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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

Page 16

by Rebecca Elise

  “No I don’t think so. I mean a blue shirt would obviously be too much, what with his hair an all, and if we put him in a white shirt then people will think he’s serving food. I say black pant, black shirt and a tie with some color to it.”

  Tyler was looking back and forth between me and Jenna as if he were watching a ping pong game. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. Deep down I’m pretty sure he knew that we knew what we were talking about.

  “What color tie though?” Jenna asked as she looked around the store.

  “Ooooh, what about this silver striped one?” I asked snatching up a tie.

  We handed the clothes to Tyler and ushered him into a dressing room. When he came back out, I could hardly believe my eyes! He looked unbelievably hot! Honestly if he wasn’t dating my sister and I wasn’t completely in love with his best friend – whoa! Did I just drop the “L word?” Sweet baby J I did! Man, I am having all kinds of revelations on this trip home and – I realized that Tyler was giving me a funny look. I was going to have to push my mental declaration of love to the back of my head and focus on helping him like I said I would.

  “Are you sure this is good?” Tyler asked.

  “Yes! It’s perfect and since when are you all timid and insecure?” I asked him.

  “Since I realized I don’t have much of a chance to impress your mum and dad.” He admitted.

  “Well they are definitely going to be impressed. Don’t you think Jenna?”

  “Yes and I especially like how the black brings out the blue in”

  I gave Jenna an odd look as Tyler retreated back to the dressing room.

  “What?” She said giving me a shrug, “I was going to say eyes but then I realized his are brown. C’mon, I’ll ring you up with my discount.”

  I shook my head as I followed her to the register and handed over my visa. Tyler walked out just as I was signing the sales receipt. I grabbed ahold of the shiny black handles of the bag that held Tyler’s neatly folded new clothes. I flashed Tyler a giant smile as I held the bag out to him.

  “Here, consider this a belated Christmas present from me to you.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  I woke up on New Year’s Eve and almost felt like I needed to do some soul searching or something. I usually look forward to starting the New Year. This year, however, I just felt anxious. I hated going into the New Year when this year ended so.....wrong. I felt like I had unfinished business I needed to resolve and I knew I couldn’t officially start the year until I made things right with certain people.....or at least make myself feel better.

  An hour later I was parked in front of a very familiar brick apartment building and knocking on a very familiar red door. The door opened and I was greeted by an extremely surprised looking Connor.

  “Chloe.....what are.....I can’t believe you’re here. I mean I always figured you’d come back at some point but after the last time I saw you, I didn’t think it would be so soon.”

  Connor had this smug look on his face that almost made me want to hit him. I held my hand up to stop him from talking as I walked past him into the apartment. He was still a slob. It was nice to see that some things haven’t changed. I pushed a sweatshirt off of the arm of a chair and perched myself on it.

  “I’m not here to get back with you Connor.” I said flatly.

  “Then why are you here? Huh? You know we are good together baby. You and I, we make sense together.” Connor smiled as he reached his hand out towards my arm. Moving slightly, I shook my head and he backed off.

  “I came to make myself perfectly clear that we were over months ago and I don’t have any intentions of getting back with you. EVER.”

  Connor smiled that stupid smile again. I wonder what would happen if I punched him. Do you think he would have me arrested? I am imagining, of course, that it would actually hurt him if I punched him.

  “Are you sure about that?” Connor asked confidently.

  “I am absolutely positive. I honestly don’t think we would have gone through with the wedding. I didn’t realize it then, but we both stopped loving each other long before you cheated.”

  “That’s not true. I never say things I don’t mean and I told you I loved you all the time.”

  “Connor you don’t love me, I honestly think that the only reason you proposed is because you felt like that was what you were supposed to do. It had nothing to do with love.”

  The look on Connor’s face told me I was right and he knew it.

  “Look Connor, I moved on and you need to as well. You can’t just pop in for visits nor can you tell people we are still engaged. We aren’t together. We aren’t friends. We aren’t anything. You have no idea how much you have messed things up for me.”

  Connor opened his mouth to say something, but closed it and looked away like a pouting child. I stood up and moved towards the door.

  “So for the last time, I wanted to come and say goodbye. So please just don’t call me or come visit me professing your love. Just let me be.”

  “Alright fine, but I think you’re making a big mistake. I still think we should try again. Do you know how many people are relationships with someone they don’t love?”

  I shook my head. I honestly don’t know how or why I dated him for so long.

  “Goodbye Connor.” I walked out the door feeling so much more confident than I did this morning.

  When I was safely inside the car, I pulled out my cell phone. I was feeling momentously assertive and I knew if I didn’t do this now then I would end up losing the courage. I punched in Jack’s number and started fidgeting nervously as I waited for the ring. The ring never came though; instead the call went straight to voicemail. I could leave a message right? I mean at least he would still hear what I have to say. That’s it I’ll leave him a message. I can do that. As soon as I heard Jack’s voice on the recording though, that momentary on top of the world feeling slipped away and I hung up my phone.

