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Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3

Page 32

by Bianca Sommerland

  Who ignored him, his focus on Matt.

  Making a face, Matt worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “He has pneumonia. We went to the clinic downtown and saw Doctor Greyson. He sent Lawson up to the General on the East side to get some tests and a chest X-ray.”

  “Not my hospital.” Doc glanced at Lawson, brow raised. “Do you not trust my care?”

  Lawson quickly shook his head. “You’ve seen me through much worse, Doc. Of course I trust you. This was more a matter of…” He sighed and shook his head again. “I failed to follow many of your instructions and suffered for it. Taking up more of your time because of my own stupidity seemed ridiculous.”

  “That you tried to sneak this by me is ridiculous.” Doc turned back to Matt. “Is he contagious?”

  “The doctor said not after he’s been on antibiotics for a few days. It’s been a week.”

  “Good. Because if you’d gone around my patient spreading your germs, you’d have more than a few broken ribs to worry about.”

  There must still be some risk. Lawson’s brow furrowed. “I didn’t think about it, not once I saw Noah was…” He lifted his chin. “But it was unacceptable of me to take that kind of chance with him.”

  “If you want to be spanked for it, wait until he’s mobile.” Doc stepped forward and touched his hand to Lawson’s cheek. Clucking his tongue, he pointed at the sofa. “Sit. I’ll deal with you in a moment.”

  A soft groan from the bed stilled them all. Grey eyes darkened with confusion, but clearer than they’d been since he’d gotten back, Noah started to sit up. He cringed when Doc came toward him, gently pressing him back onto the pillows.

  Skin pale, but gradually regaining some color, Noah settled a bit, but tension remained as his gaze searched the room. Until he spotted Jamie. Smiling, he drew his boy down to lay at his side. Turned his head to regard Doc. “Take care of Lawson first. He got beat down by some asshole and this place needs a real leader.”

  Throat tightening, Lawson shook his head. He didn’t want to jump the gun, but damn it, that sounded more like Noah. The Noah who’d had him hold flowers while taking down Lawson’s ex after one brief conversation. The one who’d worked with him for months so he’d stop flinching whenever someone moved too fast or reached for him.

  The man who’d taught him how to love and trust again.

  He stayed near the door, still aware of how his presence could jeopardize Noah’s healing, but the urge to go over there and hug him—gently—made his muscles clench with the effort it took to remain where he was. “I’m fine, Noah. You’re the one Doc needs to focus on.”

  “This isn’t up for discussion, my man.” Noah’s hard tone made the hairs on Lawson’s neck rise. “Don’t make me get out of this bed and tie you up so there are no further issues with you pushing yourself too hard.”

  Yep, that’s definitely Noah.

  Lawson’s brow rose. “I wouldn’t suggest you try. You might want to consider your own condition.”

  “Matt, get me my damn chloroform.” Doc checked Noah’s IV, shaking his head and muttering to himself. “Keeping these two alive will be the death of me.”

  The laugh that escaped Lawson was cut short when Matt stepped by him with Doc’s large medical bag. Hands raised in surrender, he retreated from the room, grinning when Noah shot him a wink before Doc began examining him, his voice stern as he explained what Noah needed to do, and to avoid, while he healed.

  Guilt in his eyes, Matt came to Lawson, chewing his bottom lip, clearly expecting some fallout for having told Doc everything he’d been asked not to. But he had nothing to worry about. Lawson was proud of him for knowing which orders to ignore. The absolute control Rhodey had over Noah, and Noah had over Curtis, didn’t appeal to him in the least.

  The power exchange he had with Matt was just that. An exchange. One that relied on mutual respect, which Matt had more than earned.

  Even from Doc, which was one hell of an accomplishment.

  “You don’t...look mad.” Matt knelt in front of Lawson, something in his gaze showing he needed to know the control was still in his Dom’s hands. As though afraid his actions would make Lawson not want it anymore. “Is this a trick?”

  “No trick, my boy. I’ve been reminded that I’m only human and have my limits.” He ran his fingers through Matt’s hair. Tipped his head back to hold his gaze. “Unpleasant as it is, I need that sometimes. So thank you.”

  “Does this mean you’ll come home? And rest?”

