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Down & Dirty

Page 5

by Madison, Reese

  “The rates are listed, and non negotiable without my say-so first. You don’t show up here and work unless I tell you, or you ask me first. If you end up with a regular I need to know that too. I’ll be taking five percent for now to put in a fund for emergencies. You’ll get to vote on what and when that money is used, but I’ll be holding onto it. Any questions so far?” I stopped and leaned on the bar.

  One pretty girl with red hair raised her hand, “Does this mean you’re our Madam?”

  I laughed, “I suppose it does. Listen, there’s another way you can make money if you’re interested. Have any of you ever done any film work?”

  Some shrugs, mostly no’s.

  “Okay, I’m not into kinky shit, but I think we can put together something tasteful. Get me your contact information, the clean bills of health, and we’ll go from there. Deal?”

  Surprisingly everyone agreed. A couple girls claimed to already have recent doctor’s notes and promised to bring them in tomorrow.

  We talked on a less formal level for a while and I almost felt the excitement in the room grow as the idea of building something together formed. It was funny how a little organization and hope of a better future lifted the weight in the room.

  Salina got a call and left with a wave. A lot of the other girls left to go get their affairs in order so they could start making money as soon as possible.

  I’m sitting at a table with Stacy and Ginger discussing the finer points of building a website, and how exactly we want it portrayed. They’re smart girls, with some pretty creative and tasteful ideas. I can see turning this over to them in a year or so if it takes off.

  I finally sat back after they left and looked around. “This place is a shit hole.”

  Salina walked back in at that moment, “No shit. I’ve been wanting to fix it up for years, but didn’t want to do it alone. Once in a while I have prospects clean it up, but that’s as far as we get.”

  “Hm. Want to make it a real bar?”

  “Can’t, Slider has a rap sheet, and since he owns the property he can’t get a liquor license.” She explained pouring us wine.

  “I’ll talk to Joe, he might be able to help.”

  “Help with what?” He rounded the corner and came through the door.

  “We’re talking about fixing this place up, make it a real bar, but Slider can’t get a liquor license.”

  “He doesn’t need one. I own the controlling shares of the property, if you want a license, get one.” He stated like it was the most simple thing in the world.

  Salina and I looked at each other.

  I said, “I guess that settles that. Want to do it?”

  “Hell yes!” She clapped. “I’m going to go find my husband.”

  I looked at Joe as he approached, “Thank you.”

  “Yup. I gotta run out for a bit. Slider’s putting the club on lockdown until we get back.”

  “Why?” I felt a little sick with worry.

  “We got a Mexican gang trying to settle in over on the east side. They’re responsible for a couple home invasions and Slider’s had enough.”

  “You’re going to fight?”

  “Maybe, depends on whether they take the show of numbers as a sign and get out, or fight to get the territory.”

  I noticed he looked thicker and poked his chest. “You’re wearing a vest.”

  “I’m not stupid.” He picked me up by the waist and set me on a table and held my chin. “Stay here, keep your phone on you, and don’t drink too much. We might need a hand if this gets ugly.”

  “I can’t shoot the broad side of a barn at ten paces.” I confessed.

  “Not like that. Make sure you have the keys to the SUV’s ready to come get us if we need you. I’ll send you the GPS coordinates to your phone when we get close.”

  “I’m starting to get scared.”

  He ran those thumbs over my jaw like he does, “I love you, don’t ever forget that. If you need something to keep you busy start on this place. Slider doesn’t know it, but if I die you get my controlling shares.”

  “What??!” I blinked.

  “Shh. Don’t worry about it, nothing is going to happen to me. I have my reasons for what I do, you don’t need to understand them right now.” He kissed me passionately as I clung to him with fear, desperation, and need. I need him to be okay.

  He finally stepped back taking my hands. “Stick close to Salina, she can shoot the fleas off a dog at four hundred yards. In fact, have her show you how to shoot. The sooner the better.”

