The Prince Of Highland Park
Page 13
“Did you see Bryan or Chloe when you got there?” I ask. Shaking his head he said “Only Bryan was there, Chloe was already gone. The detectives have Bryan in custody at the station and he told them everything. Apparently Bryan been in love with Chloe for years and would do anything for her. Based on what Bryan said, Chloe was obsessed with you and Evelyn.” Confuse as to why she would be obsess with Ev; when we didn’t start talking until about a month ago. “Ev, why…?” Seeing that it wasn’t making sense, he continues to fill me in. “She saw the way you looked at Evelyn after you guys broke up, not the same way you look at Sam or Michelle or any of the girls you messed around with. She knew you had a thing for her, and wanted to eliminate her. She blackmailed Bryan in helping her take Evelyn out, but apparently instead of Evelyn they accidentally shot her brother instead. “What the fuck?” I say not believing what I was hearing.
“You’re telling me they tried to kill Evelyn before?”
“Oh God…Oh God,” I kept saying. Picking up my phone I call Evelyn again, which went straight to voicemail. I leave another message hoping she will call me back. All I’m thinking is that Evelyn doesn’t know the danger that’s after her and I need to protect her. “She’s not answering her phone,” I say getting frantic knowing that Chloe is out there.
“Do me a favor, please go to Evelyn’s house and get her to come here to the hospital. She is not safe with Chloe on the loose. Please get her here for me, please!” I beg, giving him Evelyn’s address. Oh no, I would never forgive myself if she gets hurt because of me. “I’ll go right now and do whatever I have to do to make sure she comes with me,” he says as he walks out the door. Every time I close my eyes all I see is Chloe on me, I see the determination in her eyes that she will not let me go. I loved her once, we were going to get married and have a family, then I caught her with Bryan and everything I thought about us was over. I left, never looking back. Over the months she begged for me to forgive her and take her back. I couldn’t, not after what she did. I thought over time she would get over me and move on, I thought she did, with Bryan. I’ve seen Chloe a couple of times at the club. She seemed to have moved on and doing ok, and now this.
All this time she’d been stalking me, watching my every move, waiting for the perfect time to strike, and strike she did. She raped me, trying to get pregnant, shot me, and now knowing that she tried to kill Evelyn before, but instead killed her brother. Evelyn is going to hate me when she finds out it’s because of me that her brother is dead. She told me he brother raised her so they must have been close. How can things go back to being normal after this, how can I be with Evelyn knowing that as long as Chloe is out there she is in danger because of me? I can’t seem to wrap my head around all that’s going on, it all seems surreal. The feeling of uselessness is right there mocking me. How could I let this happen to me, how could I let myself get raped? Rubbing my hands down my face, I know this nightmare is far from over.
Evelyn Chapter Twenty-Five
Sitting at the table in the kitchen, I run to the door when someone keeps pressing the doorbell. I was beyond pissed at the obnoxiousness of whosoever is on the other side of the door. Grabbing the handle I yanked it open ready to rip into the person behind it. “What the hell is your problem? Ringing the bell…” stopping midsentence when I see Mitch standing at the door looking disheveled in his appearance, which is not his normal M.O. “What are you doing here?” Curious as to what could have possible brought Mitch here to my house, to this side of town. “I know you don’t know me well, but you need to come with me.” Looking at him like he’s crazy, because I know he must be off his rockers if he thinks I’m going anywhere with him. “You’re right I don’t know you, so you can bet your ass I’m not going anywhere with you buddy,” I replied closing the door in his face.
Before I could get back to what I was doing the doorbell rang again, exhaling I walk back over and opened it. “Are you planning on keeping this up all-night?” I ask sighing.
“Listen please; I need you to trust me. I know I’m asking a lot, but please trust me. I need you to come with me now. I don’t want to scare you. I know I’m doing a fuck up job of it, but it’s Ryan, he is in danger. I need you to come with me please” he kept saying.
