Book Read Free

Dark Dawn

Page 6

by J. J. Medina

  “Can’t,” JP says. “My dad’s coming home today. I don’t want any BS. I’ll be holed up in my room binge-watching Daredevil on Netflix.”

  “And I have to start my two-hour trek to Shitsville,” Miranda says.

  We head to the front door. Half of me wishes they could stay longer. The other half can’t get them out fast enough so I can get back to practicing magic.

  “Remember, we’re each getting a week with the Kimchi,” Miranda says. “So study up, Aria. It’s mine next.”

  She gives me a hug before walking out. No wonder I keep missing Leung. Miranda reminds me of her. Sensitive, funny, and caring, but tough as nails when she needs to be.

  Hesitant, JP strides over to me. “I loved hanging out with you today, Aria.”

  “Me too.”

  An awkward pause takes hold.

  JP leans in for a hug, then takes a step back and holds my right hand. “Goodnight, beautiful.” He quickly swoops in and kisses me on the cheek before jogging down the stairs to Miranda.

  “Goodnight, beautiful?” Miranda says. “That’s the best you got? You’re so lame.”

  “What?” JP says.

  I close the door. Leaning up against it, I smile.


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  I’M LOVING HOW THIS TIGHT, low-cut, black leather vampiress dress looks on me. Selene would’ve never let me leave the house in it for the school Halloween jam. Good thing she was out showing an apartment. I take another spin in front of the school’s bathroom mirror before heading out.

  Lit candles are all over the gym. Paper mache shrunken heads dangle from the ceiling. Scary movie clips soundlessly loop on flat screen TVs. The DJ’s voice blares out his next song, “Deal with the Devil” by Pop Evil. I spot Miranda and JP by the banquet of food. We’ve spent the last two months enjoying all the city has to offer and practicing our magic together. I’m still scared shitless about what the future holds, but being with them makes it easier.

  Heads turn to check me out as I make my way through a sea of zombies, ghouls, and superheroes. I love the attention. Dressed as Mr. Spock, JP stares at me. He hasn’t made a move since he kissed me on the cheek. I still wonder what a real kiss from him would be like.

  I raise my hand and group my fingers to form a V. “Live long and prosper, JP.”

  A goofy smile appears on his face. He mimics my gesture. “All those shows, movies, and songs we’re drilling into you are starting to sink in, I see.”

  “Slowly but surely.” It’s actually kind of scary. Sometimes I feel like I’m letting my people, my father, and even myself down every time stupid thoughts like who’s going to win The Voice pop into my head. I should be focusing on getting stronger magically.

  “What’s your costume about Miranda?” She’s wearing a white dress. A monkey’s on her right shoulder and a cat on her left. A necklace of thorns and a dead hummingbird, which I so hope isn’t real, hang around her neck.

  “Frida Kahlo. She was a painter my grandmother knew back in the day,” Miranda says. “They were both trendsetters. It’s my homage to them. You’re slaying it, Aria. If I were gay, I’d be all over you.”

  “Me too,” JP says.

  I catch him staring at my breasts.

  “I mean, I’m straight and want to be all over you. No, I mean…you know what I mean. So, are you guys getting stronger the more you practice magic?”

  “Awesome save, JP,” Miranda says. “Your face isn’t as red now as it was when she caught you drooling over her chest.”

  “Thanks, Miranda. You’re the best,” JP says.

  “I know.” Miranda winks at me.

  I smile and shake my head.

  “Anyway,” JP says. “It seems like something odd always happens when I practice the Kimchi.”

  Great. Another complaint about them having to deal with the Kimchi. “Like what?”

  “I tried a weather spell and shot electricity into a transformer,” JP says. “Blacked out my block for hours.”

  “Now that you mention it,” Miranda says. “I almost burnt my hamster alive trying a fire spell. Poor Kerby. I threw him in the toilet to put out the flames. He looks like a hairless rat now.”

  “Sounds like you both need to practice harder. The only way we’re gonna get better is with persistence.” I can’t believe I sound just like Selene and my father.

  The DJ announces Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” The video plays on the flat screens.