  Feeling only slightly deflated, due to chickening out on leaving a message, I drove back to my parent’s house. I wondered why his phone was off. Maybe he was with someone and he didn’t want them to be disturbed so he switched off his phone. Or what if he had a hunch I might try to call him so he turned his phone off so he wouldn’t have to hear from me. Or what if he was hoping I would call and he didn’t know that his phone had shut off.....ugh I should have left a message.


  Feeling bad for myself, I ended up lazing around on the couch, eating lord knows how many cookies and watching the last batch of Christmas movies on television until my mom shooed me off to get ready for the party. Once I got up to my room, I didn’t really want to leave. I wondered if anyone would notice if I didn’t go down. Most people will probably be drunk or too preoccupied with their significant either to notice if I was there or not. Then tomorrow, if anyone does ask where I was, I could pretend I was there and act all offended. “What do you mean where was I? Don’t you remember we had that amazing talk about that thing?”

  Someone knocked on my door then, startling me. How long have I been sitting here? I glanced at my cell phone. Oh crap! Two hours! My mom poked her head in the door and gave me the look. You know the mom look that clearly says “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Chloe, people are starting to arrive. I think it would be nice if you put on something other than jeans and came downstairs.”

  “Uh.....yeah. I’ll be down in a minute.” I flashed my best fake smile.

  She gave me “the look” one more time before closing my door and walking away. I quickly put on the steel gray halter dress I bought the other day and slid my feet into my new stilettos. I dashed into the bathroom to apply my makeup and flip out my hair with my flat iron so fast that I’m not even sure if it looks right. I practiced my “look how happy I am” face in the mirror a few times before deciding that I couldn’t hide up here any longer.

  “There she is!”

  Oh great.....I’m barely
down the stairs and I’ve already been spotted by Chuck Pfeiffer. Chuck is my parent’s neighbor. He’s about 47, single, balding and he always smells like raw meat. When we were younger, we use to swear he would roll around in raw hamburger meat. Nick swore he saw him swimming in pool of meat once. It’s ridiculous, I know, but what other reason could there be as to why someone smells like that?

  “Hi Chuck, how are you?” I ask as I scan the room for someone, anyone, to talk to.

  “Great, great. Just started working at Joe’s Carpet Emporium. Installin carpet is like an art you know.”

  I looked around, growing desperate. Just as Chuck was beginning to drone on about how he preferred Berber to Frieze, I realized I didn’t need anyone else to get out of this conversation.

  “Fascinating stuff Chuck, but I really need to check on the um.....yeah so anyway, I gotta go.”

  Before he could stop me, I was off. After nibbling on a couple of carrots, I started mingling with my family and answering the same questions over and over again – How did I like London? Was there a special fella in my life? Of course there were the observational comments of “Well Abby’s boyfriend seems.....nice.” After being asked about my love life for the tenth time, I decided I needed a drink.

  I made my way down to the basement heading straight to the bar. After browsing numerous bottles and trying to decide if I want a glass of white or red wine, I changed my mind and grabbed a bottle of rum. I poured some of it into a plastic cup and was in the process of adding a splash of cola when Nick appeared at my side.

  “You know you’re supposed to use a shot glass to measure.” He said as he grabbed a cup.

  “Thanks for the tip.” I said as I took a small sip and then a bigger one.

  Nick watched with an amused look on his face as I downed the rest of my drink.

  “You better watch it or you might end up kissing Ground Chuck at midnight.” He joked.

  “Beats having no one to kiss.” I said.

  Nick and I looked at each other and started laughing.

  “You might end up falling in love and having a bunch of little meat babies!” Nick exclaimed.

  “No way! I’d never be that desperate for a baby or a kiss.” I told him.

  Nick made us both another drink, although his weren’t as strong as the one I made. He raised his glass and gave me a smile. “I think this year is going to be an awesome year for the both of us.”

  I gave Nick a grateful look as I clinked my cup against his. I took a giant sip of my drink and looked over at my brother. He really was a good guy. I could definitely see some changes in him since he started this relationship, or whatever it was, with Noelle. I hoped it worked out for him; for both of them. Maybe she could get him to move out of my parent’s house and fully act like an adult at some point.

  “C’mon.” Nick said, nodding his head over to where Abby, Tyler and Noelle were sitting.

  “Well you have been a huge hit.” I said to Tyler.

  He nodded his head. “I’d say I try but it just comes naturally.”

  “See now there’s the arrogant Tyler I know! Welcome back!” I teased.

  I glanced over to Abby and her eyes were as big as saucers. She looked over at Tyler and they smiled at each other. I gave them an odd look and glanced over to Nick and Noelle, who quickly turned away.


  My heart stopped. I knew that smooth velvety voice anywhere but it couldn’t be. How much of this have I drank? I wondered as I glanced down at my cup. Judging by the looks on everyone’s faces, I knew that I didn’t drink enough to start imaging my ex-boyfriend coming up behind me. My heart started beating wildly as I turned around. I couldn’t believe it. Standing right in front of me, looking like he hadn’t slept in weeks, was Jack.

  “Wh.....what are you doing here?” I asked him.

  Jack took a deep breath before he started talking.

  “Chloe, I am an idiot; A complete ass. I should have never listened to that guy. I should have had more faith in you. I had no right to say the things I said to you. I should have listened to you and let you tell your side of the story and I didn’t see that then but I know it now.”

