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Page 5

by Shameek Speight

  “Sasha what are you thinking, this isn’t your Xbox video game, are you ok?”

  “Yea, the bullet just grazed me, but it still hurts,” she said in a childish voice.

  Seeing the wound on his sister’s arm made rage travel through his body.

  “Sasha how many bullets do you have left?”

  “I don’t know, I’ll see,” Sasha pressed a button on the gun and released the clip making it drop in her hand.

  “Shit I got two in the clip and one in the head.”

  “Alright, this is what I want you to do. I’m going to try to creep around on him, but you have to distract him, only shoot two bullets but slowly and save your last one if he tries to run up on you.”

  “Muscles don’t go, I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be, I will never leave you. I’m always with you even if I’m not. Remember what I said earlier in the car, my voice lives in your head, I’m here with you,” Muscles said pointing to her heart. “Are you ready?”

  Sasha shook her head up and down.

  “Alright, now!” Muscles yelled and Sasha peeps up and lets off one shot at the gunman who was hiding behind a car, firing angrily back at Sasha.

  He never noticed Muscles creeping car to car, getting closer to him. The gunman’s eyes were locked on Sasha, as she fires a shot at him again. The gunman did his best to try to take off her head with a hollow point bullet. When something catches his eyes, he turns his head around to see Muscles kneeling on his knees aiming at him. He swung his gun in Muscles direction but was too slow. Muscles fired five shots then two quick ones, the first five shots hit him in the chest ripping through the LRG logo tearing through his chest and coming out his back. The last two shots missed its target. Muscles walked over to the gunman, to his surprise the man was still alive, squirming and moving, coughing up blood. His hoodie had fallen off and Muscles could see his face. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

  Sasha rushed over to where Muscles was standing holding her arm with one hand and holding her gun. She looked down at the gunman and almost pissed on herself, “Tee!” she yelled.

  “Bitch,” Tee somehow coughed the words up with blood, “You and that bitch Keri gave me and my man Aids,” with each word he said his body shook uncontrollably, “But we took care of that bitch Keri and we couldn’t find you until today. My wifey was seven months pregnant, I fucked her without knowing I had this shit and she had a miscarriage. Now she got it and everybody knows I have it. You killed my baby, what did he do to you? Why you killed my baby, why you killed my baby?” he kept repeating while spitting up blood. He repeated it until it turned into a whisper then he just stopped squirming and talking and died with his eyes open, looking at Sasha.

  Sasha looked at the gunman’s partner that she had killed not far from him. She recognized him as one of the guys her and Keri had fucked in the Baisley Projects.

  “Come on Sasha we have to go,” Muscles grabs her arm and pulled her to the car.

  He jumps in the driver seat and she hops in the passenger seat. They throw their guns in the stash box, lock it and drive to the ground floor of the garage. Muscles took one look and could see the toll booth worker for the garage dead with a bullet in her head. Muscles hops out the car and used his shirt to open the booth door then pressed the button that raised the gate. He then hops back into the car and pulls off running the red light at Archer Avenue and went straight down Guy R. Brewer Blvd. as blue and white police cars fly passed them headed for the parking garage.

  “Damn I’m going to have to get rid of his car,” Muscles said out loud.

  Sasha had her face pressed into the passenger side window crying. The gunman didn’t come to kill Muscles they were after her the whole time. They were men she and Keri slept with, having unprotected sex and giving them their disease.

  Sasha knew for sure Keri was dead from what Tee had said. Muscles always told her this could happen, but she never believed it, until today. Muscles looked over at his sister while he was driving and knew there wasn’t too much he could do. She had killed those young men in two ways, one with her disease and the other with bullets, but he’ll be there for her the best he could. Tears continued to roll down Sasha’s face as Tee’s voice echoed in her head, ‘You killed my baby you killed my baby.’ Those words will stay with her for the rest of her life.

  Chapter 13

  Bones’ head was spinning and he couldn’t hold it up straight. Voices could be heard talking around him. He slowly opens his eyes, things were blurry at first then he began to see clearly. He tried to move his hands, but couldn’t. He looked down to see his hands cuffed to a steering wheel. He looks around to see he was in an old beat up car, the seats had holes in it and the car smelled funky like cat piss.