“Ryan’s in danger, why, what happened,” I asked. I need to go to him. Wait! This could be another ploy to embarrass me. I need to know a little more before I run to him like an idiot. “Why would I care what Ryan wants at this point. He has made it adamantly clear he doesn’t want to be with me so I’m honoring his wishes. What? He wants to tell me in person, well no need, I already got the message loud and clear, now please leave me alone,” I said getting ready to close the door. Just as I’m about close the door Mitch says, “Ryan is hurt and you’re not safe, so forgive me for doing this to you.” Before I could react, he grabs me around my waist lifts me up and brings me to his car.
Once I was seated in the car he turns facing me and says, “Don’t you even think of getting out of this car,” at this point I was a little shaken up. Not knowing what that was all about, or what he would do. I sat quietly watching as he walks to the other side of the car and got in. “Where the hell do you get off manhandling me like that?” I ask fuming.
“I’m sorry about that, it wasn’t my intention. You weren’t listening, so I had to come up with something. I need you to listen please, whatever you’re thinking right now about Ryan, I can assure you that you are wrong. I need you to come to the hospital and listen to what he has to say. If after you hear what’s going on, and you still don’t want to see him again, I promise I’ll take you back home.” The devastation on his face was enough to calm me down, he looks freighted and scared. “What’s going on Mitch, what happened to Ryan? You have to tell me something if you want me to go quietly with you,” I ask turning in my seat to face him directly.
He didn’t say anything at first, but then says, “You need to listen to Ryan, that’s all I’m asking of you.”
“Ok” I say turning back into my seat looking out the window. Whatever Ryan has to say to me, I have a feeling it’s not going to be good. He’s hurt, and all I want to do is go to him, give him comfort. I’m a little scared that he doesn’t want me the way I want him. Letting out the air I’ve been holding, I told myself this is not about me, it’s about him. All I want is for him to be ok. Even if it’s not with me, I do want Ryan to be ok and happy.
Walking into the hospital brought back such a vivid image of the first time I came to the emergency room. Something bad had happened and I ended up here. I remembered my father was drunk; he and mother were arguing as usual, I didn’t think anything of it, because that was their normal behavior. Kevin went out for a few to get some medicine for me, because I wasn’t feeling well. Walking out of my room their voices got louder and more menacing. I saw dad holding a gun waving it around saying how mom was a cheating bitch. Mom crying and denying it, from the tone of his voice he wasn’t buying it. He continues accusing her of fucking some rich guy from the other side, and how she fucked up our family, because of her greed. He said she did this to him, because he wasn’t rich enough.
I’m crying at the same time I’m hiding not wanting them to see or hear me. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. He told her he’d known for years that she was fucking around on him, but he loved her anyway and wanted her to stop messing around. At this point mom stops crying and said she won’t leave this guy she’s messing around with, and then she asked for a divorce. Dad was so irate I could hardly make out his words except for bits and pieces. As if that wasn’t bad enough; mom had to throw salt and pepper into the wound by saying, “I have something else to tell you, Evelyn is not you daughter she is his daughter.” I was frozen where I stood, dad is not my dad. Covering my mouth to muffle the sound that was coming from me, I hear dad said “I knew that little bitch wasn’t my blood. She will turn out just like her slut of a mother. All these fucking years I’ve love you, gave you everything that I am. I watched you fuck around
on me for years hoping that one day you’ll come to your senses” laughing a sadistic type of laugh he continued, “Come to think of it El; you’re not the stupid one, I am, for wasting all my years with a no-good slut like you. But get this if I can’t have you bitch, then no one else will have you.” Looking around the door to see what he was doing. He held the gun up, shooting my mom once in the chest, and then in her head.
