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The Wolfs Maine

Page 13

by Jinni James

  "Oh Ava you are so wet and taste divine." Oh my God I was going to lose it right there. He continued pressing kisses up my hips and my belly to my chest. He licked one already hard nipple then blew on it very lightly making me almost buck off the bed. He did the same with the other nipple while rubbing the other with his thumb and index finger. I was slowly but surely losing my mind. He blew once more letting his sweet breath roll over each wet nipple and watched each of them grow even harder.

  "I love how your body responds to me."

  "John Please." I was breathless and aching all over. I needed him now.

  "What Ava? What do you need?"

  "I need you John! Now!"

  "Mmmm, I love the sound of my name on your sweet pink lips." I let out a small moan while he let out a small laugh.

  "Okay sweetheart. Enough torture for one evening." He plants himself on top of me and kisses me hard. I cannot stop my tongue from finding his. While our tongues dance around he teases me with his rock hard erection. He teased me by sliding in about a millimeter before pulling back out. I break our kiss and look him in the eye totally serious now.

  "I thought you said enough torture." He laughed and kissed me once more.

  "Yes dear." He slams into me with all his power, pulls out and then slams into me again. There was an incredible sensation of him rolling throughout my body. I could feel every inch of him filling me and with each thrust I could feel him deeper.

  "More John please."

  "As you wish." He started pounding me harder as I screamed out in sweet agony. I could feel my body tense up then the sweet waves of my orgasm washed over me, taking over my entire body. I could feel the electricity coursing through me making me arch my back and then John let out a cry as he found his release as well.

  "Oh, Ava!" We both collapsed on the bed then fell asleep in each other's arms.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I woke the next morning to find a note from John on the pillow next to me with one of the long stem roses next to it.

  ‘My Dearest Ava, Forgive me for not saying goodbye but I could not bring myself to wake you. I will be back before you know it. No worries.

  Love, John.’

  I pick up the rose and roll over, breathing it in I remember last night. I have never in my life experienced all the passion and love that I just experienced with him. My body quivers at the very thought of it. Suddenly I hear Lena screaming.

  "Ava! Get in here!" I jump up and throw on some sweats and a t shirt and go running down the hall to Jaci's room.

  "What is going on?" Lena is leaning over Jaci so I cannot see anything.

  "Lena, what is going on?" I demand to know.

  "She is waking up. She is beginning to get restless."

  Jaci's eyes popped open. She sprang from the bed with the IV popping right out of her arm then she was suddenly on the other side of the room crouched down totally in defense mode. Lena and I both put up our hands to show we are no threat to her.

  "Jaci. We are not going to hurt you. Are you okay?" She stayed crouched for another minute just looking at Lena and I until she finally stood up.

  "I know you are not going to hurt me. What in the living hell has happened?" Lena and I both let out a sigh of relief. We both ran over to Jaci and wrapped our arms around her.

  "We are just so happy you are okay Jaci." I am sure I had tears flowing from my eyes. I was so happy to see her awake.

  "Yes I am okay. Will someone please explain to me what has happened?" Lena looked at me and with a nod of her head we lead Jaci over to the chair by the window.

  "You are going to need to sit for this." Jaci took a seat and waited patiently.

  "What is the last thing you remember Jaci?" She looked around the room for a minute like she was trying to remember.

  "I remember Nicholas having me as a hostage but all I remember is his hand around my throat. I remember nothing after that." Lena grabbed Jaci's hand while I explained.

  "Nicholas actually bit you and you began turning. We took you back to John's so you could be at least somewhat comfortable. Once you made it through the rough patch we attached an IV so you would not be starving when you woke up. Then we brought you here while the boys are out hunting down Nicholas. Michael and Victor are downstairs and John and Andrew are out trying to find him." Jaci was looking totally shocked.

  "Turning? Did I turn into a vampire like Nicholas?" Lena and I both shook our heads.

  "Oh my God! What am I going to do?" I squeezed her hand.

  "It will be okay Jaci. John called his friend Daniel to come help you. He will teach you what you need to know. In fact he should be here today some time." Jaci jumped out of her chair and ran over to the dresser that had a mirror sitting on top of it.

  "I Maybe a little paler. I do feel different though. So where exactly are we? This does not look like John's house." Lena finally spoke.

  "We are in Millinocket, Maine. We figured it was safer. Nicholas would not think of us coming here and it gives us a safe place to hide while they try to find him." Again Jaci looked shocked but it quickly faded.

  "I suppose that makes sense. Can we get out of this room now? I get the feeling I have been in here awhile." Lena and I lead Jaci downstairs where both Michael and Victor stood ready for whatever may happen.

  "Jeez you guys. Chill out. It is not like I am going to jump you or anything." It is definitely nice hearing Jaci act more like herself. The guys looked at each other and let out a laugh.

  "Nice to see you Jaci." You could tell Michael was happy to see her. Victor went back to messing around on his phone. He really doesn’t say much.

  “Do you girls want some breakfast? I could whip something up.” Jaci’s eyebrows tensed like she was trying to think to herself.

  "Do vampires eat real food?" I looked at Michael hoping he would have the answer.

