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Perfect Streak

Page 4

by Lexington Manheim

  Hildy’s ungainly position wasn’t her only problem. During the fall, her paper bag had shifted so the eyeholes were no longer positioned over her eyes, and she couldn’t see anything. Hearing a commotion getting close, she frantically shifted the bag’s position on her head, looking for the eyeholes. But, in her mad confusion, she had no idea where the holes were.

  She felt a hand on her upper arm pulling her back up to her feet. Thank God! Cindy came back for her! Then she felt a second hand. This one took hold of her left breast. Ow! What the…?!

  Raucous sounds, in addition to a third, a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth hand groping her tits, ass, and crotch, brought to light the horrible realization that it wasn’t Cindy who had lifted her off the floor. She was being mauled by her pursuers who had caught up to her.

  Hildy let fly a piercing scream that stunned her marauders for a second.

  “Let’s see who it is!” called out a male voice. Other voices applauded the suggestion. Hildy knew what was coming next. Her hands flew to the sides of the paper bag to clutch it more tightly than she had ever held anything before. And then it happened. The last fragment of her perfect plan came undone with one horrifying sound.


  Between the fingers of both her clenched hands there remained two tiny nubs of brown paper. The paper bag was off.

  Hildy shrieked and collapsed to the floor in a trembling lump. She tightened her body into a ball, trying as best she could to cover her nakedness with her arms and legs. Around her stood a half-dozen boys who appeared to be highly enthralled. Some of them, she recognized as classmates. Among those she recognized was Danny Astor, a fleet-footed jock who played on the Valefour basketball team. She knew him because of his local celebrity. She suspected he had seen her around the school but had no knowledge of who she was. Up till now, he'd shown no interest.

  “Anybody know this cunt?” Danny asked his friends.

  A boy bent over to get a better look at the face of the naked girl on the floor. It was Victor Sherman, a boy from her advanced calculus class.

  “It’s Hildy Bowlers,” Victor announced.

  “I’ve got Hildy’s boulders!” exclaimed a blond headed boy as he reached in and grabbed hold of both her tits. The act drew shouts and applause while Hildy squirmed.

  “Get away from me! Leave me alone!” Hildy kicked her feet and slid her bare ass backwards over the floor tiles in a futile attempt to put some distance between her and the others. A moment later, the boys were all around her again.

  “What the fuck’s with this bitch?” said Danny with a haughty tone. “First she wants everyone to see. Now she’s shy?”

  “Maybe she’s only shy around small groups,” winked a chubby boy. “Maybe Nudie Girl likes big audiences.”

  “That it, Nudie Girl?” taunted Danny. “You only show your tits if there’s a lotta people ‘round to see?”

  “Well, we can help there!” guffawed the chubby boy. “Let’s take ‘er back to the Assembly Hall!”

  A unanimous exultation from the boys brought instant approval to that proposal.

  “No, no!” whimpered Hildy.

  A second later, strong arms, possibly inspired by an even stronger sense of “mission,” hauled the girl up by her shaven armpits.

  “Don’t! Don’t!” Hildy writhed as she tried to pull free. “Let me go!”

  Victor and the chubby boy had a secure grasp on the arms of a bare-ass naked babe. If they had anything to say about it, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “Don’t make me! Don’t make me!” yelled the captive nudist. In a brazen attempt to launch one last major offensive, she kicked a foot toward Danny’s groin.

  Danny’s reflexes were quick. He wasn’t on the basketball team for nothing. He not only averted the kick to his balls, but he managed to grab hold of Hildy’s outstretched leg. He held her ankle while the girl struggled unsuccessfully to extricate her suspended limb and balance herself on the one foot that remained on the floor.

  “Oh!” Danny grinned, “Nudie Girl likes to play rough!”

  “She’s just anxious to get back to her fan club!” Victor had a devilish grin.

  “Well, let’s not keep them waiting!” was Danny’s response. “Grab ‘er other leg!”

  Before she knew what was happening, the blond boy took hold of her other leg, and a screaming Hildy was suspended in mid air by four boys each holding a different wriggling limb. Try as she might, her strength was no match for the boys, all of whom were athletes. They had full control of her and could manipulate her however and wherever they wanted.

