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His Hollywood Virgin (The Virgins Book 3)

Page 3

by Kim Loraine

  Shaking my head, I step back. "Good. I need someone like you in my life...we do. Kaia hasn't had a lot of stability as far as I can tell."

  The softness in her gaze makes it clear she's already fallen for my daughter. Maybe I can make her fall for me too. "Okay, Mr. Donoghue--"

  "Jameson. Just Jameson."

  "Jameson," she says, my name on her lips my new favorite thing to hear. "I'm going to watch a movie with Kaia, then I'll make us all some lunch. Want to join us?"

  I nod, my heart pounding as I let my thoughts run away with me. Hazel and I on the couch, Kaia running off to play because she got bored, my lips on Hazel's. I can't get my mind off all the things I shouldn't do with her, and fuck if there aren't a lot of them.

  "Jameson?" she asks, cocking her head to the side, her perfect mouth quirking up in a grin.

  I clear my throat. "I've got too much work to do. Let me know when lunch is ready?"

  Her smile falters, but she nods and pastes it back on. "Okay. Don't work too hard. I'm going to need you later tonight."

  I nearly choke. "What?"

  "To show me Kaia's bedtime routine."

  Dragging a hand through my hair, I force a laugh. "Right. No problem."

  She leaves, shutting the door behind her and I grip the edges of my desk, repeating the same mantra in my head over and over. I will not fall for the nanny. Somehow, no matter how many times I say the words, they don't sink in.

  Chapter 6


  The day after I arrived, I spent most of my time outside with Kaia. We walked to the neighborhood park, and I watched her play on the swings, make friends with the other kids, and all I could see was Jameson every time she smiled. I took her to the library and let her check out as many books as she could hold. But my favorite part of the day was when we met Clover at the lake and played with the new puppy she and Sawyer got.

  Now, Kaia is sound asleep, and I'm exhausted. The house is quiet, only the faint light creeping from under the door to Jameson's office telling me he's still awake. Still working. I just want to make myself some popcorn and curl up on the couch while I watch some TV. After changing into my bedtime uniform of yoga pants and a loose tank top, I pad to the kitchen and search the pantry for the popcorn I know I saw earlier. I open the jar of kernels and start pouring them into the air popper. A slight brush of something against my bare arm has me jumping, spilling the kernels across the counter and floor before I can stop myself.

  "Holy, good God. You scared me!" I admonish him without really thinking too hard about what I'm doing.

  A deep laugh rolls through him, and I can't help but look into his blue eyes. "Sorry. I just heard noise out here and came to check. I was trying to ask you to make enough for me. Popcorn is my weakness."

  I pour a little extra into the popper and stick a bowl under the spout. The machine comes to life with the flick of a switch, and, suddenly, I'm very focused on the mess at my feet. "I should clean this up."

  His big hands are wrapped around my forearms, warm and strong. "I'll do it. It's my fault in the first place."

  It doesn't escape my notice that his gaze is trained on my lips. But this is dangerous ground. It's obvious we want each other. All I have to do is look down at my rock hard nipples, visible even through the fabric of my sports bra and shirt.

  He slides his hands up my arms until they're cupping my face. "Why did it have to be you?"

  Disappointment curls in my belly. "I didn't come here to find you, Jameson."

  "I know. It's fate. You're here because I'm being tested. I can't have you, but fuck, I want you."

  I laugh, but the thought of this being fate makes my stomach flip. "Fate? Really?"

  "What else could it be? I spent weeks searching for you, even after Kaia got here, but I never found a trace. Then suddenly you're everywhere."

  I don't know what to say. He acts like I'm some kind of punishment. "I live here. I've been here an entire year. I'm not following you."

  Shaking his head, he frowns. "That's not what I'm saying. I thought I was losing my mind, obsessing over you. I've never had an experience like our time in the club."

  I can't hide my eye roll. "You mean a session of dry humping in a dark corner?"

  Ice blue eyes pierce me. "No. I mean the connection between us. You and me."

  My lips quirk into a smile. I was right. That night meant as much to him as it did to me. I lean closer, begging him to kiss me without using any words. I want to taste him again.

