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Fall into my Heart (The Subzero Series, #1)

Page 17

by Rebecca Elise

  Jack gave me a knowing smile. “Yeah, what’s this I hear about tattoos and skydiving?”

  “Almost skydiving and I’ll show you the tattoo later,” I said giving him a quick wink. “For now though, if we don’t join them soon, they may die.” I nodded my head towards the couches where everyone was sitting around pretending like they weren’t trying to listen to what we were talking about.

  Jack pulled me in for one more kiss before we walked over to join everyone. Tyler jumped up from the couch and gave Jack a hug. “It’s about time ol’ chap.”

  Jack smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. “I know. Like I said, I am an idiot.”

  I couldn’t believe it but my year was ending even better than I thought it would. I mean I know that I was all broken up when Jack dumped me, but he was here now. If we hadn’t broken up, we would have spent New Year’s Eve in different countries. Don’t get me wrong, I honestly do wish that Jack and I never lost the past couple of weeks but at least we are spending tonight together.

  “One minute! One minute till midnight!” Someone yelled out over the crowd.

  We each took a champagne flute as they were passed out amongst the crowd. I looked around the room, stopping when my gaze fell on my father. He smiled, pointed to Jack and gave an approving nod.

  “Thank you.” I silently mouthed to him.

  “You’re welcome.” He mouthed back.

  I turned back around to my little group of family and friends just as someone announced we had twenty seconds to go. We all raised our glasses.

  “Cheers to a new year, new friends, new loves and new experiences.” Tyler yelled out over the noise.

  “Cheers!” We yelled back in unison.

  “10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5.....4.....3.....2.....1! Happy new year!”

  We clinked our glasses together and drank our champagne. Jack took my glass and set it down with his on the table. He turned back to me, ran his fingertips down my arms and around my back, pulling my body close to his. He covered my lips with his, gently at first and then a little bit harder. My lips parted slightly giving him just enough room for his tongue to dart inside my mouth, circling gently around mine before he pulled back nipping my lower lip softly with his teeth.

  “I love you.” He whispered.

  “I love you too.”


  One year later.....

  Is it possible to feel annoyed and excited at the same time? It must be because that is exactly how I was feeling. Jack and I had been dating for a little over a year now and recently decided it was silly for us to continue living across the hall from each other so today I am happily moving out of the apartment Drayton McGuire had set up for me and into Jack’s apartment. It is amazing how moving across the hall has been more of a pain in the ass than moving from one country to another was. Granted I only boxed things up last time and shipped them and everything was set up when I got here. This time, I didn’t box anything. I’ve just been moving things across the hall a little at a time over the past few weeks. You would think that makes things easier and less stressful but it doesn’t. It just means that when I am looking for something I have twice the area to search because I don’t know if it is in my place or his. That ends today though and I couldn’t be happier about that.

  Abby moved in with Tyler a week ago. It was weird to not have her here at first but honestly we didn’t really see each other any less. Tyler is growing on my dad but I think dad is still secretly worried that Abby is going to call home one of these days saying that she is having a bunch of little blue hair babies.

  I took one more final walk through in my condo to make sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. I needed to turn the keys in within the next forty eight hours so I had to double check that nothing was being left behind because once it was gone it was gone for good. Okay, so maybe that is a little dramatic. I was only moving across the hall so surely if I realized I had left anything I could just ask the new tenant about it.

  “So is that everything then?” Jack asked.

  I walked into the living room where Jack was sitting going over the set list for tonight’s Subzero show. I sat down next to him and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him as he placed a quick kiss on the side of my head.

  “Yup, as of right now, we officially live together.”

  “Best news so far today. Are you coming to the show tonight?”

  “Yes, of course! Abby and I are going together actually, so could you drop me off when you pick up Tyler?”

  “I can. Could you do me a favor? Could you wear something pretty?”

  I turned to look at him. “Don’t I always look pretty?”

  Jack’s face turned bright red. “Of course you always look pretty. What I meant was.....was.....well I was just thinking that.....that –“

  “It’s okay,” I laughed. “I have plenty of pretty things. I am sure I can find something extra pretty to wear tonight.”

  Jack flashed a grateful smile. “Thanks love. I should start getting my stuff together. We need to be on our way in a bit.”


  Everyone seemed to be in full party mode by the time we arrived at Stoaked. Subzero was setting up on the stage while the DJ was busy spinning tunes. I felt a little out of place in my black knee grazing, strappy chiffon dress, but Jack wanted pretty and I definitely felt pretty.

  Abby and I pushed our way through crowd until we reached the bar. I waved my hand when Dex looked our way and he immediately came over to us, which caused some people who were already waiting for drinks to start complaining.

  “Hey, knock it off or I’ll cut you off before you get started.” Dex threatened them. The complaints stopped so they must have known he was serious.

