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BROKEN ROAD (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novella)

Page 7

by Casey, London

  And things always seemed to go bad.

  There was something to be said for those who fought in a shallow grave. It was disgusting.

  Keira climbed off Kami’s ride and saw the people already there. This wasn’t about outlaw bikers showing up to earn some cash or find someone to fuck. These fights entertained some rich and powerful people. There were plenty of women, almost all of them paid to be there. Over the years, a small stand had been built to allow whoever to stock it with drinks and someone to take bets and issue payouts. It was all about straight cash and nothing more.

  Guys that had twenty million in their bank accounts came to drop fifty grand on a fight for the hell of it. For the thrill of the bet. For the sight of a real war before them.

  If someone died, they were usually buried somewhere close by.

  As Keira walked on the ground, she tried not to look down. She had heard stories of guys walking, feeling the ground crunch, only to discover they were walking on bones. Real bones. Human bones. Bones of men who lost.

  All Keira could think about was Jake.

  Yeah, maybe he was smart. Maybe he was really tough. Maybe he was a great fighter. But this entire scene… this was something really different.

  Kami met up with some of the Rusted Devil MC guys. They all hugged and started to talk about the fight. The club had managed to scrounge up enough to place a healthy bet on Jake. Keira didn’t want to know how they got the money.

  She casually looked around, trying to find Jake.

  Her heart raced faster by the second. Half of her couldn’t wait to see Jake again. His statue like body, perfect yet rough features, and to feel the way he made her feel. The other half of her body hoped to hell that Jake was smart and had taken off.


  Jake remained hidden. Nobody had seen him, yet.

  He knew how to hide. He knew how to listen.

  The two motorcycles pulled up to the car without hesitation and without bullets. Even then, Jake waited patiently. He waited for someone to make a move. To attack. Jake didn’t have a gun but he had the element of surprise if he needed to attack the car.

  He glanced over his shoulder and couldn’t believe how damn lucky he’d gotten when he parked the motorcycle next to the large rock. From the angle of the car and the motorcycles, nobody would see a thing.

  The riders took their helmets off and Jake gritted his teeth.

  It was Pitt and a guy named Petey. Petey was the money guy of the MC and Pitt was just a chunk of muscle and nothing else .

  The window to the black car went down and Jake almost wished for a weapon to be pulled. Instead, they all shook hands. Pitt gave the driver of the car a piece of paper and the driver handed Petey a wad of cash.

  They were talking to the cartel. They were crossing on Rusted Devil MC.

  It made more sense now how and why the cartel were able to attack the way they did. Normally, the cartel would make a deal and honor it. Or they’d find a different way to bleed a club or crew dry. To just come in and attack took skill, balls, and it took information.

  Jake watched the information exchange hands.

  They talked, laughed, and everything was normal.

  Jake’s distance was too much to hear anything. But the image was very goddamn clear. And it put Jake in an even worse position. He was no better than these guys, right? He was lying to the MC. He was undercover from a rival club. But he wasn’t trying to hurt Rusted Devil. He was trying to help.

  At the same time, what would happen if he told Apollo or Kami about this? He didn’t have a leather cut and he was going to try and rat out two guys?

  There wasn’t much time though. With information being passed around, it would be only a matter of time before the cartel struck again. Maybe the next time would be the last time. Then Keira would be hurt or taken captive or killed.

  No matter, it felt like the ending result was going to be a losing one.

  Jake watched and saw everyone shake hands again. Petey then grabbed Pitt’s shoulder and squeezed. The black car slowly rolled away and picked up speed. Once out of sight, Pitt grabbed Petey by the shoulder. Pitt was more than twice the size of Petey. He shook the little money man and laughed.

  They were laughing while their club was dying.


  The two then got on their motorcycles and rode away.

  Once they were out of sight Jake had to hurry. He climbed on a motorcycle that wasn’t his. He started and darted out to the road, leaving a small dust cloud behind him. All he could do now was prepare and hope. He hoped Gaige - or someone - would get his note. He hoped he could win the goddamn fight at the snake pit. He hoped he could really help Rusted Devil MC get out of this mess.