  But he backs away, his jaw tight. "We can't. I have to focus on Kaia. She needs stability. It's not fair to her or you for us to start something now when it's temporary."

  "What do you mean?"

  "You deserve a man who can be yours, one-hundred percent. I can't be that for you. Not when everything is up in the air. My work takes me away for long stretches...and now that I know about Kaia, I'm not going to let her go without a fight."

  I back away as well, flipping the switch on the air popper but not hungry for popcorn anymore. "I understand. Kaia is the most important piece of this puzzle. Wrong place, wrong time."

  He drags a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Hazel." The sound of feet thumping on the stairs takes his gaze from mine. "Shit. She's sleepwalking."

  He rushes to the stairs and I follow, worried Kaia is going to fall and hurt herself. Instead, we find her with tears in her eyes, face pale, panic in her expression. "Daddy, my tummy hurts."

  Jameson lifts her into his arms. "Come on, let's get you back to bed. I'll bring you some water."

  She nods, and I watch as the two of them ascend the stairs. "I'll get the water," I say, and he nods in response.

  By the time I head up the stairs I hear her crying, the unmistakable sound of retching, and Jameson's shocked shout. He comes out of her bedroom, shirtless and frazzled, carrying her soiled bedspread and nightgown.

  "She puked on me."

  "Kids do that."

  "I need to clean up. Can you sit with her?"

  "Of course. Give me a second." Rushing to the linen closet, I grab a washcloth and head into the bathroom. I return with the dampened cloth and head into her room.

  She's in bed, a fresh pair of pajamas on and looking pathetic. "I got sick," she murmurs.

  "You sure did."

  "All over my dad."


  "Is he mad?"

  I brush her hair off her forehead and lay the cold compress across her skin. "No, honey. He's just getting a new shirt."

  "I'm glad you're here." She takes my hand and squeezes. "Can you read me a story?"

  I crawl into bed with her, letting her snuggle with me while I read. Soon she's drifted off to sleep, and I finally glance up from the book. Jameson is standing in the doorway, a clean shirt covering his beautifully defined torso.

  "Thank you," he whispers. He comes in and drapes a clean quilt over her after setting a bowl on her bedside table. "I'll take it from here."

  Holding out a hand, he helps me up and keeps our fingers linked longer than necessary. "You can let me go now," I say.

  "It gets more difficult each time I try." His gaze burns my blood and that pull between us grows stronger. But Kaia moans and whimpers, so he releases me, turning his attention to his child. As it should be.

  I leave him with a long look and the instruction to call if he needs anything. I know the night will be long for both of us. Him caring for his sick daughter, me working to keep my thoughts from drifting to memories of his touch.

  Chapter 7


  Kaia isn't in bed after a long night of being sick. I'm surprised. She should be exhausted. I know I am, but the sound of her laughter filters upstairs, and I hear Hazel's soft voice as the two of them chatter. My heart warms at the memory of seeing the two of them snuggled together after I'd cleaned up. She's what both of us needed. I've been alone for too long. Maybe Hazel and I being together isn't a bad idea after all.

  Pain radiates at my temples as I desce
nd the stairs, a clear indication of a sleepless night. Even through my headache, when I see the two of them snuggled on the couch together, I smile. "Hey, you two. Feeling better, Kai?"

  She looks back at me and grins. "Hazel made me toast and tea."

  "She's a keeper, huh?"

  Kaia nods and turns her attention back to the episode of My Little Pony playing on the television. I can't help myself, I join the two of them on the couch. Kaia nestles herself against me but keeps one hand on Hazel's leg. My arm draped across the back of the couch puts my hand close enough to touch Hazel's gorgeous hair. I'm tempted, very tempted, but I resist.

  "You okay, Jameson?" Hazel asks, concern in her tone. "You don't look very good."

  In truth? I'm nauseous and my head is pounding. But I've got work to do today. Three scripts to read, and a TV pilot to take a look at. This new series could be the steady gig that keeps me in a permanent home. And I've always wanted to play a firefighter. "I'm good. Headache after not getting enough sleep."

  "I made coffee. Want some?"

