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BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)

Page 6

by Casey, London

  Jake opened the bedroom door and found Keira sleeping. She was facing him, completely on her side, one leg sticking out from the blankets. If she was beautiful when awake, asleep added a whole other level to it. She looked happy, peaceful, finally at ease. All because of sleep. And tomorrow would come and bring back all the shit that surrounded her.

  Jake gently shut the door behind him and locked it. It would do for now. The clock on the nightstand glowed an evil red color. It was almost three in the morning. There was just enough time to attempt to get a few hours of sleep before waking up and facing death again. The old dance Jake had been doing for a long time.

  The right thing would have been to crash right there on the floor. But then Jake thought about it. He hadn’t slept next to a woman in a long damn time. Just to hold a woman while she slept with no intention of fucking her. That feeling…

  He got into the bed next to Keira and put a hand to her shoulder.

  “I’m right here,” he whispered. “We’re safe tonight.”

  Keira reached back and grabbed Jake’s hand. She pulled at him, wanting him close to her.

  So Jake nestled up against her. His front to her back. His hand just under her tits, spread across her stomach, over her shirt. The smell of her skin, her hair, the smell of her bed. Suddenly, it felt all too real for Jake. Even when he and Becca were together, he didn’t have a feeling like this. A deep urge to protect. To care.

  Jake kissed Keira’s neck and then shut his eyes.

  I am… completely… fucked…


  It wasn’t the first time Keira woke up with a biker next to her in bed. That was something she wasn’t exactly proud of. But waking next to Jake was something different. The sight of him on his back was wild. His arm bent, covering his face. The ridges and rippled of muscle showing everywhere. His t-shirt pulled up a little, showing off deep cuts and lines that went right into his jeans.

  Keira took a few breaths and collected herself. It was damn near impossible to resist her urge to climb on top of him and just…


  Yeah, exactly.

  Forcing herself out of bed, Keira stumbled to the kitchen. She made coffee and scrambled some eggs. It strangely felt okay to make breakfast like this. Casually looking over her shoulder, waiting to see Jake appear.

  When he did, she gripped the edge of the kitchen sink to keep herself standing. He was like a giant to her. His shoulders wider than yesterday, even though that wasn’t possible. Sleep in his outlaw eyes, a hand running through his hair.

  “How long have you been up?” he asked, his voice throaty and pissed off.

  “Just a little bit. I made coffee and eggs.”

  “You should have gotten me up. It’s not safe.”

  “I’m fine, Jake.”

  “I don’t play fucking games, babe. This isn’t house for me, okay?”

  Keira swallowed hard. “Yeah, okay. Sorry.”

  Jake groaned and ran a hand through his hair again. “Shit. I’m sorry for saying that. Thank you for making food. And I’d love some coffee. Black, please.”

  Jake sat and Keira gave him a plate of food. Before she could offer anything to go with it, Jake inhaled the eggs. He chugged the hot coffee like it was a glass of water. Keira just stood in awe of the man at the table. She knew he wasn’t normal. He wasn’t just some wanderer from some town at some bar looking for some action.

  Who are you, really?

  The question was on her lips but then there was a thundering boom at the door.

  Jake jumped up and went into action. He knocked the chair back. He grabbed the plate and smashed it off the edge of the table, shattering it. That left him with two jagged pieces in his hands.

  Keira’s jaw almost hit the floor.

  Jake nodded to her.

  “Who is it?” she called out.

  “What the fuck? It’s Kami!”

  Jake tossed the broken pieces of plate to the table.

  As Keira opened the door, Jake cleaned up his mess. Kami rushed into the apartment, looking like death had washed over him.

  “Where…” Kami saw Jake on the floor. “What the hell?”

  “Broke a plate,” Jake said. He stood up and put the pieces on the table with the others. “What’s up?”

  “What’s up?” Kami asked. “I sent you, Jake, to check on my sister and you never fucking came back. What the fuck…”

  “The cartel was here,” Keira blurted out. “Last night. A guy was waiting for me. Jake came and beat him up. Saved me. I begged him to stay.”

