Book Read Free

Dark Dawn

Page 5

by J. J. Medina

  My stomach is rocking. I jump to my feet and hunch over, arms crossed over my stomach. “I don’t think I have a few seconds. Where’s the bathroom?”

  “Out the door to the right,” Remos says.

  “Thanks,” I croak out, already heading for the door.

  I run into the bathroom.

  Luckily, I didn’t have an accident on the way. Though I bombed the bathroom pretty good.

  As I exit, the receptionist enters. It stinks so much she rushes out with her hand over her nose. Embarrassed, I smile. I’m going to tell Remos off for not warning me.

  I stop for a quick drink of water. As I turn back to enter, I hear Remos talking. He sounds serious. I lean up against the door and listen.

  “That rune won’t protect her from a powerful sorcerer,” Remos says. “But on Earth, there’s only a handful of those. Why weren’t you able to reinforce her shield?”

  “The attack on her left me weak, that’s all.”

  “Are you sure that’s everything?”

  “Yes, thank you, Remos. My shoulder feels much better.”

  “You look troubled, Selene.”

  “I’m weak a lot lately. It feels like nothing’s working.”

  “The remedy takes a while. I’m close to a cure. I know it.”

  “I’m running out of time.”

  “Have you told Aria of your past?”

  “No. Her future will be determined by the path she takes, regardless of what I’ve done.”

  I lean forward more when I lose my balance and fall head first into the room. Smooth. “I’m okay. Slipped.” I chuckle trying to act cool. They look baffled.

  “If there’s anything more I can do for either of you, never hesitate to ask,” Remos says.

  Selene hugs Remos. He gives me a bow. Selene leads me out the office.

  I’m dying to know what their conversation was about. She’s obviously hiding something. “I heard you and Remos talking. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Forget what you overheard. My past has no bearing on your future. Your destiny is your own. It’s determined by no one but yourself. Focus on getting your magic back. Everything else will take care of itself.”

  What a joke. My destiny isn’t my own. Everyone has a say in how my life should be but me. She’s just like everyone else.


  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  I’M ACTUALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO the inevitable drama I’m sure to face at school. It’ll be a welcome distraction from the turmoil of the last couple days. I step through the front doors. Someone bumps me hard. It’s Summer and her stooges. What a shock. They snicker and keep walking. So not worth my time.

  A sick jazz beat with a soul-moving bass rounds the corner. The school’s marching band is leading a hyped crowd down the hall. A few break away to dance, twirling into a music room. I’m drawn to the fun, the laughter. I spot JP and Miranda. They are steps away, wedged between students cheering the band on.

  What do I say to them? Should I open up? Would they be able to handle it? Heck, what am I saying? I can’t even handle it. Might as well get it over with.

  Plastering on a smile, I make my way over.

  JP noticeably nudges Miranda.


  “¿Qué Pasa? What’s up?” Miranda says.

  She’s avoiding my eyes. Great.

  “Sorry if we made you feel weird yesterday,” JP says.

  Miranda finally faces me. “You must think we’re freaks.”

  “Yeah, I do,” I say, deadpan.

  Their faces practically drop.

  “I’m joking. If anyone’s a freak here, it’s me. You just took me by surprise.”

  “I knew it.” Miranda pulls me in for a hug. “This is awesome. We were meant to find each other, to be best friends.”

  “Miranda, I think you’re cutting off her air,” JP says.

  She was. But it felt good. Like I belonged. I think we were meant to find each other.

  “You’re a hater, JP,” Miranda says. “I’m sure you wish you were me right now.”

  I look at JP. He blushes.

  “So…wanna meet our fortune teller after school?” Miranda asks.

  “We said we’d give her time, Miranda,” JP says.

  “It’s okay, I’ve never had my fortune read. It’ll be fun.”

  “She’s the real deal. She knew about JP and I, our pasts, even told us we’d meet you,” Miranda says.

  “Are you sure we’re not going too fast?” JP asks.

  “YOLO, JP, YOLO.” Miranda has the most excited, hopeful look on her face.

