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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 36

by Sansa Gold

  He clicked his pen, "So any questions before we begin?" He asked.

  "Yea just one, will it hurt?" That question had been at the back of my mind the whole trip over.

  "You might feel a little discomfort at first, but we will move past that and before you know it you'll be done." He smiled at me as he set my folder down on the table. He grabbed a small rolling chair and sat onto it, making his way at the end of the table.

  "I'm going to need you to set your head down on the cushion and put your legs in the stirrups for me."

  I hesitated for a second, but took a deep breathe and did as he commended. If my mother trusted him so could I. I set my feet onto the cold plastic stirrups, a chill running up my spine from the feel. He would be the first man to ever touch my tight virgin pussy, I just hopped that he was gentle.

  "Alright, your mother told me that I have to give you a full examination. I'm going to go through the whole procedure in one full swoop, if you have any questions shoot them my way at any time."

  I didn't have a chance to answer as I felt his fingers move down the side of my thighs, the hair on my body began to stand up. His pace toward my pussy was slow, almost as if he was studying my every feature. I turned my head to the side, biting into my lip. This wasn't going to go well, his route followed the same one that I used to turn myself on each and every night. I knew that, within seconds, my body would react to his slow and methodical touch. I hoped that his procedure would speed up, but at the same time I indulged myself in his touch.

  I loved how delicately his fingers moved down each side of side, at some part grabbing hold of them. As he grew closer to my pussy, I could feel his warm breathe lap over my already wet cunt. My fingers dug deep into the cushion, I so wanted to guide him forward toward my pleasure spots. It took all my willpower to remind myself where I was right now, if it weren't for him being my step father I would have enticed him forward.

  "OH My." I heard him whisper.

  I turned my head, but I couldn't see what he was seeing, the garment blocking my view. "Is something the matter?" I questioned, hoping that he hadn't discovered some kind of disease.

  He popped his head to the side, "Not at all. Sorry, that wasn't very professional of me." He smiled at me, before returning back between my legs.

  I felt his fingers once more to probe at my cunt, starting at the very top of my mound. He circled the outside, by my thighs, until he reached just under my passage. My hand moved up from the table and began to grow at my tit, I hoped that he couldn't see me cause I sure as hell couldn't see him. I felt the moan began to roll through my body, so the other hand covered my mouth. God, his touch on my pussy felt so good, better than my ever did.

  His fingers climbed back up until it resettled on my clit, "Sami, I'm going to need to test your stimulation. If it becomes too much let me know."

  "Uh huh." Was the only thing that I could muster as his finger rubbed on my nub.

  He faintly pressed against my clit as his other hand gripped my thighs, my other hand shot to my mouth. I knew that if he continued that it would only be a matter of seconds before I finished. His fingers felt even softer against my clit than mine ever did.

  "How does that feel?" He asked, as his pace increased.

  I couldn't answer, the knot within my stomach was already growing to massive proportions. He didn't wait for my response instead he pressed forward, the hand on my thigh moved down to my passage. As one hand worked on my clit the other circled the outside of my cunt, teasing me like nothing before. He was able to tease me in ways I could never reach with the angles I had to work with, my hips began to gyrate as one of his finger pushed into my whole. How much longer did he have to go? Couldn't he see that I was completely stimulated by his hands already?

  I couldn't hold it anymore, my hands gripped the side of the table as moans erupted from my body. The heat exploded from my stomach and traveled upwards toward every inch of my body. I had lost control of every part of myself as I became to writhe in the pleasure of the orgasm brought to me by a man. My hips fell down back onto the table, my chest rapidly raising and falling.

  *Knock Knock*

  "Is everything alright in there, Doctor? We though we heard screams." The nurse outside asked.

  "Every thing's fine, its just her first time that's all." He shouted back through the door.

  "Alright, page us if you need anything doctor."

  With that she was gone and Martin rose from his chair until he was by my side. His hands grabbed one of min and held it as he stared at me. "How are you feeling, Sami?"