  The boys spread her legs far apart, causing her pussy lips to separate.

  “I always thought that stuck-up bitch needed to air out her pussy,” quipped Victor.

  “Well, let’s make sure it gets a good airing out,” said a short boy, whom Hildy recognized as Jimmy Jordash, a fellow classmate she detested for his crudeness. Jimmy dove between the girl’s uplifted legs, put his face right into her splayed snatch, and rubbed her pussy with his nubby fingers. “She’s openin’ up like a garage door!” Jimmy proudly announced.

  “Dr. Jordash, we’re at two centimeters,” laughed a tall boy.

  “Let’s check!” And, with that, Jimmy prodded his fingers deep into Hildy’s cunt hole. Hildy let out a guttural sound of disgust, but she could sense her pussy reacting to the stimulation in a way she wished it would not. “We’re definitely on the right track!” said Jimmy. “Someone get my picture with her!”

  A cell phone camera was already out and focused.

  “Say cheese,” said the boy with the camera.

  “Say pussy!” said the chubby boy.

  “Pus-seeeeeeeee!” grinned Jimmy as the photo was taken.

  “Me next!” jumped in the next in line.

  The boys took turns being photographed with the girl whose naked body was now a plaything in their hands. Hildy could feel her cunt lips engorging, swelling, opening wider, wider, wider still! There was nothing she could do about it. When a boy wasn’t playing with her pussy, he was groping her tits or smacking her ass. Those sensations made it worse for her. She was now fully aroused, but also struggling and suffering—utterly embarrassed and humiliated. What could be worse for her but better for the boys than for them to get this kind of up-close-and-personal nudie show from a girl who was so obviously reluctant? Hildy believed that, for the boys, it was like being a peeping Tom—only the peeped-on girl knows you’re doing it and can’t do a thing about it no matter how hard she tries.

  “This is too good to keep to just ourselves!” proclaimed Danny. “Head for the goal line!” With that, the boys took off at a trot with their captive’s bare, swollen pussy near the head of the charge.

  Hildy’s energy was just about spent. She could do nothing but go for the ride as the boys carried her up the five steps and into the corridor where dozens of excited people were now milling about. Dr. Zabrinski’s impassioned attempts to restore order to the Assembly Hall seemed to be an exercise in futility. Passing an open Assembly Hall door, Hildy heard the provost’s pleas of “Everyone remain seated!” going unheeded as dozens left the room in short order. All Dr. Zabrinski had to offer was a boring awards ceremony that almost no one enjoyed sitting through. Outside the Hall were four naked girls. It was only too obvious which won the hearts and minds of the crowd.

  The people in the hallway began to shout and applaud the moment they saw the naked girl being carried toward them. Their shouts alerted the people still inside the Assembly Hall that more fun awaited them outside, and in an instant a throng began to push its way into the corridor to see what they assumed was the streak show’s second act.

  Hildy’s jaw dropped so low that she actually heard it click. Her eyes sprang open so wide that she imagined they must have resembled two pennies resting squarely in the middle of two white poker chips. She flushed bright crimson all the way down to her bare toes. Directly before her was a sight so astounding even the movies could not have topped it.
Pouring into the corridor were hundreds upon hundreds of her fellow classmates. The corridor outside the front of the Assembly Hall was built extra large to serve as a lobby and box office area during public performances, so it accommodated the growing crowd reasonably if not comfortably. It was the same crowd she had beckoned with glee earlier to look at her tits and cunt. However, this time she appeared without the key ingredient that made the prior performance an exhilarating hoot. She was without her paper bag. Now her friends, classmates, crushes, and enemies were seeing her naked tits, naked ass, and naked pussy, with her naked face! And this time the cell phone cameras were out.

  Click! Click! Click-click-click-click-click-click!

  A few of the girls who carried small digital cameras in their purses had those out, shooting with flash for what would be good quality images that could later be reproduced on computers and on the Internet.

