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Filled for the First Time : 45 Books Bundle/Box Sets (Medical, Older Man, Menage, Taboo)

Page 37

by Sansa Gold

  "Yes, Doctor." I replied, my eyes transfixed on the inner contents of the case. I hoped that he didn't have to use all that equipment on my tight pussy, there was no way that it could take some of the larger objects in there.

  He grabbed a green outfit and held it out in front of me, "I need you to go in your room and put this one. Once your ready, just shout out and I'll make my way to you." He smiled, before he turned to face my mother.

  "And what will you be doing?" I asked him with a little sass.

  "Well, I need to ask your mother some questions and get her to sign some consent forms for me. It shouldn't take very long. Just let me know when your done." He didn't even turn around to address me. I brought the outfit close to my chest and stormed out of the room.

  Who did he think he was? Talking down to me like I was some kind of child. I'm 18 now, I'm an adult. I should be treated like one. I slammed the door shut, making the pictures on my wall rattle from the force. I threw the hideous outfit onto the bed and sank into its welcoming embrace. I let the cushion from the bed relax me as my thoughts began to drift. I was going to miss this little room when I went off to college, it was always nice to slick away here when I had a rough day.

  My eyes moved around the room, staring at all of the possessions I had acquired over the years. One side of the room was just for all my volleyball trophies and achievements. The pictures of my team and I hung on the wall. I was going to miss all the care free days I had in high school, I was a little bit scared about being an adult now. It wasn't as rewarding as I expected, no thanks to Dr. Steele making me feel like a child.

  I clutched at the bottom of my shirt and threw it off me, my boobs jiggling in my loose bra. I could never afford a proper fitting one, so I had to go with was available to me. This usually meant the ugliest and dingiest one. This meant that I could never really match my bra and panties, since I always had to get the cheapest pair available. I pulled down at my jeans, revealing my white cotton underwear. I threw my clothes on my bed and put the green outfit on.

  The outfit was very thin and crinkled with every move I made. The back at a large slit that was only being kept shut by a small lacy rope that I had tied at the back. At least I still had my underwear and bra on, otherwise I would have been way too cold. I started at backside in the mirror, and smiled to myself, years of volleyball had given me a tone body. I'm sure that I would have no problem finding someone in college, so that we could experience everything together.

  I turned around and opened my door I could hear the murmuring coming from the kitchen, "I'm ready Dr. Steele." I shouted down the hallway, knowing that there was no chance that he wouldn't hear me in this small dingy apartment.

  "I'll be right there with you Mrs. Sasha." He shouted back at me.

  Mrs. Sasha? Was that the name that people were going to call me by? I smiled at myself, it did have a certain seductive sound to it so I guess I didn't mind too much. I closed the door behind me and stood in front of my bed. Should I be on the bed or in some sort of position when he gets here?

  A tight knot grew in my stomach as anxiety took over. Fuck, maybe he mentioned something when I was leaving the room but I didn't hear because I was having my hissy fit. I didn't want to disappoint Dr. Steele because I was too childish to listen to him. I rummaged through the last thirty minutes in my mind, trying to put aside my tantrum and remember if he gave me any instructions. Honestly, nothing was coming back clear for me. The only thing I could remember was his soft rugged hands that caressed softly against my hand when we shook. Somehow, I didn't think that that was going to help me right now. I heard the click of the knob and I spun around. I must have looked scared out of my mind.

  "What's the matter, Sasha? Are you nervous?" He asked as he approached me, his briefcase in his hand.

  "Yea I'm just worried being my first time and all." I said.

  "That's understandable. I explained everything to your mother and she signed all the proper paperwork. Would you like me to explain everything now or as the procedure goes?"

  I let the question roll around in my mind, "As we go. I think if I know too much I'll be freaked out, so it might be easier for both of us if I knew as little as possible."

  He chuckled, "Alright, I can work with that. If I'm going to fast or you have any questions at any time just let me know, Ok?"

  "Ok, Doctor." I responded.

  "Alright, I need you to lie down on the bed now." I turned around, my hands moved to my back trying to hold the slit together from exposing too much of my body.

  I lay down on the bed, welcomed back by its warm embrace. I lay down and looked at the ceiling I had spent so many nights in front of daydreaming. I could see the benefit of doing home visits as a doctor. At home, the patient is an environment they feel comfortable and welcomed in. As opposed to the dreary office that made me feel like I was in some sort of prison.

  I heard the clips of his briefcase and his hands rummaging through it. I closed my legs, putting my hands between them. I hoped that he didn't use all those tools on me. Instead, I was trusting that he would take a quick peek down there and declare me in good condition. But, deep down I knew that it wasn't going to be that easy, it was my first time after all. He was probably going to have to give me extra attention and care, just too make sure that I didn't have any problems.

  I heard the crinkle of paper and the click of a pen, "Alright, your mother went through all of your basic information like allergies and past medications. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get all the information I needed from her, specifically your past sexual activity. So, Sasha I need you to give me an idea of your sexual background, just the basics."

