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Kougar, Savanna - Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Savanna Kougar

  “Lead the bad guys to us? Can I ask, just where is your home?” Kandace pressed her knotted hands into her lap and told them to stay put. “I’m so hoping not the Underworld.”

  Inspiration struck her in the next instant. “I know. I’ll send Valerie and her hubby on a trip. She loves to travel. I can influence her so she’ll throw caution to the wind and simply take off.”

  “How about Paris, darling? City of lights. Romance. Walks down the Champs-Elysées. I believe there is a chocolate walk, as well.”

  “Why not Paris? Wow, a chocolate walk.”

  “Zin and I are able to open a time slip portal there.”

  “Time slip portal?” Kandace knew her fingers had to be bloodless by now, since her hands wouldn’t unclench.

  “We compress and accelerate time at the same time. Your Valerie and her husband will believe they traveled in a plane, and they will. However, their travel will have occurred in minutes and remain untraceable until after they return.”

  “Paris, it is, for a couple of weeks. That should be long enough to get things solved.”

  Chapter Eleven:

  Hellhounds, the Justice League

  Kandace shut her eyes, and unknotted her fingers. She honed in on Valerie’s astral body, easy to do since her friend slept deeply. Currently, Valerie battled her way through a dream dimension where her fears showed themselves as characters from the latest novel she read.

  Kandace helped her fend off the jungle mercenaries, then a swarm of malaria-carrying mosquitos. At the moment of victory, she transitioned them to one of their favorite bistros.

  As they indulged in pastries, Kandace waxed poetic about visiting Paris until Valerie’s eyes gleamed and her enthusiasm leapt off the excitement chart.

  Emerging, she felt Zol’s fingertips brush the strands of her hair. Kandace flared with passion from the subtle sensuality of his touch.

  “Were you persuading your friend to visit gay Paree?”

  “Quaint term. Yes, it’s easier when she’s sleeping. Valerie is convinced. Do you and Zin need to be together to create the time slip?”

  “The Girl from Gay Paree, a 1927 movie. We find vintage movies to be a most pleasurable fascination. We do, Kandace. In approximately twenty minutes we will be able to create the portal, most likely before Valerie and her husband awaken.”

  “I sure hope this works.”

  “Success is a high probability, darling.”

  Kandace loosed a tense sigh and tried squirming deeper into the leather seat. If the mile markers were to be believed, the speed limit meant nothing to Mr. Tuxedo Hellhound.

  Letting their slice-through-the-wind speed soothe her, she decided to revel in flying down the highway. The black night surrounded them and Kandace had a feeling they weren’t that close to Eureka, anymore.

  For one thing, she couldn’t sense the presence of the Hendersons’ thugs. Plus, the malevolent vibes from her unknown enemy, or enemies, that kept her hackles raised, had vanished.

  Daughter of Affrony. Who was she that they sought her? Her dreams had never answered that question.

  Okay, why did Zol feel distant now? She snuck a sideways glance at him, half-expecting an odd occurrence of some kind.

  “I am focused on driving, Kandace. I am also figuring out how to answer your previous questions.”

  “If Zin were here, would it be easier?” She still had no real clue how they functioned, given she’d never encountered hellhounds before.

  “It would. Also, Zin and I must adapt to your presence.”

  Adapt? Questions pricked at her, reminding Kandace of her mother’s well-used pin cushion. Yeah, I feel like that pin cushion.

  Drawing in deep breath, she released it gradually. “Where are we? Start with that.”

  Zol geared down, preparing to make a turn onto a road Kandace couldn’t see yet.

  “We are approximately one hundred and five miles south of Eureka.”

  “A hundred and five miles!”

  Slowing the Twilight Mirage, Zol then performed a quick turn, actually a spinning blur of movement. Kandace swore it happened in the air.

  “Take off,” he announced, reminding her of a pilot.

  “Take off?” she parroted in a sissy voice.

  Crap with no zap, if they weren’t soaring above the ground in mere seconds. She could tell because a bluish illumination from beneath the Twilight Mirage lit their path.

