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The Wolfs Maine

Page 12

by Jinni James

  I got in the shower and John joined me. He poured the soap onto the loofah. He then began to run it up and down my body making sure to wash every inch of me. Then he handed me the shampoo while he washed himself. I had never showered with a man before and I admit I kind of like it. Before I could blink John was out of the shower holding up a towel for me. I carefully stepped into it and wrapped it around me. John had finished getting ready before me so he went down to join the guys. I threw some of my clothes on, ran my fingers through my hair, tossed on a little makeup, and went to check on Jaci.

  I walked into Jaci's room and couldn’t help but giggle. She will love this room when she wakes up. It was purple! The bedding was purple and black and she had some pillows that were purple and some that were black. The side chair near the window was also purple, her favorite color. No mirrors thank goodness. I don’t think she is going to want to see herself when she wakes up. To be honest, I have never seen her look better. Her skin had a glow to it. She was more pale than usual but there was a glow about her. I could not put my finger on it but she looked like a porcelain doll. She was resting quietly while Lena was sitting next to her.

  "Hey Avalon."

  "Hey. How is she?" Lena barely looked up from Jaci as she talked to me.

  "She is doing much better. There’s hardly any movement from her at all. I do not know if that is a good thing or bad thing. John says it is because she is almost done." I could not help but feel nervous.

  "I do not know what we are going to tell her when she wakes up. I wonder if she will even remember." Lena let out a small sigh.

  "I don't know either. I am anxious for her just to wake up. I am ready to see for myself that she is okay and herself." I took Lena's hand hoping it would help in some small way to assure her.

  "She is going to be fine. We are going to have a lot of work ahead of us though. We have to try to help her through this and teach her how to eat and what not. Speaking of which, the guys are going to have to start explaining some of this to us so we can help her while they are off finding Nicholas." Lena stood up and took my hand.

  "You know what, your right! Let’s go downstairs and talk to them. Jaci has been sleeping for quite some time. I think she will be fine for a little bit on her own."

  "Let’s go then roomie." Lena let a small smile claim her lips, I was happy to see it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As we went downstairs the most amazing smell caught our noses. We walked in to see John, Michael, Andrew, and even Victor working in the kitchen. John and Michael were grilling, Andrew was at the bar taking care of drinks and Victor was setting the table. Candles were lit and placed around the room. There were also fresh flowers that I had no idea where they came from. John turned around and his face lite up.

  "Ava love! How is Jaci?" I walked up next to him and put my hand against his back. I was feeling more and more comfortable around him.

  "Jaci is fine. She is sleeping peacefully. We are a little anxious for her to wake up." John bent down to kiss the top of my head.

  "I have faith in your friend." I had faith in my friend too but I was still ready for her to wake up. I looked around the kitchen to see what all they have fixed. John was grilling steaks and vegetables on the grill and there were potatoes boiling on the stove. It looked like enough food to feed an army.

  "You have a grill built in to your counter top?" Michael let out a laugh and walked over to the table to sit with Victor. John let out a laugh as well.

  "Typical man huh? I love to grill but I hate going outside to do it so yes I had a grill built into my counter with an exhaust fan above it. It makes it so much easier." I could not help but laugh. His kitchen here really was amazing.

  "So Ava, why don't you and Lena get a drink, sit, and rest on the couch. Dinner is almost done and we will call you over when it is all set on the table." He gave me a little nudge towards the couch so I gave in. He was going to have his way whether I went willingly or he picked me up and carried me to the couch so I might as well give in.

  Andrew gave both of us a cocktail and we sat and watched the boys cook. It was so weird watching men do this. I had never in my life had a man cook for me until John. I’ve definitely never had four of them doing it. It was surreal. I was always the one cooking and preparing meals so needless to say I was enjoying this.

  We watched as John finished cooking and placing everything on the plates, Michael would take the plates to the table, Andrew placed the drinks on the table and since Victor set everything up he sat down. John called us over and we all sat down.

  The food smelled delicious. I was a steak person to my core. I could eat steak every single day; of course he probably already knew that about me. I didn’t find it quite fair that he knew me so well but I had yet to learn about him really. We would get to that soon. We all ate, laughed and shared our stories. I didn’t have many stories to share though. I definitely feel like the most inexperienced of our little pack of friends. Even shy Lena probably has more experience than me given that she has been single but now that I think about it maybe not. Andrew sat down next to her of course. I wondered if either of them had actually said anything about liking each other yet or not. They actually do not seem to have to talk much at all. They seem to know each other's thoughts; it's strange but so cute.

  Once we were finished eating it was time to discuss the plans. There were plans for the guys to find Nicholas, plans if Nicholas happened to find us, and plans for Jaci. John cleared his throat and we all got quiet.

  "Okay. I know we’re... Or... at least the girls are anxious about what our plans are. So now that we are finished I would like to go over a few things." All ears were on him. I knew mine certainly were and my eyes.

  "Jaci should be waking up tomorrow. In that case we need to be ready and on guard for any erratic behavior. Now, I don't expect that but we still need to be on guard for it. Vampires can wake up from this and be incredibly violent. Most are mainly thirsty and go on a rampage, but since we have been feeding her intravenously with an IV I think she will be fine. I have already called my friend Daniel to come and help us teach her how to hunt." I was curious now.