  All of the sudden I was extremely aware that all conversations around us had stopped and everyone was staring at us. I could feel my face turning three shades of red. Jack bit his bottom lip and ran his hand through his jet black hair before continuing.

  “I know that I am probably too late and I completely understand if you never want to talk to me again and if you don’t then I promise I will leave you alone. I just.....I had to come here and tell you I was wrong and that I miss you and that I love you and that I am so, so unbelievably sorry.”

  Wait a minute.....did he just? Did he just say he loves me? He loves me! Jack freakin loves me!

  “I probably shouldn’t have come. I’m really sorry for interrupting your party. I guess I’ll go.” I was so wrapped up in what just happened that I barely noticed that Jack looked completely deflated as he turned to walk away.

  I couldn’t believe it! I thought things were over for us for sure. I mean he wouldn’t talk to me, even after he found out I wasn’t seeing anyone else but him, and now here he was saying that he loves me!

  “CHLOE!” Abby hissed.

  What? Oh right. Wait! Jack is actually leaving. If I let him go then things are definitely going to be over between us. It won’t matter who loved who.

  “Jack.....wait.” I called out. Jack turned around and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I knew he was upset but I didn’t expect to see his beautiful blue eyes filled up with tears. “Stay.”

  A tiny hint of a smile began to form on Jacks lips as he walked across the room towards me. Cupping my face in his hands, Jack firmly pressed his lips against mine. My heart started racing so fast, I’m sure he could feel it. I have been waiting for this, for him for so long.

  The conversations resumed around us as I grabbed Jacks hand and pulled him over to an empty corner. Jack wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down, pressing his forehead against mine. It felt so good to be in his arms again. I thought I knew just how much I missed him these past few weeks but I honestly didn’t realize just how much until he was holding me in his arms again.

  “I’m so sorry baby.” Jack said.

  “I’m sorry too. I should have told you about Connor. I just......I didn’t want you to think I had all this baggage and I certainly didn’t think he’d come looking for me.”

  “I know and you have nothing to be sorry for. You didn’t do anything wrong. I was the one who acted like a jerk,” Jack bit his lower lip and looked away for a moment, “Do you think you could forgive me?”

  “Of course I do! I just want to put all of this behind us. This whole’s just been a nightmare.”

  A sad look shadowed Jack’s face momentarily. “I know it has, for me too, but I promise I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”

  “You’re here now. That’s all that matters. What made you come?”

  “Aside from the fact that I couldn’t wait for you to get home.....It was Jocalyn.” Jack admitted with a smile on his face.


  “Yes well she popped over the other day and really laid into me for being such a big stupid dummy - those were her exact words by the way. When she finally calmed down, we had a really nice chat, although she did most of the talking.”

  I could picture Jocalyn getting all worked up and flipping out on Jack and the thought made me smile. I bet she had her hands balled into fists on her hips and she probably used that voice where she gets all squeaky and pitchy and she talks a mile a minute – which really isn’t much different from her normal voice but still funny to hear.

  “Anyway, she told me how much you were hurting and I told her how this whole thing was killing me. She got all high pitched and squeaky and she started yelling “Oh my god! You love her! You so love her!” and I said you’re right I do.”

p; Jack paused for a moment as he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

  “Then she insisted I come and find you. I didn’t want to impose, but she wouldn’t leave until I bought my ticket. So I called Tyler to tell him I was coming and to work out a ride from the airport.”

  I looked over at Tyler, who quickly looked away, and then back at Jack. “So it was you I heard him talking to the other day.”

  Jack nodded sheepishly. “I asked him not to tell you.”

  “Wait, when did you get in? I actually tried to call you earlier.”

  “I was probably on the plane. I just got in about three hours ago. Your dad picked me up from the airport. It wasn’t quite as awkward as I thought it would be. He did say he was glad to see I wasn’t a crayon.”

  I laughed and realized I hadn’t seen my dad in a while. I couldn’t believe that everyone knew about this and no one said anything to me. Usually my family can’t keep secrets at all so the fact that they kept this quiet was pretty impressive.

  I glanced up at Jack and tried to look as nonchalant as I could. “So what’s all this about you loving me?”

  Jack pressed his lips together in a small smile as he reached out to run his fingertips from my cheeks down to my chin. “I do. I love you. I think that’s why I acted like such an idiot. I know that’s not an excuse but it’s the only thing that makes sense to me. I am head over heels crazy in love with you.”

  I looked up at him and smiled. I knew exactly what he meant. “I love you too Jack.”

  “So will you be my girlfriend again?” He asked as though he thought I might say no.

  “Of course I will.”

  Jack pulled me close to him as he breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ve missed you like crazy,” He admitted. “I’m pretty sure the guys were getting sick of me. I couldn’t stop thinking or talking about you. I even wrote a song for you called “Fall into my Heart. It killed me to see you at that charity thing looking so unbelievably stunning yet so sad at the same time. I never meant to hurt you that night.”

  “I know you didn’t. You know, I felt the same exact way. I’m pretty sure my family is seconds away from having my mental stability checked.”


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