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Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3

Page 31

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Mhm.” Curtis gave his boy a little shove, rolling him backward onto the bed as he twisted to loom over him. “Tell me, how bad do I stink right now?”

  Eyes shining with amusement, Reed lifted his head. “I don’t know, sir. Did you take a bath in the bar?”

  Curtis snorted. That was better. “No, but I could stand to take one with you.”

  “Oh thank God.” Reed scooted back, then hopped off the bed. “I’ll go fill one. Do you want me to get your toothbrush ready for you too? Because damn.”

  Mock growling, Curtis rose from the bed.

  “Totally doesn’t count as swearing.” Reed backed toward the bathroom, hands up. “Chill, dude.”

  When Curtis charged after him, Reed whirled out of reach. Catching him in the bathroom, Curtis pressed him against the cold tiles, his dick taking notice of the pursuit-and-capture play with interest. “If I were a mean man, I’d kiss you as a penalty.”

  Reed rolled his lips between his teeth, eyes shining, and shook his head. “Please, no. Anything but Big Bad Dom breath.”

  Laughing, Curtis dipped to nip the length of Reed’s neck from shoulder to ear, making his boy squirm. “Don’t move.”

  He pushed away from the wall and went to the sink, where he brushed his teeth while going to the tub to turn on the tap and plug the drain before he spat and rinsed. Rushing water echoed, filling the space. A few candles dotted around the edge, unused, and he blew the dust off of them, casting Reed an arch look.

  His boy hadn’t so much as twitched a muscle from his spot against the wall, though his eyes followed Curtis with interest.

  The matches, he dug out of the bathroom vanity, which was a jumble of glitter pots and bath bombs, along with hair ties and a pair of bejeweled nipple clamps. He fisted the clamps and a hair tie, putting them in his pocket. Then went to the tub and lit the candles before he flicked off the lights.

  “Undress.” He issued the command with a snap of his fingers.

  Reed pushed languidly from the wall and walked toward him, fingers flicking open the buttons along the too-big dress shirt he wore, sleeves rolled. One of Curtis’s. The fabric fell from his shoulders, leaving his chest naked to Curtis’s gaze. Hair falling around his face in waves, lips parted and glistening, he shed his pajama bottoms, before throwing Curtis a look that invited him to position him any way he chose. He’d let his Dom do the dirtiest things in the name of love.

  Tub half-full, Curtis turned off the tap before the water got so high he and Reed would overflow it. Chances were that half was going to sluice over the floor by the time they were done anyway. Grabbing a few towels, he shoved them along the side of the tub, then undressed.

  Taking the clamps from his pocket, he held the items under Reed’s nose. “Spanking in the bar over my knee tomorrow, apology to follow...or these?”

  “I tried to use those, sir. It…” Reed’s face pinked as wide eyes raised to meet his. “I can’t.”

  “Hmm.” Curtis cocked his head, tapping two fingers to Reed’s cheek. “But you will.”

  If he’d answered in a more formal denial, The clamps, only if it pleases you, sir, the minute denial would have made it clear that they had work to do outside of a punishment before he could use the clamps.

  Reed lifted his gaze briefly. “Yes, sir.”

  Palming one round cheek, he pulled his boy closer, tipping his face up for his kiss. Sweet breaths mingled, peppermint from his own toothpaste with the bubblegum flavor Reed favored.

  Laughter puffed from Curtis’s nose between kisses. “No hygiene is so good… You eat toothpaste.”

  Reed pulled him closer, grinning. “Took you this long to figure that out?”

  “I’m taking my time.” He nudged Reed toward the tub, enjoying the way his languid movements emphasized the dimple at the high point of each ass cheek.

  Reed lowered into the water, sitting forward enough to give Curtis room behind.

  Smart boy…

  Leaving the clamps on the vanity, he grabbed the bottle of waterproof lube, squeezed some out and popped the cap closed. Working it over his own dick he held Reed’s gaze, noting the moment his breaths quickened, the way his fingers twitching along the edge of the tub.

  Water splashed the floor as he stepped in and lowered behind Reed. Hands at Reed’s hips, holding him steady, he coaxed Reed upward. “Let me have that sweet ass, boy.”

