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by Shameek Speight

  “Good, now tell me what the fuck you thought you were doing? You got over 24 police officers and 20 F.B.I. agents on the tactical assault team killed, not to mention citizens that were injured through all of this!” Director Thomas barked.

  “I was watching the warehouse with the suspects, the Junkyard Crew and we tailed what we believed to be robbers of all the drug spots and murders that had been going on these past few months,” Frank replied while trying to state the facts.

  “Fuck, you think I don’t know what happened? I know the goddamn facts, but someone has to take the blame for this shit and it won’t be me. You should have had bomb sniffing dogs check the house first before you ordered all those men in there to collect evidence. You are suspended, following an investigation on you and this case.”

  “But sir, I was just doing my job!” Frank pleaded.

  “Agent Frank, you’ll be lucky if you have a job after this.”

  With that said, Director Thomas turned around and walked out, followed by the assistant director. Agent Frank couldn’t believe his ears, he’d just been suspended and all hopes of ever getting a promotion was now gone, all because of some wild ass hoodlums with too many automatic weapons. His world came crashing in as he thought about suicide.

  Chapter 6

  It took two and a half days for Muscles, Homicide, Nina, Velvet and Luscious to finish counting the money, even with the money counting machines. It was well over 13 million dollars, they recounted it to make sure and the numbers came back the same. Muscles now knew that what he been taking from the Junkyard Crew for the last few months was peanuts to what they were really making. This was just half the money Pistol was sending to Jamaica. There was no telling how much money he had in the U.S.A., or how much he sent back to Jamaica already.

  Muscles gives Nina ten thousand, she argued at why she gets such a little amount after all the hours of counting, but Muscles told her she didn’t need to worry about money. Muscles gave everyone a million dollars apiece, and kept six million for his self. He told them to hide some of the money in a safe deposit box and the rest in different spots all over. He picks up Lil Homicide, Killer and Tommy Gunz from the house in Long Island and gives them their cut.

  “Damn son! That’s a lot of bread,” Killer said while looking at his two duffle bags.

  “Listen I need the three of you to get low and leave the city, it’s too hot out here, I’m about to do the same. Take some of your money and hide the rest and leave New York. You can even take one of those boxes with the weed in it.”

  “Yo Muscles you sure, you already gave us more money than we’ve ever seen in our life.”

  “Yea I’m sure, I just need y’all to get low. You feel me?”

  “Alright,” Lil Homicide replied.

  The same day Lil Homicide, Tommy Gunz and Killer hid some of their money and went to Penn Station and got on a train heading to Chicago with a duffle bag full of money in each of their hands and a cardboard box full of purple haze.

  Chapter 7

  Everything was going Muscles way, it’s been over a month and everyone was still low in hiding. The police and F.B.I. didn’t have a clue as to who was behind the other two robberies. Muscles now spent his day, dressed up in a suit working side by side with Steve in their accounting business. Steve walks into Muscle’s office that was right next to his. Muscles head was down filling out papers and looking over some of his customer’s tax returns.

  “Muscles,” Steve said while sitting down in the leather chair that was in front of Muscles desk.

  “Steve how you doing, and please stop calling me Muscles while we’re working,” Muscles said with a smile on his face as he looks up from the papers he was filling out.

  “I’m just so used to calling you that Shawn, but I’ll break out of that habit soon, don’t break an old man’s balls if he can’t,” Steve said.

  “Now Steve, you know you got balls of steel, I couldn’t break them with a baseball bat if I tried.”

  “Try telling that to my ex-wife who kicked me in them every chance she got.”

  Both men laughed simultaneously.

  “Well speaking of wives, have you set a date for when you’re going to marry that young pretty girl of yours? What’s her name again?” Steve asked.

  “Her name is Amber, and I’m thinking about two months from now. After all I seen and been through these past few months, I realize life is too short and a person needs to spend all their time with the people they love and the ones that love them. There isn’t any time for games,” Muscles said while sitting back in his chair thinking of his reality.