  “Yes.” Lawson leaned forward, carefully, and pressed his lips to his boy’s forehead. “And it means I finally believe I can.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Pain layered on pain shouldn’t be a positive sign, but the alternative was the warped darkness with flashes of death and confusion. An extreme hot and cold Noah couldn’t escape. Visions of attacking his uncle with the knife. His face replaced with Curtis’s. Lawson’s. Reed...even Ezran. Each dying because of him.

  The pain came every time, a reminder of what would happen if he lost it. If he went too far. If he took too much control, or didn’t have enough. Of course, there was always the chance Rhodey’s work with him wouldn’t take, but he didn’t sense threats everywhere around him anymore.

  He’d faced the simple fact.

  If I’m not careful, I’ll be the biggest threat of all.

  Outside, the sun shone bright through the part in the curtains, sending an insistent throb through his skull. He winced as the ache intensified, turning away from the light. His whole body jerked at the tearing in his back, which reached beyond whatever Jared had put in that IV to dull the pain.

  Jamie sat up, glancing to the corner of the room before shooting off the bed to pull the blackout curtains completely shut. He stood out of the way, much too far, as Jared came over with a needle, which he injected into the IV attached to the back of Noah’s hand.

  “Take it easy with...whatever that is.” Noah inhaled deep. “I need a clear head.”

  “Mhmm.” Jared gave him an unimpressed look. “You want pain, we’ll have a different conversation when I’m not dealing with your uncle’s sloppy fucking work. So long as you’re my patient, you’ll take what I give you.”

  Noah’s jaw hardened. “He wasn’t being sloppy. I tried to stab him.”

  “Ask me if I care after the stitches I had to put in your back.” Jared poked two fingers into Noah’s shoulder, his tone taking on a razor’s edge. “You did what you felt you had to do. Let me do my job.”

  This was not how he wanted to make amends with the man, who’d been not only one of his closest friends for over a decade but had saved his life more times than he could count. He closed his eyes as the slightly buzzing sensation of what could only be morphine spread through him. How much had it fucked with Jared to have Rhodey bring him here in this condition? On the drive, he’d heard some panic in his uncle’s voice as he’d drifted in and out of consciousness. The demand that Noah hold on, just a bit longer.

  Arguing now would only show he hadn’t changed one damn bit. That he didn’t give a fuck who he hurt. Which wasn’t true.

  He reached out and latched onto Jared’s wrist. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

  “Say anything other than ‘been beaten within an inch of my life’ and I’m putting you in a coma for a week.”

  Mouth closed, Noah frowned.

  Jared sighed, gently drawing his wrist from Noah’s grip. “I don’t need apologies, Noah. And I won’t judge how the merc handled this—I did nothing to stop him from taking you.”


  “Actions, not words. You know me.” Jared’s lips thinned. “Or you did once.”

  Inclining his head, Noah remained silent as Jared finished his exam, then went to where Jamie was standing to speak to him quietly. He patted Jamie’s shoulder before grabbing his medical bag and heading out.

  Jamie followed, coming back seconds later with a tall glass of water. His tired eyes met Noah’s, a hesitant smile on
his lips. “He said if you can keep down fluids he’ll take the IV out tomorrow. He’ll be back later tonight to take out the...uh…” A flush spread over Jamie’s cheeks. “Thing...if you can walk to the bathroom by yourself. But if you try to take it out before then to call Curtis to tie you to the bed.”

  “Would you?” Noah tried to take the glass from Jamie. Missed twice. And sighed as Jamie brought it to his lips. He took a few sips, deciding he’d do whatever Jared said if it meant getting out of this damn bed sooner and not needing to be tended to like a helpless child. He tipped Jamie’s chin up with a finger when he remained silent. “Jamie, there is no wrong answer here, but you will give me one.”

  “I don’t know.” Jamie tugged his bottom lip with his teeth hard until Noah tapped his cheek to make him stop. “Ugh, I worked so hard and I’m already forgetting everything. If I was still under high protocol, this would be so much easier.”

  “Under…” Thank God for the morphine, because he probably would’ve tried to stand. To grab Jamie’s shoulders and demand to know what his boy had been put through while he was gone. But he had a feeling he knew. “Jared was training you.”

