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Down & Dirty

Page 6

by Madison, Reese

  “Touch me.” He said with difficulty.

  “Not in here.” I took his hand and pulled him to the couch. “Sit.”

  He sat and I went to my knees to get his boxers out of my way. I kissed and played until he made a wonderful sound of manly release for me. I’ve never done this, so I’m clueless. I get the feeling that didn’t matter. I’ve been asked to do it before, but always refused considering it demeaning and disgusting. There’s nothing demeaning or disgusting about Joe.

  I rested my head on him to let him recover.

  He played with my hair. “Thank you baby.”

  I kissed his hip and looked up, “You’re welcome. That was a first, so I had no idea what I was doing.”

  He pulled me up into his lap keeping my robe between us by sitting me sideways. “It’s better that way. Experienced women don’t pay attention, you do. You don’t mimic some stupid porn movie like the rest.”

  “Porn movies are like comedies to me. I always figured they were ridiculous.” I laughed playing in his beard.

  “Do you watch much porn?” He teased.

  “No, but I’ve fallen asleep on the couch and woken up in the wee hours of the morning not being able to find the remote. Morbid curiosity I guess, but they always make me laugh.” I explained.

  “Girl on girl is the only kind I’ve been able to watch for more than a few minutes.” He admitted.

  I set my head on his shoulder and kissed his neck, “Too much information Joe.”

  “Were you serious about having been with a woman a few months ago?” He slipped his hand under my robe to hold one of the girls.

  “Yeah, it was an experiment. I figured since I couldn’t find a man, maybe I could switch teams. It wasn’t awful, but I didn’t feel the need to go back.” I explained.

  “Glad you got it out of your system. I don’t see sharing you with a woman any time soon.”

  I snuggled in thinking I could sleep right here. My big, safe, warm Joe. I think I’m falling in love with him.

  “Are you falling asleep?”


  I felt him kick his boxers off the rest of the way and stand up. “It’s going to be a long day tomorrow. Wear something sexy so I can show off my beautiful wife.”

  I held on as he walked. “That’s the third time you’ve called me that.”

  “We’re not legally married, but you’re my wife as far as I’m concerned.” He clarified.

  “No fair making me fall in love with you.” I teased as he set me down.

  “Keep the robe on, or change into something I can’t accidentally lose myself and find you in my sleep.” He warned kissing my forehead.

  I was so tired I didn’t care so I kept the robe on and crawled under the blankets. Joe climbed in and spooned me a minute later. I slept like a baby in his arms.


  He woke me up again with that beard tickling my neck! “Dammit Joe!!” I rolled over and caught the mischief in his eyes. “You do that to annoy me don’t you?”

  “You’re funny when you’re mad at me.” He said it so sweetly.

  “Oh great. That’s what I need, a man who enjoys annoying me.” I teased as my fingers found that beard.

  “You need me.” He insisted.

  “Evidently.” I shifted under the blankets and realized our naked bodies are a little too close, I must have lost the robe in my sleep. “Okay, time to get up. How much time do I have to get ready?”

  “About an hour. I get ten minutes.” He kissed and touched until I was making those weird noises and arching for him for a wonderful ten minutes. The man must have an internal clock because when I found my third it was exactly ten minutes later. He slowed and let me go.

  “Run woman.” He fell onto his back so I escaped before he changed his mind.

  He fixed eggs again before riding us back to the clubhouse. I had to escape his wandering hands twice because I chose the sexiest riding gear I could find. I swear his eyes popped out of his head when I walked into the kitchen. That was the just the first time today I had to tell him to behave. The second time was when I climbed on the back of his bike and he did a double take. It was very flattering to be ogled by such a beautiful man.

  We parked at the clubhouse and I watched him down three donuts while I drank coffee and talked to a handful of the girls who were anxious to get me their paperwork.

  We all rode over to the Harley dealership and met up with the other chapters in the valley and a bunch of locals. You don’t have to have a Harley for this run, but they definitely outnumber the other bikes. I really like the custom bikes that show up for these things. For the first time I got to see the all copper chopper I’ve seen on TV so many times up close. It’s so ugly it’s cool.

  The paint jobs on some of these bikes amaze me. I took a lot of pictures and thought about putting together an on-line photo album for the club of all the runs. The girls kept jumping in and flashing their boobs making me laugh. Might need a special license for some of these pictures.

  Once we hit the road, and there was nothing but rolling thunder as far as I could see in front and behind me, I finally understood why this is so popular. It’s like a family reunion but louder and bigger.

  The women were dressed sexy-cool. The combination off bad-ass leather-clad men riding a big loud roaring machine was exhilarating.

  Then there’s Joe. Talk about power, and I’m with him. At first I didn’t really get it. Then as I introduced myself and saw the looks on some people’s faces I knew there was something special about being with him.

  As we rode I wondered what it was. I mean, I know I enjoy being with him, and often wonder why he chose me, but to see how people reacted with such surprise that I was his old lady made me wonder. Was it because he’s Slider’s brother? Was it because it happened so fast? Maybe I’ll ask Salina later.