  "Ummm, alright. Its not a very long list. I've never had sex or touched a penis before. The furthest a guy has ever gotten with me is cupping one of my breasts." I explained, my cheeks redding as I confessed things that I hadn't even told my mother. I could hear him scribbling down all the information on his papers. I didn't see how all of it was relevant, but I trusted him.

  "Any self masturbation? And how often?" He inquired further.

  I was expecting this question, but I was dreading the answer. "Yes, plenty of self masturbation and at least once a day, sometimes even more."

  "Hmmm, alright. I see your a very curious girl, its very understanding for someone your age with little sexual experiences. Alright, well that concludes my required questioning. Its time for your up close and personal exam." I saw him stand up and go over to the corner of my room he flicked off the light in my room, " It works better for me if we do this in the dark, makes it easier with my headlamp. Also I'm going to have to borrow one of your chairs for the duration of this examination, if you don't mind."

  I shook my head. Whatever made it fast and painless was all that I could think about.

  "Ok, I'm going to need you to scoot back on your bed until your toes are on the edge of the bed. Once, there I need you to bring your feet out and bend your knees, while having your legs spread open for me. Does that make sense?" He questioned.

  I didn't answer instead I did as he commanded, until I thought I was in the position he wanted me. "Is this what you wanted Doctor?"

  "Not quite, Sasha." He moved over to me, grabbing my small toes and placing them until they rested on the edge of the bed. He bent my knees further and opened my legs further until I could feel my outfit rid all the way to my stomach, completely revealing my panties. The green medical cloth had moved down my knees until it lay crumpled at the bottom of my stomach, allowing me full vision when he would examine me. This little fact would put my mind at ease, allowing me to make sure that everything was going well. All I would have to do was shut my eyes for a moment if I was too frightened.

  "Oh, I probably should have been more specific with my instructions. Your going to need to take your panties off for me." He looked over at me and smiled, I completely turned beet red. But, he wouldn't be able to see it on me with the light in the room turned off.

  Now it dawned on me, th
at's what I had forgotten to do. I remembered him mentioning something like that when I ran to my room, that's what happens when I don't play close attention. I squirmed from side to side, trying to push my panties down without moving from the position he had set me in. If I messed up that meant it would be an even longer exam, I didn't want that too happen. But, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to pull them all the way down. I was growing very exhausted with the whole situation and about to give up on holding my position.

  "I'll get that for you Sasha." He said, out of no where.

  He got down to the ground, on his knees, and his hands traveled up the side of my legs. I could feel his rough and rugged fingers moved across my soft skin until they reached the elastic of my underwear. His fingers due between the string and my skin, slowly pulling down on them. Without any warning the moment had become very sensual, I could feel a knot in my stomach grow. His fingers touched my body as they traveled down my body, exposing my tight little shaved pussy to him. I felt the cotton touch the heel of my feet, that's when I rose them a little bit to give him room to get it through.

  "There we go." He exclaimed. For some reason I detected a slight excitement to his tone, but I decided not to question him about it. It was probably my nerves that were just acting up.

  "Alright, I'm going to need to do an outer examination of your vagina first." He sat in my chair, that was placed between my spread legs, and he brought the suitcase onto his lap. He pulled out a large oval that had a small flashlight in the middle, with a soft click the light turned on. My hand shot up to cover my eyes, as the light hit my face directly.

  "Sorry, about that." He moved his head down between my legs, I so badly wanted to close my legs. No one had ever been this close to my pussy, I didn't like it that the first one would be my doctor.

  I felt his hot breathe on my pussy before I felt his fingers on it. When he first touched me a shiver spiraled up my spine, my pussy was already wet in anticipation. There was nothing I could do about that, having someone else's fingers on my most intimate area turned me on. His touch was foreign to me, my pussy was only used to the subtle touch of my body. His fingers moved around as if inspecting new land.

  They started at the top of my mouth and slowly worked their way on the outside, at the edge of my thighs. My hands gripped the covers of the bed as I bit into my skin, it was taking all my will power not to moan out in pleasure. Every little touch of his was turning me on, I knew that this was suppose to be an examination for my health but I couldn't help but get turned on by his every brisk touch. Was it really necessary for his fingers to touch me all around, I wondered. But, I didn't want to question it cause I was thoroughly enjoying it all.

  I arched my hips forward, trying to beckon him onward toward my hole. My body was acting on its own, I grabbed hold of my hips and pulled down. I looked at him, but he didn't seem to notice. Thank god, cause it might have turned awkward very quickly. One of his finger rested lightly on my clit, it began to lightly press on it. I felt the moan roll through my body, hands shooting up to my mouth to cover the sounds.

  He laughed, "That's alright, nothing to be ashamed of. It tends to happen to my patients who lack any sexual experiences. Let me know if you have any questions."

  I nodded my head, but kept my hands on my mouth. I didn't want to let another moan out of me, not for him to laugh at me again. I needed to be in control if I was going to be the adult I needed to be. I looked at him, his eyes intently staring down at my pussy as he diligently worked. His dark hair shined in the light that emitted from his light, his shadow spreading on the wall behind him. I felt his finger begin to circle my clit, making my toes begin to curl on the edge of the bed.

  "I'm going to need some lubricate for my next procedure. It will be easier if its natural, also forgot the medical one at home. So, this will have to do for now."