  “I’m glad to hear you say that Muscles, umm, I mean Shawn. I’m happy that you been in this office every day now, I was worried about you running in those streets. I know I’m white, but I understand these streets too, it took everything in me to pull away from them and the mob. I saw death every day and could no longer live with that. Shawn you may not know this, but I would’ve made you my partner even without the money you put into this business. It would’ve just taken some time and you would’ve had to work a few years to get there, but from the first time we met, I knew there was something special about you. That’s why I warned you that day that fast money isn’t always the best. Sometimes it’s best to make that slow money and pay those bills and loans.”

  Muscles sat there and let Steve’s words run through his mind, and what he said made sense. ‘A lot of people had to die over fast money or went to jail and wished they can make that slow money with a regular job, a lot of his friends and members of my team were now dead, all because of a plan I had one day. These people would still be alive if they worked a regular job and just paid bills. I wouldn’t be seeing pictures of these people dead when I close my eyes if they did,’ Muscles thought to his self.

  Steve stood up and Muscles did the same, “Well I’m going to let you get back to work, it’s busy as hell out there, with it being tax time and all. All the assistants are working their asses off. I’ll see you at lunch time, we’re going to get some seafood or something,” Steve said and began to turn around and walk away.

  “Steve, wait!”

  “Huh,” Steve turns back around and Muscles wraps his arms around him, hugging him and Steve hugs him back.

  “Thanks for the jewels of knowledge Steve,” the men break their embrace.

  “Any time kid, any time,” Steve replied while walking out of Muscles office.

  Chapter 8

  The Jamaican man yelled while being hit with baseball bats.

  “Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!”

  Two henchmen work on his body, swinging with all their might. Bones could be heard cracking and breaking with each swing, soon the man couldn’t even put up his arms to block or protect himself. He lay there on the floor on top of a long sheet of plastic, moaning in pain, barely able to move.

  “Dat is enough!” Pistol yelled to his two henchmen, then walks over to his falling soldier on the floor.

  He looks down to see if the man was still breathing. Their eyes met, the facial expression on the man’s face read pain.

  “Now yuh nuh ready to tell mi wah happened, an ef yuh tell mi dat bullshit story again mi mek sure yuh death will be slow. Mi cyan nuffilieve outta all mi spots dat got robbed, yuh di ongle one dat didn’t get lock up or walk wey alive, cah yuh was taking shit while everybody else got lock up by di daggering police!”

  The man began to speak, but it was hard for him to do so, it felt as if his jaw was broken. He looks in his boss’ eyes and didn’t know what to say, for a whole month he’s been beating and torturing him in different ways. He now wished the cops locked him up, instead of running out of the warehouse when he saw them coming. He couldn’t do anything to help the other members of the Junkyard Crew. Their hands and feet were cuffed, so he took off running, saving himself, something he now regretted.

  “Mi told yuh di truth, mi was taking a shit when they…,”

  Before he could get the words out, Pistol gave his he
nchman a look and they start pounding away on the man’s body.

  “Ahhhh!” he yelled but the yelling and screaming began to turn into moans and groans until there was no noise coming from him at all.

  The two henchmen continued their work, beating the man’s bloody body into a pulp.

  “When yuh dun, wrap di badi inna di plastic and dump it,” Pistol said.

  He was frustrated and angry, rage was written all over his face. In the past four month he’s been robbed more than 13 times. His shipment of haze, the warehouse and the apartments he kept the money to send back to Jamaica were all robbed.

  ‘Ow di bloodclot did they know weh mi kept di money at? Ongle mi cousin Dwayne knew that.’

  The loss of the money didn’t bother Pistol, he was a millionaire many times over, but he never kept his money in the states. He sent it back to Jamaica where he was a king among men.

  ‘All di robberies happened at di same time, suh mi know some of dem are still out deh, when mi find dem mi a guh cut off their heads,’ Pistol said out loud to no one particular.