  The thought of coffee turns my stomach. Oh, shit. I'm going to be sick right here in front of Hazel. "Excuse me," I say, running to the bathroom.

  My whole body hurts when I come back. I haven't been sick in years. Hazel meets my gaze with gentle eyes filled with worry. "Oh, no. Did you get sick?"

  Part of me wants to curl up with my head in her lap so she can soothe me, but I can't risk getting her sick too. "I think I need to go lie down. You okay with her?"

  She nods. "We'll be fine. Go rest."

  I can't be this person in front of her, weak, sick, helpless. I don't want her to see me as anything other than her hero. But damn it, my head is spinning, and I'm shivering. I need a warm shower and to sleep this off so I can get to work.

  I manage to make it up the stairs and into my bathroom, clumsily stripping until I'm finally naked in my big glass shower. Turning on the water, I shiver under the spray as it warms. I've never been so thankful for the teak bench as I sit and let the pounding hot water ease my chill.

  I stay there until the water turns cold, and then I force myself to my feet on shaky legs and turn off the water. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I step out of the shower and make the effort to brush my teeth before lumbering out into my bedroom. A soft gasp takes my focus from the path to my bed. Hazel stands in the doorway, a mug in one hand and a plate of crackers in the other.

  "Jameson...I''re naked."

  What is she talking about? I have a towel...glancing down, I realize my towel must've fallen off in my attempt to get to the bed. "Shit. I didn't notice my towel was gone. What are you doing in my room?"

  "Kaia fell asleep, so I made you some tea and thought I'd check on you."

  Her gaze is trained on the ceiling, and by the blush on her cheeks, it's clear she's flustered. "That's...thank you."



  "You're still naked. Can you put some clothes on or get in bed?"

  Fuck. I must be delirious. I go to my dresser and grab a pair of boxers, carefully slipping into them before clearing my throat. "Better?"

  She glances at me, and I see the flash of lust in her gaze. "A little. You're still a lot exposed, but I guess the important bits are covered."

  I settle on my bed, trying to combat the dizziness. "Important bits. I've never heard them called that before."

  A soft laugh escapes her as she sets the mug and plate on my bedside table. Her cool palm rests on my forehead, and she tutts. "You've got a fever. Hang on."

  Then, my beautiful Hazel leaves, and I fall back onto my pillow. I need to close my eyes against the spinning of the room. Bliss in the form of a cold compress rests on my blazing skin, fighting off the headache as Hazel's soothing voice fills my ear.

  "It's okay. I'm not going to leave you two. Just let me know what you need, and I'll take care of you."

  Before I drift off, I hear myself say, "I need you."

  Chapter 8


  Three days after the stomach flu took down both Jameson and Kaia, everyone is finally healthy. I managed to escape unscathed, and I attribute that to my time at the bookstore. I was constantly touching things other people held, cleaning up the children's area, handling story time, and not to mention, money. My immune system kicks ass.

  Funnily enough, it was caring for the two of them that made me realize I don't want my time to be up at the end of my contract. Part of that might have something to do with Kaia's sexy dad, but I can't let myself think too hard on that. Jameson might be swoon-worthy, but he's off limits. Even if his gaze lingers on me a little too long, and he grins every time I walk into the room. I have to force myself not to touch his hair or lean in to get a better look at his gorgeous eyes.

  This morning, I'm the first one awake. I love the silence of a sleepy household. The only sound accompanying the slide of my stocking clad feet is the tick-tick-tick of the clock on the wall. The sun hasn't even crested yet, and my plan is to brew a cup of coffee and sit on the back patio while I watch the sky change colors. It might seem silly, but it's a moment of solace in an otherwise chaotic world.

  Soon I'm stretched out on the old wooden porch swing, coffee in hand as I wait for the sunrise to reach its peak.

  "I thought I was the only one who liked to come out here." Jameson's rough tone sends a shiver of longing up my spine.

  Sitting up, I scoot over and give him room. "Sunrise. I'm usually sound asleep, but today I was restless."

  He's still dressed in his pajama pants, a tight-fitting white t-shirt covering his torso, and his hair is deliciously rumpled. The man could make a nun break her vows. When he takes a seat next to me, I have to hold my breath to keep from sighing. His body heat draws me in like a lure. "It's beautiful," he says.