  “I barely know you and I’m sick to my stomach worried about you.”

  He leaned in and kissed my neck under my ear, “I love you too.” He touched my face and left quickly leaving me sitting there in shock.

  Salina found me a few minutes later, “Come on Red, let’s go see them off. It’s tradition. I always keep my eyes on the guys as long as I can.” She waved her hand for me to join her.

  I jumped off the table. “This is going to suck isn’t it?”

  She put her arm around my waist, “Yes. There’s a lot of good having the club as your family, but the bad is never any fun. It makes us stronger, closer. You’ll understand as years pass.”

  “I don’t’ want to lose him, or see him hurt. I feel sick.” I admitted.

  She gripped my hand. “Suck it up baby doll. You can puke when they’re out of sight. Strong men need strong women. We can only be weak when they can’t see us.”

  I took a steadying breath. “Okay. Suck it up.” I told myself and watched as they expertly filed out onto the street and disappeared in the distance.

  Then I promptly threw up in one of the large barrel trash cans with Salina holding my hair. “Calm down girlie. They’ll be okay.”

  If only she was right. My phone rang about two hours later. “Joe?”

  “Get Salina and meet us at the hospital off Dobson. Slider took a hit in the shoulder, he’s okay, but it’s a big bullet and he’s in surgery. Try not to freak her out.” He instructed.

  “Ah shit.”

  “Hurry up babe.” He hung up.

  I looked at Salina, “We gotta go. Slider got shot in the shoulder. Joe said he’s okay, but needs surgery and to meet them there.”

  She shot up like a cannonball. “Let’s go!!!!”

  I drove fast with an entourage of bikes that by the time we hit Power Road had picked up a police escort. Fucking cool. I felt like royalty. Royalty that needed her prince to be in one piece. I know Joe called me, and he sounded fine, but I need to see for myself. Now I get how Salina feels.

  I slammed on the brakes in front of the Emergency Room and watched Salina run inside so fast I almost missed it. I got out and looked around to find Joe walking towards me seemingly from the shadows.

  I ran to him and checked for holes. “Are you okay?”

  He grabbed my hands and kissed my palms. “Easy babe. I’m fine.”

  I jumped up and wrapped arms and legs around him as I buried my face in his neck to kiss him over and over. “You scared me so bad I puked.” I laughed as he held me tight.

  “Okay, easy now.” He pulled me off and set me down. “Pull it together. We need to be here for Salina until he gets out of surgery.”

  “Did anyone else get hurt?”

  “No, they targeted Slider to make a point. This is going to get worse before it gets better.” He told me leading me inside.

  “Wait, I should park the car.”

  “Prospects will take care of it.” He motioned to a couple guys standing nearby.

  Salina was talking frantically to a nurse. We walked over and heard the nurse giving her no information which only made her mad.

  I took her hand, “Hey, let her go check on him.” I looked at the nurse. “Can you go see what you can find out, maybe give us a time frame or something?”

  “Sure.” She was grateful for the rescue and left quickly.

  I hugged Salina, “He’ll be fine. A little bullet in the shoulder is nothing to him.
Come on, let’s go outside and pace. I think I have a joint in my purse.”

  She nodded and we went outside leaving Goat and Gunner to wait for any information.

  I lit the joint and passed it to her. “Here, try to calm down. Slider won’t like seeing you all freaked out.”

  Joe put his hand under my purse and lifted it up, “What the fuck is in this thing?” I carry a big purse.

  I laughed offering him a hit. “I live out of this bag.”

  He took a couple hits and handed it to Salina. “He’ll be alright Sal, don’t stress.”

  “How did this happen?! You guys are supposed to protect him!!” She yelled scolding him.

  “Shit happens Sal, you know that.” He told her. He knew coddling was not what she wanted. Unlike me, I just wanted Joe to trap me under him on the bed and kiss me until my clothes melted off.

  “I know.” She seemed to calm down now.