  All before bodies started dropping again.


  Jake followed Apollo.

  They parked their motorcycles near the front of… whatever the hell this was. It was a wide open desert. Nothing but a few random shrubs. Nothing on the horizon and nothing against the horizon except where it met with the sky.

  “We park here in case we have to run,” Apollo said. “We’ve had shootouts here.”

  Jake nodded.

  Back Down Devil had experienced plenty of shootouts. Christ, he remembered a time when Gaige left a shootout with a woman. Her best friend had been shot and killed. The woman fell in love with Gaige and now they were damn near attached at the hip.

  They took a few steps and then Apollo put a hand out and stopped Jake.

  “What?” Jake asked.

  “This isn’t a joke,” Apollo said.

  “I’m not laughing.”

  “We won’t wait for you,” Apollo said. “We’ll shoot for you. We’ll try to protect you. But if something goes wrong, we won’t negotiate for you.”

  “Got it.”

  “You need to go after this guy with speed.”

  “Don’t tell me how to fight,” Jake said.

  “Hey,” Apollo growled. “This is a big risk for us. The guy you’re about to fight is called Animal. He’s intense and ruthless. He just got out of prison.”

  “For what?”

  “Murder,” Apollo said so calmly.

  “How do you get out of prison for murder?” Jake asked.

  “Connections,” Apollo said. “He loses this fight, he’s going back in. So he’s not going want to lose this fight.”


  Jake started to walk and gather his thoughts. He looked around and wondered if anyone was going to recognize him. Lucky for him, most of the people at the fight looked to be too far well dressed to be in Jake’s world. There were bikers but they were from MC’s and charters far enough away from Frelen that it didn’t worry Jake.

  This was one of the reasons why Jake never wanted to be at the table with Back Down Devil MC. Sometimes it was nice to be a little hidden and a little unknown.

  At the edge of the snake pit Jake looked down and felt his stomach turn. It was dirty, messy, and the aura was that of death. People were chanting and cheering already, drinking and ready for a fight. Jake knew his fight wasn’t the only one happening today. This was going to go all day and into the night. But for Jake, his fight was the only fight that mattered.

  Apollo stepped up next to Jake. “You ready for this?”

  “Yeah,” Jake said.

  Apollo then took out a gun and shot it into the air.

  That got the attention of most of the people watching.

  “We’re here to fight!” Apollo bellowed.

  The crowd went wild.

  Jake looked around and saw Keira. She was standing with Kami and the other Rusted Devil MC guys. Even Petey and Pitt.

  Those fucking traitors.

  “Jake, get in there,” Apollo said. He then addressed the crowd. “Representing the Rusted Devil MC… a newcomer. A fighter. Someone you’re never going to forget. Soon to be known as master of the pit… Jake.”

  Jake stepped down and felt his heel slip. He dug his other he
el and that didn’t help a damn thing. Jake fell back, ass against the dirt, hands in the dirt, and he slid right down. Right in front of everyone. Definitely not the start he wanted. When he hit the ground, he stood up and brushed dirt off his hands and his ass. The first thing he did then was look for Keira. She stared at him. Even at their distance he sensed the fear in her eyes.

  “We’re here to fight!” another voice boomed. “From the darkest cell in a shithole prison. A man with murder dripping from his cold hands. A man ready to do the same because he has nothing to fucking lose. Ladies. Gentlemen. Prepare for the feast! The Animal.”

  Jake looked around. He saw a few people move out of the way and then saw the guy they called Animal. He stood at the edge of the snake pit and pointed to Jake. He then showed his teeth and jumped. The son of a bitch jumped into the snake pit. He hit the ground and kept his balance. A second later, he charged at Jake.

  Just like that, it was time to fight.

  Animal charged at Jake just like his name - like a hungry animal.

