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His Hollywood Virgin (The Virgins Book 3)

Page 2

by Kim Loraine

  "Where's Martin?" Kaia asks, a grin in her tone.

  "I fired him. If he can't do something as simple as keep an eye on a seven-year-old, he definitely can't handle being my assistant."

  Kaia hops off the stool and takes my hand. "Thanks for the cookies, Hazel."

  Then she trots around the counter and to Jameson, big eyes locked adoringly on him.

  "Sorry for the trouble," he says, a genuinely apologetic look on his handsome features. "Hope she didn't give you a hard time."

  They turn to leave, but Jameson glances over his shoulder. "Hazel?" he starts. "I'm so glad to see you again."

  I shake my head, unable to form words. The delectable scent of him lingers as he leaves the store, and once the two of them are safely out of sight, I give in to the trembling in my knees and take a seat before I fall. Jameson Donoghue just came into my store, touched me, spoke to me. If I thought I'd be able to move past our meeting in the club, I was wrong. I may never recover.

  Chapter 3


  Kaia is asleep, finally. This kid has run me ragged for the last two weeks. She's hungry, she's bored, she's thirsty. It never ends. But damn if I don't love to see a smile on her sweet face. She's curled up in her bed, looking perfectly angelic as she dreams of God knows what. Probably ways to give me a heart attack. Today wasn't the first time she's run off. The day after Laura dropped her on my doorstep, Kaia took herself out for ice cream. I'd had to call the police in order to find her.

  That was when I realized I needed someone to watch her. Unfortunately, every nanny service I've looked into either had people who gave me the creeps or were booked out months in advance. So, I took time off, precious time my latest project doesn't have. But Kaia is the most important thing in my world now. I'm not going to be a deadbeat dad. That's not who I am.

  "What am I going to do with you, kid?" I ask my sleeping daughter. She's definitely mine. Paternity was never a question. One look at her makes her parentage obvious. She's basically a mini version of me when I was a kid with the exception of her big brown eyes and my blues.

  My mind flashes back to the bookstore--to Hazel. I'd been so caught up in finding Kaia, I hadn't noticed Hazel at first, but she is someone I could never forget. Absolute perfection in a curvy package. And to top it all off, she was wonderful with my girl.

  Maybe we need to make another trip to the bookshop. Get Kaia a few more books for bedtime...get me started on a new series. Then I could get Hazel's phone number. See if her lips taste as sweet as I remember. But in two weeks everything has changed. I need to focus on my daughter, not on dating. No matter how my thoughts drift to Hazel's dark hair and the scent of her lightly floral perfume.

  My phone chirps in my pocket as I leave Kaia's bedroom and close the door. Glancing at the screen, I grin to see a message from my buddy, Easton.

  I'm going to be in the city next week. Wanna meet up?

  The city is hours away, and usually that wouldn't be an issue, but now that I'm a dad, I can't do whatever I want.

  I type a quick response.

  Can't. I'm busy.

  Porn is a bad habit, James. You gotta get out of the house and see the real world.

  I chuckle. Easton has always been good at giving me shit.

  Seriously. I can't. I've got a kid, remember?

  I've got some big news.

  I take a long breath and call him. If I can't get out to the city to see him, I can at least have a real conversation on the phone.

  "Miss me that much?" he asks by way of answering my call.

  "Desperately," I joke. "So what's the news? Grammy noms haven't been released yet, and last I checked, you haven't released a new album."

  "Better than a Grammy. I'm going to be a dad."

  My chest squeezes. He just got married, now she's pregnant? "Wow. I don't...I'm not sure what to say."

  "Congratulations. That's usually the word."

  "Yeah, wow. Congrats, man."

  "Try to contain your enthusiasm a little." The sarcasm in his tone makes me feel bad for not being more excited for them.

  "It's, don't you think? I mean, you only knew her a few weeks before you got married."

  "A week. But I knew I wanted to marry her after the first day."