  "Hunt what exactly? You make it sound like she is going out hunting for deer or something."

  "Well love, that is basically what she will do but with humans." I am sure he could read the disapproval on my face.

  "It will be okay Ava. Daniel will teach her how to feed from humans without killing them. She will take what she needs and let them be and she will be able to wipe the whole situation from their memory. Vampires can usually play mind tricks to get what they want as well as read minds and wipe the memories away. Daniel will teach her all of this as well. You girls will just have to help her along." I guess that made me feel a little bit better.

  "Now about Nicholas… I have had a few people watching for him and the last message I received was he was around Cape Elizabeth still. It doesn't nail him down to one area really but with our man power I am sure we can find him. It will just take some time." It was still a little too close for my comfort. I could not help but think about the last time we thought we were in the clear and the guys were out hunting Nicholas. As it turned out, Nicholas was hunting us and totally took us by surprise.

  "What if Nicholas finds us first? You did not think that would happen last time and it did." John had a sudden frown on his face. Surely remembering the attack Nicholas sparked on us.

  "Ava love, I think you will all be fine. I cannot imagine Nicholas coming here but if he does we will be more prepared. We will teach you all how to fight although, usually once you morph your instincts take over, but there are some basics that you should learn. We are also getting new cell phones so Nicholas cannot track the old ones." Okay so I am feeling a little better.

  "Now when hunting Nicholas we are going to take shifts. Michael and Victor are going to go out as soon as we are all done here and try to track him then they will come back and rest and Andrew and I will go out. You girls wi
ll never be left alone."

  I felt a little better but I hated the thought of John out there hunting down Nicholas. What if he got hurt? I would never be able to live with myself. As if John could read my mind he placed his hand on top of mine and gave it a slight squeeze.

  "It will be fine my love. I promise." He whispered my ear. I just hope he is right.

  Once all was said and done Michael and Victor headed out to see if they could track Nicholas. I was happy to have the night with John. I was worried he was going to leave out first. It will be nice to have this night with him just in case anything does happen. I dream of the days where we are not worried about anything. No worrying about Nicholas or Jaci.

  Lately I seem to be worrying more about her. My best friend turning into a vampire and my other friend is a shape shifter. Who would have thought? Lena went back upstairs with Andrew to sit with Jaci for a bit and then try and get some sleep.

  I, for some reason could not move from my seat. I just keep thinking about Jaci, Nicholas, and of course John as well as trying to find Nicholas and the hell that could break through if he does. I have no clue what vampires are capable of and if it is more than what I have already seen I don’t care to find out.

  "You seem to be so far away. What are you thinking about sweetheart?" I did not even know he was behind me.

  "A little bit of everything I suppose. Jaci, Nicholas, you..."

  "What about me?"

  "I am worried about what will happen when you find Nicholas. I saw firsthand what he can do and I am almost positive he is more powerful than what I saw plus he has already almost killed you."

  "Ava love, I will be fine. Nicholas did get to me pretty good the last time but you should have seen him. I will have Andrew with me this time and yes he is pretty powerful but we will get him. Everything will be fine." He placed his hands on my shoulders and gave them a squeeze.

  "My God Ava. Your shoulders are beyond tense." He went to place kisses on my neck and nuzzled my ear.

  "Come upstairs and I can help you with that." A smile claimed my lips. How could I say no to that? He held his hand out and I placed mine into his. That strange electricity started immediately flowing between us. As long as we were not touching it was bearable but once we touched it was like a fire ignited inside of me and I had to be with him. I could tell he felt the same since his eyes became even darker than usual. I stopped and looked at him for just a minute, just long enough to gain his full attention.

  "Race ya up the stairs." I took off running and I could hear him laughing behind me.

  "You little sneak!" Within seconds he was on my tail, literally. He smacked my butt when he caught up to me on the stairs, but that just made me go faster.

  I ran into his bedroom to find a room full of candles. The candles were everywhere and the smell was amazing, like a mix of roses and jasmine. I look over towards the bathroom and I could see the Jacuzzi tub is full with the jets going and bubbles almost over flowing. The smells overwhelm me and bring me to a complete stop. John walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  "You beat me." He kissed my cheek and turned me to face him.

  "What is this?"

  "I just wanted a romantic uninterrupted evening with you." He was not fooling me. He was giving us a night together in case something happens while he is out hunting down Nicholas.

  "You are worried something may happen to you aren't you?" I could see the sadness in his eyes. He could not hide his feelings from me.

  "I am not worried necessarily about what may happen. I just do not know what could happen and we have not had a romantic evening together in a while. I just want some time with you. To feel you, smell you, and look at you and how beautiful you are. Is that so much to ask?" I let out a sigh.

  "No. It is not asking too much at all."

  "Good then follow me." John took me by the hand and led me to the bathroom. The fragrance of the room enveloped me as I walked in. Roses, I love roses. The fragrance was not coming from a candle though, there were roses everywhere. There were red, white, and of course pink Rose petals all over the bathroom. They were on the floor, on the counters, and in the Jacuzzi. There were even at least three dozen white roses in vases on the counters as well. It was something you only expect to see in a movie. I was in awe.