  “Ah mi si yuh up,” a voice said in a strong Jamaican accent, from the driver side window.

  Bones turned his head to see a tall skinny caramel complexion Jamaican man with his dreads so long they touch the ground.

  Bones yuh doan know mi, but mi know yuh. Yuh used to wuk fah mi an now yuh robbing mi. Mi will kill yuh an yuh madda.”

  A chill ran down Bones back as he realized who he was looking at. He worked for the Junkyard Crew a few years back, selling weed for them, but he never met or seen Pistol, no one in the streets have. Bones now knew he was looking at the devil himself.

  Weh is mi brethren, weh is mi cousin Dwayne, and who else yuh wuk with?” Pistol asked with the iciest tone Bones had ever heard.

  “Fuck you! I’m not telling you shit, you curry eating, tight clothes wearing motherfucker!” Bones knew he was a dead man, it don’t matter, “I’ll die with pride before I snitch and be a bitch!” he yelled.

  “Hahahaha!” Pistol starts laughing, then voices behind him could be heard laughing too.

  Bones was so busy looking Pistol in his cold eyes he didn’t realize there were more men behind Pistol until now.

  “Mi doan need yuh to talk, mi will find out eryting mi self. Suh mi will kill yuh an maybe yuh madda will talk.”

  Bones grew angrier then looked behind Pistol and couldn’t believe his eyes for the second time that day. Essence stood there standing next to Pistol’s lieutenant Bulltec laughing.

  “Essence how the fuck could you sell us out, you fucking bitch! Wait until Luscious get her hands on your ass bitch!” Bones screamed, making spit fly out his mouth.

  Essence walks toward him and her heels made a clicking sound as they hit the concrete. Once she got up to Bones, he could see the smile on her face. In her hand she held a black small box with a red button on it.

  “No fuck you Bones, you should’ve thought before you fucked with the Junkyard Crew.”

  Bones looked Essence in the eyes, “How could you bitch!”

  “Easy I’m half Jamaican,” she said while pressing the red button, “And I was hoping it was Luscious dropping off my money not you,” she mouth the words so no one else could hear, but Bones, “You didn’t tell them that you was…,” before he could get the words out he noticed the two steel plates in front of the car and behind it, push in the car.

  “Oh shit, ahhhh!” he screamed as he realized what was happening.

  He heard stories on how the junkyard crew got there name but now he was seeing it first hand for himself. The car was squashing his legs breaking them as the car squeezed in tighter and tighter, “Ahhhh! Ahhhh!” the back seat was now in the front, every bone in his body snapped and broke. He was squashed in tight with his body breaking and his head now lay on what used to be the dashboard, you couldn’t tell where his body began and where the car began, they became one.

  “Ahhhh!” Bones screamed in pain, his body had pieces of metal running through it, the only thing he could move was his neck and head then he felt the car squashing in from the top and bottom and his last thoughts were of his little cousin. As the steel plate came down on the car squashing it, popping his skull, the steel plate worked back and forth squashing the car from top to bottom and back to front, until the car along w
ith Bones’ body inside it was a little cube.

  Pistol walks over to Essence, “Why did yuh chuck di button suh soon?” he asked curiously, “An why he mek it sound lacka yuh know mo dan yuh telling mi?” Pistol said grabbing her face.

  Essence looked at Bulltec for help, but he held his head down letting her know she was on her own and he wanted no part of it.

  “I told you everything I know, the girl I used to dance with name is Luscious, she said her man name is Muscles and their friends Homicide and Bones made a team to rob you.”

  “Mi think yuh lying and yuh know more,” Pistol pulls out a 3.57 Magnum handgun and raised it to her head, “Ef yuh doan tell mi sinting gud mi a guh blow off yuh head. Ow duh mi find dis Muscles?”

  Essence mind raced, she knew she couldn’t tell Pistol much or she’ll be dead on the spot. Then an idea pops in her head, “I have a picture of him in my purse, I took it when I went with Luscious to his place to dance for him and his friends.”