  Biting his lip, Reed met his gaze in the mirror across from the tub and obeyed. Tight heat fisted his dick. He groaned, lids fluttering closed, and Reed’s hands squeaked along the tub. Drawing Reed back, Curtis kissed the side of his face, his ear, fucking him in sharp, shallow thrusts that slapped the water against the sides of the tub. They both needed this. An affirmation amidst the rest of the chaos and carnage that there was still one solid thing they could count on.

  Each other.

  Judging his moment, Curtis watched Reed’s face. “Come for me, lovely boy. Come for me now.”

  Muscles along the column of Reed’s throat stood out, his hips jerking with his open-mouthed cry. Following him with his thrusts, Curtis wrung every ounce of pleasure out of the moment for them both. A tiny twist to Reed’s nipples made him jerk, his ass clamping down like a fucking fist. A cascade of water sloshed over the side of the tub. But he didn’t fucking care. Desire spiraled outward when he came—a wave of a different kind.

  Collapsed back against him, a holy shit expression stole over Reed’s sublimely wrecked face.

  Curtis laughed, kissing his cheek. “I bet we created a new water feature in the dungeon.”

  Grinning, Reed nestled in. “This is my shocked face.”

  Hands stroking over Reed’s skin, Curtis positioned him to wet and soap his hair. Rinsed him carefully so no soap got into his eyes. Then nudged him forward, using his fingers to clean his crack and the tight ring of muscle with slick strokes that got his boy hard all over again.

  “I want you in bed with me just like that.” Gripping Reed’s dick he squeezed gently. Prodded him from the tub. Drying himself, he handed Reed a towel.

  Outside, darkness stretched past the bathroom window. But not inside. In here, with Reed, everything was soft light. Nothing, no one, could put out that glow.

  Not when he had his boy in his arms.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The sun glared through the window, harshened by the brilliance of the freshly fallen snow. Lawson checked his watch and rolled his neck. Damn, he could use a cup of coffee, but he couldn’t leave. Not yet.

  Aside from his need to make sure the man was still breathing, he’d come first thing this morning to check on Noah’s boy. He turned, lips curving as the young man shifted in his sleep, moving closer to Noah, blanket pulled up to his chin so all that could be seen was his tuft of white hair.

  Several times throughout the day, Doc had come in to check on Noah between his shifts at the hospital, changing his IV and taking note of his temperature. So far it hadn’t spiked again, which was a relief, but from how exhausted Doc and Jamie looked, it had been a rough night.

  A soft knock drew his attention to the door and he frowned. Doc or Curtis wouldn’t knock. Wren might, though unless he was needed for something, he tended not to linger in Noah’s room.

  But maybe there was some kind of emergency. With the shit luck that had been going around lately, he wouldn’t be surprised. He crossed the room, carefully opening the door and stepping out of the room so neither Noah or Jamie would be disturbed.

  “I would’ve come sooner.” Matt’s lips twisted in irritation. “But someone flooded the dungeon.”

  Lawson pressed his eyes shut and shook his head. “I don’t even want to know.” He cupped Matt’s cheek. “And as happy as I am to see you, you’re not supposed to be in here.”

  Tonguing his bottom lip, Matt glanced back at a tray on the coffee table, which had a carafe of coffee, two mugs, a glass of water, and a large sandwich in crusty bread that made Lawson’s stomach growl just looking
at it. “I know Doc brought you a cup this morning, but Wren said there was none left to make here, and…” He trailed off, then jutted his chin up. “You’re supposed to eat with your meds. Doc doesn’t know you got pneumonia, but if you’re not careful…”

  Brow raised, Lawson folded his arms over his chest. He’d been breathing better for days now and the pain was manageable. He didn’t mind his boy fussing over him, but as usual, Matt had to go just a little too far. “Are you threatening me, pet?”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Matt took Lawson’s hand and tugged him to the sofa, pointing to the three pills he’d set on a napkin by the sandwich plate. “Wren noticed you were favoring one side this morning. Doctor Greystone said you need to take the pain meds when that happens.”

