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Perfect Streak

Page 3

by Lexington Manheim

The girls knew what this meant. They each retrieved their paper bags, opened them to their full extension, and placed them over their heads. The eyeholes allowed the only peek behind the brown paper, and it wasn’t much of a peek. Four brown eyes, four blue eyes.

  Beneath the paper, Hildy grinned ear to ear. She couldn’t help it. The image of four naked girls wearing only paper bags on their heads was as silly a sight as she had ever seen. She knew this moment was coming. But, now that it was here, she burst out laughing. The others did, too.

  * * * *

  The previous night in her apartment’s bedroom, Hildy had practiced standing in front of a full length mirror wearing just the bag. She found it funny looking then, too. There in the mirror was a giggling girl without a single stitch on. She stood, feet spread and pointed outward, her knees bent to thrust her cunt upward, and her tits jiggling spasmodically. Her arms stuck out as though they were holding onto some imaginary bar that ran waist-high behind her. Her fingers and toes splayed to their maximum separation. It was the silliest, most embarrassing position she could ever imagine someone being in. But the very silliness of it intensified her desire. As she looked at the naked girl with the bag on her head in the mirror, she wandered her hand down to her crotch where she found wet, swollen pussy lips. Hildy rubbed those lips, gently at first and then with growing vigor until she was downright abusing her pussy. Under the bag she made all sorts of what she could only imagine to be intense coming faces. It turned her on to think that, under the mask, she could make whatever ridiculous orgasm face she wanted. The thought made her come in giant waves of pleasure. At last, she could resist no longer, and she pulled off the bag to see just what the face of unrestrained pleasure was. Her eyes were wide and looking upward. Her mouth was shaped like a big “O.” Her nostrils were flared, and she jerked her head like a bobble-head doll.

  “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhaaahhhaaaaaaaaahhh!” was the guttural sound that emanated from the innermost reaches of her shuddering body. It was a louder sound than she had intended to make, and she hoped her neighbors hadn’t heard. It would be a difficult sound to explain.

  * * * *

  The laughter of the girls in the classroom was also too loud for safety. Hildy shushed them to silence. Things were back under control. She looked at the clock on the wall. After being witness to last year’s awards ceremony, and common knowledge around the school being that the ceremonies never varied in their structure, she knew it was about the time when the band director, Mr. Spinneto, would be conducting the on-stage band through a few songs. While he did that, the rest of the stage would be empty, and it would be the ideal time to dash across it.

  Hildy gave two thumbs up to her cohorts. They returned the sign. Hildy put an index finger to the place where her lips would be had there been a hole cut for them in the bag. This signified that there would be no more talking from this point forward. The others nodded. Hildy motioned them to follow, and she led them to the door. Using a fingernail, she pried up the edge of the construction paper to get a quick peek into the corridor. Peering through the small eyeholes, it was difficult to see. But the absence of anything moving on the other side of the door led her to believe the coast was clear.

  Hildy nudged the door inward. Nothing stirred from the other side. She opened it a little further. Still there was nothing. She now had the door open far enough so she could stick her bag-covered head out and look around. There was nothing to be seen except for the closed doors of darkened, empty classrooms and the many posters and fliers tacked along the walls of the corridor. In the direction of the Assembly Hall, she could make out the sound of the band playing a march. The ceremony was happening right on schedule. Months of planning had come down to this moment. It was show time.

  The naked group leader tiptoed into the corridor. She turned around to see her friends huddled just inside the open door, awaiting a sign that it was safe to proceed. Hildy waved them to step through the doorway. Susan ushered Cindy and Dara out and then followed herself, careful not to make any noise as she closed the door behind them. They had made a giant leap. The four of them stood in the corridor of their school, naked except for the paper bags on their heads. If they could get this far, Hildy reasoned, there was nothing to stop them from going all the way through with it. There was no turning back now. Time to move.