  “I’m with Miranda,” I say, grinning. “YOLO, JP.” Whatever that means.

  I’m already curious. What will the fortune teller know about me?

  · · · · ·

  I’m in sensory overload as we step off the train at Coney Island. I take it all in. The cool ocean breeze, crazy rides, the smell of different foods, tons of people mingling, shopping. Wow.

  This place reminds me of the yearly carnival in Avondale. Mother and I would always go, despite her increasingly busy schedule. Father tried to fill in after she died but it wasn’t the same. We’re different people. He’s robotic and overthinks everything. I hate waiting and just want to get things done. Besides, our conversations always revolved around my royal duties. Talk about boring.

  We walk through a deserted parking lot, away from Coney Island. The buildings overshadowing it are grim and uniform in appearance; some are in obvious need of repair.

  “You gotta be on your toes around here,” Miranda says. “A lot of assholes live in the projects. I used to live in that dump over there.” She points to a building with a group of people playing dice by the front door. “Now I live in a project building in East New York. This is the reason I’m going to succeed at Brooklyn Academy. Nothing is gonna stop me. Not the system, the projects, the haters, and definitely not bitches like Summer.”

  I respect her determination. That’s how I need to be. Can’t let anyone or anything get in the way of regaining my powers.

  “Tell me more about the fortune teller,” I say.

  “She’s old and frail,” JP says. “But I’ve seen her Hulk out. She shoves around furniture like it’s nothing. At first, I thought she was an alien. You believe in beings from other planets, right, Aria?”

  Um, hello, you’re looking at one. “The universe is gigantic. To think Earth is the only inhabited planet is ridiculous.”

  “See, Miranda? Aria’s a believer.”

  “Don’t encourage him, Aria. Now get your game faces on. We’re here.”

  A blinking neon light illuminates a shop wedged between two boarded-up buildings. We enter a candlelit room. Overstocked bookshelves and statues are everywhere. The walls are covered with religious artifacts and pictures.

  The hair on my forearms instantly stands on end. This place houses great power. Is a portal near? This person can help me. I know it.

  “Sarka, are you here?” Miranda says.

  “I’ve been expecting all of you,” says a haggard voice.

  JP jumps. “Damn, I hate when she does that.”

  I turn to see a hunched woman, moving swiftly toward us with a wooden cane.

  “Hola, Sarka,” Miranda says.

  She zeroes in on me. There’s a captivated look on her wrinkled face. The black cape she’s wearing swirls around her legs. She reeks of mothballs.

  “Questions, questions,” Sarka says. “Always questions. You know Mike Cruz has never loved you, Miranda. How can he? He can’t see past himself. And yes, JP, you’re right. Your father will not stay committed to his sobriety vow this time around.”

  “No shit,” JP whispers. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “None of you are who you think you are,” Sarka says.

  “¿Qué? What does that even mean?”

  Sarka smiles, revealing crooked teeth. “Yes, this new girl is the one for your cove
nant. I want to talk to you alone,” Sarka tells me.

  “We came together,” JP says.

  “I won’t harm the one you will love,” Sarka says.

  JP chuckles nervously. “What are you talking about? We’re just friends.”

  “It’s okay, JP,” I say.

  “Pero…I have questions. Why can’t we stay?” Miranda whines.

  “Enough!” Sarka snaps. She flings her arm out. Miranda and JP are lifted off their feet and sent flying out the door. It slams behind them.

  “Was all that necessary?” I ask. Is she the source of power I felt before? Just how powerful is she?

  “They’re fine. Sit.” She points to a circular table covered with a blood-red cloth. “Why haven’t you told them who you really are?” She takes a seat in front of me.

  “You know who I am?”

  A smug smile dominates her face. “You seek knowledge of your destiny. The path you choose will be an important one. Many lives will depend on it.”

  All stuff I’ve heard before…blah, blah, blah.

  “You shouldn’t doubt me, Princess. You’ll need your friends to accompany you on your journey. I have something to help you. Think of it as a gift from…a friend.”