  A few minutes later Gunner whistled and we ran inside to find out Slider was fine and should be waking up in a few minutes. Whew.

  We found his room and waited until he finally opened his eyes, “Fuck, that hurt.” He complained kissing Salina’s hand. “Hey babe.”

  I went to the other side of the bed, “You okay?”

  He looked at me, “Ah, my favorite bartender. You don’t happen to carry whiskey on you do you?”

  I reached for my purse and pulled out a plain silver flask and handed it to him. “Here. It’s the good stuff for emergencies.”

  He held it up in appreciation, “I always knew you’d make a good old lady.” He stole a swig before handing it back. “Thanks Red.”

  “You bet. We’re going to leave you two alone. I’ll see you in the morning.” I touched his arm. “I’m glad you’re okay, but only for Salina.” I winked turning our old joke around against him.

  “I see how it is. Get out of here.” He smiled a little before coughing.

  Joe patted his leg, “Need anything else Bro?”

  “Nothing my wife can’t handle. Thanks guys, see you in the morning.”

  I hooked my arm through Joe’s and stole a shot from the flask myself now that things have calmed down and everybody is okay.

  “Since when do you carry a flask of whiskey?” He asked with a hint of amusement.

  “Since forever. You never know when an emergency shot will come in handy, like today.” I explained.

  “Did you see the way he looked at you?”

  “What? Like I had water for a man who’d been in the desert for ten years?”

  “That too. You took him back in time. A time when it was normal to carry flasks and do all kinds of other shit I’m not going to bring up.” He trailed off taking the keys from the prospect.

  He drove us home like a bat out of hell. I was white knuckled on the armrest the whole time.

  “Dammit Joe! You drive like a maniac!” I scolded him as he opened the door to our new house for the first time. Not much had been unpacked, but the bed was set up, if not made.

  He found a beer and my wine while I made the bed. “You can drive from now on. When I have a steering wheel in my hand I tend to drive like it’s a Hum-V.”

  I stopped tucking sheets and took the glass of wine. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  He touched my hair, “I know. I figured that out when you jumped me in the parking lot.”

  “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be, you can jump me anytime.” He sat and held his foot up. “Can you do me a favor?”

  I set my glass down and helped him out of his boots. “It’s been a long day again. I see what you mean about old ladies always seeming busy.”

  “You get the girls straightened out?”

  “Yeah. It’ll take some time, but they sound excited. Are we still doing the run tomorrow with Slider down?”

  “Yeah, Goat will lead in his place.”

  “Good. Where do we ride in this parade?”

  “Just behind the council towards the front.” He started removing his jacket, then shirt, bullet-proof vest, and so on.

  I guess I’ve lost the shyness around him now because I picked up my wine and enjoyed the view. “You have a lot of scars.” I noticed out loud.

  He turned his gorgeous naked body to me and stepped close enough that if I didn’t look down I wouldn’t see too much. “Want to count them?”

  I smiled touching one on his shoulder. “Maybe.”

  “I’m going to shower first, care to join me?”

  I actually considered it and had to shake the idea away. “You’re tricky. No. Go before I do something stupid and change my mind.”

  He walked confidently to the new bathroom. “Your loss.”

  I went to the boxes marked with my name and ‘clothes’ to fish around for something to sleep in, even though I didn’t sleep in anything last night. That made me smile thinking about it. I wonder if I’ll end up naked again. Part of me hoped so, the other part new I shouldn’t.

  I smacked him on the butt when he emerged in a towel. “You stay out here.”

  He snatched my clothes from my hands, “You won’t be needing those.”

  “Hey!” I tried to get them back but he backed me to the bathroom, pushed me inside and pulled the door shut. “Jerk!” I had to laugh. Joe has an odd way of amusing himself at my expense.

  Fortunately one of the prospects was smart enough to hang a robe on the back of the door.

  When I finished cleaning up I found him with a couple pizza boxes in the kitchen. “Hungry?” He pushed a box towards me.