  I gave myself a few more seconds, "Fine. How did I do? Is everything OK?" I asked, worried that something was wrong with me.

  "Everything seems to be in perfect shape. You have amazing feeling down there. Its time to begin the last part of the exam." He smiled at me, his hands squeezing mine.

  Thank god, it was almost over. The exam its self wasn't too bad it was the sexual attention that was turning me on and leaving me weak. "Yea, I'm ready, Martin." I looked at his eyes, his brown eyes staring back at me.

  "Good. That's very good, Sami." His hands left mine, and went toward his belt buckle.

  My eyes grew wide. There was no way this was part of the exam, nobody had ever mentioned any of this. "What are you doing?" I asked.

  "Sami, don't deny yourself what you want. I've heard you whisper my name at night when you think everyone is asleep. I know you've been thinking of our last encounter last week in the bathroom. The truth is that I can't get you out of my mind either. I think the best thing for us to do is work this out, before you go off to college."

  I didn't know what to say. It was true that I had moaned his name several times at night, it always threw me deeper into the passion. "But, what about my mother?" I asked. I didn't want to ruin the relationship between the two of them, no matter how much I wanted this.

  "She will never know about this, there is no reason to upset her. I won't tell if you don't." He knew that I wouldn't say anything. This would work well for me, it would meant that I wouldn't go off to college completely inexperienced. I wouldn't be the virgin on campus and I would know my way around a boy.

  He didn't wait for my answer, his pants dropped down to the ground. I stared at his cock that was pressed hard against his briefs, a wet spot at th tip. He had to be at least six to seven inches long and bigger than two or three of my fingers.

  "Now, I know you've never taken a cock before, but I could teach you. Do you want that Sami?" He asked, as he pulled down his briefs.

  I nodded my head, as I stared at the monster cock in front of me.

  "Good." He smiled, inching his way toward my mouth. "First, I want you to open your mouth and I'll push him in for you. For now I'll do all the work."

  I did as he asked. I opened my mouth wide and he slowly pushed his way inside, his hands moved to the back of my head pushing my down on his cock. The taste of his cock was salter than I would have thought, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. With every thrust of hips and push of my head his cock began to disappear into my mouth. It amazed me how far he was able to get it into my mouth, until it hit the back of my throat. My hands moved to my breasts and grabbed hold as Doctor Martin continued to use me, I knew that I liked it rough.

  "I can't take anymore of this." He whispered to me. He quickly took his cock from my mouth and a sadness grew over me, I already missed his cock ramming into my mouth. He waddled between my legs, his hands moving down the garment so that I could see him.

  He pressed the helm of his cock at the outside of my pussy, which was already anticipating his arrival. He moved it up and down before slowly beginning to push forward. I rose off the cushion and grabbed hold of the sides of the table, as his cock began to stretch me apart. I took deep breaths as he inched deep inside of me. It was then that I felt a small pang in my pussy, but was replaced by the feeling of him shoving his dick deep inside of me. I couldn't even control it, I finished right there with his cock within me. My body withere
d from side to side.

  "We haven't even started and I already made you cum. Well, this is going to be exciting then." He laughed, his hips pulling back until the helm of his cock stood at the edge of cunt. "Are you ready?"

  I nodded my head. He grabbed hold of my thighs as he pushed himself inside of me at once, sending a whine out of my body. One of his hands left my thighs and gripped my mouth, holding back every sound that left my mouth. I bit his hand and he grunted, but continued his continual pounding. I was amazed at fast he was able to go, with his arms being all over the place.

  "Fuck, your so tight." He roared at me.

  I looked into his eyes and pleaded with him to go faster, and he did. I looked down at his cock, terror took over me. He wasn't wearing any kind of protection. I tried to bring his attention to it, but I couldn't break free of his hold, so I gave up.

