat.

  “I see. Back to your old self again. You can’t think through this one, Taylor. You can’t use your super-hero talents here.”

  “What are you talking about?” Glaring down at her, he tried to push her away. “This isn’t what I need right now, Piper.”

  “I think it’s exactly what you need right now.” Whether he knew it or not.

  “You can’t force me into some psycho-babble therapy session that’s going to make me spill my guts and be all warm and fuzzy.”

  “I agree. If you can’t open yourself just a little when your sister’s in the OR, then what will it take?” She crossed her arms, feeling the disconnection between them growing. Tonight was the last night of her contract. Though she was staying on in Santa Fe for a week or so while deciding what she was going to do next, she probably wasn’t ever going to see him again. She might as well say what she had to say. No one else was going to tell him. “You can’t plow through this situation, Taylor. This isn’t a mountain to conquer or a plane to jump out of or anything like that. You have to feel it. Don’t push people, especially Alex, away. For better or worse, you need to stop and feel it, to understand what it is to care about someone much more than you care about yourself.” She took a deep breath and blew it out fast as her past and emotions nearly swamped her. “Why don’t you take Alex home? He needs you more than me right now. I can stay until Caroline’s in the ICU later. Do you trust me?”

  “I trust you. You know I trust you.” Taylor looked at his nephew, covered with a white patient blanket, asleep on the couch he knew had to be as lumpy as hell. His mouth parted with his breathing and a frown marred his brows, even in sleep. Running a hand through his hair again, he looked at Piper. “I know he needs me, but I have to stay here until she’s in the ICU. I have to.” He paused and looked down at her guarded eyes. The disappointment he didn’t want to see was right there. He placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. “I know I don’t have the right to ask you and it’s a huge imposition, but I’m going to ask anyway. Could you take him home for me and stay until I’m sure she’s really stable?” The trembling in his arms made its way to his hands and to Piper’s shoulders. “I…I need you, Piper.” More than ever, he admitted only to himself.

  “Taylor, it’s you he needs, not me.”


  Looking into his eyes, she seemed to come to a decision and glanced over at Alex. “I’ll take him. Just come as soon as you can. You’re the only family he has right now, and he needs you.” She placed her hands on his wrists and squeezed, then pulled away from him.

  Looking over at his innocent nephew, he whispered, “I need him, too.” He broke away from her and stared through the tiny window in the OR door. Waiting.

  Finally, hours later, exhausted and mentally drained, Taylor was able to see Caroline. After a quick visit in the recovery room, he sought out Ian to get the details doctor to doctor. She’d have a long recovery ahead of her, that was a given, but they’d saved the leg with pins and bolts and a lot of other
hardware. She’d learn to walk again, but it would be a lengthy process. Something about which Taylor was gaining new insight into.

  Taylor entered the ICU. Putting one foot in front of the other required more brain function than he had at the moment, but he plodded along, rubbing a hand over his face, trying to wake up a little bit. Someone, one of the nurses probably, had set a relatively comfortable chair beside Caroline’s bed, and Taylor collapsed into it.

  A long sigh escaped him, and he bent forward, clasping his hands between his knees. Eyes closed, he stayed that way, listening to the background noise of the ventilator, the heart monitor, the sounds that were all familiar to him, but now took on new, significant meaning.

  Life was so very fragile, and these machines were all that were holding Caroline together. The significance of that fact had escaped Taylor until now. Things like this happened to other people, other people’s families, and he put them back together with confidence. He couldn’t sit doing nothing by his sister’s bedside, waiting for someone to fix her. Confidence this night was sorely lacking.

  It had been just the two of them for so long. They helped each other, depended on each other, needed each other. And now Taylor was powerless to do anything except sit and wait. It wasn’t in him to do nothing, and he ground his teeth in frustration.