  Pistol let her go and grabs her purse off her shoulder and ran through it and pulls out the picture. Muscles stood in the middle of the picture with one arm wrapped around Nina’s shoulder and the other around Sasha. Pistol stood there in shock as he stared at the picture, he stared at Muscles then the girl then he stared at Essence, “Weh does he live? Pon Rockaway Blvd., right?”

  “No he doesn’t live there anymore,” Essence said getting nervous as she watched Pistol stare at the picture with rage in his eyes. Essence had to think of something quick, she knew Pistol would kill her now if she couldn’t tell him more. “His sisters are the way to get to him. He’ll do anything for them. That one works somewhere in Far Rockaway in a nursing home,” Essence said while pointing to Nina.

  “Tek dis!” Pistol said handing the picture to one of his soldiers, “Yuh get har fah mi, ef yuh cyan bring har alive den kill har. Mi will get di nex one, mi aredy know weh to find har, an ef yuh fail mi yuh will die. Mi wan dis Muscles to pay wid his life!” Pistol yelled then walks away with a deranged look on his face, his mind not letting him believe he could be robbed and fooled so easily.

  Chapter 14

  ‘Ring, ring, ring’

  “Hello,” Muscles said answering the phone.

  “It’s me Kim, have you seen Bones?”

  “Naw big booty Kim,” Muscles replied.

  “Muscles please stop calling me that.”

  It killed Muscles how one minute they could be all hood-rat and the next try to be wifey material when they find someone stupid enough and with money to wife them.

  “Kim you made up that name for yourself,” Muscles replied.

  “Yea, but that isn’t me anymore, anyways I haven’t seen Bones all day and I’m worried. He’s usually home by now.”

  “Kim he’s most likely out getting some, doing him,” Muscles said not taking the relationship she had with Bones very serious.

  “Muscles I’m pregnant with Bones baby, I’m five weeks now so don’t be saying shit like that. Bones moved me into his place and he’s been here every night with me for the past six weeks, he’s not just going to get up and leave all of this ass, and besides he’s been acting funny like he don’t want to leave the house. So please find him for me.”

  “Alright mami, I’ll see what I can do, I’ll call and check on him.”

  “Thank you,” Kim said and hung up the phone.

  Muscles inhaled the smoke from the purple haze blunt he was smoking and held his head down then looks up at Amber sleeping. ‘It’s been one crazy day, having a shootout on Jamaica Avenue, with the gunmen that Sasha had sex with in the past.’ Muscles thought, thinking things couldn’t get worse, he dial Bones number and kept getting the voicemail. He dialed Luscious number, “Yo mami, what’s up?”

  “Nothing, what’s good with you daddy,” Luscious replied.

  “Shit, I’m just trying to find Bones, Big booty Kim is about to have a heart attack if I don’t find him.”

  “The last time I talked to him he was doing me a favor and giving that bitch Essence her share of the weed money. I didn’t want to see her ass. I think I would’ve set it off on her, she’s been talking some real fly shit lately, but I’ll tell you about it when I see you,” Luscious responded.

  “Yo, what time did he drop that off to Essence? And where did he meet her?”

  “It was around 2:30 and on 154th and Guy R. Brewer Blvd.”

  ‘Damn,’ Muscles thought to himself, it was around the same time he was around there earlier, but hadn’t seen his car, but he was also trying to get the fuck out of there, away from any police.

  “Yo Luscious, I’ll call you back if something pops up.”

  “Alright, one,” Luscious said and hung up the phone.

  Muscles dialed Homicide’s number and he picks up on the first ring, “Yo my dude, what’s good?” Homicide said.

  “Yo, I think Bones is missing.”

  “Where are you at?”

  “I’m driving around the hood in my Dodge Magnum looking for a get right, and a nigga need some ass, if you know what I’m mean.”

  “Yo Homicide, do me a favor and go around to 154th Avenue and Guy R. Brewer Blvd. and let me know if you see Bones car in the hood.”

  “Alright, I got you,” Homicide said and hung up.

  The more Muscles sat and thought about what Kim said, he knew she was right. Bones has been spending a lot of his time with her and barely leaving the house. Something in Muscles stomach told him something was wrong. Thirty minutes later Muscles phone rang, he flips it open and sees Homicide’s name.