  "Yes Jaci. Vampires can eat real food. The only main changes are you have to take in extra blood and of course the physical attributes which Daniel can go over with you."

  "Okay. Then yes I would love breakfast." As we watched Michael work his way around the kitchen my thoughts kept drifting back to John.

  Last night was amazing and now I am just praying that was not our last night together.


  "John! Snap out of it! I said Nicholas is close. What the hell are you thinking about?" I was thinking about last night with Ava but I was not going to tell Andrew that.

  "Nothing. What do you mean he is close?"

  "According to JR he has been following Nicholas for days and now he is up here in northern Maine somewhere."

  "Why the fuck is he coming this way? How would he know we are here?"

  "I don't know John but for whatever reason he is. Maybe he is having us followed as well." That did not make sense to me. How could he be following us? We have not seen him once. In fact we watched every second while we were leaving for anyone that may be following. However, it is not totally out of question. He did go find Ava while I was out finding him once before. He totally threw me off before, why wouldn't I think he could do it again?

  "Alright Andrew. I want exact information. I want to know where he is, what he is doing, anywhere he goes...etc."

  "I'm on it." Andrew gets on his phone with JR and starts giving instructions. I do not know why but my gut was giving me a warning about JR. I was not quite sure if we could trust him or not. He has only been with us for a few months. He came on as head of security for my company back in Portland and has been very useful so far but my gut was definitely telling me to keep my eyes and ears open when it came to him.

  Somehow Nicholas was tracking us. I am not sure how but he was. The other thing bothering me is why was he taking his time? If he really knew where we were and wanted Ava then why not just go get her? Vampires are unusually fast. He could have already been at my house and we could have already taken care of him. Why the cat and mouse game? And at this point I am not sure who the cat is and who is t
he mouse.

  I could not help but think about Ava. I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen to her. We have not had enough time together yet. I am looking forward to a long and wonderful life with her. If only we can get rid of Nicholas. He is the definition of a sore loser if I do say so myself. I know he doesn't want Ava, he has never wanted Ava. All he has ever wanted was to ruin her family which he has done a good job of so far but it ends now. He cannot have her. He has already killed her parents, her aunt and now has turned her best friend into a vampire; I will die before I let him anywhere near her now. We have got to get rid of him and fast. Andrew has been on and off the phone for about ten minutes now trying to find Nicholas. It should not be this hard with all the people I have working on this.

  "Andrew? Any word?" Andrew put his cell phone back in his jeans.

  "Nicholas has about two other guys or vamps with him. They are staying in a house in Ashland. I do not know what they are doing or planning at this point."

  "Let’s head up there."

  With a nod from Andrew we toss our cell phones in the glove box of the car then we shifted into wolf mode and began running towards Ashland. One might think that driving would be faster but in all honesty running like this is much faster. There are no barriers, no detours, no speed limits, plus we are less noticeable this way. Now we are just two wolves running through the wilderness, minding our own business.

  My worry right now is how close Nicholas is to Ava. It would take him no time to find her if he knew exactly where she is. Maybe that is his problem. He knows the area she is in but not exactly where. That could hopefully work to our advantage.

  The entire time that we were running my thoughts keep drifting back to Ava and our night together. Sure we have had nights together before but nothing like last night. It was like we both knew anything could happen so we were taking advantage of the time we have. If I have my way, which I know I will then Ava and I will have many nights like last night. We will have our lives together. I will never tire of her and I will make sure I never take her for granted. She is amazing. If only I could get her to realize that. She has no idea how remarkable and how beautiful she really is. I will devote my life to making her feel cherished. My heart aches now not being with her but as long as Nicholas is around we will not be able to relax. He will always be out there searching for her and Lord knows if he wants to find her he will and he will kill her.

  Finally we make our way to the house Nicholas is hiding in but it is completely silent. Its daytime, and the sun is out, so he is probably still in the house. While vampires can go out during the day they do not usually like to. Sun light drains their energy and the sun is out and proud today.

  We walk up towards the house careful not to draw attention to ourselves. Luckily this house is down a long driveway in the woods. It is far enough from the main road that you cannot actually see anything but the porch light at night. We sneak up to the house but all the shades are closed, as well as the doors. It is late in the afternoon so everyone is probably resting and getting ready for the night ahead.

  Andrew and I both examine the house, walking around the entire house twice then finally settling behind some trees and bushes to steak the place out. Luckily Andrew and I have known each other and worked together for so long we both know what the other is thinking. We figured this would be a safe way of figuring out what they were up to, and if one or all of them leave the house we will know and can follow. The frustrating part is just sitting here looking at a house with nothing going on. My senses suddenly kick in to overdrive. I hear something coming behind us. Andrew and I both look at each other and we were about to take off running when I see him. The man standing in front of us was tall, obviously well built, but dirty looking. His hair was stringy and getting in his eyes which were red giving away what he was. Shit, he has a gun and it is pointed right at us.

  "Well, gentlemen glad you could join us." He swishes his hair out of his eyes.

  "Shift into your human form and follow me. Throw these clothes on; no one wants to see your junk."