  “You didn’t call me?” Kami asked, staring at Jake.

  “Hey, man, everyone was drunk. I took care of it.”

  “Fuck you, man. You’re not wearing a cut yet!” Kami yelled and then rubbed his temples.

  “He helped me,” Keira said. “I was afraid to be alone. It’s my fault, Kami.”

  Kami rubbed his forehead. “I need more coffee.”

  Keira hurried to give him a cup.

  “The guy was cartel,” Jake said. “I got him good though. I sent him back to his rathole.”

  “I told him to kill the guy,” Keira said.

  “No,” Kami said. “Christ, no. That would have sent an army on us.”

  “That’s what Jake said,” Keira said.

  “Smart man,” Kami said, nodding to Jake. “Hey, look…”

  “No,” Jake said. “It’s done. But Keira needs protection. All the time now.”

  “Agreed,” Kami said. “Hey, where’d you sleep, Jake?”

  “On the floor,” Keira said. “To watch the door.”

  Kami looked at Jake. “Nobody came back. I don’t think the guy expected me to show up. And I was a stranger.”

  “So they know we’re recruiting,” Kami said. “Fuck. We need to get to the snake pit. Now.”

  “Now?” Keira asked, grabbing Kami’s shoulder.

  Kami tore her hand away. “Right now.”

  “I’m ready,” Jake said. “Whatever we have to do.”

  “Something about you ain’t right, man,” Kami said. He stood up. “You look too eager to get there. It’s where people go to die, man.”

  “Then I’ll die,” Jake said. “Better than sitting around doing nothing.”

  Keira felt her heart jump. That was a subtle shot at Kami.

  Kami stepped toward Jake. “You think I’m doing nothing? Watch your fucking mouth, man. You’ll be back on the road before you know it.”

  “You need me, Kami,” Jake said. “Whoever you put in front of me at this snake pit… I’ll fucking crush them. For the club. For Keira. Get the money you need. Get the protection. Fix the problems.”

  “You talk like a leader, bro,” Kami said.

  “I have nothing to lose. Except what’s right in this room.”

  Keira felt her cheeks flush. Jake looked ready to attack Kami yet he had just said something that was probably the most romantic thing Keira had maybe ever heard.

  “You’re wrong about one thing,” Kami said.

  “What’s that?” Jake asked.

  “It’s not at the snake pit… it’s in the snake pit…”

  “I want to go,” Keira said.

  “What?” Kami asked.

  “She should be there,” Jake said. “Protection. She shouldn’t be alone at all, no matter what.”

  Kami put a finger to Jake’s shirt. “Let me make another thing clear, Jake. I appreciate what you did last night. Man to man, you’ve got my respect. You took care of my sister for me. But member to non-member, learn your fucking spot. Don’t ever give me orders or suggestions, got that? I’m the fucking VP of Rusted Devil. You’re a rung un a prospect, and you know what a prospect does? They clean the shit I leave in the toilet. Win this fight and I’ll let you clean my shit.”

  Keira saw the anger flash in Jake’s eyes. She knew Jake could take her stepbrother. She hurried to distract Kami, offering him some pills for his headache and more hot coffee.

  “I’m going
to the bar,” Jake said. “I’ll talk to Apollo and get times on what’s happening today.”

  “I’ll meet you there,” Kami said.

  “Jake,” Keira said. “Thanks…”

  But it was too late, Jake was out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

  “You’re an asshole, Kami,” Keira said. “He fucking saved me.”

  “Good for him,” Kami said. “Don’t get attached to him. He’s an idiot for walking into the snake pit.”

  “Yeah? Why aren’t you going into it?”

  Kami looked at Keira and curled his lip. “Don’t run your mouth at me. I’ve paid my dues. It’s his turn now. Plus, I don’t know if I trust him. He’s too smart for his own good. He wins this fight and we get this cash…”

  Kami flickered a smile.

  That’s when it hit Keira.

  No matter what, Jake was going to lose… even if he won.