  A quick nod and Jamie swallowed. “I asked him to. But I didn’t talk to him until he let me. Which turned out to be the smartest thing I could do. And it wasn’t bad. Please don’t be angry with me? Or him? I needed to learn, and it seemed the fastest way.”

  That made sense, but...damn it, he hadn’t prepared Jamie for Jared’s extreme style of control over his submissives. Everyone he took on temporarily had an idea of what they were in for. He tried to picture Jamie, chained to Jared’s bed naked every night. The only touch being with those leather gloves that remained cold, no matter how long Jared wore them. He hadn’t felt that touch himself in a very long time—not since his own training, which had been a completely different flavor. Maybe once or twice in the dungeon—his lips curved slightly as he remembered getting caught along the side of his neck by a whip a Dom-in-Training got a little too excited to have in his hand for the first time. He’d cursed and told both the newbie Dom and his instructor to wait in the bar until he sent someone to review the safety rules for impact play with them.

  Grabbing a bunch of paper towels, he’d held it against his neck and continued his DM duties so he wouldn’t have to pull anyone else from their scenes.

  Jared had released his sub from his restraints, wrapped them in a blanket, and come over to Noah. His cold hand shackled around Noah’s wrist when he’d tried to wave the man off. The chill from his touch made any further resistance seem like a very bad idea.

  He’d wanted Jamie to have warmth while he was gone. Thought some training might keep him balanced. But Jamie had asked Jared himself, and he had to respect that.

  Curtis likely couldn’t or wouldn’t take on the task himself. Which he should have expected.

  Motioning Jamie to him, he waited until his boy sat crossed-legged, facing him, and studied him for a few long moments. Aside from a bit tired, he didn’t appear traumatized by the experience. There was a calmness about him, as though he didn’t expect anything and could wait all day for Noah’s next words, or command.

  His hair was still that sweet puffy white at the top, but he hadn’t been to a hairdresser recently and the dark roots gave him an edge which Noah didn’t want to get used to. He would, if that’s what Jamie…

  The edge of his lips tightened and he brought his hand up to brush his fingers along Jamie’s temple. “I liked your hair before. My mother has an excellent hairdresser. If you want to change your look, we can discuss it, but otherwise you’ll maintain it properly.”

  Expression softening with pleasure, Jamie nodded. “Yes, sir. I love your mom and it would be cool to have a spa day or something.” He held up his nails. “It’s been a while.”

  “I can see that.” Noah could only control so much while he was stuck in this bed, but the small things would comfort his boy. He pointed at Jamie’s nails. “I don’t ever want to see them in that condition again. Either unchipped polish or nothing at all.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And what in the name of all that’s holy are you wearing?”

  A burst of laughter brought his attention to the door, where Curtis stood with Reed, arms folded over his chest. There was some wariness in his gaze, but otherwise, he looked damn good. He exchanged a look with his boy. “We sent away Orange is the New Black and got back Queer Eye.”

  Reed snickered, then bounded across the room at Curtis’ nod, slowing once he was within arm’s reach and putting his hands on Jamie’s shoulders. “Doc did dress him like he’s going for a job interview. At the local morgue.” He cocked his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I can lend him some of my clothes.”

  “No.” Curtis’s response came at the exact same time as Noah’s, “Hell no.”

  “I’m insulted.” Reed leaned down to whisper in Jamie’s ear. “But I so want in on that spa day.”

  “You’re on.” Jamie smiled, squeezing Reed’s hand, then shifting over to give him some space. “I need to take a shower, if you’re gonna be around for a bit?”

  “Go for it.” Curtis stopped Jamie as he rushed to the door as though he wanted to get the task done quickly so he could return. “Shower as you normally would, not as Doc taught you. You’ll be adapting to what Noah wants, but you’ve got a good foundation to work from.”

  “Yes, sir.” Jamie waited for a motion from Curtis that he could continue on and took off at a run, probably to use the guest bathroom.

  He still didn’t see Noah’s room as his space. They’d have to work on that.

  But first, another issue had to be addressed. He pulled Reed in for a hug, ignoring the tight stretch between his shoulders, and watched Curtis as he went to the window, opening the curtain at the far end so he could look out without the light cutting across the bed.