  Soon they followed no more than a winding trail through a tall-tree forest. Not that Kandace hadn’t twitched her nose in a trick or two to elude the overzealous traffic cops.

  She’d sailed her car over rooftops several times, always while invisible, though. It didn’t do the cops any good to have her license plate number, either, since it matched one previously used by the governor of California. Besides, replacing their camera images with dancing pink elephants, à la the Radio City Rockettes, always provided some giggles.

  “A flying sports car. You do know how to treat a girl.”

  “Only my Kandy Apple girl.”

  His polished purr quivered her belly, and traveled down to her toes. Desire certainly had her trussed up good and tight. All right, I want him soooo bad, but does he bite?

  Kandace put a freeze whammy on her libido. “How did we get here so fast?”

  “I entered a swifter time stream for part of our trip.” Zol soared them up the long gradual slope of a mountainside.

  “Is that one of your hellhound specialties, altering or using time waves?” Ahead of them, Kandace spied a soft band of light that could have come from a large wrap-around window.

  “The ability lends itself to our purpose. Arriving promptly is of the utmost importance. Justice must be served at the appointed time, or when time has run out for those who have not heeded the prompting to change their ways toward the Good.”

  “Hellhounds, the Justice League,” she murmured. “I must have missed that issue.”

  Zol chuckled, a suave rumbling. Yearning crashed through Kandace like ocean waves whipped by a storm. Who would have thought a Cary Grant-Remington Steele type would be such a devastating turn-on to her?

  Kandace shook her head at herself.

  “I know nothing about your kind, obviously. And very little about the Underworld, other than it exists—a place for the ancient Goddesses to still exercise power.” Craning her neck, Kandace watched the strip of light sharpen, while the outline of a rectangular structure appeared.

  “Kandace, we do reside in the Underworld. However, Zin and I have earned a home in the Upperworld. The western states of the US are our territory. We only report to Hades now. Unless, of course, there is a crisis and our assistance is needed below.”

  With a pilot’s expertise, Zol arrowed them toward a door that raised and looked like it covered a cavern.

  She gaped as they flew closer. The impressive house, banded by an enormous window, appeared to be solidly perched on the edge of a cliff. However, now she thought it melded into the surrounding rock. Maybe it was the front of a mountain cave.

  “Your home?”

  “Our main home, yes, darling. We have modest apartments in several California cities, including Eureka. Zin has taken your car to a place nearby. He will already have arrived here. The back wall of a closet operates perfectly as a time slip door.”

  “The closet. Ooooh, the bogeyman’s abode.” Kandace reeled from everything he’d told her. “Ever accidently scare some kid into a whole life of nightmares?”

  “You are delightfully amusing, Kandy Apple. I believe I must find another endearment to call you other than darling. That will wear thin to your ear if I and Zin overuse it.”

  Staring at him, Kandace did an emotional double take. He and Zin were definitely a rare breed, all right. No wonder they needed a witch.

  A woman with no powers of her own would be way behind the curve with them. Trippy hell, she found it a challenge to understand them and accept them for who they were, a creation of the god Hades.

Slowing close to a hover, Zol slid them through an opening not much larger than the Twilight Mirage. In seconds, the black-as-ink interior glistened with illumination. It was a cave, but one that had been kept impeccably clean.

  “Not a spider anywhere, is there?” Kandace hugged herself and dared to wonder what the freaky-trip happened next. Her life was definitely in a flaming tailspin.

  Zol switched off the Twilight Mirage and gave the dash an affectionate pat. Propping an elbow on the steering wheel, he turned, facing her. “Perhaps a brave few who have kept out of sight. Should we be less spic and span?”

  Kandace giggled at his unexpected question. “Mom tried to keep the spiders out of my bedroom when I was young. She gave up, though, since I didn’t seem bothered. She only demanded there were no dusty webs. I’m afraid my apartment isn’t near this spic and span and the spiders have their favorite spots.”

  “Enduoir Prime has spiders the size of small canines. They are pets to many there.”