  Chapter 9

  ‘Ring, ring, ring’

  Essence picks up her cellphone from the nightstand, she looks at the name on the screen that read ‘Luscious’, Essence looks over at Bulltec laying naked next to her sleeping. She eased out of bed wearing nothing but a thong and creeps into the bathroom in the hallway.

  “Hello,” she said while flipping the phone open.

  “Bitch where you been? I’ve been trying to reach your ass for a whole month now!” Luscious yelled in the phone.

  “Luscious I’ve been busy,” Essence replied.

  “I bet your ass been busy alright with your ass in the air,” Luscious stated.

  “Girl don’t even go there, it was you and Muscles idea for me to start fucking Bulltec in the first place,” Essence responded.

  “Yea, but you were supposed to be getting information on his ass and his team, you haven’t told us shit yet!”

  “Luscious get the fuck off my back!”

  “What you mean?” Luscious replied, not liking the way her girl was coming at her.

  “Listen Essence, don’t catch an attitude with me, I’m just stating the facts. You’re never around anymore, you only come around for your cut of the money, and you didn’t even show up that night for the jux, we needed you!”

  Essence mind raced as she thought about her cut. She overheard Bulltec talking one day about how Pistol kept over 16 million dollars spread out in those apartments in the Lefrak City Complex, but only 13 million was missing after the robbery. There were still barrels of money in one of the apartments and the Shottas cleanup crew came and got one before the cops showed up and the cops got the other barrel.

  “Speaking of my cut, when do I pick up my share of the money from the jux?”

  ‘Oh no this bitch didn’t just ask that after she didn’t even show up to put in work with the rest of us.’

  “Yo Essence, you don’t get no cut from the jux, but your cut from the weed money, you’ll get tomorrow, but after that we’re done.”

  “What the fuck you mean I don’t get a cut from the jux?” Essence said, then realized she was yelling, she lowers her voice and peeps her head out the bathroom door to make sure Bulltec hadn’t waken up.

  Once she heard everything was quiet she pulls her head back and shuts the door returning back to her conversation, “Luscious I better get my fucking cut!” Essence said in an icy tone.

  “Bitch, you better slow your role, how the fuck you deserve a fucking cut, you didn’t put in any work, Peaches was killed, people died over this shit.”

  “Peaches got killed? Damn, but that doesn’t have shit to do with my cut.”

  “Yo Essence, you’re so fucking slow in the head and I’m not about to get into this with your ass, and not on the phone. I’ll call you tomorrow, so you can pick up your cut from the weed money. Your stupid ass should be glad you’re getting that!”


  Essence wanted to curse Luscious out, but the phone went dead before she got the chance. ‘Who in the fuck she thinks she is? Who the fuck they think they are? Oh I better get my share of that money or there’s going to be problems. I’ll teach that bitch not to disrespect me, wait ‘til I see that bitch!’ Essence said out loud and walks out the bathroom and back into the bedroom where Bulltec lay with a sheet covering his tall skinny body and his dreads spread out wild on the pillow.

  Essence slowly crawled in the bed and lifts up the sheet and crawls under it until she was between Bulltec’s legs. She slowly ran her tongue along his thighs then to his balls and let her tongue travel around the shift of his dick. Then she licks the tip and placed it in her mouth, she felt it harden and rise in her mouth.

  “Yuh at it again, yuh neva gets enough.”

  “Nooo,” Essence moaned while bobbing up and down and sucking the tip of his dick then putting it all the way in her mouth.

  Bulltec lifts up the sheet and tossed it to the side, to watch her work.

  “Mmmm,” Essence moans as she sucks faster and faster.

  Bulltec grabs the back of her head to make her pick up speed.

  “Bloodclot, gyal yuh a guh mek mi cum, stop it,”

  Bulltec lifts up her head and gets up on the bed. He gets behind her and moves her thong to the side, “Wet it now fah mi,” he said while grabbing her waist and lining it up with his dick.

  Essence took her four fingers and then places them in her mouth, licking them seductively. When they were nice and wet and covered in saliva, she took them out and reaches under her stomach and placed her wet fingers on her clit and rubs the saliva all over her pussy lips, “Mmmm,” she moans.