  She helped organize the run so she came to see us off, but went back to stay with Slider at the hospital for the day. She doesn’t ride alone, and absolutely doesn’t ride with anyone else, not for this stuff. She said once in a blue moon she has to catch a ride with Goat or Gunner, but that doesn’t happen very often.

  Having my hands on Joe’s waist and hugging him during the ride was nice. He’s so damn big that when he’d lean back into me a little I could kiss his neck, so I did. He’d reach back and hold my leg for a while sometimes. I braided his ponytail shortly after we started because it kept smacking me in the face.

  We did the slow parade thing through downtown. I noticed a lot of the girls and some of the guys were waving, so I waved when it seemed appropriate. At the end of the parade route bikes started going their separate ways, except for the closer local chapters. They followed us back to the clubhouse. It should probably be called a compound the way it’s gated off, but that seemed like too harsh of a word.

  I learned that after a run like that the chapters will get together and party like wild animals. What I didn’t realize was Salina hadn’t finished preparing for it because Slider had gotten shot.

  I called her when I realized we were going to need beer at the very least.

  “Hey girl, how’s the king?” I asked when she answered.

  “Getting antsy to get out of here, but good.”

  “What else do I need to do for this party?”

  “Oh shit. I forgot about that. I don’t know where my head has been. Get a couple prospects and hit the grocery store and Walmart, buy up a bunch of beer and whiskey. The liquor stores are usually more expensive. The other chapters bring some shit, but we always run low if we rely on just what they bring. Grab a bunch of hot dogs and whatever else looks good and easy to roast of an open fire. They tend to have one or two fires going, and the food will keep them from getting too drunk.”

  “I can do that. Anything else?”

  “Nah, just do the best you can. I want to be a good host, but Slider won’t let me leave.” She complained.

  “Don’t worry about it, I can handle it. I’ll send a prospect ove
r with my flask later.”

  “He’d like that. Thanks Red. Sorry to drop the ball like that. Shit.” She cussed herself.

  “That’s what you got me for now. See you tomorrow.”

  I told Joe my plans and he helped me round up some prospects. It should have taken longer, but these guys knew what they were doing, and they were anxious to get back to party, so it took about an hour to get beer, ice, sodas, liquor and food.

  After the prospects unloaded the booze and food I made sure the coolers were full and people saw the food on the picnic tables. I can see why Salina gets into this. It’s fun to see the looks of appreciation as people grab cold beers and put hot dogs on sticks. By eleven everyone had a drink and found whatever food they wanted.

  I was happily standing next to Joe as we listened to stories of runs and jobs he’d missed over the years. He’s probably heard about a lot of these from Slider’s letters, but listened anyway.

  Because of my lack of knowledge on how these things went down I told the girls to enjoy and keep whatever they made. I also warned them that any drama on their part would not be tolerated and would land them on the other side of the gate permanently. They didn’t seem to have any problems there.

  I waited until there was a break in the conversation before nudging Joe.

  He looked down already having his arm around me. “What’s up baby?”

  “I need to go sit down, it’s been a long day.”

  “Let’s go.” He led me over to a picnic table and pulled me to sit on his thigh. “You did good getting shit together at the last minute.”

  “Thanks. Having prospects helps.”

  “Yeah.” He suddenly noticed my overflowing cleavage was all but in his face and unsnapped the top snap of the leather top.

  I was relieved realizing just how damn tight this thing is. Then he unsnapped the next one finding a nipple just under the leather. “Easy there.”

  He looked at me, “No way.”

  I laughed when he shifted me to straddle his lap and abruptly unsnapped the last few to expose me fully for his hungry mouth. At first I tried to hide what he was doing, but when I looked around I saw plenty of topless girls, and plenty more happy bikers. Oh well. I guess if you’re not the only one it’s not a big deal.

  Bikers love boobs. I’ve always known this, but have never been to a real party like this with them, so it’s all new to me. I’ll admit it took a little getting used to, but the cool night air after being shoved in that tight little leather top all day, and the way he touched and played, well, it felt too good to complain.

  When he’d gotten his fix I put the girls back leaving the top two snaps undone, for me as much as for him.

  Joe caught me smiling as he moved me back to sitting on his thigh like I started. “What are you smiling about?”

  I leaned my head on his shoulder, “Just happy.”


  I snuggled in and rested for a while. I could have slept except for the music got cranked up and there was just too many people coming over to welcome Joe home from the service. I guess he was pretty well known before he left. We got a good handful of congratulations for me becoming his old lady too, which I thought was sweet.

  I got a second wind around one in the morning and stood up to stretch. Joe took it as an opportunity to kiss me long and deep with those wandering hands.

  When he let go I went to get us fresh drinks. That was a nice break. On my way to one of the coolers I saw a girl who looked a little too young to be here standing alone with a not so happy look on her face.

  I walked over to her, “You okay honey?”

  “I’m okay.” She said, but her voice cracked.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so. How old are you?”

  “Thirteen, I think.”

  “You think?”

  She looked past me, “You should go. If he thinks I’m talking to you I’ll get in trouble.”

  I stepped aside and turned to see who had her so scared. Nobody I recognized. “Is that your father?”

  “God I hope not.” She said under her breath.