  I'm sure if I got pregnant he would take care of me, just like he had taken care of my mother. His hand left my mouth, grabbing hold of my thighs. His cock left my wet cunt, my hips rising up to chase it. He took my feet out of the stirrups and flipped me over, pushing my face hard onto the cushion of the table. The paper crinkled under me, as his hands grabbed hold of my ass. With one full swoop he dove back inside of me, a new feeling washing over me as he pushed downward onto my body.

  My whole body grew into a knot and heat grew from every part of it. My arms and legs shot wildly about, as the sound of balls clacking against my body filled the room. I knew it would only be moments before I screamed in pleasure.

  "I'm going to cum." He roared at me.

  "Finish in me. Please, finish in me." I begged him. I wanted him to fill me up deep inside my tight cunt, so that I could please him. I wanted to experience the seed of a man far inside of me.

  One hand gripped my ass as the other shot up to the back of my head, pushing me hard into the cushion. I felt a rush spread through my body as I began to lose any ability to breathe, but within seconds a hot jet filled the inside of my cunt. He grunted in pleasure, as he took several pumps into me. I could feel his hot seed inside of me, as my own orgasm washed over my body.

  His hand left the back of my head. I pushed my head upward for air, as he fell down onto his chair. We both laid there exhausted by the whole ordeal, neither saying anything.

  After several minutes past Martin finally spoke, "Your mother must never know." He said.

  "And she won't as long as you behave when I come back from college." I winked at him.

  I knew that I had wrapped around my finger now. I wouldn't let him get away from me that easily.

  Book 19: In House Exam

  I climbed up the stairs, the searing California sun beating on my back. I could feel the sweat drip down the side of my face, it had to be the hottest day of the summer. I couldn't wait for summer to end. Don't get me wrong I loved lounging around all day doing absolutely nothing, but with summer being done I could start my first year of college. It would be a completely new beginning, leaving behind all the embarrassing events and moments that had happened in high school. Now that I'm 18 years old I was going to be an adult, in charge of myself and my life. I couldn't be more excited for it all to begin, especially since I had gotten some really good scholarships.

  I fumbled with the key as I tried to open the door to my dingy apartment. My mother and I didn't live in the best neighborhood, its what happens when your father walks out on your life when your a child. It forced Mom to work two or three jobs, sometimes, to keep up with raising me and giving me the things she never had. I knew that she worked hard, and I was going to repay her by doing well in college.

  I pushed open the door and was thankfully greeted by a breathe of cold air. Mom was home early and she had turned on the air conditioning. I stood in the doorway enjoying the sun on my back and cold air on my face. Since mom was home that means I wouldn't have a chance to play with myself like I did every day once I got home from hanging out with friends. I could put it off for one night, no biggie. I had gone a lot more days without it before.

  "Sasha, shut the door. Your letting all the cold air out. You know we can't afford that." My mom hollered at me from the kitchen.

  "Yea...yea. I hear you." I screamed back.

  I walked into the kitchen, the smells completely engrossing my nose. I didn't know where she found the energy to cook after working all day.

  "How was work, Mom?"

  "Just the usual, honey. A bunch of uptight customers." She said. My mom had somehow managed to get a job at a upscale boutique that catered the richest of the rich. She pretended like she hated. But, most of the time I think she wishes she could spend her days shopping like some of the mothers. "So, you excited to star your first year of college soon?" She looked over her shoulder, a menacing smile on her face.

  "Of course, the further I can get away from you." I teased back.

  "Well that's no way to talk to your mother. Anyway, I know your looking forward to it. Your probably going to want to experience.." She cleared her throat, "some college stuff."

  I knew exactly what she had in mind. The college I was going to was known as a party school, it was one of the many reasons that I chose it. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was at least curious to get some things off my list. Most of my high school years at been pretty tame, usually involving a lot of volleyball and studying. It didn't really give me any leeway to do a lot of things, like some of the other girls in my class.