  “I shouldn’t have asked you to watch over Jamie. If you think I’m upset that you didn’t, I’m not.”

  Curtis let out a bitter laugh and shook his head. “I shouldn’t tell you this while you’re messed up and can’t do anything about it, but if you want, I’ll get you my gun again.”

  Inhaling slowly, Noah inclined his head. He deserved that. “I doubt anything you’ve done will make me even consider putting my hands on a gun.”

  “I slapped Jamie.”


  A fast blink followed by an incredulous stare as Curtis turned fully from the window. “Why doesn’t matter. He’s fucking terrified of me and I don’t blame him.”

  “Neither do I. But that’s between you. I won’t force him to accept your apology or anything else from you.” This wasn’t a situation Noah could approach as Jamie’s Dom. He doubted the slap had been part of a scene. “And I won’t force you to explain yourself to me, but I’d appreciate it.”

  That seemed to confuse Curtis at first. His thoughts played over his face, each one breaking Noah’s heart a little more. Part of him thought he still needed Noah to have that control. Still wanted him to. And fuck, taking it would be so much easier than starting from scratch.

  But he was impressed when Curtis gave a firm nod and met his eyes. “This is no excuse, but I was on edge about...what he’d told you, angry he hadn’t come to me first so I could get ahead of the situation, and trying to figure out how to manage him while he was acting like you being gone was some kind of trick. He swore in my face and I snapped.”

  “Him doing that is my fault.”

  “Yeah, it is. But that changes nothing.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Okay, slow down.” Curtis breathed in, giving Reed a reassuring smile when the young man moved to stand. “I’m good, I just… Slow down. This isn’t how we had conversations even before you went to prison.”

  Noah nodded slowly, air coming a little easier as Curtis came over to sit on the edge of the bed. He wasn’t sure his comfort would be welcome, but he had to try. He put his hand on Curtis’s shoulder. “Bu
t I’d like to have those kinds of conversations. I respect you, Curtis. You’re a good fucking man. You bring a lot to the table and I don’t want you holding back anymore.”

  “And this feels like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”

  “Any more media references you’d like to use while we’re at it?” Noah shook his head. “I get it, this can’t be fixed overnight. But I’ve got nothing but time.”

  “Cool.” Curtis looked down, rubbing his hands over his thighs in a distinctly self-soothing gesture. “But...Doc doesn’t want too many people in here for too long and Tracey’s here with Ezran. She might let him kill me in my sleep if I don’t let the two of them come in soon.”

  That was doubtful, but Noah had a feeling Curtis needed some space. He patted his shoulder. “That’s fine, but do me a favor?”

  Curtis lifted his head. “Sure...I mean, depends what. I’m not seriously getting you that gun. I enjoy living.”

  “Good to know.” Noah’s lips slanted. “Lawson’s being...well, Lawson. His boy will do his best to make him take care of himself, but he might need his other man to remove all options.”

  “Dude…” Curtis’s lips slid into a sly smile when Noah blinked at him, but didn’t comment on his use of the ‘endearment’. “I think you’re overestimating the sway I have in that particular relationship.”

  If anything, Curtis was underestimating himself, but Noah shrugged. Forgetting his back was fucked up and regretting it very much. His tone wasn’t as casual as he’d like, but he hoped he got the point across anyway. “If he gets too sick, you’ll have to take over the accounts and manage the club on your own. Whatever works best for you, my man.”

  Groaning, Curtis pushed off the bed. “Excuse me, I’m going to go have a chat with Lawson. He’s not laying all this shit on me longer than necessary.”

  By his side, Reed managed to hold back a laugh until his Dom was out of the room. He leaned in for another hug, speaking softly in Noah’s ear. “You’ve still got it.”

  The sight of his mother, cheeks still rosy from the cold, wearing a rose-colored, long wool jacket and nudging Ezran forward as the boy folded his own black jacket over his arm, brought both happiness and sadness, wound together so tightly he couldn’t say a word at first. And what he wanted to say as Ezran slowly approached the bed, he couldn’t. He wasn’t supposed to know what had been done to him.


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