  Once Bulltec sees she was nice and wet he then slides right into her, causing her to gasp for air as he made his way deeper and deeper. He became turned on by her moans and began to pick up his pace, thrusting in and out of her.

  “Yesss, oowee,” she moaned as he continued to pound away, “Damn daddy, fuck me!” she yelled as the pleasure was too intense and she came.

  ‘Damn how the fuck Luscious wants me to cross dick this good,’ Essence thought to herself as Bulltec works her insides, making her cum over and over.

  Chapter 10

  Amber lay on Muscles chest listening to his heartbeat run through her ears and vibrate through her body from her head to her toes, “Thank God,” she whispered.

  Her soft sweet voice made Muscles open his eyes then pull her close and squeeze her tight. “What are you whispering about boo?” Muscles said in his sleepy tone.

  “I was just being thankful that it’s finally over and I don’t have to worry about anything happening to you in the streets.”

  “I feel the same way boo, Bones is picking the last of the weed money up off the streets from the last shipment. I got my cut yesterday and I told him to hand out the rest to everybody else. I’m done, but I don’t know what I’m going to do with all that purple haze I have stashed up. I might as well give it to Homicide, because I’m done with this shit,” Muscles said while thinking about all the lives lost behind the need and want of money.

  “So what are your plans for the day baby?” Amber asks while kissing on his neck.

  “I know if your ass don’t stop kissing my neck my plans will be to stay in the house all day tapping this ass,” he said while grabbing her butt and squeezing it making her giggle.

  “For real Muscles, what are your plans for the day?”

  ‘Girl I’m serious,” he said feeling his dick harden, “Damn I almost forgot I told Sasha I would take her shopping and out to eat today, just me and her spending the day together. It’s been hard for me to do that lately, with me working, and it’s hard to keep track of that girl, she’s always disappearing and having me worried. I wish she’d stop hanging out with that damn Keri, but she’s going to do what she’s going to do. I just want her to know she’s loved by me.”

  “She knows that baby and anybody who spends just a second with you kn
ows you love your sisters to death. Sasha is just going through a lot at her age, but we’re here to help her through it,” Amber said meaning every word.

  Muscles looked in her beautiful green eyes, “See girl, saying shit like that is the reason you’re my wife.”

  “Hold up, I’m not your wife until you put a ring on my finger.” Amber said while shaking her neck trying to act like a ghetto chic, causing them both to bust out laughing hysterically.

  “Shit girl I love you,” Muscles said while kissing her.

  They kissed passionately and then made love the whole morning. After three hours of love making, Muscles was getting dressed, while Amber watched him and then stares at her engagement ring on her hand at the same time, all she could do is smile. She had the love of her life, the man of her dreams and they weren’t bond by race, color or culture, just two people deeply in love.

  Amber noticed Muscles didn’t put on a piece of the outfit she picked out for him, “Muscles put it on!”

  “I don’t know Amber don’t you think it’s a bit too much?”

  “Baby just put it on for me, I won’t ask you to do it anymore after today.”

  Muscles took a look at the expression on her face and knew he couldn’t say no. He picked up a black button up shirt with white stripes running down it and puts it on. Once fully dressed he looks at himself in the mirror with his black button up shirt with stripes running down and his Stacy Adams pants with a pair of soft bottom, Mauri, gator shoes. He went to his dresser and put on his white gold watch with diamonds around the band and face and picks up a pair of white gold earrings with diamonds beveled all around, putting one in each ear. “How I look baby, like a sexy motherfucker?”

  “You better not try to talk to any girls Muscles. I know how these women are. They see your sexy chocolate ass and will be all over you. Don’t make me go ghetto and bust a cap in their ass and yours,” she said while smiling and licking her lips.

  Muscles walked over to the bed and placed a kiss on her lips and she let out a soft moan. “Baby you never have to worry about that, you’re all I need and want.”


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