  With Hildy in the lead and Susan at the rear to ensure that the others wouldn’t chicken out and turn back, the four naked girls padded down the cold floor tiles of the corridor to a place where five steps led to the part of the building where the Assembly Hall was located. The sense of being naked in her school was both exhilarating and frightening to Hildy. The feel of the cool air conditioning on her nude skin made her whole body tingle. It was actually happening; they were walking through the school naked…nude…nudie…starkers… titties hangin’…bare ass. The various words to describe their state of complete undress echoed in her head.

  We’re walking through the school bare-pussy naked! a thrilled, Hildy, silently said to herself. “Bare-pussy” was Dara’s expression. It was a dopey expression, but Hildy liked it at the moment. It seemed especially goofy and naughty, which heightened for her the goofiness and naughtiness of what they were doing. So she thought it to herself over and over. We’re bare-pussy! Bare-pussy!

  With Hildy giving a cautious peek around the bend to ensure that all was clear, they turned a corner and raced to the door marked “Stage Door.” Hildy opened it, and, as soon as she did, the band music’s volume swelled to consume all other sound. The door opened onto the backstage area. The band, positioned on the upstage part of the performance space, was right on the other side of the thin, black wall of opaque curtain that kept the backstage area hidden from the audience. The girls crowded in. They were just a few feet from the stage now. Being naked and so close to her fellow classmates and teachers caused Hildy’s heart to pound.

  Like everything else with the plan, Hildy worked out the entrance and exit in advance. They tiptoed across from the stage left portion of backstage—the side where they had entered—all the way to the stage right portion. Again the small eyeholes in the bags made for less than ideal conditions to see where they were going in the poorly lit backstage area, and toes were stubbed more than once as they proceeded. Fortunately, the cautious pace at which they were walking prevented them from hurting their feet seriously and yelling out in pain.

  Finally, they were at the place where backstage meets the stage right performance space. Another step and they would be in full sight of everyone. Hildy turned one last time to make sure her friends were still with her. They were—shaking, but they were there. Hildy did not admit this to them, but she never would have had the strength to do this had her friends not agreed to do it with her. There was courage in numbers. She needed those numbers to do something this preposterous—this outrageous—this naked.

  Hildy noticed that, in their nervousness, her friends’ nipples had become soft again. She felt her own nipples, and, sure enough, they had gone flat. She began flicking her nips with her fingers, and did it so her friends could see what she was doing. The others caught on and began playing with their tits to give themselves nipple erections. It was show time, and big nips were now part of the show.

  Hildy felt her own nipples harden to full staff. When she looked about and saw six boobs pointing stiff, little nubs at her, she knew the time had arrived. One last thumbs up, then a “Follow me” gesture, and Hildy darted toward the stage, her nude companions right behind her.

  Initially, there was an eerie silence among the crowd, followed by the collective gasp of a thousand people. Hildy knew the audience had come with the expectation of enduring a boring awards ceremony. She’d bet everything she had—not that she had anything on her to bet at the moment—they couldn’t believe what they were seeing instead.

  Four naked girls with paper bags on their heads sprinted to four points along the downstage area. They stopped, two girls on either side of the center podium from which Mr. Spinneto
, his back to the audience and the girls, conducted the band.

  Under Hildy’s direction, the girls had practiced what they'd do. They jumped to their designated marks—stage left to stage right, Hildy, Cindy, Dara, and Susan. They faced the audience, spread their legs, bent their knees, thrust their crotches upward, and used their fingers to spread their cunt lips wide to give the best possible view of their pink little pussies. Holding that position, they shimmied their unrestrained tits left and right a total of eight times.

  Hildy had lobbied to shimmy their tits twelve times—“As long as we’ve got our titties out there, why not make the most of ‘em.” But the other girls—mostly Cindy and Dara—remonstrated, saying it was too long to be standing in one place, and it risked them being caught. In the end, Hildy was able to bargain them up to eight, with the stipulation that “back-and-forth counts as one shimmy.”