Screaming I ran downstairs to mom’s body lying on the floor. She wasn’t moving, and dad was walking around shouting “You see what you made me do, see how you drove me to hurt you, you just wouldn’t stop” he kept rambling over and over. I shouted for him to call 911, but he just kept rambling. I left my mom lifeless body, ran to the phone and called 911 telling them to hurry my mom has been shot. The operator was talking but I couldn’t hear what she was saying, all I heard was dad saying I’m so sorry El, I’m so sorry, before I heard another explosion. I dropped the phone, turning around to see if he shot my mom lifeless body again, but instead I saw my dad lying on the floor beside mom blood running from his head. I don’t know what happen after that, because when I woke up I was in the hospital with Kevin holding my hand crying.
Snapping out of my reverie, when I hear Mitch voice asking me if I was ok. Unable to find my voice I nod letting him know I was indeed ok. We took the elevator to the fifth floor to room 509. Mitch says, “This is Ryan room, how about you go in and I’ll go grab two cups of coffees. I’ll be right back.” I stood there watching him walk down the corridor, until he disappears around the corner. I am nervous to see Ryan. Gathering up all the courage I can get from the atmosphere, I push the door open, peeking in, “Ryan it’s me Evelyn, may I come in?” I ask, watching as he lifts his head from the bed, he nods giving me permission to enter. Seeing him broken lying in a hospital bed snapped the anger I was feeling towards him, after I didn’t hear from him and after seeing that video. Regardless of whether or not he wanted to be with me, wasn’t that important anymore. Him; being ok was all that mattered, and I could live with that.
Slowly approaching the bed not wanting to run over and hug him, in fear of hurting him. The closer I got to the bed the more I see the pain written all over his face. Whether it was pain of seeing me or the pain he was feeling I don’t know. Knowing me, I think the worse and that it has to do with me; insecure much? “How are you feeling? I asked trying to read his face if he wanted me here. “I’ve been better,” he answered not looking at me. I could see terror written all over him. I also could see that he was trying his best to hide it from me. Walking over to the side of the bed, I hesitantly take his hand in mine. “Look at me Ryan, tell me what happened to you.” I said trying to blink away the tears that were forming in my eyes. “Please tell me what going on. Mitch came to my house, kidnaps me so he can bring me here to see you, only saying I need to hear you out. Now I’m here you look scared to death and it’s freaking me out” I say hoping he will say something. I can see that he’s locking me out.
Finally meeting my eyes he asks “Are you ok?” Seeing the confusing on my face as to why he would ask me such a question considering he’s the one lying in a hospital bed. “Please just answer the question, I need to know that you’re ok, I need to know if anything strange happened.” He said looking at me. Looking away not wanting him to see the hurt he has inflicted on me by making that video. Gathering my courage I press trying not to think about the video, because me being here is not about that, it’s about him. I wonder if I should be honest and tell him what I received at my door. “So what happened, it’s written all over your face. Something happened so spill it” He orders. Not being the person to play games I spill it. “Not that you don’t already knows, but I received a DVD, tucked inside my door when I got home. I think you already know what’s on it,” I accused him not wanting to relive that image again. There was something written on his face that I couldn’t decipher, my gut wrench, thinking what he was going to say. “Look at me please, right now I know what I’m about to ask you is going to take a lot from you to do, but I’m asking anyway. Please believe me when I tell you what you saw on that DVD, it’s not what it looks like. I can only imagine what you’re thinking, and you have every right to think it after seeing that… that video. I’m asking no, I’m begging you please trust me; trust me when I tell you that it’s not what it looked like. I need you to believe me. I promise I will explain later I just… can’t right now,” he finishes with tears in his eyes. At that moment I knew that I should at least give him the time to explain. “Ok; I’ll wait for you to explain what’s going on with that. I hope it’s soon, because after seeing that a lot of shit is flying around in my head that I can’t shake.”