  Piper’s words came back to him. Alex needs you. And he knew then that he had something to do to help Caroline. Ensuring that her child was safe and cared for wasn’t nothing. Reaching out, he took her limp hand carefully in his. “I’m sorry, Caro,” he said, adopting his childhood nickname for her. “I’m sorry you’re here, but Ian has fixed your leg, and we’re just waiting for the rest of you to catch up. Don’t worry about Alex. I’ll take care of him as long as I need to.” Pausing, he watched the monitor pulse away. The overhead light reflected off his watch, reminding him that the night was rushing by. He glanced at the timepiece and stilled.

  The timer that he’d set weeks ago sped merrily along, obviously unaware that Taylor’s life had come to a screeching halt. Time waited for no one and pulsed on regardless. He hadn’t wanted to take Alex, he hadn’t wanted the interruption of his lifestyle, the nuisance of it all. But as he watched the time count down to the end of his agreement, something knotted in his gut, sickening him. Piper was right.

  He was afraid.

  Reaching over with the other hand, he pushed the button twice. Once to stop the timer, and again to end the program. The watch face returned to its normal mode. He rose from his chair and gave his numbers to the ICU nurse caring for Caroline. “I’ll be available should anything change. Otherwise I’ll be back in a few hours.” He needed some rest, and he was as certain as he could be that Caroline was stable. Putting his personal trust in his coworkers and friends was something he’d never had to do before. He received hugs from the staff as he made his way out of the hospital and their sympathy almost pushed him over the edge. He hadn’t realized how many people genuinely cared about him.

  He was humbled by their outreach. He was humbled by Piper.

  Driving home, though only ten minutes away, was one of the longest drives he’d ever made in the pre-dawn. He let himself in and walked to Alex’s room first. Still clothed, the boy was sprawled on the bed, his mouth slack with sleep. Taylor knelt on the floor beside him as emotions he’d kept at bay for too long finally overcame him. “I’m sorry, Alex. I’ll take better care of you from now on. I won’t let you down.” He stroked the dark hair, then left the room.

  Piper lay curled on her left side on the couch, a spare blanket half on, half off. She must be exhausted after working her shift, then helping him. He’d been unfair, asking her.

  Something behind his heart shifted a bit, piercing something that had lain hidden and dormant until now. Until Piper. Despite everything, could he be falling for her? Locking his heart away had been a priority in his life. He hadn’t needed anyone. Hadn’t wanted anyone in his life. Until Piper had breezed into it.

  Something had begun to change. He’d begun to change. She sighed in her sleep and adjusted her position. The blanket slid off, revealing her long, long legs. She wore only one of his T-shirts that fell halfway down her bare thigh. Desire flared hot and heavy in him. Emotions raw, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to his room.

  “Taylor? What’s going on?” she asked, her voice rough with sleep, and she blinked like an owl. Her arms slid around his shoulders. “Is Caroline stable?”

  “Yes.” He placed her in the middle of his bed and sat down beside her. This was where he had wanted her for a long time. And now that she was here, he just wanted to hold her.

  “I’m so glad.” Blinking sleepily, she moved closer to him and pulled him against her for a tight hug. “I’m so relieved.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Words wouldn’t come, they lodged in his throat. The night of emotion had left him devoid of function, and he just wanted to hold her against him for what was left of it. “Will you stay with me? Let me hold you while I sleep a while?”

  Piper’s hand clutched the back of his neck, and she pressed her forehead to his. “Yes.”

  Taylor pulled the covers back, and settled with her against his side. The security of having her in his arms and the bliss of sleep overwhelmed him in an instant.

  In the moments before becoming fully awake, Piper turned toward the heat source at her back. The cobwebs of sleep faded, and the events of the evening rushed back to her. Taylor. She was in his bed. The place she wanted to be above all others, but the circumstances that had led her to this place were unfortunate. As she tried to ease away from him, the touch of his hand on her hip made her pause. He turned into her back, bringing her against him. Waiting a moment, she hoped he’d settle back to sleep so she could escape, but as she tensed, waiting, she realized he was tense and waiting, too.