  “Jack asked me to give this to you.” Dex winked as he slid a Pina Colada across the bar.

  “Thanks.” I laughed.

  Jack and I took a trip to the Dominican Republic a few months ago. The resort we stayed at was all inclusive and made the best Pina Coladas ever. I don’t think there was a single moment that week where we didn’t have a Pina Colada in hand. Not even when we were trying other drinks.

  “Look, there’s Skye and Wes.” Abby pointed to a group that was congregated close to the stage.

  We started pushing back through the crowd to where they were. We passed Jocalyn along the way, already dancing around. We were almost to Wes and Skylar when I stopped dead in my tracks. Standing with them, laughing at something Wes was saying, were Nick and Noelle. Nick turned to me and smiled. I ran over, careful to not spill my drink or fall flat on my rear end.

  “What are you doing here?” I exclaimed as I threw my arms around my brother’s neck.

  “We wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised?”

  “Am I surprised? You came from New York to London without telling me! Of course I am surprised. Where are you guys staying?”

  “We have a hotel room.”

  Noelle pushed Nick aside and pulled me in for a tight hug. “I’ve missed you!”

  I was about to respond when Subzero took the stage. Jack looked over at me, smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Pretty.” He mouthed to me.

  “Hello everybody, we are called Subzero,” Noah yelled in to the microphone. “Is everybody ready to party?”

  The crowd started screaming and jumping up and down. Nick grabbed Noelle’s hand and spun her around. We all laughed as she squealed from surprise. I finished my drink and sat it down on the table behind me. I grabbed Abby’s hand and we started bopping up and down with everyone else. The band was about four songs in when Dean started strumming a slower tune on his guitar. I recognized it right away. It was “Fall into my Heart”, the song Jack wrote for me during our break up. Noah grabbed the microphone out of the stand, walked over to Jack and threw his arm around Jack’s shoulders.

  “Hey does everyone know our bass player, Jack?” He yelled out.

  “YES!!” Everyone yelled back. Someo
ne even yelled out, “I love you Jack!”

  “Jack looks like he has something he wants to say. Do you have something you want to say ol’ boy?”

  “As a matter of fact I do have something I want to say.” Jack took off his guitar and leaned it against the wall behind where Tyler was set up with his drums.

  “Does everyone know my beautiful girlfriend? She’s called Chloe. Chloe, my love, where are you?”

  Abby pushed me towards the stage. For a moment I thought I was going to trip, but thankfully I managed to stay on my feet. Noah reached out his hand and pulled me up on to the stage.

  “Ah, here she is.”

  Jack grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front of the stage. He kissed my hand and dropped down to one knee. My heart stopped beating as I realized what was happening and suddenly everyone else blurred in to the background until it was only me and Jack alone on the stage.

  “Chloe, you are the most amazing person I have ever met and every day that we spend together I find myself falling more and more in love with you. You make my life fun and I can’t imagine what I would be like – what my life would be like – if I didn’t have you by my side. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?”

  Jack pulled a small black velvet box out from his pocket and opened it up. Inside was the most beautiful engagement ring I had ever seen. The center stone was cushion cut diamond framed with smaller round diamonds and the white gold band was studded with princess cut stones. Jack stared up at me, his beautiful blue eyes looked nervous as though there was a chance I would turn him down.

  “Yes!” I exclaimed. “Yes, of course, I’ll marry you.”

  The crowd went wild, cheering and whistling. Jack took the ring out of the box and slid it onto my finger. Then, he stood up, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a slow, sensual kiss which only made the crowd cheer even louder.

  “I love you Jack.”

  “I love you to Chloe.....forever.”


  First off, I would like to thank my husband, who was so incredibly supportive when I decided I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a writer. Thank you for being so patient all of those nights I just wanted to write!

  I would like to thank my mom, who had a slew of people patiently waiting for this book when it was just a thought in my mind! I also want to say a big “Thanks!” for every time I called you and started the conversation with “Tell me what you think about this” instead of “Hello!”

  To Lisa Hetrick and Rebecca Wilczewski, you two are the best friends anyone could ever ask for and I love you both! Thank you for being supportive and for giving me such great feedback when I needed your help!

  To Amanda Saitis and Caren Cahill, thank you so much for all of your support and you’re encouraging words anytime I mentioned how nervous I was! I love you both!

  To Jeanne Raimondo, you have been one of my biggest cheerleaders! Thank you so much for believing in me!

  I would also like to thank any readers who took a chance on an unknown author by downloading this book! I hope you enjoyed it!

  About the Author

  Rebecca Elise lives with her husband, their daughter and their white lab in Pennsylvania. She spends her time reading, writing, hanging out with family and friends, and chasing her incredibly active toddler.

  You can connect with her online:.

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