  “And now you’re conspiring against me. You’re a very bad sub.” Lawson shot him a slanted smile, his gaze softening. Damn it, he loved this man. But he couldn’t let him get too out of hand, not when they still had no clue what Noah would be like when he recovered. Even the old Noah would’ve given him a side-eye for how loosely Matt chose to follow protocol at times. “Maybe I should see if Doc has a spot open for you. Rumor has it, one just opened up.”

  “Fu—Frig no.” Matt gave him an exaggerated pout. “Is that my thanks for taking such good care of you? And not letting my Dom get Dommed because he’s terrible at following doctor’s orders?”

  With a quiet chuckle, Lawson shook his head, crooking his finger until Matt was close enough to fist a hand in his shirt and kiss his lips. “That’s your thanks. Now come sit with me. I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” Matt sat on Lawson’s uninjured side, letting out a contented sigh when Lawson put an arm around him. “Is it weird that I want to meet him?”

  Mouthful of roast beef sandwich with all his favorite fixings, Lawson cocked his head in question.

  Matt looked down, fiddling with the zipper on his black hoodie. “Noah. Reed said he’s always liked his mind games, but he was never...cruel about it. That prison got to him more than he’ll ever admit.”

  Chewing and swallowing, Lawson set down his sandwich and picked up his coffee, unwilling to move the arm wrapped around his man. He took a sip, then set the mug down as well. “He’s right, and no, I don’t think it’s weird. Noah’s treated as something of a legend around The Asylum.” He stroked Matt’s back. “But he’s just a man, Matt. One who’s been through a lot. And has made mistakes he can’t take back.”

  “Like with Curtis.”

  “Reed has been very chatty.”

  Cheeks reddening, Matt ducked his head. “You told me I could…you know, since Curtis was distant. And we were hanging out and it came up.”

  That Matt still couldn’t openly discuss anything sexual unless he was forced to never got old. Maybe because that blush was adorable. And there was still that sense of corrupting someone innocent. Which wouldn’t last forever, between him and Curtis...and apparently Reed.

  With the arm around Matt’s shoulders he reached to tip his chin up with a finger, exposing his boy’s throat to his lips. He let out a soft laugh at Matt’s groan. “I wasn’t very specific. What did you let that boy do to you, sub?”

  “Take your pills and I’ll tell you?”

  “I should spank you for being manipulative.”

  “But then you’d hurt yourself and I’ll keep running wild.” Matt grinned when Lawson gave his hair a sharp tug. “Even more reason to take your pills. My behavior is shameful.”

  Not true, but Lawson was enjoying some lightness after all the blood and fear and pain. He gave Matt a dark look without any actual force behind it, then leaned forward to grab his pills and the glass of water. The sharp pain in his side stilled him. He sucked in a deep inhale, which set off a coughing fit.

  Yes...maybe I should’ve paid a bit more attention to the doctor’s orders. Fuck.

  Hand to his side, he popped the pills in his mouth and took a few gulps of water. Cold spilled over his flesh. Not a good sign. Maybe he shouldn’t be around Noah. What if he made him sick on top of what he was already dealing with?

  Last night the possibility hadn’t occurred to him, but he’d been well enough to tend to Noah, lift him when Doc needed, without showing a sign of the tearing pain in his side. With Doc around so often, it would be difficult to hide.

  “Maybe you should stay.” Lawson rubbed a hand over his mouth. “When Doc comes, help Jamie move Noah so his dressing can be changed. It’s probably best not to take any more chances.”

  Face pale with concern, Matt searched Lawson’s face. Touched his cheek. “You should be in bed.”

  “And you will keep that to yourself.” This time, Lawson’s tone was firm. Once Noah was past the worst, he’d worry about his own health. Not before. “Doc won’t be here for another hour and Noah seems stable. Jamie won’t leave his side, but we need to make sure he eats something. Takes some time for a shower.”

  Matt nodded, picking up the glass of water and handing it to Lawson. “I can do that. You need to finish this. And more if you’re drinking coffee.”

  “I will.”

  “But the doctor said you should avoid milk so maybe I should fix you another cup? And soup. Soup would be better than a sandwich.” He stood. Sat back down, his brow tense. “But you need me here.”

  “I do. And try to relax. Doc sees you like this and he’ll know something’s wrong.” Lawson smiled and patted Matt’s cheek. “I’m all right.”