  Flash! Flash! Flash-flash-flash-flash!

  And there were videos being recorded. Not the video that was shot from a distance in the back of the Assembly Hall, but cell phone videos that could zoom in so close you could practically see right up her cunt. And, of course, this time they all had her face in them. Captured for all posterity—Hildy Bowlers naked from every angle.

  The last of the crowd from the Assembly Hall pushed its way into the corridor. Now everyone had a viewing of Hildy’s live, unintended, non-anonymous nudie show. She was hoisted higher for everyone to get a better look. As a result of the sexual stimulation, she could see her tits were enlarged, her nipples stood out like bullets, and her pussy was so swollen that her cunt lips almost resembled two small pancakes spreading out from a gaping chasm of dark pink.

  Hildy saw delight in every witness’s face. To her surprise, even the straight girls seemed to be into it. She’d expect the lesbians to be happy with the sight of a pretty, naked girl displayed spread eagle before them. But the hetero girls’ faces showed what seemed to be the same unmitigated jubilation. They weren’t sexually turned on by the sight of a naked female. Still, being schoolgirls, they delighted in the humiliation—the self-made, self-imposed humiliation of one of their own. Hildy knew exactly what they were thinking.

  Here was a girl who thought she was such a sight to see that she exposed her nude body to everyone. Then to have it all blow up on her and have to endure a public parading in all her embarrassing naked glory! Oh my God! How embarrassing for her! How utterly, unbelievably embarrassing!

  And—oh!—Hildy could only imagine the expression that must have been on her own face! She was giving the live nudie show to end all live nudie shows!—reluctantlyagainst her will!

  Hildy could do nothing—nothing other than take it all in. It was worse than the movie. Much, much worse. As she underwent her massive humiliation, the words kept going through her mind over and over: I’m bare-pussy! I’m bare-pussy! I’m bare-pussy!

  Without warning, Hildy heard an unearthly scream break through the raucous crowd noises. Even more disturbing to Hildy, that scream was coming out of her. She couldn’t help herself. The sound that forced its way from the pit of her stomach, past her tonsils, and out her gaping mouth was a long, loud, undeniably crowd pleasing “Whoah-oh-ooooooooooh-oh-oh-aaah-aaaaahhh!!!”

  Hildy kept right on screaming, one long holler after another. She had no control over it. She couldn’t stop. The screams just kept coming. Tears rolled down her face. She was sobbing, much to the delight of the crowd that must have recognized the wonderful irony. This girl had chosen to take off every stitch she had on in order to be naked in front of her classmates, and now she cried about it. She was undergoing the most incredible humiliation imaginable, and she brought it all on herself.

  It was all being captured on video, including the video camera that had earlier been in the back of the Assembly Hall and now had its red eye trained on the screaming naked girl. The crowd loved it. They howled and egged on more.

  “Way to let it all hang out, Hildy!”

  “Love your outfit!”

  “Just didn’t have a thing to wear?”

  Hildy was still in the midst of screaming when an unmistakable sensation began to make its presence known in her groin. She knew what this meant. She had masturbated so many times to the fantasy of being naked in public that she was now having an automatic reaction. If possible, Hildy felt her eyelids stretch even wider. She involuntarily spread her legs farther apart, and she arched her pussy as high up as she was able within the constraints of the tight hold her captors had on her limbs. She couldn’t help herself. It was as though her pussy had taken control of her body.

  “Holy shit! She’s coming!” announced a girl in the crowd.

  And indeed she did. Hildy came in front of the whole school.

  “Aaahhh!! Aaahhh!! Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!” she grunted. The sounds were accompanied by the orgasm faces she witnessed on herself in the mirror the previous night. Now she was performing them for an audience that would forever know Hildy Bowlers’ climatic face facial expression. The scrunched up eyes. The “O” shaped mouth. The flared nostrils.

  By the time the orgasm subsided, Hildy felt as though she might pass out. She might have, except that she was jostled back to her senses when her captors lowered her a bit and turned her in the opposite direction.

  “What else?” moaned Hildy.