  “Are you sleeping with him?” I asked quickly and quietly so he couldn’t hear as he got closer.

  “Shh. Seriously.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I looked around for one of our guys. Shit, nobody.

  The homely looking guy with scraggly hair and red eyes walked up. “Making new friends pet?” He asked taking her arm.

  “Let her go.” I ordered.

  “Fuck you.” He turned on me now.

  “Who are you to her?”

  “None of your fucking business bitch.” He slurred.

  Okay, I’ve been called that before, but only playfully. Calling me a bitch like this, was not going to go over well. I think I just grew a giant pair. “Careful, this bitch, will rip your balls off and shove them down your throat if you don’t let her go.”

  “Go ahead, give it your best shot.”

  Before he could finish I boldly walked up with my temper on High, grabbed his dirty jacket and kneed him as hard as I could right in the nuts.

  He doubled over reaching for me, “Ow! Bitch!!”

  I grabbed the girl and shoved her aside before kicking him in the chest knocking him to the ground. When you work in a bar full of rowdy bikers you learn a thing or two. This is only the second time I’ve ever lost it like this.

  He struggled to get up so I stomped on his groin knocking the wind out of him.

  I turned and saw Stacy, “Take her to Salina’s office, now!”

  Stacy immediately took the now crying and screaming girl away just as Joe showed up.

  “Carly!! What the hell is going on?”

  “This piece of shit is raping that thirteen year old girl, trying to pass her off like she’s old enough.” I struggled to say because I’m almost winded. Not from kicking his ass, but the anger that exploded inside me got my adrenaline going big time.

  Joe grabbed the guy and pulled him to his feet. “Is this true?”

  “Hey man, I don’t know how old she is. I just like tight young pussy.”

  “She told me she thinks she’s thirteen. How long have you had her?” I asked him as Joe kept his grip on the guys shirt.

  “I don’t know, her mama dropped her on my lap ten years ago.”

  Joe shoved him back to the ground and looked at the handful of our guys that had gathered now. “Tie him up in the garage until I find out what’s going on.” He took my arm and walked me to Salina’s office. “Did you just kick his ass?”

  “I don’t know, but if he’s been doing what it looks like he’s been doing, I’ll kill him myself if you don’t get rid of him.” I promised.

  Joe held the door to Salina’s office for me before following me inside.

  Stacy was trying to console the crying girl.

  I nodded for her to step back and knelt in front of the girl, “Hey, look at me. You’re safe here, he can’t touch you, not again.”

  “My baby. He’ll kill my baby.”

  I sat hard on the floor as memories slapped me in the back of my mind. “You have a baby with that bastard?”

  She nodded crying harder.

  I looked up at Joe. “Please, please go get that kid.” I begged as much for her as myself.

  “You got it. First I need to hear from her. What’s he been doing to you? All of it, don’t leave anything out.” He ordered firmly.

  She choked. “He makes me do whatever a wife is supposed to do. If I don’t he punishes me. He’s going to kill my baby.”

  “No honey, he’s not. We’ve got him restrained. What else does he do? Tell me now and we’ll never talk about it again, okay?” I begged her.

  She leaned down and told me in my ear. I don’t blame her. I couldn’t imagine saying these things out loud.

  I sighed and hugged her when she sat back up. She flinched trying to hug me back so I lifted her shirt. “Oh shit.” I turned to Joe.

  His eyes took on an anger li
ke I’ve never known just before he turned and walked out slamming the door behind him.

  We all jumped.

  I looked at Stacy. “Go get Doc, and a bottle of whiskey.”

  “You got it.” She echoed Joe’s words.

  I looked back at the girl, “What’s your name sweetheart?”

  Fresh tears flowed, “Michelle.”

  “Okay Michelle. Try to relax. That big guy who was just here, he’s going to fix this. We’ll get your baby for you and you’ll never see that man again.”

  “I don’t want to go into foster care.” She’s really scared.

  I took her hand, “Look at me.”

  She did with scared brown eyes.

  “It’s okay. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. We’ll figure this out, right now I want you to relax.”

  Doc knocked right before entering with his bag. “Hello ladies.” Doc is always happy.

  “Hey Doc. This is Michelle. She’s pretty banged up. Can you look her over, make sure she’s okay?”

  Michelle pulled her knees up. “No.”

  “It’s okay Michelle, he’s a real doctor, and I won’t leave the room. He’s not going to hurt you.” I promised her as I took her hand.

  Stacy came back after Doc wrapped Michelle’s midsection because of some broken ribs. He gave instructions and some pain pills for me to dole out to her in case she got suicidal.

  Stacy held up the bottle and three paper cups. “Who needs a shot?”

  I looked at Michelle, “I want you to take a couple sips to calm your nerves. Remember what Doc said about trying to stay calm and breathe so you don’t go into shock?”

  She nodded still shaking.

  Stacy poured a little bit into a cup and handed it to her. “Drink this honey. Goat sent Gunner, some of the guys, and two of my girls to go get your baby. He’ll be here soon.”

  She nodded and took a sip. “Thank you.”

  “Stay here with her Stacy. I’m going to go check on things.” I stopped at the door and looked back at her, “Your girls?”


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