  Kami and Apollo just wanted the cash. That meant even if Jake won the fight, they were going to get rid of him.


  “Drink up,” Apollo said and pushed the shot at Jake. “Might be your last one.”

  “I’m good. I need my head clear,” Jake said.

  “Suicide. Going into the snake pit without some kind of buzz.”

  “I’ll take my chances. In fact, I’m going to go for a ride. Pre-fight thing for me.”

  “Yeah, sure,” Apollo said. “I’d rather have some chick suck my cock dry. That’s just me. You have an hour, Jake. Go for a ride. Have a beer. Fuck something. Get it all out.”

  “I’m going to do this, Apollo.”

  “If I had a dime every time I heard someone say that to me… I would be a very rich man…”

  Apollo laughed. The rest of the bar laughed.

  Jake left the bar and got on the motorcycle. It didn’t feel right because it wasn’t his. But it was his ride for now.

  He rode fast out of the parking lot and checked his mirrors every few seconds to make sure he wasn’t being followed. Sadly, the guys in Rusted Devil MC weren’t smart enough to follow. They wanted to drink and think about what to do next. Jake was more of an action guy.

  He went to the spot where he had buried his cut.

  As he dug in the dirt, he found a note waiting just above his leather cut. He brushed the dirt off the leather and stared at the Back Down Devil MC logo.

  Someday soon…

  That was probably a lie.

  The note was from Gaige.

  Brother -

  Sorry to write you this. I know you haven’t been gone long. Shit is getting crazy in Frelen. Keep your focus straight up there, Jake. I know word travels fast so I’d rather you read these words than hear anything.

  I’m really sorry, brother, but Becca is dead. We think she was taken out by the guy you roughed up. Or maybe someone else. Her apartment was trashed, money on the floor, drugs on the floor. It was a disaster when we got the call and I’ve already sent guys out on the move to take care of it. I know you and her had a history. It’s only out of respect I wanted to tell you so you know right away.

  It’s all bullshit, Jake, but we know she’s in a better place now. She can’t get high and can’t get in trouble.

  Hope you’re safe up there, brother. Stay that way. Get some information and get back here to Frelen.

  - Gaige

  Jake dropped to his ass, right on the ground in the dirt. He leaned against the rock and folded up the paper. Guilt soared through Jake’s body. He always knew it would end like this with Becca. Her only destiny was to be murdered. No matter how much Jake tried to protect her, she was going to wind up dead. Part of him wished he could have loved her. Like really loved her. Pulled her out of the fire and away from the demons. But it wasn’t his job. They were close but not that close.

  Then again, here was Jake, kissing Keira, his fingers exploring her sweet body, his heart demanding more, all the while Becca was suffering.

  “Fuck,” Jake whispered.

  He thought he’d helped Becca by clearing out her apartment. Killing that guy would have done nothing good because it wasn’t club business. It was personal business. It was the fire that Becca couldn’t stop touching, no matter how many times she got burned.

  The world weighed down hard on Jake’s shoulders.

  He decided to write back to Gaige with a simple message.

  Jake had seen enough.

  Gaige -

  It’s bad but not exactly bad for us, yet. These guys either need to be wiped out or offered some help. I’m going to help them earn some cash and then I’m out.

  Check back here as much as you can. It’s almost time for me to ride again.

  The cartel is strong and they’ve turned their backs on Rusted Devil MC. The MC wants nothing to do with the cartel though. There’s no double-cross bullshit.

  I’ll be safe… when I’m dead.

  - Jake

  Jake leaned forward and got on his knees. He touched his leather cut and felt the sting of pain in his heart. He wanted to put the leather cut on. He wanted to walk back to the Rusted Devil bar and give them all the advice they fucking needed.

  All he could offer though were his fists and his heart. The heart of a fighter.

  Keira swirled through his mind like a smooth and potent whiskey. He never had a woman stick to him like that before.