  “Let’s talk about this later. Vámos bailar,” Miranda says.

  She drags us onto the dance floor. I’m not surprised. Her love for dance has got me learning Merengue, hip-hop, and R&B. Father would kill me if he heard some of the profanity-laced songs I listen to in both English and Spanish. Especially if he saw me locking and popping. Oh well, good thing he’s not here.

  Miranda is moving like thriller zombies. JP and I join in. Over a dozen others follow. Partygoers cheer us on. When the song ends, everyone in the gym goes wild.

  “At least you three didn’t fall on your faces,” says an all-too-familiar voice.

  “Damn, Summer, you’re like herpes. You just keep coming back,” Miranda says.

  Summer’s wearing skin-tight overalls with a pitchfork jetting out her back, like her mother wore in the Deathly Chills movie. Her cronies are with her. They’re dressed as the soul-sucking alien farmers who go after Summer’s mom after her car breaks down near a farm…which is really a giant spaceship. The movie plot sounds more stupid every time I think of it. Yet the movie was a huge hit. Disturbing. They’re holding two cups each.

  “Check the attitude, okay?” Summer says. “We just wanted to apologize.”

  “Really,” JP says. “What’s the catch?”

  “No catch. You three are good. I have to admit, we felt a little intimidated when we saw your performance.” She hands me a cup of punch. Olivia and Sawyer give one to Miranda and JP. “Let’s start fresh?”

  “Why not? Everyone deserves a second chance.” Anything to get rid of this silly, unimportant drama.

  “That’s the spirit.” Summer smiles as she raises her cup. “Cheers!”

  Miranda and JP are stone-faced.

  I scarf down my drink. It’s fruit punch. Yum.

  “We’ll leave you three to have fun,” Summer says. “Catch you later.”

  Miranda and JP put their drinks down without touching them. Summer and her leeches walk to where Mike Cruz and the rest of the football team is sitting. She perches herself on Mike’s lap, takes a sip of her drink, and tongues him down. The football team goes wild.

  “Puta,” Miranda says.

  I cringe. Miranda’s heated.

  I feel a burst of energy radiate from Miranda.

  The plastic cup in Summer’s hand explodes, drenching her and Mike. Summer screams at Mike for not being careful. He has a stupefied look on his face.

  Miranda storms out the gym.

  I follow but walk right into Nico. “Yikes, sorry about that.” I step back and spot Miranda ducking into the bathroom.

  “I’m not,” Nico says. “I was hoping I’d run into you. You look amazing.”

  “Thanks. So do you. A pirate, right? The bandanna, eye patch, sword?”

  “Yep, I’m on a hunt for treasure. Finally found it.”

  I laugh. “Does that corny line normally work?”

  A goofy smile appears on his face. “You tell me. Wanna hang?”

  Straight to the point. I like that. He looks so yummy. “Sure, I’ll meet you in the gym.”

  “My night’s done, actually. I have to finish supping this bike for a client. But I’ll ditch it if you wanna chill. Just the two of us.”

  Is he asking me out? “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  There’s a loud bang from the bathroom.

  Miranda…forgot about her. “You know what? I can’t. My friend’s flipping out right now. I gotta help her.”

  “Hey, I understan
d. But just so you know what you’re missing….” He steps closer.

  What’s he doing? I stiffen. My breath catches as his fingers thread through my hair and settle on the back of my neck.

  “You’re absolutely perfect,” he says.

  “Yes, I am.”

  He smiles. I meet his gaze. He holds it and closes the distance between us. This can’t really be happening! is the last thought I can process before his lips brush mine. An electric thrill races through me. Pulling my bottom lip into his mouth, he sucks. I moan and lean in further when he breaks the kiss and looks at me, surprised.

  “What’s wrong?” I say, breathless.

  “You’re gonna be trouble. Good night, Aria.” It’s barely a whisper.

  That was a skank move, kissing a boy I barely know. But damn, it felt good. Weak-kneed, flustered, and sweaty? I head into the bathroom.

  “Miranda, you owe me big time.”