  I stare at the sky and smile. "It really is. But nothing compares to a Pacific Northwest sunset right before a storm hits."

  "Alaska. An Alaskan sunset is like nothing you've ever seen."

  I take a sip of my coffee and smile, thinking of the summers I spent with my cousin in Poulsbo, Washington. We'd stay up all night and sit on her roof as the sun rose, arguing about all the places we wanted to go.

  "What can I do to make you smile like that again?"

  My belly flips. "Like what?"

  "Like something took you away from all this and put you in your favorite place."

  "I've always wanted to see Alaska."

  He sighs and brushes his hair away from his forehead. "It's peace and calm, everything this busy life isn't. One day, I'm going to buy a house out there, right on the water."

  I love that idea. The view of mountains and water, the quiet, clean air. But most of all, I love the idea of him being there with me. "That sounds perfect."

  His fingers brush mine from where we sit. It's gentle but intentional. Before long, that slight touch turns to our hands linked as we swing together in the early morning light. I ache for him, unable to stand being so close and not looking at his handsome features. If it's possible, I like him even more first thing in the morning.

  "Hazel," he murmurs, gaze never leaving mine.


  My breath catches as he closes the distance between us and his lips brush mine. Everything stops, all my senses, except for the glorious synapses that let my mouth feel him. A soft press of his tongue begs me to open for him, and I do. I give in to the need inside me. Jameson Donoghue is the man I've been waiting for. It's clear as day. I should never have run from the possibility of him.

  His hands are in my hair, tugging the long locks free of the low ponytail I sleep with. "Fuck, Hazel. I've wanted to do that for too long." The words are murmured against my lips, and there's such yearning behind them it makes my thighs clench.

  "It's only been a few weeks since we met."

  He nudges my nose with his and chuckles. "I've wanted you since before then. I just didn't know what I was missing."

  Swoon. Seriously. "You're good. I have to
admit, that line was better than most."

  "Well, I've been in my share of romantic films. I guess the writing kind of rubs off."

  Fingers trailing along my throat and over the line of my collarbone, he starts kissing me again. They're demanding kisses, ones that tell me if he has his way, this won't end with us anywhere but in his bed. "What about Kaia?" I ask.

  He stills, a heavy sigh falling from him as he backs away. "Fuck, you're right." The words are a harsh breath, and he sighs, dropping his head between his hands. "The thing is, I don't know if making myself miserable is best for her either."

  "That's not what I meant." I stand, my coffee mug long forgotten on the patio, and hold out my hand. This man holds too much on his shoulders, and if I can, I want to ease his heart. "I don't want her to walk downstairs and find us. Come on. Let's take this behind closed doors."

  For a moment, I'm worried he's going to deny me, that he'll stand up and leave me out here. "Fuck it, I want you too damn bad to say no. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since that night at the club."

  "I shouldn't have run away that night, and I'm not running today." My heart squeezes and the fluttering in my belly increases enough to make me slightly shaky everywhere. I'm really going to do this. I'm giving Jameson Donoghue my virginity.

  He links our fingers as he rises and pulls me toward him. Then his lips are on me, sucking, biting, devouring. My breasts ache for his touch, my entire being on fire for him. I've never wanted a man the way I want this one.

  We back up until we reach the sliding glass door, and he reaches behind him, opening our way inside. "Your bedroom is so far away," I whine.

  "We're not going to my bedroom." His voice is a rough growl against my ear. "My office door locks. I've never fucked anyone on my desk."

  A quiver takes hold in my belly. Fucked? I don't know if I'm ready to be fucked. His hand is on the doorknob, turning as he opens the door. If I tell him the truth, tell him I'm a virgin, what's he going to do? Before I can think too hard about it, he's pulled us into the room and closed the door, the click of the lock deafening. Then after pushing me against the wall, his hands are everywhere, all across the bare skin of my arms, trailing over my hips and finally, under my shirt. I'm not wearing a bra and when his warm palms cup the weight of my breasts, my nipples harden at the feel of him.


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