  I shake my head and fight a sigh, reminded of just how different my friend and I are. Love at first sight isn't real. I should know. I'd been stupid enough to think that's what was happening with Hazel, but she shut me down and ran away. I've been the lead in plenty of romantic films. Love's a manufactured lie. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy for Easton.

  "I'm sorry, Easton. I've got a lot going on, and it's fucking with my brain. I'm really happy for you and Ireland."

  "Thanks. You sure you can't come out next week? Meet me for dinner? We could grab a slice and catch up. Ireland wants to see Manhattan before it gets too hard for her to travel." I start to protest, but he interrupts me. "Bring the kid. We'll go to Central Park."

  I run a hand over my jaw as anxiety claws at my chest. Kaia in Manhattan sounds like a terrible idea. It's bad enough when she wanders off here in this small town. In a city as big as New York...I may never find her again. "Fuck. I need a nanny."

  "Aren't there a shit ton of nannies in New York?"

  "Apparently not."

  "What, baby?" For a second, I think Easton is calling me baby, but I quickly realize he's talking to his wife. "Ireland says she's got a friend with experience as a nanny who lives close to you. Want me to send the info?"

  "I don't know."

  "Think about it."

  We hang up and the sound of little feet against hardwood floor hits my ears. Here we go again. Kaia hasn't slept a single night all the way through since she got here. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I head toward my sleepwalking kid to keep her from falling down the stairs. Fuck. Maybe I do need some help.

  After getting Kaia settled in her bed again, I park my ass on the stairs and text Easton.

  Get me the nanny.

  Chapter 4


  "So, how's it going?" Posey stares at me over the rim of her coffee cup.

  Tears burn my eyes. "I lost my job."

  "What? How?"

  My fingers grip the sides of my mug, the heat of the latte I can't afford radiating through the ceramic cup. "It was a total shock to all of us. The owner came in and shut everything down. No warning, nothing."

  "Oh, that's terrible. Can they do that? I mean, is it legal?"

  I nod, anger burning in my chest. "Unfortunately. Clover's going to be fine. She's got Sawyer, and I think she wanted to open her own indie bookstore anyway. I have no idea what I'm going to do." In truth, I'll get by. I've started over once, I can do it again. At least this time, the only thing threatening me is a lack of money.

  She taps her bright blue manicured nails on the side of her mug and hums in thought. Then her eyes widen, and she reaches into her purse. "I've got a brilliant idea. It's only temporary, but I think this is exactly what you need."

  Apprehension takes hold. "What are you doing?"

  "How'd you like to be a nanny for a few weeks?"

  "I can't. I haven't had any't you need those things?"

  She bites her lip. "Well, I mean, when you work for an agency you do, but this job came through a friend of a friend, and I was going to have to turn it down. But you're available now."

  I watch as she scrolls through her phone. Then my phone beeps as a text comes through with an address. "Are you serious?"

  "Sure. You like kids. Why not?"

  As I read the details my stomach twists as excitement takes the place of dread. "This is like...double my pay."

  "Yep. And it's two weeks with room and board. I know how much you want to get out of your aunt's house."

  "But what if they check my references?"

  "Trust me, if my friend Ireland says I vouched for you, they won't care. Just don't lose the kid."

laugh, but part of me is completely afraid that's exactly what I'm going to end up doing.

  Posey sits back and starts typing on her phone. "There. It's settled. You start tomorrow."

  The next morning my hands are shaking as I stand in front of the door to the sprawling home where I'm set to spend the next two weeks. God, I can't do this. What if the mom hates me? What if the kid is the worst? I almost turn around, but the door opens and my mouth falls open. Jameson Donoghue stands in the doorway, a dark t-shirt accenting his broad shoulders and trim waist and making him look like he belongs on the cover of a magazine. Who am I kidding? He does belong on the cover of a magazine. I've seen him on more than one.

  "Um...hi," I say, fighting a nervous stutter.

  He grins and runs a hand through his hair. "Hi." Flashes of his lips on mine hit me like a ton of bricks. The rough feel of his stubble, the promise of a night I'd never forget, his taste...oh no.