  “Yo Muscles, shit don’t look good. I found Bones car and the doors were unlocked and blood is in the driver’s seat. I talked to a few dudes out here and most of them said they didn’t see anything, but I gave this crack head twenty dollars and she told me she saw Bones talking to a brown skin girl with thick thighs leaning on a red Infiniti Coupe. Now we know that’s Essence whip, but the fiend said when Bones went to get back in his car a man jumped out Essence’s whip and hit Bones five times in the back of the head with a gun and dragged him into Essence car. She said the man had dreadlocks and looked Jamaican. That’s why dudes around here aren’t talking, they’re scare it might be the Junkyard Crew.”

  “Shit!” Muscles yelled into the phone loud enough to wake Amber up from her sleep. “I’m on my way, keep driving around and see if you can find him, maybe this fiend is wrong and just trying to make some money to get high by running her mouth,” Muscles said and hung up the phone not giving Homicide time to respond.

  “Baby what’s wrong?” Amber said in a concerned voice as she watch him put on a bullet proof vest and go to the closet to the stash spot and throw guns in a duffle bag.

  “I think the dreads got Bones and Essence is setting us up.”

  Amber looks at Muscles with a confused look, “So let’s run, let’s leave Muscles. Let’s take your sisters and go. If the dreads have Bones then there’s nothing we can do for him, he’s probably dead by now.”

  Amber’s words stings his heart, but he knew she was right. For once in his life he has to listen to her, “Okay, you’re right, I’ll grab Sasha and tell her to pack some clothes and you call Nina, she should be getting off of work by now. Get dressed and we’ll skip town.”

  “Thank you baby,” Amber said jumping out the bed and running over to hug and kiss him.

  Muscles broke their embrace and left the room walking down the hall to Sasha’s room. He tried to talk to her earlier, but it didn’t help, she just wanted to be in her room by herself. Muscles left her alone with some weed to smoke and said to his self he’ll talk to her later when she’s ready. Muscles knocked on the door and got no answer, “She must be sleeping,” he said out loud as he pushed open her door. To his surprise the room was empty. He went downstairs to the living room and then to the kitchen and still couldn’t find her. ‘She couldn’t have went anywhere,’ Muscles thought to himself, knowing that he traded her car into a dealer for a new one after the shootout, and they
were supposed to pick her up a new car in the morning when all the paperwork would be done.

  Muscles looks on the wall where they all hung their car keys, then noticed the keys for his Denali was gone. He ran to living room window and moved the curtains to see that his truck was gone from its parking spot.

  ‘Shit! Shit! Shit! Damn this is not the fucking time for this shit,’ Muscles ran back upstairs to the bedroom to see Amber there fully dressed packing suitcases.

  “You told Sasha to get ready?” Amber said never looking up to stop what she was doing.

  “She’s not here, she took the Denali!”

  “What!” Amber yelled, “What the fuck you mean!” Amber screamed.

  “She’s not here! I have to go and find her. She left her phone in her room. Amber I can’t leave her in those streets if shit is about to hit the fan. Call Nina and Luscious and tell them to come to the house, I’m going to find Sasha!” Muscles left without saying a word then ran back into the room and kissed Amber deep and passionately on her lips, “I love you baby,” he whispered in her ear.

  “I love you too,” Amber said trying to hold back the tears.

  Muscles turned around and ran out the room and down the stairs to a side door leading to the garage. He pulls a set of keys out his pocket and straps the strap of the duffle bag across his shoulder and chest and jumps on the green 1100 Yamaha motorcycle and starts it up. He puts the helmet on his head and presses a button and the garage door lifts up and he flew out switching gears on the bike making it pick up speed, heading towards Jamaica Queens.

  Sasha pulls the Denali up in front of her man’s house. She knew she was wrong for taking Muscles truck, but she felt she had to get out; she had to leave the house. The stress of what she seen and been through today was beating her up mentally and the only thing that would take her mind off of it was a good nut. She hops out the car and hits the alarm locking the truck doors, and went to the front door. She didn’t have to knock because she had keys to the place. After fucking ‘P’ for three months now they had grown closer and closer. She walks in the house to see ‘P’ on the couch, smoking a blunt looking stressed with his long dreads wrapped in a bun behind his head looking like a wrapped ponytail. She loved when he wore his hair like that.


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