  His words rang all too true, making Kandace feel shaky and buzzy inside. “Oh.”

  “Allow me.” He motioned to her door, suave as ever.

  Kandace gave a nod, then told herself to get a grip. Like a hound tracking a scent, Zol launched out the door. Following his fast progress, she decided she might as well enjoy being treated like a lady.

  Besides, right now, she just wasn’t feeling I-am-woman-hear-me-roar. Way too many slings and arrows of outrageous paranormal fortune had struck her, and were about to strike. She knew it.

  Desperately wanting to know her true heritage and discovering it were two different animals. Hellhounds included. Her head dropped backward as she chuckled at her quirky musings.

  Still giggling when Zol opened her door, she twirled on her butt, her feet finding the floor. She took his gallantly presented hand, and teased, “Sophisticated and savage.”

  With his lead, she moved toward him. Kandace tilted her face and flirtatiously flashed her gaze. “Are you and Zin as polished as you are beastly?”

  His gaze ignited. The fiery lava in the depths of Zol’s eyes looked all too real. She would have stepped back, but Zin had already approached and stood behind her.

  Feeling hypnotized, she whispered, “Why do I feel like a piece of raw steak?”

  Chapter Twelve:

  Hellhounds Ready for Seduction

  “Kandace.” Zin palmed her shoulders from behind. “Our beast natures are savage for you.” He massaged the nape of her neck with his thumbs. “Savage to know you carnally, darling.”

  Zin watched Zol tuck their witch’s arm beneath his with a slow tenderness. “We will not harm you,” his twin promised. “The only pain will be pleasurable, should you desire it.”

  “I don’t mind telling you both, I’m apprehensive. Being here with the two of you. One of you would be enough to deal with.”

  Accepting Zin’s arm, as well, she glanced at him. Her amethyst eyes shone like crystal, revealing her inner conflict.

  Zin caressed her delicately-shaped arm as they escorted her toward the main entrance to their home. “In time, we’ll reveal our Achilles’ heel to you. Although, my beautiful witch, your powers are a match for ours.”

  “I don’t think so. Unless, I use the one power I can’t use or Over-Voice evil woman will find me.” She paused, drawing a breath. “What else do you two know about Enduoir Prime?”

  “Our knowledge is limited to basically what we’ve told you. However, there should be more information on our Globe-net.” Zol led her into their front room, an enormous wrap-around area that overlooked the forest vista.

  “Globe-net?” Her gaze traveled over their minimal furnishings and the windows he and Zol had designed to give a perfect view of the night stars, even though the room was romantically lit.

  “Hades’ interplanetary version of the internet,” Zin explained, bringing them to a small table with a stunning view of the planet, Jupiter, now exceptionally brilliant in the late night sky.

  “It might not be wise to use it, however.” Zol halted before the table Zin had laid for three. “The enemies of Enduoir could be linked in and watching. It’s an open system used by many in the solar system. Excellent choice of candles, Zindale.”

  “They are a lovely shade of pale pink.” Both he and Zol felt her uncertainty as she stared at the linen-dressed dining table. “Time slip portal,” she reminded, looking up at Zol.

  “Immediately, darling. Zin, did I properly transmit the need for a portal to Paris?”

  “I caught the gist. Shall we retire briefly to our inner sanctum?”

  She unwound her arms from theirs, and spun to face them. “Go ahead. I’ll just wait here. The view is more than spectacular. Do you mind if I take off these heels?”

  She lifted one foot toward them, flexing it. Her leg, adorned by the shiny red shoe, caused Zin to stare with undisguised lust. “I only wear them for special occasions.”

  “Hellhounds at your service.” Stepping back, Zin performed a small bow, then swept his arm toward a nearby sofa.

  She blinked several times, then brightly focused her gaze on them. “I’d say more like Hellhounds ready for seduction.”

  Glancing at each other, Zin and Zol linked their minds more tightly in preparation to mutually persuade her toward passion.

  An adorable minx, she turned, strutting toward their fifties’ French sofa. He and Zol lapped up the sway of her body with their gazes and told each other to be patient. The licking of their Kandy Apple would come soon enough. They hoped.