  A thick book shoots off a shelf. It thumps down on the table. Dust flies everywhere.

  “The Kimchi holds many spells and is the source of immense power,” Sarka says. “It will help your friends understand the powers they have locked inside them. But you are the only one that the book will bind itself to. Most of all, it’ll help you regain your powers faster. This will make you unstoppable.” She nudges the Kimchi toward me.

  My instincts are screaming for me to refuse it. But there’s something in me already responding to it. Pulling me to it. I place a hand on its smooth, black cover. It begins to glow.

  It stops instantly when Sarka rests her cold hand on top of mine. “Only you three can know about the book. Otherwise, great harm—even death—will come to those close to you.”

  Gross! Her hand’s clammy. I frown and pull away.

  “No one else must know about the book. Do you understand? Do you accept my gift?”

  Just give it to me already. “Yes.”

  She smiles. I swear her irises turn black right before the room does. An icy chill races up my spine. The lights flash back on. I’m alone.

  “Okay…that was freaky.”

  I grab the Kimchi but pause when it starts glowing. Warmth shoots up my arm, all over. I shiver, despite the heat. I’m linking to the book. How? I can see its spells rolling through my mind. I’m one with it—its power. I like it. I need it. I pull my hand away and the link breaks. This book is my ticket home. Throwing it in my bag, I head out.

  “Well? Give us the deets,” Miranda says.

  “You all right?” JP says.

  I nod. “She gave me a book. Said it would help us.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Miranda tries opening the door but can’t. “She says we’re not who we think we are and just leaves? She better bring her droopy ass out here to explain.”

  “Maybe we should leave,” JP says. “Am I the only one that noticed her weird interest in Aria? She seemed stranger than normal.”

  “She seems fine to me,” I say. “Besides, I think she can really help me. Us.”

  “No entiendo nada,” Miranda says. “None of this makes sense.”

  I hold the bag close. “Welcome to my life.”


  · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

  I STRETCH. I’VE BEEN UP all night practicing; I couldn’t help it. The Kimchi is addicting. Every spell seems to make me stronger, reawaken a part of me. I take a look at a defensive spell again. It needs to work so I can protect myself. I’m tired of feeling worthless. I take a deep breath and recite the spell. My heart beats quickly and my fingers tingle. The magic’s swirling, energy surging. Here it comes. Poof. Sparks fly out my palms and dematerialize into thin air.

  “Come on! Not again.”

  The doorbell rings repeatedly. I ignore it, yawn.

  “Aria, get the front door!” Selene’s voice bursts into my room. The shrill of it jolts me awake. She must’ve used an amplification spell.

  Now I’m the doorman and the maid? Unbelievable. Next thing you know, I’ll be cooking our meals and scraping the bunions off her feet. I hide the Kimchi under my bed and head into the living room. It’s in shambles. Aspen’s used it as his personal playground. That freakin’ dog. Selene’s sure to make me clean up this mess. Wait till I get my hands on him. I open the front door.

  “Magic time!” Miranda screeches.

  She’s about to step in. I push her and JP back out.

  “Shh, Selene’s here. No one’s supposed to know about last night, remember?”

  “Sorry, I forgot,” Miranda says. “I’m just psyched. We need to try one of those cool spells, like the invisibility one.”

  “Why? So you can follow Mike Cruz around?” JP asks.

  “Who’s Mike Cruz?” I ask. “Sarka mentioned him too?”

  “The guy who dumped Miranda,” JP says.

  She punches him in the arm.


  “Quit while you’re ahead, JP,” Miranda says. “Vámos.”

  I’m curious, but not wanting to get punched is enough for me to move on. I gesture for them to come inside then close the door.

  “Oh man, you’ve been robbed,” JP says.

  “I wish,” I say. “Selene’s dog is a troublemaker.”

  On cue, Aspen runs over barking. He jumps on JP’s leg and begins humping furiously.

  “Someone’s finally in heat over you,” Miranda says. She laughs so hard she snorts.

  “Ugh. He’s going to ruin my kicks,” JP says. “Someone get him off.”