  “Where are you going?” he whispered.

  “I thought you were asleep.”

  “Until you moved.”

  “Sorry. Go to sleep, and I’ll head home.”

  “Stay, please.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek, her nose, her lips. “I need you, Piper. More than I ever have.”

  A tremor of responding need swept through her at his words. She’d needed to hear them. Without answering, she turned to face him. The desperation in his voice, the raw emotion vibrating off him, the tremor in his touch lured her closer to him. Like the proverbial moth, she was going to get burned, but the light proved irresistible.

  As she opened her eyes, the dim peach glow of the desert morning crept over the windowsill and bathed the room with its soft light. As she reached out to Taylor, she knew it was all over for her. She’d fallen in love with him.

  Expecting his hands to be bold and demanding on her body, his gentle touch surprised her, unfurling soft petals of desire. Slow, drugging kisses and hands meant to tease and please roamed over her with tenderness, rousing her more than fast and urgent moves.

  “You are so beautiful, Piper.”

  She returned his kisses with all the love she had in her. She might not be able to say the words aloud, but she could show him with her kiss, with her body, exactly how she felt about him. When she moved with him, took his body inside hers, there was a peace, a sense of belonging that she’d never experienced before. They fit.

  Taylor sighed in pure bliss as he eased within Piper’s soft body. A low shock pulsed through his system. It seemed that this was what he’d been seeking, searching for all of his life. The softness, the acceptance, the love that she offered as her hands crept up around his shoulders and pulled him tighter to her. Strength and energy eluded him as he lost himself in the joy of Piper’s body. Arms trembling, he touched her, treasured her body and teased a quiet response from her.

  Her soft whispers, her sighs of pleasure heightened his own, until he lost himself in her. Pressing his forehead to hers, he watched her face. “Open your eyes.”

  As her eyes locked with his, he let go and gave himself completely to Piper.

The smell of food woke Taylor. The summer sun shone through the window, and he bolted out of the bed. Grabbing the phone, he called the hospital to check on Caroline. Relieved that she was still stable, he calmed down. After a quick shower and dressing, he followed the delicious smells coming from the kitchen.

  Alex stood beside Piper and poured batter into a hot skillet. “Not too much, or you’ll end up with one giant pancake instead of two normal-sized ones.”


  “Hi, you two.” Taylor entered the room and headed for the coffeepot, which was almost full.

  “Hi, Uncle T. Piper’s helping me make you breakfast.”

  “I see that. Smells great.” In fact, everything smelled great and his mouth watered in anticipation. He turned from the pot to admire the blush on Piper’s cheeks, wondering if it was from the heat of the stove or a heat that he had generated that made her color. “I checked on your mom, and she’s stable. After we eat, I’ll take you over to see her.”

  “Okay.” Alex picked up the spatula and checked the bottom of the pancake.

  “Looks good enough to eat,” Piper said, then jumped when Taylor’s cheek brushed hers.

  “So do you,” he whispered, then straightened.

  “Yes, well. How about I get out of the way so you guys can go see Caroline?” She held the plate while Alex loaded the pancake on top of the pile. “I’m sure you don’t need me here, getting in the way.”

  “Will you come with me? Us?” Alex asked, his eyes wide and uncertain.

  “I’m a mess. I need to shower and change out of these scrubs.”

  “Please?” Alex implored.

  Piper looked at Taylor who gave a quick nod. “Let’s eat. I’ll go home and change, then meet you at the hospital. Okay? I have to turn in my badge anyway.” Having just spent an intense night with Taylor, she could use a break, to sort out her feelings that were about to spiral out of control and try to distance herself, to evade the allure of Taylor. Her nerves, her feelings were flayed raw right now. But as she looked at Alex, she knew she couldn’t leave him with his mom in critical condition. She had a gap in her work life now anyway. There was no reason she couldn’t help Alex out now, was there?


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