  The student audience shrieked and howled at the sight playing out before them. Stunned professors stared in silence, mouths agape. Hildy glanced to her right to ensure her cohorts were holding up their end of the bargain. They were. She also saw Mr. Spinneto—who apparently realized there was something going on when his band suddenly stopped playing in mid song. He turned to see that he'd unwittingly become the centerpiece in a live nudie show. He looked so embarrassed, it appeared as though he was going to pass out.

  Hildy imagined that, inside the paper bags, there were the red, open-mouthed faces of four girls who, quite frankly, also couldn’t believe what they were doing. There they stood—naked!—and flaunting their naked tits and pussies for everyone to see! Watching the entire school viewing them as they exposed themselves so completely! If not for the paper bags, it would have been the greatest humiliation of all time! But the bags were in place over their heads. Ah!—those wonderful paper bags. They allowed the girls to perform the most titillating exhibition of their nude bodies! The ultimate streak! Un-fucking-believable!

  Hildy marveled at the sight below the stage. There they were, staring from out there in the house of the Assembly Hall—the faces! All those faces! Gleeful, wide-eyed, open-mouthed faces of almost everyone the girls knew. Laughing, shouting, ecstatic looking faces staring at the naked girls gyrating on stage. It was just like in the movie. Only this time, it was real, and Hildy and her friends were the nudies being gawked at. Through her eyeholes, she could make out many familiar people. She recognized friends, classmates, jocks, nerds, boys the girls had crushes on, girls they had teased, even bitter enemies—they were all out there getting the show of their lives and shouting their bawdy exultations for more.

  “Look at my tits and cunt!” shouted Hildy from beneath the security of her paper bag. She could shout whatever she liked. How could anyone hear her? The shrieks from the crowd in the Assembly Hall made it impossible to distinguish any individual voice. What an opportunity! She was standing naked in front of the whole school, yelling for everyone to take a whopping gander at her nude tits, her nude pussy, her nude ass, her nude everything! It was the most incredible moment of her life. Hildy took advantage of the opportunity to holler once more at the top of her lungs.


  It was then that Hildy noticed a small red light in the back of the Hall. She knew what that light was. It was a video camera. Video! That was something she hadn’t counted on. She forgot that the school’s audio/visual club would record these ceremonies for the school’s archives. Dammit! There’d be a visual record of this stunt after all. She was so caught up in that thought that she lost track of the count and couldn’t remember whether she had done seven or eight tit shimmies. She gave one more for good measure just as she was bumped by the second girl in the line-up, Cindy, who was attempting to make her escape. Hildy took that as a sign that she had shimmied one more time than she was supposed to, but she was overjoyed to have gotten it in. She turned and sprinted off stage left, the other three girls right on her bare heels.

  III Act Two

  Having exited the stage on the side closest to the stage door, it was just another second before the girls were back in the corridor. No one was there. It had all happened too fast. In total, the streak before the audience hadn’t even lasted fifteen seconds. No one had time to think. They were still hooting in the Assembly Hall, a scene of pure bedlam. It hadn’t occurred to anyone as yet to rush out the doors and give chase to the naked girls. Hildy knew that would be the case. The jubilant and now aroused crowd would need a few moments to collect its thoughts and process what had just happened before it could organize itself into action.

  Meanwhile, the giddy streakers galloped down the five steps and through the corridor as fast as they could, their bare feet slapping the hard tiles, their tits flopping in every which direction. With each hurried step, their hands held tight to the paper bags so that the eyeholes wouldn’t slide out of position. Even though it hurt a little to feel their titties bouncing and smacking against their torsos, there was no time for them to let go of the sacks and control those tits. The priority was to get back to the art classroom and their clothes. The finish line was now just twenty feet away.

  They had done it! They had streaked the school! And the best thing was that nobody would ever know it was them! Okay, there was going to be a video they hadn’t expected. But there was nothing to do about that now. And, besides, the girls had kept their bags on their heads. There was nothing to identify them. There was no evidence to link them to the streak. In a couple of weeks, they would graduate, and the story of the paper bag streakers would live on as a mystery, at some point mostly just in lore. Only the girls, themselves, would know the truth, and Hildy cherished that they could laugh about it amongst themselves for the rest of their lives. It was, in short, the perfect crime!