  Settling herself, she extended her slim shapely leg, and smiled like a naughty nymph. Because she responded to their gentlemanly manner, they moved together with their debonair stride.

  A match for each other, he and Zol kneeled before her. Transfixed by her inviting expression, Zin gently placed his palm on the back of her other foot and lifted.

  In unison, they unbuckled the one tiny strap of her heels.

  “Oooh…clever fingers,” she cooed, her tone enticing.

  In concert with one another, he and Zol caressed their hands down the back of her black-stockinged calves. They stroked her heels from each foot slowly.

  Setting the candy red heels aside, they lightly massaged her dainty feet. Like the hungry dogs they were, they ate up her mews of pleasure.

  After thumbing over her delicate arch, they released her feet, rising upwards. Their sexy witch reclined against the back of the sofa.

  As one, their gazes devoured her enraptured face and her softly heaving bosom. The ripe swells of her breasts, displayed above her tight bodice, made their tongues drip—one more sign of their desperate need to mount her.

  “Go.” Her eyelids remained closed as she shooed them with a languid wave of her hand. “I’ll never forgive myself if something bad happens to Valerie.”

  Pivoting, they strode toward the darkened room he and Zol had created as a buffer against interference from other frequencies. While they could establish a barrier, it was quicker to use their inner sanctum.

  Entering, Zin sealed the door, then faced his brother. As they shut their eyes, their vision transformed into golden particles. With their third eyes, he and Zol observed the realm of time.

  Sinuous streams of light moving back and forth like great rivers. Focusing, they formed an entry point within the weave of time, itself. Gradually, Zin maneuvered the point into the portal size they required, then Zol adjusted the temporal signature.

  Valerie and her husband would simply appear outside the Paris airport beside a waiting taxi, precisely the way it occurred within the normal sequence of Earth time.

  Carefully, Zin worked in tandem with Zol to make certain their portal construct operated with complete perfection. Once they were satisfied, Zin eased them from a place of no-time while Zol re-wove the vibrational threads behind them.

  “Immaculate exit,” Zol complimented.

  “Excellent completion,” Zin returned.

  “Our Kandy Apple awaits our devoted attentions,” th
ey spoke in unison.

  Their long strides carried them toward her. A vision of feminine beauty, Kandace stood gazing at the night sky through the view window. She twirled on her toes, as exquisite as a dancing flame elemental.

  “You were successful. I felt it…the portal’s circle of energy.” She regarded them, her expression solemn.

  “Yes.” Zin approached her. “Did you experience anything else?”

  After a spirited tilt of her head and a twist of her mouth, she stepped between them. Her gaze searched Zin’s face, then moved to study Zol. “A wild guess here, but are you two born out of volcanic lava?”

  Zin snapped his gaze to Zol. Blinking at each other, they meshed their thoughts.

  “By the hand of Hades, we are formed from fiery lava,” Zol answered. “We are brought forth as pups, first.”

  “By Persephone’s hand, we are then formed of flesh. Our two bodies are joined as one, yet able to alter back and forth,” Zin completed. “Does that scare you, Kandace?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose what would frighten me is if you couldn’t control being hellhounds.”

  Again, Zin glanced at his brother, and their thoughts merged into one answer.

  Zin swept up their petite witch’s hand, holding it between both of his. “Once we know the carnal splendors of your body, darling, as hellhounds, we will only protect you.”

  She paused, absorbing his words, her breaths quickening. “What about all the other women you’ve splendored with? Are you their protectors, as well?”

  “This is different,” Zol rasped gently. “Zin has prepared a light supper for us. Shall we dine?”

  “You don’t want to answer, do you?” Even though her voice didn’t accuse them, she did want to know. No doubt, if she didn’t receive an acceptable explanation in the near future, she would bewitch them with more than her absolute loveliness.

  “We are not their protectors,” Zin offered in a quiet tone, leading her toward the table.

  “I am famished. Is that the proper word to use in your sophisticate company?”


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