  Jake watched Animal’s shoulders and picked up on the move. Animal was going to use his size and muscle to just take Jake down. Then he’d probably hold him there and kill him. So Jake waited until the last second and darted to the left. He then threw a right hook to Animal’s gut, hitting ribs. Animal toppled against the side of the snake pit. Jake unleashed a fury of punches to Animal’s ribs. Left, right, right, left, wanting to break something and take the giant down.

  Animal took a few of the punches and then threw an elbow. It hit Jake in the chest and sent him back. Animal quickly turned and pounced. The big guy moved faster than his size and shape indicated. When Animal grabbed Jake’s shoulder, he pulled him in, opening his mouth. Animal’s breath was so rancid, Jake felt bile race up his throat. He’d never forget the smell.

  As Animal clamped his teeth to Jake’s face, Jake hurried to lift his knee, bringing it to Animal’s gut. That knocked the wind out of Animal. He stumbled back but didn’t let Jake go. Instead, he growled and swung his arms, lifting Jake off his feet. Jake sailed through the air and hit the side of the snake pit with a hard thud. It stole Jake’s breath. He quickly put his hands to the ground and pushed. A second later, Animal’s heavy foot connected with his gut, stealing more breath.

  Jake was then huddled against the ground and wall of the snake pit. All around him, he heard the shouts and cheers of the people. Animal then came down with big fists. Plowing into Jake’s arm, shoulder, the side of his head. Jake knew he was suddenly in big trouble. Any fast movements would open him up and Animal would finish him off. All Jake could do was fight his way back.

  So he did.

  When Animal swung down with a right, Jake hooked his arm around Animal’s wrist and twisted. He then swung with his other fist and hit Animal at the side of his knee. He felt a pop and watched Animal drop down.

  Jake released his hold on Animal and then kicked up and back, resting against the side of the snake pit. Jake braced himself and pressed his back against the wall and kicked his feet at Animal. Both boots connected and sprayed blood everywhere.

  But Animal hadn’t gone down all the way yet.

  Jake readied himself to do it again. He knew nobody could withstand too many head hits.

  Before Jake could kick again, Animal reached for something in his pocket.

  Then it all happened too fast to react.

  With the flick of his wrist, Animal opened a knife. Another flick sent the knife flying at Jake. Jake tried to move, saving his own life, as the knife was aimed for his throat. Instead, the knife went into Jake’s shoulder.

  The searing pain left Jake screaming. He grabbed at the knife and held it tight.

  Animal rose up, murderous eyes wide, smiling. He stepped toward Jake and put a hand over Jake’s. He then pulled the knife out. For a second, Jake saw nothing but darkness. The pain so hot, so intense.

  Welcome to the snake pit.

  There were no rules apparently.

  Jake groaned and felt a sharp pain in his other shoulder. He came to and looked to see Animal jamming the knife into his opposite shoulder.

  “Fuck,” Jake said.

  “Die,” Animal said. “You, die.”

  Jake mustered up all he could and kicked at Animal. The heel of his boot hit Animal right in his lower stomach. Animal went flying back, dropping the knife. Jake felt the pulsing of his heart and the pulsing of the blood pouring from both wounds. He stepped forward and swung with his left hand. He stayed right there, punch after punch, hitting the same spot over and over on Animal.

  The pain raced through Jake, stealing his breath and making him feel weaker by the second. With one really heavy jab, he sent Animal back even more but it took its toll on Jake. He dropped to his hands and knees. When his right hand hit the ground, it put pressure on his shoulder. That made the pain kick up worse than ever. Jake lost his balance and toppled onto the wounded shoulder. He saw Animal getting his bearings back together. Worse yet, the crazed man reached into another pocket and pulled out another knife.

  I’m fucked.

  Jake kicked back and tried to give himself some time and distance. It wasn’t going to be enough though.

  “Jake!” a voice yelled. “Jake!”

  When Jake looked up, he saw Apollo standing above him. A baseball bat in his hand. He dropped the bat and Jake grabbed it out of the air with his left hand. Now he could fight back.

  Or go for the home run hit.

  To do that though he’d have to lead off with his right arm. His right shoulder.