Ryan Chapter Twenty-Six
How am I ever going to explain to Evelyn what happened to me? Chloe’s out there waiting to strike again, and I’m in here unable to do anything to stop her? I won’t be able to live with myself if anything happens to Ev. I’ve always known I had feelings for her, but at this moment it solidifies I’m truly in love with her. I would do anything to protect her, even if that means letting her go. It’s killing me to think of doing that, but I can’t risk her life just so I can have her. I know what I have to do. Looking up at the ceiling, wondering how I’m going to do this. “I need you to be safe, please. I need you to know that the DVD is not what it seemed. I need you to know that I love you. I know I’ve never gotten the chance to tell you before, but I do more than you know,” I said still looking up at the ceiling.
I haven’t looked at her since I started talking, and I can’t bring myself to do it. If I do, I won’t be able to hold it together any longer. “You’re scaring me,” she whispers. Taking my eyes off the ceiling, finally looking at her, I can see tears running down her face. “Evelyn, I need you to not ask me any questions right now, because I’m trying to processing everything myself. I’m going to tell you what I do know to fill in some of the blanks you might have. I know that you’re in danger. I know that Chloe will try to hurt you if she is not caught. I know that she had something to do with your brother being killed, she was trying to kill you instead” I trailed off after hearing her scream,
“No!” Looking at me I can see the horror written on her face.
“Ev; please comes here” I reach my hand for her to take it. I just want to comfort her. Even though I’m in pain from the gunshot wound, and everything else that my body went through. I can disregard my discomfort for her. I can’t bear to see her cry, or in pain. Pain she’s in, because of the obsession a girl has for me. I know I have to walk away, I just don’t know how. The doctor walks in just as I was about to continue telling her what’s going on. “Hi Mr. Knight, how are you feeling? I would like to take a look at your wounds. Miss would you please step out for a few?” he asks looking over the chart in his hand. I watch as Evelyn leave out the door. “I’m ok considering” I grunt, not wanting to cave to the pain I’m experiencing. My body’s fighting against me, it’s heavy, achy, and I just want to give up to the excruciating pain. I won’t though at least not until Evelyn is gone.
As the doctor is checking my bandages he said “Mr. Knight the wound looks ok, but we would like to keep you in here for a few more days. Also we have an excellent psychiatrists’ help here at the hospital that I would recommend you speak with,” holding up his hand to stop my refusal he continues. “Excuse me for being so blunt. You have been through a horrific ordeal not just your body, but also your mind. I would like to say I understand what you went through, or is going through, but I don’t. I know you might be a bit resistance, because you’re still trying to process everything that happened. It would be my suggestion and recommendation, that you take advantage of the psychiatrists’ expertise, because it can only help you. Before you refuse just make an appointment and hear what she has to say.”
I kept looking at the doctor, because after that little speech I couldn’t come up with any excuse why I should not see this shrink. I haven’t told anyone that every time I close my eyes I relive what I
went through. I’m afraid to close them, I’m afraid that right here right now is just a dream, and I’m going to wake up in that place with Chloe and Bryan.
How the fuck am I supposed to live through this nightmare, let alone protect Ev, in the process. I’ve come to realize that Chloe’s obsession with me can be deadly. She will do anything to have to me for herself. By recent events, I need no more convincing that she is capable of murder. How will Evelyn look at me after what I just told her why her brother was murdered? Even though I didn’t do it myself it happened because of me, and that’s something that is hard for me to swallow. I know every time Ev; looks at me, I’m going to be a constant reminder of why her brother is not with her. She’ll come to resent me; hate me even. And that I can’t live with. She has been through a lot already, and I don’t want to add to it. I certainly don’t want to put her life in danger, which will happen if Chloe is not caught soon. “Ok Mr. Knight I’ll check up on you later, and please think about what I said,” I hear him say before he walked out the door. As soon as the doctor left, Evelyn came through the door asking if it’s ok for her to come back in. She came and stands by the bed looking down at me with sympathy. Fuck, did she overhear any of that? That’s the last thing I need is for her to hear. I don’t think I want anyone to know. I wish I could forget.