  That’s when she saw two big, jiggling tits and a wide-open, hairy pussy coming straight for her. It was Dara being carried in by four of her own band of captors.

  * * * *

  Of the streakers, Dara got caught first. It was her terror filled scream that filled the corridor earlier while Hildy still tried to escape. As with Hildy, Dara’s captors had ripped off her paper bag and enjoyed fun-filled play with the bare-ass girl in their grasp. They rushed her to a place in the hallway where there was room for others to crowd around and take a gander. The camera phones were out and snapping away. Dara screamed for them to stop. They didn’t. Then came a moment so humiliating that Dara felt she almost couldn’t tolerate it—as if she had any choice. She saw between her outstretched, parted thighs her own younger brother, Darren standing before her with a camera phone aimed and ready.

  “Don’t you dare!” shrieked Dara. “Don’t you…!”

  It was too late. The giddy Darren snapped a photo of his sister in the nude. He snapped some more before being shoved aside by other eager shutterbugs.

  No fucking way! the helpless girl cringed. Her own kid brother now had pictures of her being carried naked and spread eagle through school! All the years she spent making sure to lock the bathroom door and not to parade around disrobed where her snoopy brother might get a cheap thrill at her expense—all of it gone up in smoke! Her brother could now gawk at his big sister’s big ol’ titties and hairy ol’ pussy anytime he wanted. And he could share it with all of his friends. And all of her friends, as well! Oh, the humiliation! Not to mention the conversation there’s going to be with Mom and Dad!

  * * * *

  Hildy had gotten Dara into this mess. Now there was nothing she could do to help her friend who cried and pleaded for someone to give her some clothes—a plea to which no one paid the slightest attention. Hildy’s own pleas for mercy were equally disregarded. The sight of the two naked girls together seemed to rejuvenate the crowd, which demanded further entertainment. It didn’t take long for someone to suggest the obvious thing to do with two naked girls.

  “Push ‘em together!”

  The two teams of captors charged head on toward each other. More accurately, it was a pussy-first charge. They manipulated the legs around each other in order to press the girls together at the crotch. The captor boys began a quick up and down movement of the girls’ bodies so as to mash and rub one pussy into the other. It had become a girl-on-girl sex show.

  The electrified crowd chanted. “Snatch to snatch! Snatch to snatch! Snatch to snatch!”

  Hildy and Dara’s aroused and swollen cunt lips penetrated deep within the folds of each other’s now meaty, wet twats, rub
bing hard against their clits. They scissored each other—just like a couple of lezzies!

  Unable to pull back or fully turn her head away from the confined girl right before her, Hildy could only stare at her nude friend. The frenetic bouncing motion created by the boys rubbing the girls together at their cunts caused their tits to jiggle like four water balloons on a pogo stick. Dara’s big melons flopped about particularly heavily. But even Hildy’s less voluminous pair was bopping about in a circular motion that resembled a stripper’s gyrating tassels routine. As is typical of girls who are sexually aroused, both girls’ tits had responded by swelling even larger in size.

  “Hey!” called out one observant boy. “They’re getting’ turned on lookin’ at each other’s boobs!”

  Hildy and Dara were straight girls. But the quivering tits were then the most pronounced objects in each girl’s immediate line of sight, and those tantalizing knockers worked their magic. Hildy couldn’t deny to herself what was happening. Dara’s jiggling, swollen orbs did a naughty dance right in her face and despite her natural inclinations, Hildy was unable to control the mental arousal the vision of her friend’s bouncing funbags created. There was a perverted, forbidden kind of sexiness about it. Combined with the physical stimulation of their mutually rubbing pussies, she started to feel a familiar stirring radiating from her genitals. What’s more, she could tell by Dara’s scrunched up face that her friend was experiencing the same reaction. They were fucking each other to orgasm.

  Shit! Hildy thought. Are we actually turning lezzie?

  “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!” they groaned from their quivering mouths.

  Now, in addition to knowing what they looked like naked, everyone would also know their “fuck faces.” Was there no end to the humiliation?!

  “PUT ‘EM DOWN!” thundered the furious voice of Dr. Zabrinski.


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