  “Bad dog,” I say.

  Aspen leaps off JP, growls at me, and runs off.

  “That dog’s out of control,” JP says. He looks his sneakers over. Seeing a smudge, he licks his fingers and cleans it off.

  “Can you be any nastier, JP?” Miranda says.

  “What? They’re limited edition Nike Flash.”

  “Oh, hello everyone,” Selene says, walking in.

  “Selene, this is JP and Miranda,” I say.

  “It’s nice to meet both of you. I’m Aria’s…um…aunt. I wish I could stay. I have a couple open houses to show. But maybe we can all have dinner soon.”

  “Nothing beats a home-cooked meal,” JP says.

  “Great.” Selene heads for the door. “Oh, Aria, don’t forget to clean the living room.”

  Seriously. I roll my eyes at her.

  “I saw that,” she says, closing the door behind her.

  “She’s nice,” JP says.

  “At being a pain in my ass.”

  “Why are we still standing around?” Miranda says. “Time’s a-wastin’.”

  “Let me get the book.” I flick my wrist slightly. The book comes flying from my room into my hand.

  “Nice,” JP says.

  “I was studying the Kimchi all night,” I say. “It has some powerful spells.”

  “We’re going to be the shit,” Miranda says. “What should we try first? I know. How about getting you some new clothes?”

  “Really?” I say.

  “I love you, but I’ve seen homeless people with more style.”

  “You’re crazy.” It’s simple enough, so it’ll be a good way to make them feel comfortable with their magic.

  We grab whatever’s edible out the fridge, then go through the Kimchi. We’re being silly, conjuring up all sorts of clothes. Eighties pop songs by Michael Jackson, Prince, and Madonna play from Miranda’s iPhone. They get me dancing. Earth’s popular culture might not be so bad after all. Leung and I used to do this all the time. I miss her.

  “Hey, you okay?” Miranda asks.

  “Yeah, guess I’m just missing home a bit.”

  “Well, we’re here for you now.” JP smiles

  He’s sweet. I can tell he means that.

  “Let’s try another spell,” Miranda says. “Something cool.”

  “Miranda, your legs!” JP’s eyes widen.

  From the waist down, she’s invisible. Miranda looks down and smiles. In seconds, her form returns to normal.

  “I was thinking of becoming invisible and it happened. JP, you try something.”

  In a blink of an eye, he zooms past us, grabs some chips, and shoves them in his mouth.

  “Whoa, you were a blur,” I say.

  Chewing, he says, “I thought of running to get chips. Then wound up here. Epic!”

  “The Kimchi is locking in on our abilities,” I say. “Let’s try more?”

  “What about a cleaning spell so you’re not stuck with this mess after?” JP suggests.

  “Awe. Qué lindo,” Miranda says.

  He shushes her.

  “Great idea,” I say. I flip through pages. “Found a decluttering spell—to simplify and get rid of disorder.”

  We recite the spell.

  The Kimchi glows red. A dozen red-skinned, shin-height creatures with multiple eyes and silver hair shoot out of the book.

  “Wow,” JP says. “What are those things?”

  “Proobers,” I say. But how? They’re mischievous, only found in the Dark Realm.

  With tons of energy, making high-pitched noises, they flip and jump into cleaning the living room. One slaps Miranda on the ass and runs off giggling. They’re pulling, tugging, even licking us. Aspen zooms past with one on his back. Another chases him with an electric shaver.

  I have to act before someone gets hurt. I chant the counter spell. The Kimchi glows red again and the Proobers are sucked into it. The room’s surprisingly clean.

  “That was nuts,” JP says.

  “Yeah, but I’d rather deal with them than a broom and mop any day.”

  “For real,” Miranda says. “Hey, any love spells in here?”

  “Damn, stop sweating Mike Cruz,” JP says. “He obviously doesn’t care about you. Sarka even said it. Why would you want to be with a jerk like that?”

  “Sarka isn’t always right,” Miranda says.

  “Focus, you two. We have more spells to try.”


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