  I can't do this. I can't live at Jameson's house and take care of his kid. No matter how good the money is. "I'm...I think I'm your nanny."

  "What?" Those dark brows pull together in confusion.

  "You hired a nanny?" When he nods, I continue. "That's me."

  "But you work at the bookstore. How can you be here and work there? This is a full-time position for the next two weeks. I can't share you."

  The idea of him possessing me in any way sends a thrill through me. "The store closed unexpectedly." I glance behind me at the long driveway in the gated community. "Is there...will there be press here? You know, paparazzi?"

  He shakes his head. "No. They don't bother me here. I don't do anything interesting enough to get their attention when I'm not in the city."

  My anxiety lessens with that statement. I don't want my picture splashed all over the internet. I haven't had a presence online in five years, and I don't want to start now. "Okay then, I'm all yours."

  "Good." There's tension in his voice, and I have to wonder if that's because he's desperate for a nanny, or if there's still something between us.

  "Great. So...we should keep this professional. Since you're paying me and everything." I hold out a hand.

  He grins and takes my palm in his. "Okay, Hazel. I'll be on my best behavior." Again, the instant our palms touch, it's electricity and sparks. But maybe I'm misreading things. I'd believe that except for the way he stares into my eyes. It's soul-searing, and the connection between us feels real.

  He's still holding my hand when a high pitched little voice breaks us apart. "It's you! Did you bring cookies?"

  Jameson steps back as Kaia rushes up to me. "Hi, Kaia. I didn't know I'd be here for you."

  "Did you bring any books?" She takes my hand and tugs me inside. "Come on. I'll show you my room."

  I pull a book out of my bag and hand it to her. "I did bring you a book." She stares at the blue paperback and frowns.

  "It's a chapter book. I can't read chapter books yet."

  "I thought we could read it together. This is a great story about how being different doesn't mean you're not special."

  She smiles and hugs the paperback to her chest. Then starts tugging me toward the stairs. But Jameson clears his throat, and she stops. "I think we need to get Hazel settled in first, okay, Kai?" She pouts, and I see the argument on her face before she opens her mouth, but he stops her. "Kai, I'll bring her up to your room as soon as I go over a few things with her, okay?"

  Kaia nods and gives a little harrumph but heads up the stairs. Then Jameson turns his gaze on me and my belly flips.

  "You ran from me."

  "What?" I ask, but as soon as the word leaves my lips, I realize what he's said.

  "I'm sorry. We're keeping this professional, and you're right to want that. I can't afford to be distracted by you, no matter how much I might want to."

  My cheeks heat, but the words sink in. He can't be with me. I can't be with him. "So..." I trail off.

  "Right, let's get the paperwork out of the way."


  "I need you to sign an NDA. I can't have you selling your story to the tabloids."

  "I wouldn't--"

  "You'd be surprised what people do for the right amount of money."

  I want to fight him and tell him he doesn't know what I'd do, but it's obvious he's been burned before. I didn't tell a single soul about our night at the club. I kept my memory of him close to my heart because it wasn't something I wanted to share with anyone else. It won't help for me to try and tell him now. I'll have to prove I'm different.

  "Sure. Just tell me where to sign."

  Chapter 5


  After showing Hazel around the house and leaving her with Kaia at the end of the tour, I excused myself to my office. I pretended I needed to read a script, but in truth, I had to get away from her. She's better than I remembered. Soft and innocent, with plump lips that beg me to kiss them. Fuck. The last thing I need is to have a hard-on for the nanny. But that's exactly what I have.

  Maybe a little relief will take the edge off. I run my palm over my aching dick, heart racing at the thought of Hazel catching me. But the door is locked, they're safe upstairs, and I don't know if I can walk around with an erection that can cut glass without being obvious. I rake a hand through my hair and sigh. I'm an award-winning actor, I should be able to control myself. But there's something about this woman I can't get past. No one, absolutely no one, has stirred this kind of emotional connection with me in such a short time.