  He tosses some clothes towards us and Michael and I both know this is our only chance. We shift into human form, what choice did we have? We put on the t shirts and jeans the vamp threw at us and proceeded to follow him towards the house.

  The house was almost run down. It had white paint chipping off of it and some poles on the front porch seemed to be broken. Surely with the money Nicholas had he could afford some place nicer than this. As we walk into the front door the first person we see is Nicholas standing in the middle of the room with another vamp standing next to him. Both had a gun.

  "So nice of you boys to join us. Didn't anyone tell you that it is impolite to hang around someone's house without announcing yourself?"

  "Didn't anyone tell you that it is impolite to stalk people Nicholas? How did you find us?"

  Nicholas let out a laugh.

  "I cannot stalk my own wife." He knew that was the one sentence that would get to me and I took an unconscious step forward.

  "Oh no no... You boys stand right there or my vamp friend here will shoot you and then we will go kill MY WIFE and anyone that is with her." Andrew and I were stuck, completely stuck with no plan whatsoever.

  "All right, Nicholas. What is your plan?" He lets out another laugh that just makes my insides split.

  "Wouldn't you like to know? Well, thanks to my little friend that has been in touch with you this entire time, you might know him, JR. He has told me exactly where you have been and what your plans are. You thought you could hunt me down? That is hilarious. No John, I have hunted you. You might like to be a wolf but a vampire can out hunt anything or anyone, it is what we do. Now that you boys are here you are going to lead my lovely ‘might as well be’ wife here as well." This man is insane.

  "What do you mean we are going to lead her here? They are not going to go anywhere."

  "So you think do you John? Well, I believe something else entirely. Once Avalon gets word that you are being held here she will come running if she loves you the way you think she does. I can see the two of you in your memory right now. That love is rare and more importantly I would like to point out not yours to share with her. Now while I do not want her anymore I do not want her with anyone. How dare she betray me?"

  "What did you think she was going to do Nicholas? You treated her like shit!"

  "Exactly, she was supposed to know her place. But instead she chose to defy me and meet you. Now because of both of your stupidity you all are going to die. Now come here."

  Nicholas walks into another room and the vamp that is behind us pushes us towards him. We walk through the door way to find an empty room with two chairs facing opposite directions.

  "Sit." If shape shifters could take bullets the way vampires could this would be on but right now Andrew and I have to play it smart. If we try to attack now we will both end up dead so we do as Nicholas demands, right now.

  Andrew and I both sit in the chairs while the vamps wrap not just rope but chains around us from our shoulders down to our feet then bolt the chains to the floor.

  "Now that you boys aren't going anywhere we are going to alert my Ava to where you are. We shall see how much she loves you John."

  Shit. We are all screwed. What was I going to do? There is no way to warn Ava and Nicholas is completely right. The minute she finds out what is going on she is going to be up here within hours. I have no way of stopping her. Damn that JR! Just wait until I get my hands on that asshole. I will kill Nicholas first and then strangle JR with my bare hands. We need a plan but at this point I have no idea what to do. Nicholas and the other vamps leave the room and it is finally just Andrew and I.

  "John, are you okay?"

  "Hell no I am not okay! The minute Ava finds out where I am and what is going on she is going to be up here in a heartbeat. There is no way she is going to be able to sit back and just let me stay here. What the hell am I going to do?"

  "Alright John
calm down. Even if she does come up here she won't be coming up alone. I am sure she is going to bring everyone, Lena, Michael, Victor, and Jaci. Surely with all of us we can take these guys."

  "I don't know Andrew. Jaci has just changed. She is not going to be able to help and I am not so sure Ava will even tell anyone. She might just take off."

  "She is not that stupid John."

  "What are we going to do?"

  "Okay. Calm down. I say we sit here and wait; we really have no choice in this area. We let whatever happens, happen and go from there. If Ava comes we can handle this. I am positive she will tell the others before just flying up here. Between all of us we can handle this."

  "I pray you are right Andrew and we both know I am not the praying type."

  "I am praying with you my friend."

  Great. So we basically sit here like sitting ducks waiting to see what is going to happen. Oh Ava please do not come alone. Please do not come alone.

  Chapter Sixteen


  It was already six in the evening. Where did the day go? Daniel showed up around lunchtime and ever since he and Jaci have been talking. I was rather shocked when I first looked at him. I opened the door to a very nice looking, well groomed, and well-spoken man. I was kind of expecting another man like Nicholas, but Daniel was tall with beautiful brown hair. He had very cute dimples on each side of his mouth making him look kind of innocent. He was not really well built like everyone else. I doubted vampires needed to be built. He definitely had some red eyes, but they were very subtle. If you were not paying attention, they may just look like a weird brown color. He seemed very nice and took to Jaci right away.

  They talked all the dos and don’ts of being a vampire. He discussed how vampires could eat, and they could usually eat all they wanted because their bodies kept them at their peak condition. They could also drink although she would not get drunk anymore, either way she was happy about that one. He explained how she could go out in the sunlight, but it would drain her energy faster so it was not the best idea for long periods of time. The more energy that drained, the more blood she would have to consume.


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