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Page 4

by Shameek Speight

  “Good,” Amber replied while smiling and getting wet at the sight of her man.

  “I have to go baby and see if Sasha is ready.”

  “Ok enjoy your day baby, I’ll probably chill in the house and clean or something until Nina comes home, then we will do something.”

  “Alright mami, I love you,” Muscles said as he left the bedroom and shut the door. He walks down the hall, two bedrooms down to Sasha’s room, before knocking he stood there thinking about what Amber had said about shooting him if ever he cheated, and he knew she had a smile on her face, but she was dead serious. ‘Damn she would shoot my ass, I shouldn’t be surprised; all her family is connected to the mafia somehow,’ Muscles thought to himself and laughed.

  Just then Sasha’s bedroom door flew open with her standing there fully dressed wearing a brown Gucci dress that came down to her knees with matching Timberland boots.

  “What are you grinning at? You’re standing there in front of my door all smiling. I bet Amber got you all smiling like a school boy.”

  “Sasha shut up,” Muscles said while kissing her on the forehead, “You ready or what?”

  “Yea, but I have to grab my purse, and what car are we taking, yours or mines?” Sasha said while running to her bed and grabbing her matching Gucci purse. The whole outfit was a gift from Muscles, but she knew Amber helped pick it out, but she loved them both for always thinking of her even when she’s running the streets.

  “We’re taking your car and you’re driving, so don’t be driving all wild and crazy in the car with me.”

  “Ok bro,” Sasha said, happy to be able to drive her brother around. They hop in Sasha’s candy painted baby blue Lexus SC and pull off.

  “Go down Sunrise Highway to Red Lobsters, we’ll eat first then go shopping.”


  Muscles pulls out a blunt from his shirt pocket and lit it up, he knew Sasha couldn’t eat without getting high, the disease in her body wouldn’t allow her too.

  “Sasha you can smoke and drive at the same time right?”

  “Yea bro, I do it all the time. What you think I have all these air fresheners and sprays in the car for?”

  “Girl you’re crazy, do you get those things in the stash boxes?”

  “Yes Muscles, you ask me that all the time.”

  “I have to girl to make sure you’re on top of your game and my voice stay in your head so you’ll never forget, even when you try to forget, my voice will pop up in that thick ass skull of yours.” Muscles said while inhaling weed smoke from the blueberry kush.

  He smoked until he was high and passed the blunt to Sasha and let her do her. It always amazed Muscles how fast his sisters grew up, as he sat in the passenger seat watching Sasha from the corner of his eye. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she turned out. The child they said wouldn’t live to be three years old or could die at any time from her disease, stood strong and lived. All it took was love and tender care and a lot of fucking money to keep buying the Aids medication. Muscles didn’t even want to think of the struggle they all been through without their parents, but it popped up every now and then in his mind. ‘Fuck that, this day is for me to enjoy time with my sister. I now can give them the life they deserve,’ he thought to himself, while looking out the passenger window, looking forward to what the day will bring.

  They ate snow crab legs and shrimp and laughed and talked, enjoying each other’s company at Red Lobster. Sasha loved her brother. To her he was the funniest man alive, she thought to herself as he sucked the meat from a piece of the crab legs. She began to think about all the times she seen him leave the house to go to work the two jobs, with barely no rest, and never buying himself anything. He’ll spend his money on rent, food, and clothes for her and Nina or her medication. So she decided she was going to buy him something nice today. She had three grand in her purse that Muscles have been giving her over the past few weeks. She barely needed to spend money, because he always gave her what she needed, so she just collected it and let it stack up. After they finished eating they went to Green Acres Mall and Muscles bought Sasha everything in sight she wanted. They even had to take trips to the car to drop bags off then go back in the mall. Once the trunk and back seat was full, Muscles decided it was time to go.

  “Muscles I have something for you.”

  “What you get for me girl?” Muscles said with a smirk on his face.

  Sasha digs in her purse and pulls out a box a little bigger than her hand. “Here,” she said passing it to him.