  "Maybe, I'll see what happens. I'm not going to go out looking for it, but I'm also not going to stop anything from happening." I smiled at her. I was always very truthful with my mother. I quickly learned that I couldn't get away with lying, I was very bad at it. So, I decided that being truthful would work in my benefit, and it usually did.

  "I know, but I still don't want to think about it. As far as I'm concerned you'll be the my little adorable Sasha with red pigtails. But, I also have to be realistic." My interested was piqued at this point, where exactly was she going with this. "Now I know we don't have much money left, but I want to get you on some protection while your away. I don't need you coming back home with an unexpected present for me, although I would be here for you."

  "Oh, god Mom. NEVER." I shouted back. My life was just getting started, getting pregnant was definitely not on my list of college experiences.

  "I trust you, Sasha. Its college boys I don't trust. That's why I set up an appointment for this afternoon for you. I couldn't get a really expensive or good doctor, but he was recommended to me by a work buddy. Are you interested in it?"

  I let the question sink in, it was true that it was better to be safe than sorry. I hadn't had sex yet but that didn't mean that I didn't want too. Who knows who might pique my interest at college. Getting protection might be a good idea. "I guess, if you think its best. So who is this doctor?"

  "Well, his name is Adam Steele, he's suppose to be pretty good. The good thing about him is that he makes house visits, which I have arranged for you this afternoon."

  House visits? I didn't know that doctors even did that any more. It probably meant that he was going to be some really old doctor. I don't know how I felt about some old geezer being the fist one to see my pussy, let alone touch it. "Well, when this afternoon?" I asked.

  My mom turned from the stove and looked at the clock, "He should be here any minute now." She smiled at me.

  "MOM," I screamed at her, " I'm definitely not ready for any doctor to see me. I'm completely drenched in sweat from being outside all the time."

  I was just about to rush to my bedroom when I hear a knock on the door. Before I could leave the kitchen my mom grabbed me and pushed me down into the chair then rushed to the door. She looked through the peephole and smiled back at me, "He's here." She clapped all excited. God, she could be embarrassing. You would think that the Pope was coming over with how excited she got.

  She opened the door, it was then that I heard his rugged voice. "Good morning Mrs. Kali, I'm Dr. Steele." All I could see was a tall sil
houette waiting in the door frame, my eyes not completely adjusted to the bright light bleeding from outside.

  "Come in, come in Doctor." She grabbed his wrist and ushered him through the door.

  Once inside he walked toward me and held out his hand, "You must be Sasha." He said.

  I didn't move from my seat, instead I just started at his massive hands and worked my way up his body. He wasn't the doctor I was expecting, but it made me happy. In front of me stood a tall medium build man with a rugged beard, flimsy glasses, and a smile that lite up the whole room. He couldn't have been older than 28 or 29.

  "Aren't you a little to young to be a doctor?" I shot at him, completely ignoring his outstretched hand.

  "SASHA!!" My mother shouted back at me.

  "No no its Ok Mrs. Kali, I can understand where she is coming from. I actually get it quite a lot with my first patients." He turned his attention back to me, "Well, although I look young looks can be deceiving. I'm in my mid thirties and I've been a gynecologist for the last ten years of my life. I've been doing home visits, on the side, for the last five years in order to help families who can't afford to come to my office. Does that answer your question or shall I continue?" He stared down at me, his smile seemed like more of a smirk now.

  "I think I believe you." I stretched out my hand and shook his.

  His large burly hand met mine. It was a lot softer than I expected, it would feel so soft on my skin. I could feel my cheeks redden as inappropriate thoughts rushed into my mind. This is what happens when I don't have some alone time to myself, especially when I have conditioned my body for so long.

  "Would you like to begin soon, Sasha?" He asked as his hand left mine, heading for the clips of his briefcase. With a quick click the hidden contents within were out in the open. On the side of the case was some files, one with my name on it, while the bottom was filled with all sorts of medical equipment. Most of them I had no idea what they did, some looked scarier than I could have imagined.


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