  "It is beautiful."

  "You are beautiful my Ava." He kissed me softly letting it overwhelm me as he slips his tongue in my mouth. If he kept this up we would not be making it to the tub or the bed. I assume he thought so as well because he stopped, steps back and begins pulling my shirt over my head. My arms go up voluntarily gladly allowing him to undress me. The shirt hit the floor and his hands were quickly at the button on my jeans. He unbuttons the jeans then slips his fingers in the top of them and my panties and glides them both off with such a grace I hardly had to move.

  Next he unhooked my bra and let it slide off my arms. He stepped back and pulled his own shirt off never once letting his eyes venture away from mine. Then he let his jeans slip off as well. No underwear. The sight of him still makes my knees weak. He is gorgeous. I could not help but stare at his strong chest covered in chest hair that I want nothing more than to stick my nose into and run my fingers up his fully built stomach. His eyes left mine only long enough for him to look at me. He looked from my eyes down to my feet then back up again and let out a small sigh.

  "You are absolutely stunning." Me? He was the one that was stunning.

  "Come Ava. I want to wash you." He led me over to the Jacuzzi and helped me in.

  The water was amazingly warm. Not quite hot enough to burn but warm enough to make you sweat. I didn’t need hot water for that. I sat down and let the water and bubbles consume me. Soon the only part of me you could see was shoulders and head, everything else was covered. John came in and sat down behind me. I could already feel his growing erection against my back side. The temperature in the room suddenly sky rocketed. He began pressing kisses against my neck, biting very gently as he made a trail down to my shoulders.

  "I love feeling you against me Ava." Now my breathing was speeding up along with my heart. I could hear it pounding in my head threatening to burst out of my chest.

  "Shhhhh baby, not quite yet." He was going to drive me crazy. That was his plan to drive me to my breaking point obviously. The next thing I know there is warm water running down my hair and my neck, over and over until it was completely soaked.

  "Close your eyes my love. I am going to wash your hair. Just relax against me." I did as he asked.

  I closed my eyes and let all the sensations take over. I could hear him squeezing the shampoo into his hands and then they were in my hair. The shampoo smelled of lavender which just got stronger the more he moved his hands. I could feel him massaging my scalp and bubbles flowing down my cheeks and neck. This felt amazing. Suddenly there was more warm water going down my long hair. With my eyes closed it was strangely erotic. The water seemed warmer, the smells seem more prominent, and he felt like heaven.

  "Open your eyes now and stand up Ava." I did as he commanded. I stood up and he turned me to face him although I was facing the wall and he was facing down there.

  He dipped the sponge in the water then squeezed soap onto it. He was on his feet washing me with the sponge. He started with my shoulders, then going down each of my arms. He moved so slowly I thought my mind was going to explode. How was I supposed to stand here without moving while looking at his gorgeous body washing me? He licked each of my nipples then moved the sponge over each breast. I was officially panting.

  He led the sponge down my stomach and as he sat back down in the water he guided the sponge down my back side and to the front of me as well making sure to get my thighs also. I was now completely covered and clean I might add. He sat me back down but this time facing him while taking each of my legs and placing them over his so I was straddling him. Going back into the water felt warmer than it did before or maybe it was just my internal temperature going through th
e roof. We were now face to face so I wrap my arms around his neck and could not help myself, I had to kiss him. The kiss started off slow enough but quickly my need took over. Before I knew it our tongues were intertwined in a kiss full of passion and need. His hands cupped my butt, pulling me closer to him while I had my hands in his hair urging him for more. John broke the kiss and put each of his hands on the sides of my face, his thumb rubbing my cheeks.

  "Not yet Ava." I let out a moan of disappointment and he laughed.

  "Always impatient my sweet." I gave him the most serious look I could manage.

  "I am always impatient when it comes to you. I want you inside me." He smiled.

  "As you wish my love but not in here. Come on."

  John got out of the tub and dried off. He held a towel for me as I stepped out of the tub, as he wrapped it around me. He led me into the bedroom where it was lit up with candles. It gave the room a beautiful romantic glow. He had changed the bedding to lovely red sheets on the huge four post bed with white rose petals on it.

  I had a funny feeling that I was in a dream. He quickly made me snap out of it, by yanking the towel off of me and pulling me into his arms. His lips once again found mine; they were full of passion and want. My body started to feel like it was on fire. I needed him…and I needed him now. I was so thankful when he walked me backwards and the back of my knees found the bed. John laid me down on the bed slowly, drinking me in.

  "You are so beautiful Ava, so breathtaking. I want you now."

  "Yes." That was all I could manage to get out of my mouth. He thinks I am breathtaking? He takes every breath I have. He began to make his way up to me but not before making sure to kiss and nibble every inch of my skin. Since he was at the foot of this enormous bed he started at my toes and kissed his way up my right leg then switched to my left. He reached the inside of my thighs then I felt his tongue slide across my core. Once his lips left me his fingers resumed.


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