  I nodded, but something told me this wasn't part of the procedure. Many of my high school friends told me about their exams, in explicit detail, but none told me about this. Would he take advantage of me on my first time? I thought about it for a second, but threw it out of my mind. I'm sure my friends never told me about this part because they were to embarrassed by how turned on they had gotten by their doctors. I know that I would never want to tell them about how Dr. Steele's fingers playing on my clit made me want to take him right here and now. Even though I had very little knowledge on how to even take someone as experienced as him. If anything I would probably embarrass myself.

  "Is everything Ok?" He asked.

  "Mhm." That was all that I could muster between the gap in my fingers, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of another moan. Although, it was creeping up through my body slowly. I could feel it better than last time, I just hoped that I would be wet enough for my next procedure soon.

  "Ok, that seems to be just about right." His fingers quickly shot down to the entrance of my pussy. They began circling around spreading the slippery juices, he had turned me on so well.

  "Are you ready?"

  I nodded at him, not entirely sure of what to expect. One hand began to massage my clit, as the other slowly slipped a finger into my pussy. I could feel as he began to stretch me out, one of his fingers had to be as big as two or even three of mine. The moan traveled further up, but I clasped my mouth and pushed it back down. His finger effortlessly moved through me, I could feel the bump of his knuckle as he moved upward.

  "You are very tight for your age." He responded.

  I didn't say anything, but that didn't seem like proper doctor talk. I let it drop, I was already so far into my procedure I didn't want to stop now and have to start again later. Before, I even knew it he had put his finger deep inside of me. The hand that played with my clit moved up just below my stomach and began to press down. The finger inside of me curled and pushed back at the spot that outside hand applied pressure to, there was when I completely lost it.

  I grabbed for the pillow above me, the moans rolling through my mouth. I couldn't control it, he was hitting my g-spot quite effectively. With every curl of his finger a shock of thunder ran through every party of my body, longer and stronger than I had ever been able to get. He definitely knew his way around my body than I ever did.

  "Good, everything seems to be functioning well." I barely heard his through the moans that continued to run from my mouth, I hardly recognized them as my own anymore. I just gripped at the pillow as he continued to curl his finger in me, a knot in my stomach began to grow. I knew this feeling quite well, only it was more intense than ever before. I would finish within a moment if he continued to do that, just when I thought I could take no more his outside hand traveled back to my clit. It began to feverishly circle my clit, applying slight pressure. There was no way I could keep my composure anymore, I rolled over to the side. My form was completely gone, but I didn't care the knot in my stomach had grown quite rapidly.

  *Knock Knock*

  "Sasha, is everything alright in there?" Dr. Steele's finger slowed down, but they continued to play with my pussy. My vision blacked out for a couple seconds. How was I to respond to her? I looked at Dr. Steele and his cold eyes stared back at me, I knew what I had to do.

  "Yea, everything is fine mom. I was just a little scared by the procedure but Dr. Steele is being gentle with me."

  "Do you want me to come in?" She asked. I knew that she wanted to be here for her daughter, but I had to push her away. I didn't want her to

  see this, especially not when her precious daughter's first time was with her gyno doctor.

  "No, that's Ok. We will be done, very soon." I stared at Dr. Steele and he nodded his head. At least, I didn't lie to her about that part.

  "Alright, I'll be right outside the door if you need me." She shouted back to me.

  I didn't answer because I couldn't. Dr. Steele had been his feverish pace again, forcing me to grab my pillow and scream into it. I didn't want my mother to hear any more of passionate moans while Dr. Steele completed his p
rocedure. Was this his plan all along? To go around to people's houses and taking advantage of young girl's like me? I honestly didn't care, it all felt too good right now.

  In one full swoop his fingers left my wet pussy, my head shot away from my pillow. It took a while for my vision to get used to the room, but I saw that he had unbuckled his trousers. They dropped to the ground, his massive cock started at me. I had never been so close to one before in my life, there was no way that I could take something like that. It was way too big, at least seven inches long and possibly as wide as my whole hand.

  Before, I could murmur any objection he knelt himself forward using the head of his cock to rub up and down on my pussy.

  "Your cunt is so nice." He whispered to me, his eyes completely entranced on my pussy.

  I didn't move, I just let him have his way with me. I started at the wall with my volleyball trophies, realizing that tonight I would finally be the adult I wanted too be. I would be leaving my high school memories behind and become what I had always wanted.

  It was then that his head pushed forward, very slowly. It stretched my pussy, he stopped every so often to play with my clit before pushing onward. It felt like forever before he was completely in me, my drool dripped down the side of my pillow as I continued to bit into it. I was completely surprised that I was able to take him completely.

  "Wow, you are tight." He arched his hips back, pulling him slowly out of me. I felt his every bump, stretching me once more, as he pulled out. His hands gripped my ass as he rammed his cock back into me. I felt the sudden smack of his balls against my hips, the knot once more growing in my stomach. I just moaned into the pillow, all that I could do. I closed my eyes and let the rhythmic clap of his balls take me into his trance.

  A fire began to grow in my stomach, as his cock continued to slam into me.


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