  Muscles took the box and looked at it wondering what was inside. He opens it to see a rose gold watch. He took it out the box to see diamonds crusted in the band and face.

  “Damn Sasha, where you get the money for this?”

  “You,” Sasha replied devilishly. I saved all the money you gave me. Flip it over and look inside, under the watch face.

  Muscles did as he was told, engraved on it were the words, To Shawn, the greatest brother alive, there’s no words to express what you mean to me. There’s no way to thank you enough for what you do for me, so all I can say is I love you, and I couldn’t live without the love of my brother. Tears ran down Muscles face. He quickly wipes them away with the back of his hand, “Thank you Sasha,” he said while hugging her.

  They hug for what seems like forever. Sasha had to fight to hold back her tears. They broke their embrace. Muscles started to put the watch back in the box, “Muscles I want you to put it on,” Sasha whined.

  “Ok, but I really wasn’t, this is something I’m going to cherish, because it came from you, I don’t want anything to happen to it.” Muscles took the watch he had on his wrist off and placed it in the box he got from Sasha and puts the new watch on his wrist and looks at it shine from the sunlight hitting the diamonds. It hurt his eyes to stare at it, because it was so bright.

  “Muscles I want to stop by Jamaica Avenue to get these pair of black Bape sneakers I seen on sale.”

  Sasha you know I don’t want you to go to the hood anymore. I don’t feel it’s good for us to go there, and besides, look at all the bags we got now. We can barely see out the back window.”

  “Please Muscles, they didn’t have it in the mall, it will only take us a few minutes, please, please!”

  Muscles looked at the watch on his wrist and knew he should say no, but his mouth opens, “Okay Sasha, only for a few minutes.”

  Sasha kissed him on the cheek and starts the car and took off, “Thank you Muscles.”

  Sasha drove down Jamaica Avenue and Archer Avenue to a parking garage that had five levels. She pushed a button and a ticket came out to go in and the gate rises to allow her in. She rode up to the fourth floor to the only parking spaces left. She parks the car and was about to get out when Muscles grabs her arm, “Don’t get out yet, start back up the car.”

  Sasha looks at Muscles like he was crazy but did what he said. Muscles pressed a button on the CD player then pressed the hazard button and the stash box opened between Sasha’s legs.

  “Sasha, pass me the nine and you take the 3.80 and put it in your purse.”

  Sasha wanted to argue with him, but thought it was better not too. She hands Muscles the nine and he cocks it back making a bullet go into the chamber and placed it on his waist and uses his shirt to cover it. Sasha looks at her brother and shakes her head doing the same thing with the 3.80. Once she knew a bullet was in the chamber, she hit the safety button and placed the gun in her Gucci purse, and they exit the car and walk to the elevator and rode it down to the ground floor and walk outside. They walk a block and turn a corner and were right on Jamaica Avenue next to the Gertz Mall. Sasha went crazy, she loved shopping on Jamaica Avenue, but Muscles hadn’t allowed her to come around the area anymore or any other spots in the hood. She went in three or four stores picking out things and Muscles paid for them. The whole time Muscles was on point, he knew no one knew he was behind all those jux, but he felt safer out the hood.

  Chapter 11

p; ‘Ring, ring, ring’

  Essence picks up her phone already knowing it was Luscious.

  “Yo be on 152nd Avenue and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. to pick up your cut of the weed money in ten minutes. You’re in Queens, right?” Luscious asked.

  “Yea I’m in Queens and I’ll be there, one!” Essence said hanging up the phone.

  Bones pulls up on 152nd Avenue and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. in his royal blue 745 BMW. He see’s Essence leaning on a red Infiniti G37, wearing a brown dress the same color of her skin. It gave the illusion that she was naked. Bones looked at her thick thighs and thought about hitting it, ‘If that bitch didn’t drink so fucking much, she’ll be a nice piece of ass, but fuck her, she ain’t thicker than Kim.’

  Bones reached into the backseat and grabs a small Louis Vuitton travel bag with Essence’s cut in it. He made sure his gun was cocked and loaded on his waist. He knew a few dudes on Guy R. Brewer Blvd., but he knew how wild niggaz get around here. He hops out his car with the Louis Vuitton bag in one hand and bops toward Essence.