  Lips thin, Matt held his gaze. “Stop saying that. It’s not true.”

  Using the power exchange between them to dismiss Matt’s concerns would be easy, but inappropriate and unfair. No one was to blame for his lingering—damn it, how long does it take to shake a damn lung infection?—illness but himself. Doc was right, he’d gotten too accustomed to winning. Needing time to recover after a fight hadn’t been necessary for years. It served him right that he’d be brought low by the first one he’d been pretty much guaranteed to lose.

  Whatever the consequences, he didn’t regret the choice he’d made. But, despite his best efforts to protect Curtis, he’d still ended up facing the one thing he should have been free from. Would have if Noah was the man he’d once been. The man who’d made sure Lawson knew enough about Curtis’s past to stand by him if it ever came back to tear his life apart.

  And it had. Too recently for Curtis to have fully dealt with the impact before Noah landed another blow. If nothing else, he was grateful Curtis had the presence of mind to come talk to him. But had it been enough? He could push harder to take control of the man, but if it wasn’t what he wanted, he’d resent Lawson for it. Be in an even worse place, rather than one where he’d been comfortable going back to Reed.

  Strangely, I think that flood might be a good sign.

  He turned his attention away from his thoughts and back to Matt. “You’re right. I need more time, but there’s no one else to do this, Matt.”

  “Fine, but can you rest a bit? I’ll check on Jamie...” He frowned at the tray. “And soup. I’d feel much better if you had soup.”

  “May I still have the sandwich, nurse?” Lawson chuckled when Matt nudged him back onto the sofa and yanked the fluffy, dark blue blanket resting over the arm of a nearby chair to lay it over his lap. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with my mouth.”

  The comment only made Matt blush again. Standing, he brought the tray to the end table by the sofa, close enough for Lawson to reach without moving. “I guess so?” smoothing his hands over the blankets, he kept his eyes down, speaking fast. “I sucked Reed off. I figured I owed him one. Then we got to talking and it was...nice. He says he wants you there when he fucks me.” Matt shook his head with a laugh. “The way he talks… He doesn’t hold back.”

  Arousal teased Lawson, but he didn’t have the strength to do anything about it. Or the urge. He liked hearing that Matt was enjoying himself here. That he’d developed a close enough bond with Reed for these kinds of open conversations, even if he wasn’t used
to them yet.

  “With the condition I’ve gotten myself in, I’m happy you still got to enjoy that with him.” He petted Matt’s hair. “I’d love some soup. And I promise I’ll rest as much as I’m able.”

  Matt leaned into his touch. “Thank you. I know how you are, you’re gonna keep pushing yourself until you know everyone else is okay. I’m just happy you let me make sure you are too.”

  Eyes drifting shut, Lawson settled back onto the sofa. He preferred his own bed, with plenty of space, not too soft, but giving enough that when he lay with Matt at his side, a part of his mind accepted it was time to sleep. His mind wasn’t being very fussy now. Closing his eyes for a moment was all it took before darkness wrapped him up in its firm, but comforting hold.

  He was torn from it at the sound of raised voices.

  “Watch your tone with me, boy.”

  “If you’d just listen to me—”

  Doc’s voice took on a dangerous edge. “I don’t care how much you like playing Dom when your own isn’t around, you don’t start something in this room. That goes for you both.”

  At least Matt’s “Yes, sir,” was contrite.

  “Now.” A different kind of hardness crisped Doc’s words. “You will tell me why you’re up here taking care of two Doms now. What is wrong with Lawson?”

  Silence. Then Matt’s firm, “No, sir. I’m afraid I can’t answer that.”

  Shit. Lawson pushed off the sofa, shaking his head hard to clear the last grips of sleep. He opened the door to Noah’s room.

  Doc patted Matt’s cheek, a bit harder than purely affectionate, though that was there as well. “Stand down, soldier. I have half-guessed already.” He leaned a little closer. “But you will tell me whatever Lawson’s been hiding that had you calling Wren up with chicken soup. In health matters, I overrule every brick-headed Dom here.”

  Well damn.

  Information Lawson had shared with Matt at some point, but not with the intention of it being used against him. With his own sub. He frowned at Doc.


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