  A knock on the door has me nearly jumping out of my skin. "Mr. Donoghue?" Hazel's sweet voice sends a wave of guilt through me. She's here to take care of my kid, not me.

  I clear my throat and adjust the erection tenting my jeans. "Yeah, come on in."

  The door opens with a slight creak and a fresh wave of humiliation races through me. It wasn't locked. Fuck. Her head of dark hair fills my vision first, bringing with it the scent of wildflowers.

  "Kaia wants to watch a movie, but I thought I should check with you first. Do you limit her screen time?"

  Do I? No. In fact, she probably gets too much screen time right along with me. I'm barely keeping my head above water as it is this summer. "I...not really. It's not something I've thought about."

  She shrugs. "My parents didn't let me watch TV ever."

  "Oh..." I don't know what to say. Am I doing this dad thing all wrong?

  "So, obviously that's a terrible way to go."

  "Why?" I can't hide my laugh.

  "Because my parents were good at their jobs and terrible at being parents."

  "Oh? What do they do?"

  "Did. They were both pediatricians. They died in a car accident when I was fifteen."

  Shit. I can't believe I touched on something so personal. "I'm sorry."

  She shakes her head. "Don't apologize for something that isn't your fault." Then she sighs, and I can see the sadness cover her like a cloud. "Anyway, I say let the kids watch TV, give them the ice cream, play the silly games. You never know how long you're going to have with them."

  I nod and have to fight the urge to pull her into my arms. All I want is to protect this woman and fix her broken heart. Reaching out, I brush a stray lock of hair away from her face and stare into her beautiful eyes. "In the interest of full disclosure...I've only been part of Kaia's life for the last four weeks. Up until then, I didn't even know she existed."

  Her eyes narrow, and I can see her judging me, making me out to be a deadbeat. "Well that's...I don't know what to say."

  "It's why I need a nanny. I've got no idea what I'm doing, and the last thing I want is to lose her." I hate the note of panic in my voice.

  Those penetrating irises stare into my soul, and they soften in understanding. "That's why I'm here, right? To help keep her safe."

  "Exactly. And to keep me sane."

  She chuckles. "I don't know if I can help with that one."

  God, those lips. Her smile is infectious, and I can't help but let my gaze linger on the
sweet pinkness of her mouth. She bats her eyelashes and glances at her shoes while I stare on like an idiot.

  "I'd better get back to Kaia."

  "Right, yeah. I've got a meeting tomorrow morning, but then we can spend the day getting to know each other better."

  Eyes wide, she steps back. "You mean I can spend the day getting to know Kaia?"

  I grab her hand and stop her before she leaves. "No. I mean we can. I've never been in this situation, and I'm sure this is different from what you're used to, but while I still have work to do, I'll be doing it from home. You're here to keep things running smoothly while my daughter and I learn to be parent and child instead of strangers. That means you and I need to be friends."

  Friends. The word sounds wrong when I'm talking about her relationship to me. I know that with more certainty than I know I need to breathe. There's something special about her, and I can't deny it. Maybe Easton wasn't a fool to think he could fall in love after a few days after all.

  "I guess we can be friends."

  "You know...I tried to find you. I spent way too much time attempting to stalk you on social media."

  Her face goes pale, and I know I fucked up. I said something that hit a trigger for her. "I...I don't have any social media profiles."

  It makes sense, with her parents having been so strict. "Oh, I guess that explains why I couldn't find you."

  She shrugs, but I can still see the tension in her shoulders. "It's harder to hide than you might think."

  "I'm glad you're here now."

  I step closer, not able to contain my need to touch her. There's a burning desire in her eyes too. She remembers our heated kisses, the feel of my body under hers in the booth at the club.

  "Me too," she whispers.

  The promise of more with her makes my chest tighten. I hadn't let myself think about letting her go at the end of this two weeks, but now, I don't know if I can. But there's too much at stake for me to act on my lust. Kaia is the most important thing here, not my libido.


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