  Then again, Becca was right there in the back of his mind too. He was supposed to care for her. He was supposed to love her. He was supposed to protect her. But she couldn’t take care of herself. So what made it seem like Keira could take care of herself? Not to mention how deep she was… her stepbrother was the VP of the Rusted Devil MC. That alone put Jake and Keira at opposite ends of the world. Now that Jake had gone undercover and let his lies spread through the MC, it made it worse.

  Jake knew all he could do was fight. Help the MC get some cash, let them gear up for a war with the cartel, and then slip away. He could take his regret, guilt, and heartache back to Back Down Devil MC and take care of himself.

  Jake buried his reply and his leather cut. He then stood and turned, only to see he wasn’t alone.

  There was a black car sitting just a short distance away.


  Who the hell are they waiting for? Jake thought.

  The answer came a few seconds later, with the rumble of a couple motorcycle engines.

  Jake then watched in shock as two members of Rusted Devil MC approached…


  Keira watched Kami finish off three cups of coffee before he looked a little more human. The third cup of coffee was completed with a shot of whiskey mixed right in. Kami took a few more pills and then wiped his mouth.

  “We need to get moving,” he said.

  “Kami, how bad is this thing?” Keira asked. “The cartel…”

  “Jake wins this fight and everything changes,” Kami said. “We can get the necessary weapons and protection to push back.”

  “I don’t get it.”

  “The deal is off,” Kami said. “Okay? It was a bad deal to make and we’ve learned our lesson. There’s no pointing fingers, Keira. That’s what you have to understand. Some of us voted for it and some voted against it. Majority always wins and the gavel is the final call. Okay? So we made a deal with the cartel and it didn’t work out. They want a distribution channel without the fee and it’s not going to happen. Rusted Devil MC will rebuild and fight back. We have no choice.”

  “You’re going to get rid of Jake no matter what,” she said. “I know it. I see it in your eyes.”

  “Look, we have an open membership right now. Apollo hasn’t really spread the word just yet. He made a few calls here and there, looking for a fighter. Jake shows up. He’s a fighter.”

  “And that means he can’t ride?” Keira asked. “You know how many guys…”

  Kami put a hand up. “It’s a club vote. Patch in or hit the road. Chances are, after the snake pit, he’s going to want to bolt. This life is too real.” />
  Jake is too real.

  And Keira realized that more than she should have.

  Maybe this was Kami’s way of seeing that and trying to protect her.

  “Jake saved me,” Keira said. “He stormed in and showed no fear in fighting that guy off me.”

  “Off you?” Kami asked.

  “He was about to… you know… force me…”

  Kami’s eyes flared. “I’m going to gut them all.”

  “You should trust Jake more. He’s the only one who is trying to help. All those other guys are sitting around, drinking. They look like lumps of shit sitting there.”

  “They’re fucking grieving!” Kami bellowed. “Don’t you dare say a word about guys wearing leather cuts.”

  Kami’s words echoed through the apartment.

  Then there was silence.

  Kami rubbed his head and groaned. “Fuck. We need to ride. You’re with me. You’re not driving alone to this.”

  Keira didn’t argue. She did as told and climbed onto the back of Kami’s motorcycle.

  She had been to the snake pit one other time. She watched two fights and then waited for it to be over. Everyone was loud, drunk, and everyone wanted more violence. They loved blood. They loved death. They bet money in ways that was sickening. It was a rare time when the MC life mixed with other lives for a common purpose.

  As Kami took a turn off the road, kicking up dirt and dust, Keira felt her heart start to race. They had a couple miles to go, off the road, in the middle of nowhere.

  The snake pit was basically like a giant hole in the ground. Some said it was man made. A giant grave that had never been filled. Other people said it was some kind of nature thing. Some aberration, caused by erosion, an earthquake, maybe even something from space smacking the ground at some point during the world’s existence.

  No matter what, it proved something terrifying.

  The ground was hard, the sides of the hole hard. It wasn’t a deep hole or anything, but enough that those watching the fights looked down. The hole was big enough for the fighters to have some space the catch their breath - or try and run if things went bad.


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