  Cindy was the first to reach the art classroom door. She grabbed the knob and gave a turn. It didn’t move. Hildy, expecting Cindy to have the door opened by the time she reached it, crashed into her. Dara and Susan added their bodies to the collision.

  “Open the door!” panted Hildy.

  “It’s not opening!” Cindy frantically tried to turn the knob that would not budge.

  “Whaddaya mean?!”

  “It’s locked!”

  The girls’ faces told the story. A sudden realization came over all of them at once.

  “You locked the door!” Susan accused Dara.

  “You told me to lock it!”

  “Well, why didn’t you unlock it?!”

  “You were the last one out!”

  There was no time for a debate. Hildy could now hear footsteps approaching from around the corner. They were naked, they couldn’t get to their clothes, and they were about to come face-to-face with people who'd undoubtedly rip off their paper bags to unmask the identities of the streaker girls. If that happened, how could Hildy face anyone she knew there ever again? How could any of them? How could they come to class on Monday? They’d forever be identified as the paper bag streakers. Hildy felt the girls’ mutual panic set in.

  Susan was the first to bolt. She practically flew down the corridor in the opposite direction of the chasing footsteps. Dara and Cindy quivered their hands ridiculously in that way people do when they’ve no idea what to do next. With no alternative, the three of them pointed their naked asses toward the oncoming footsteps and darted after Susan, Hildy—the fastest—way out in front of the other two.

  “There they are!” called out an excited, youthful male voice. A second later, other voices could be heard.

  Hildy didn’t look, but she heard the sounds of rushing feet behind her. The nudies were already running at top speed. So they couldn’t quicken their pace. But the urgency of escape doubled for Hildy. Oh, shit! I’ve gotta get out of here!

  Susan and Hildy reached a fork in the road, so to speak, where the corridor branched off to the right or continued straight ahead. To the right were some of the specialty classrooms such as biology and chemistry labs. Eventually, that corridor connected with yet another hallway that led back tow
ard the Assembly Hall’s front entrance and the administrative offices. Straight ahead went straight for another thirty feet, and beyond that, there was only the door leading to the great outdoors of the city street—not a good place for a person with no clothes to be. Hildy assumed Susan, who was only slightly in front of her, would make the 90-degree right turn at the junction. But, instead, Susan charged straight ahead.

  What the fuck is that dumb bitch doing?! thought Hildy as she rounded the corner, parting with her cohort. A moment later, Hildy heard the metallic screech of the exit door opening. No way! thought Hildy, now pounding toward the labs area. There’s no way she ran out onto the street naked!

  But then, in a flash, a series of thoughts rocketed through Hildy’s adrenaline pumped brain.

  Maybe she’s going to her car! But she hasn’t got her car keys! Maybe she knows how to hotwire it! If anyone would know how, Susan would! But she’ll need a key to get in! Unless she didn’t lock it! That’s it! The car’s waiting and unlocked! That bitch is gonna drive home!

  There was a choice to be made and only an instant in which to make it. The direction she was going would just lead back to the Assembly Hall and the thousand students she now desperately wanted to avoid. The exit to outdoors held at least the possibility of escape, ducked down low in her friend’s car. She couldn’t get to her clothes. She couldn’t just stay in the building until she was caught. She couldn’t dodge into a classroom to hide, because, devoid of their professors and students, they were all locked. There was really only one viable option. Hildy had to turn around and hope she could catch up to Susan before Susan drove off.

  Hildy put on the brakes and came to a clumsy halt. She wheeled around to backtrack. It was the wrong decision. A girl’s shriek of terror caught Hildy by surprise and caused her to freeze in place. It was a fatal pause. An instant later, Cindy came charging around the corner and steamrolled right into her, knocking Hildy on her back with her legs akimbo and her feet well above her head. Cindy staggered, but, because she had momentum on her side, she was able to recover her balance, and she continued sprinting down the corridor, never looking back.


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