  I hear her blowing her nose. The sound’s coming from the stall at the end. I push the door open. She’s sitting on the toilet fully clothed with tears running down her face, blurring her makeup. I’m taken aback. She’s so strong and confident. It hurts me seeing her like this.

  “We made a great couple,” Miranda says. “And now Mike’s with Summer.”

  “I thought he dumped you.”

  She gives me a watch your mouth look.

  “I mean…I thought you dumped him.” Whoa, that was close.

  “We dated freshman year. He was sweet and funny. Then he joined the football team and everything changed. All he wanted to do was hit it.”

  “Hit what?”

  “Come on, Aria. Sex. He wanted to have sex.”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry.” Like I was supposed to know that.

  “We were in his house making out. His parents were away. He’d decorated it with candles, flowers, music—he even had chocolate covered strawberries. It was perfect. But things began moving too fast. I couldn’t get the thought of my mom raising me alone as a teenager out of my head. We struggled for so long. I just couldn’t chance messing my life up.”

  “So you told him no.”

  “Yeah, but he didn’t stop. I ended up slamming a right hook into his jaw. Knocked him out cold.”

  “I would’ve cut his balls off for that.”

  “You’ve got a mean streak, girl.”

  “Look who’s talking.”

  We both laugh.

  “Mike Cruz is an asshole,” I say. “You did the right thing. He’s not worth your tears.”

  “The next day, he uploaded a video of us making out. Told the whole school we had sex. Ever since, I’ve been known as the school slut.”

  “What a dick. All that matters is you know the truth. Screw everyone else.”

  “I know. But one day, I want payback.”

  “You’ll get it, don’t worry. I’ll make sure of it.” I give her a hug.

  We walk to a sink to touch up our makeup.

  “Why am I sweating so much?” I splash cold water on my face.

  “JP got you all hot and bothered?”

  I chuckle. She’s been trying to hook us up lately. I gently pat my face down with a hand wipe. I check to make sure I’m not too much of a hot mess. JP’s super sweet, the opposite of Nico, someone I know I could depend on. I would definitely give him a chance if he weren’t so afraid to make a move.

  Out of nowhere, my reflection morphs into Dagon’s.

  “Oh fuck!”

  “You can’t hide much longer,” Dagon says.

  His face vanishes. I sway.

  “You all right?” Miranda asks.

  No, what was that? I keep seeing visions of him. I see flashes of him at rallies, firing up supporters. I see him training, trying to get stronger. I see him using his magic, trying to find me. It’s like we’re connected sometimes. I can sense he’s not only intrigued by me, but scared of me—of my abilities. If only he knew what kind of mess I am right now. I love how I’m supposed to be preparing for a battle with the most demonic force ever, yet I was up all night doing algebra homework. Algebra! Who needs algebra? Selene keeps riding me to focus on chores and kiddie magic tricks. I can’t get over how Nico just kissed me. Why did JP chicken out on kissing me? And why is my mascara running now? Argh! Earth sucks! My life sucks!

  “I was just out of it for a second there. I’m good now.” Not. “Let’s have some fun.” I’m losing it. I’ve got to pull myself together.

  We hear Shawn Mendes’ “There’s Nothing Holdin’ Me Back” playing as we enter the gym.

  “That’s my song.” Miranda throws her hands up and begins swinging her hips.

  I feel the beat pulsing through my body. I follow an urge and slap Miranda’s ass.

  “Whoa, chica, what’s that about?”

  “Just having fun.”

  I spot JP talking to a friend. I blow Miranda a kiss. She gives me a weird look as I dance off in JP’s direction, shimmying away any wannabe dance partners. I take JP’s hands and pull him to the dance floor.

  “What gives?” JP says.

  “Have I ever told you how cute you are? I wish you kissed me that night.” I lean over and kiss him. His arms wrap around me as it deepens.

  “Ouch.” He breaks away and rubs his arm.

  Miranda is staring him down.

  “Why’d you hit me?”

  “Don’t you see something’s up with her?” Miranda says.

  I smile. “There’s nothing wrong….”

  The room starts spinning. Blackness closes in as I fall.

  · · · · ·

  I open my eyes to see Remos and Selene staring down at me. My head’s pounding. I’m in my bed with no recollection of how I got here.