  “What’s up Essence?” he said while hugging her with one arm and then kissed her on the cheek.

  “Shit, you tell me, I heard from Luscious I’m not getting my cut of the jux money,” she said with an attitude, “And where’s Luscious at? I thought she was going to drop my cut of the weed money off.”

  Bones closed his eyes then opens them. He had to hold in his anger. ‘The nerve of this bitch, my cousin got fucking killed over that damn jux and this bitch didn’t even show up to put in the work. What fucking cut? She’s lucky I grew up with her ass and I’m still hot from killing my workers or I’d put a bullet in her ass.’

  “Listen, you don’t get a cut of that money, because you weren’t there and I don’t know where the fuck Luscious is, but here!” Bones said through clenched teeth, while pushing the bag into her chest, and turned around and walks toward his car, trying not to let the pain overtake him. It’s been five weeks, but he still felt the loss of his little cousin. He opens the driver door to his BMW to get in.

  ‘Smack! Smack!’

  A hard metal object hits him in the back of his head knocking him forward into the driver seat. He tries to reach for his gun on his waist and felt the pain on the back of his head again. He no longer could fight to keep his eyes open, they shut close and his world went black.

  “Yea that’s him, he’ll do!” Essence voice was the last thing he heard as his body was lifted up and placed somewhere else.

  Chapter 12

  “Sasha this is the last store then we’re out ok!”

  “Alright bro,” Sasha said as they went into a sneaker store.

  They never noticed the four men with hoodies watching them. Muscles was tired, “This will be the last time I go shopping with a woman,” he said out loud.

  “I bet you’ll have fun taking me shopping,” a pretty brown skin Spanish woman said after seeing all the bags in his hands. “Papi, you need a grown woman like me, that young girl there can’t do nothing for you. I’ll take good care of you,” she said while licking her lips and staring in his eyes.

  Muscles looks her up and down and thought she was sexy as fuck, with a J-Lo kind of look, but he knew she was only on his dick because he had money, when he had a woman at home who loved him when he didn’t have shit.

  “Mami you’re fine as hell and all, but I have a woman,” Muscles stated.

  “Who, not that little girl, she can’t do what I can for you, or even try too,” she said in her strong seductive Spanish accent.

  “Naw mami, that’s my sister over there, but I’m good.”

  This just made her try even harder. She didn’t want to let this baller go, they were hard to come by, all the good men in the world were either in jail or married, and that just leaves the lame men out there or the closet gays. “Come on Papi, I’ll give you a taste right now and know you’ll be hooked,” she said while pulling on his shirt.

  “Bitch didn’t you hear my brother say he got a woman, so now get your trifling ass out his face before I fuck you up!” Sasha yelled. She’d been listening to the whole conversation, but was to busy paying for her sneakers, she wasn’t about to let no woman disrespect Amber. Amber has always been good to her and was like a big sister. Sasha was ready to bust this chic ass.

  The Spanish woman looked at Sasha like she was crazy, but didn’t want a piece of her. She’d be damn if she let some bitch fuck up her face, ‘schmmp,’ she sucks her teeth and walks away, “I’ll see you again baby.” she said as she left the store.

  “That fake J-Lo bitch just couldn’t understand the word no or you got a girl,” they both laugh as they exit the store and began to walk down the block.

  The block was so crowded with shoppers it was hard not to bump into people, “Damn she wanted a man so bad she was ready to suck your dick right there in the store,” Sasha said still heated.

  “Naw, she just wanted a man to take care of her ass,” Muscles replied.

  They never looked back behind them. If they did they would’ve seen the four men in hoodies trying to push through the crowd to get to them.

  “Fuck it!” One of the men in the hoodies yelled as he realized he and his men wouldn’t be able to push their way through the crowd to get to them, he pulls out his gun and the other men did the same following their leader. He aims the gun and lets off three shots.

  ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’

  The first bullet hit a woman in the back of her head killing her. The second bullet hit a man in the shoulder and the last one slams into Muscles back, knocking him forward making him hit the ground.

  “Ahhhh!” Sasha’s scream was drowned out by other people screaming and people scattering left and right trying not to get hit with a bullet.

  Sasha kneeled down and shakes Muscles, “Get up, get up! Please get up!”

  ‘Boc!’ ‘Boc!’ ‘Boom!’ ‘Boom!’

  Bullets went flying passed Sasha’s head, barely missing her. She pulls out her 3.80 from her purse and took the safety off and squeezes the trigger twice. The first hit one of the gunmen in the stomach, causing him to bend over in pain to only be met with a bullet in the center of his head, killing him instantly.

  Muscles staggers up, grabs Sasha by the hand and took off running with her, they turned the corner and leaned on a wall. Muscles peeps his head around the corner and bullets slam into the edge of the wall, making bits and pieces of concrete fly. Muscles said a quick prayer and prayed he didn’t hit any of the innocent people scattering around running for their lives as he kept his head and body leaned against the wall and only stuck the nine millimeter out around the wall.


  He let off four shots and heard people scream. The gunmen ducked in time not to get hit, but this didn’t stop them from coming.

  “Muscles are you hurt?” Sasha asks.

  “Naw I’m good.”

  Sasha placed her hand on the bullet hole on his shirt and felt the melted vest.

  “Damn I’m glad Amber told me to put this shit on, she kept pushing me until I did,” he said out loud.

  He grabs his sister’s hand and they took off running. The gunmen turn the corner and see them dipping and ducking behind cars. They let off a hail of bullets at them, the bullets rip through people and cars, but not their targets.

  Muscles and Sasha return fire while ducking behind a car for cover. Sasha took aim and shot one of the gunmen with the hoodie on in his hand.

  “Ahhhh!” he yelled as he drops his gun.

  This gave Muscles and her the time they needed to run. They ran down the block, side by side and around the corner into the parking garage. The other two gunmen were right on them.

  “Sasha where in the hell did you learn how to shoot like that?”

  “From you bro, and playing that shooting game on the Xbox 360.”

  “Damn girl, you can aim, but this isn’t any damn game, those motherfuckers are trying to kill me. We have to make it
to the car and get the fuck out of here!” Muscles mind raced as he wondered how the Junkyard Crew found out it was him behind those jux.

  While Muscles and Sasha rode the elevator the two gunmen ran up the stairs of the garage. Outside and a block down, the gunman Sasha shot in the hand was now picking up his gun with his left hand, when two uniformed Caucasian foot patrolled cops pulled out their guns in front of him.

  “Put the fucking gun down, asshole!” the two nervous cops said at the same time. They had heard stories on how thugs be running around Jamaica Avenue, but this was their first time seeing it up close in person. They were one of the only few with faces around and were scared another gunman would jump out and shoot them.

  “Asshole, drop the fucking gun now and put your hands up!”

  The gunman looked at the two officers and knew he was in a no win situation, so he bent down to drop the gun.

  “He’s going to shoot!” one of the officers yelled.

  “No! No! I’m not, I’m putting the gun d…,” his words were silent by a hail of bullets crashing into his chest and face, killing him on the spot.

  Muscles and Sasha rushed out the elevator to only duck from bullets flying at them from the stairway. The two gunmen were out of breath, but made it up the stairs just as the elevator door opens. Muscles and Sasha duck behind a car as bullets crash into it.

  “Damn!” Muscles cursed out loud, “We can’t get to the car from here, there blocking it, shit!” Muscles buried his face in the palm of his hand.

  Sasha looks at Muscles and jumps up and let off four shots, one of the gunmen was kneeling down on the side of the car he was using as cover when Sasha’s bullets went through the passenger side window then the driver window, hitting the gunman in the jaw and coming out the back of his head and neck.

  “Ahhhh!” a low scream could be heard as the gunman falls backwards and dies.

  His partner let off two quick shots one grazed Sasha in the arm, “Ahhhh! Shit!” Sasha yelled as she ducks down next to Muscles.


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