  Jake fought his way to his feet through the intense pain. Animal was back on two feet and moving toward Jake, knife in hand. Jake lifted the bat and got ready. He had two choices. One - take out the knife. Hit the knife out of Animal’s hand. But that left Jake open for an attack. But it was the smarter move. Or two - hit Animal. But if he didn’t hit hard enough, Animal would drive the knife into Jake’s gut.

  Animal closed in and Jake let his instinct kick in.

  Being the wild outlaw he was, knowing he’d never have a long and happy life to die in his sleep of old age, Jake gritted his teeth and held his breath through the pain. He swung the bat as Animal thrust the knife at him. Jake braced himself for the blade to tear away at his stomach. The bat connected perfectly with Animal’s jaw. Animal’s jaw looked like it moved five feet off his face before ricocheting back.

  Animal instantly froze. His mouth hung open, his jaw shattered.

  Jake dropped the bat and put up his fists. He was going to win this like a real fight. He lined up his punches and with two more heavy hits, he dropped Animal for good, leaving the big man gurgling on the ground, shaking and clutching at his face.

  The second the fight was over, Jake turned and jumped for the wall of the snake pit. He grabbed at the dirt and was able to pull himself up and out. Apollo was there to lift his left arm in the air, declaring him the winner.

  Jake looked and saw Keira. She had her hands over her mouth. Her eyes were wide.

  Jake had done it.

  He’d won the fight. Rusted Devil MC would get their winnings. Then they could address the cartel.

  “You fucking did it,” Apollo growled.

  Jake turned and looked at Apollo. “You have problems, Apollo… you have rats…”

  With that, Jake collapsed the ground, his face hanging over the edge of the snake pit. And he had one thought. I’d rather die than go back in there.


  Jake woke and he was on a table. He was in a room and upon looking around, he knew he was back with Rusted Devil MC. His body was sore, his mind feeling the same. When he moved his shoulder, it was hot pain. Jake fought through it, forcing his hands to the table and pushed up. He swung his feet off the table and realized then he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

  He’d taken a knife to his shoulders and taken more than enough punches. No matter though, he’d won the fight. He did what was asked by Rusted Devil MC. That meant his job was just about done. The
MC wasn’t after Back Down Devil. The cartel had nothing to do with Back Down Devil. That’s all Jake needed to find out.

  The fight? The snake pit? That was his offering to Keira. Because now Rusted Devil MC had the financial needs to take care of themselves. From there, all Jake could do was hope that Apollo and Kami were smart enough to use that money the right way. And listen and figure out that both Petey and Pitt were crossing on the MC and working with the cartel.

  As Jake put one foot on the floor, the door opened.

  Kami stood in the doorway. “Jesus Christ, man. How you moving?”

  “I’m fine,” Jake said. “Did you talk to Apollo?”

  “He’s outside. We’re going on a run. Have to settle up with our earnings.”

  “Kami, I need to talk to him. And you.”

  “Later,” Kami said.

  “It can’t wait.”

  “Don’t ruin your moment to shine, Jake,” Kami said.

  Before Jake could say another word, Kami presented him with a Rusted Devil MC leather cut. He tossed it to the table and pointed to it. “We’ll properly give you a welcome later. But I wanted you to have that now. Maybe it’ll help to tie up those wounds.”

  Jake put a hand to the leather cut. He’d never wear it. It would be pure treason - undercover or not - to wear another MC’s cut.

  “I don’t need this to feel…”

  “And then this,” Kami he said. He offered a stack of bills to Jake. “Ten grand. From us to you. The money was so heavy on Animal winning… you really cleaned up for us, Jake.”

  Jake pushed the money back to Kami. “I can’t take this. I refuse to. Your club needs it, Kami.”

  Kami put a hand to Jake’s shoulder. “No, Jake. Our club needs it. You just keep resting, brother. We’ll be back. I promise, when that happens, then it’ll be just you, me, and Apollo. We’ll talk about anything you want.”

  Kami stormed out of the room and when Jake put his other leg down and tried to go after him, the pain slowed him down. He got to the door and tore it open to see Kami leaving the bar.


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