  “Why do I feel like I was hit by a truck?” I say, sitting up. “What happened?”

  “We were hoping you could tell us,” Selene says. “I was so worried.”

  “Your vitals are stabilizing, Aria,” Remos says. He hovers his glowing red hand over my chest. “Your body’s working overtime to get rid of the ecstasy in your blood.”

  “Are you on drugs?” Selene snaps. “And what’s with that dress you had on?”

  “What? No. What’s ecstasy? It’s only a dress….”

  Remos waves Selene off. I’m glad he did. She looks ready to drill into me.

  “What matters is that Aria’s okay,” Remos says. “Ecstasy causes euphoric feelings in humans, Aria. In Crothinians, the effects are hallucinations and erratic mood swings, even thoughts of suicide. What’s the last thing you remember?”

  “Dancing with JP.” Remembering the kiss, I touch my lips. He’s a better kisser than I thought. I liked it. My mind races back, searching for anything I missed. I recall Nico kissing me. I loved that, too. What a wild night. I smile.

  “Are you taking any of this seriously?” Selene says.

  “Yes, sorry.”

  “You need to be more careful,” Selene says. “Especially since you’re powerless.”

  No, really?

  Remos pours water into a glass and sets it on the bedside table.

  I could use a drink. My throat’s so dry I feel like I could spit cotton. Wait, that’s it! “Can ecstasy be hidden in a drink?”

  “It can,” Remos says. “Why?”

  “Summer gave me a drink. After that, I started feeling off. It had to have been her.”

  Selene sighs. She leaves, muttering something about teens and irresponsibility.


  “You gave her a scare,” Remos says. “She’s just concerned.”

  “I can take care of myself. What I need to know is how her past affects me?”

  “It’s not my place to say.”

  “What’s with all the secrets? Tell me what I need to know, now.”

  “Be careful, Princess. A lot of Crothinian’s living on Earth have lost affection for the crown you believe is all-powerful.”

  What does that even mean? “All I want is the truth.”

  “The truth isn’t
pretty. All I can say is that Selene’s a powerful conduit. She obtained a power she couldn’t handle. It eventually led to her coming to Earth against her will.”

  “Sounds like she had it rough.”

  “She’s trying to save you from the same mistakes she made. Now, I have a remedy to help you.”

  Remos extracts a squirming caterpillar from a bag. He drops it into the glass of water. Waving his hand over it, the insect dissolves. The water fizzes. He hands it to me.

  It smells like pee. “Here goes nothing.” I take a tentative sip. “Not bad.”

  I reach to give him the glass back and our hands brush. An electrical charge zaps from him into me. An image of Remos standing over a grave appears in my mind. He pours a liquid into the dirt. He’s disappointed. He steps away just as a hand breaks out of the dirt and grabs his ankle. He looks back to see Selene come out of the grave. She stands in front of him and screams in pain. The image abruptly changes to Selene floating in a giant tube of water with wires attached to her body. Then the scene morphs and she’s lying lifeless on the floor. I see myself over her, crying.

  I pull away. “What was that? I saw something.”

  “Calm down. Whatever you saw was brought on by the ecstasy. It’s affecting your mind.” Remos packs two vials of blood and some belongings before turning to leave. “You need rest. Have a good day, Princess.”

  My head’s spinning. I don’t know what I saw, but two things are for sure. I’m going to find out what’s up with Selene, and Summer is now officially on my shit list.


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  He takes off and dives into a pile of dirty clothes on the bedroom floor. He starts gnawing a shirt. It’s obvious he needs a bitch.

  I shake my head and focus on the mind reading spell in the Kimchi. It states that I must have the subject’s full attention for it to work properly. I wonder if it works on dogs? If I can make this work on Aspen, then using it on Selene should be a piece of cake. Then I can finally find out what she’s hiding.

  I turn down “Flames” by Sia on the Echo Dot Miranda lent me and grab Aspen. I stare him straight in the eyes and chant the spell. He instantly calms down. I feel a connection. A warm, wet sensation hits the center of my sweater. Then I smell pee.


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