  “Sure.” I picked out a piece and took a bite. “Thanks. I didn’t even know I was hungry until I smelled this.”

  “You’ll need your energy in a little while.”

  “For what? Or should I ask?”

  “I don’t think you really want me to verbalize what I have in mind.” He assured me.

  “Just remember I haven’t had time to get on any birth control, so don’t go too far.”

  “Too bad.” He said quietly.



  “Joe? Are you anxious to have kids? Is that why you’re rushing this and telling me you love me already?” I had to know.

  “Don’t be an idiot. If it was just kids I wanted I could have knocked up half a dozen women by now.” He scolded me with a hint of anger I hadn’t seen before.

  “Okay, calm down. You have to understand my suspicion with as fast as you’re moving.” I explained.

  “I know what I want when I see it. I want you. I want kids with you and if you want to get married legally just tell me when and where to be.” He stepped towards me.

  “How are you so sure of this? I mean, what if I turn into some psycho bitch?”

  “Then I’ll tie you to the bed until you act right.” He threatened waiting for me to finish the piece of pizza I’d been working on.

  “Very funny.” I touched his chest with the perfect patch of chest hair.

  “What do you want?”

  “What do you mean?” I’m confused.

  “You’re stuck with me no matter what. What do you want that would make you happy being stuck with me?”

  “Nothing. I don’t think ‘stuck’ is a fair word.” I’m still a little confused.

  “What would you call what I’ve done?” He untied my robe so I grabbed the strings.

  “Cut that out. We’re trying to have a conversation here.”

  He pushed my hands away, “Answer the question.” He lowered to my ear and kissed my neck after moving my hair away.

  “I can’t when you’re doing that.”

  He lifted up waiting for me to look at him, “What’s your dream? Women have ideas about the perfect life. What’s yours?”

  “I don’t know. I never thought about it.”


  “Because I never thought I’d be with anyone like this. I was perfectly happy knowing I’d be the old bar maid with nine cats at home to greet me.” Scary part was, that was pre
tty much true.

  He narrowed his eyes looking a little confused now too. “Because of what that guy did to you?”

  I shrugged, “I guess. I think that’s why I like working at the bar with a bunch of guys I knew I’d never get involved with. I couldn’t stomach worrying about something like that ever happening again.”

  He ran his fingertips down the center of my chest, through my cleavage and down to my stomach without opening my robe. He’s very sensual for a big powerful man.

  “Do you think I could do something like that to you?”

  I laughed realizing how absurd that sounded, then it stopped me. “No, I don’t. I don’t think you would do anything to hurt me, not on purpose.”

  “What does that mean? On purpose?”

  “I don’t know, I guess if you did hurt me I would know it wasn’t deliberate. Neither one of us is relationship material. We’re going to make mistakes.”

  “Probably. Do you believe me when I tell you I love you?” He’s challenging me now.

  “I guess that’s the problem. I want to, but it’s happening so fast I don’t trust myself. I’ve made some pretty stupid mistakes in my life.”

  “I’m not going to be easy to live with, and I hope you can come to love me half as much as I love you. I’ll give you whatever you want to make you happy, anything but the freedom to leave me.” He promised.

  “I don’t want to leave you. I’m just not sure what to do with you.” I put my hands on his hips and pulled him against me. “You’re kind of cute, and just a little bit sexy. I like the sound of your voice, and the way you look at me when you want to kiss me. You scared me today. I think that means I like you.” I put my thumb and pointer finger close together, “A little.”

  He kept his eyes on mine as he closed in to kiss me with not just his lips, but his hands. The robe is now hanging on my elbows as I sink my fingers in that long soft hair of his while he seems to be memorizing me with those very capable fingers.

  Then he leaned his hips into me and pulled my hair so I’d look up as he broke our kiss. His eyes told me I’d crossed a line. Tonight he was going to need more from me. That should scare me, but I wanted to give to him. In this moment I could give everything to him. Lose myself in him.


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