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Kougar, Savanna - Kandy Apple and Her Hellhounds (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Savanna Kougar

  She’d spoken with a lilt. Yet, both of them knew she merely bided her time to question them further.

  “Any word you use is proper, my darling.” Zol pulled out her chair and they both seated her.

  “Wow, talk about exquisitely dreamy…being taken care of by two gentlemen.” She sensually wriggled. “Although, don’t think I can’t feel those hot panting stares you’re licking me with.”

  “Our tongues are metaphorically hanging out for you.” Zin rubbed his voice against her.

  “I still don’t know if I should be running away from you or toward you.” Her gaze penetrated like shards of amethyst. “By the way, gentlemen hellhounds, what is for supper?”

  “Thin slices of wine-braised beef, my Kandace.” Zin seated himself beside her, Zol following, and sitting opposite him. “White asparagus lightly steamed.”

  Both he and Zol picked up their cloth napkins, flipped them open and draped the fine linen on their laps. Once Kandace smoothed her napkin on her lap, Zin snapped his fingers. The food he’d prepared appeared on the table within silver dishes.

  “What else?” She fastened her gaze eagerly on the four covered dishes, leaning forward slightly.

  “Potatoes au gratin, my own recipe, and one of Zol’s favorites, pan-seared scallops using butter and olive oil.”

  “Mmmm…scallops.” She shimmied her shoulders. “Are you saying you two don’t like exactly the same foods?”

  “No. It does seem odd, however, we do vary in some of our tastes.” Zol snapped his fingers, summoning a small pitcher of Elysian water. Pouring, he inquired, “May we serve you, darling?”

  “Oh, please.” She retrieved her fork, then scrutinized Zin. “You really did actually cook this?”

  “No magic, other than culinary skill. I find cooking to be relaxing.” Zin lifted the lid from the thinly sliced beef and placed a portion on her plate, then on his and Zol’s plates.

  “He keeps a well-stocked refrigerator.” Zol served the asparagus to them all, followed by a helping of scallops.

  “Potatoes?” Zin removed the lid. The tantalizing aroma had them all inhaling deeply, and salivating. He knew because he scented her appetite.

  “It smells divine. I never thought I’d say that about potatoes. Good, tasty, delicious, yes, but not divine.” Kandace poised her fork. “May I begin?”

  Chapter Thirteen:

  So, What Do Hellhounds Eat?

  “Ladies first,” Zol crooned in his best Cary Grant.

  He and Zin watched their witch delicately stab a slice of creamy potato with her fork. A moment after she slipped it between her lips, she moaned with appreciation, her eyelids falling shut as she savored.

  Unable to take their eyes off her for several instants, Zol finally raised his own fork, breaking the femme fatale spell she’d cast over them.

  He and Zin fastened their gazes, communing the depth of their desire for her.

  “I will enjoy cooking even more in the future.” Zin deftly forked a slice of beef.

  “Eat,” she encouraged, not looking at them. “I am.”

  Between surreptitious glances at her, Zol hungrily fueled his human body, as did his twin.

  “Mmmm…delicious scallops.” She finished off the last one with a sensuous relish. He and Zin simply stared at her, their food hanging from their forks. “I’ve never had the nerve to cook them.”

  “I could teach you.” Zin offered her one of his scallops.

  She shook her head. “No, thank you. That was the perfect amount. I can’t wait to eat the rest of this incredible asparagus. Cooking lessons.” She laughed. “I’m not the best student.”

  “Zin can be quite patient.” Consuming his own portion of asparagus, Zol watched her lift one spear high, tip her head back, then eat it one bite at a time. She was the loveliest of heathens, he decided.

  “I suppose that wasn’t proper etiquette.” She grinned impishly, her face and eyes shining. “But, I’m going to do it again.”

  “Please.” Finished, Zin set his silverware down. “Your throat and your profile are bewitchingly beautiful.”

  “So, what do hellhounds eat?” With finesse she chose another spear. “Anything or anyone they want?”

  Zol shared a split-second glance with his brother before their gazes were trapped by Kandace nibbling her asparagus. With bold appreciation Zol’s cock rose to the occasion, as he knew Zin’s did.

  Even when their minds were less connected, the sexual sensations remained for both of them, one reason they desired a single witch, even beyond the higher levels of pleasure they experienced being with one woman.

  “We consume ether fire when we’re hellhounds.” Zol brought the last bit of potatoes to his mouth, his gaze on her as she slipped the final piece of the whitish spear inside her mouth.

  After licking her fingertips with a fairy’s dainty enthusiasm, she eyed them, her expression inquisitive. “Do you mean like plasma ball energy?”

  Before they could answer, her gaze became dreamy, soft glints sparkling in the depths of her eyes. “You two are so debonair and handsome, it makes me think dressing for dinner at home could be a good thing, at times. Not that I have the wardrobe for that.”

  Uncertain what to address first, both of them regarded her for long moments.

  “Plasma ball lightning,” she prompted. Placing her elbow on the table, she propped up her chin.

  “No, ether fire exists as a higher and faster frequency.” Zin stared at her radiant face. “I believe, however, our balls are plasma lightning for you. May I serve you dessert?”

  She hesitated an instant. Raising up, she sashayed her shoulders. “Only if you two feed it to me.”

  With an elegant yet rapid move, Zin stood. “Your dessert preference, darling?”

  “Surprise me.” Raising her chin high, she gazed at Zin. Her hair flowed back, layers of splendid vibrancy, and Zol admired the picture she presented, as he knew his brother did.

  “Your caramelized pears are always to my taste.” Mesmerized, Zol grazed his fingertips over the fiery lightning of her hair, feeling more of the untamed frequency than he had earlier.

  “With cinnamon?” she asked. Excitement glowed in her eyes.

  “Fresh caramelized pears with cinnamon sauce, it is.” Zin presented his palm. Rewarded when Kandace gave him her hand, he bowed and pressed a lingering kiss on top.

  After meeting her gaze, he pivoted from them. Zol knew if Zin hadn’t departed quickly, he would have remained, unable to leave their witch.

  “He’ll probably use a touch of our internal blaze for a quicker result.” Zol adjusted his chair to face her more fully.

  “That should add a different flavor.” She smiled, her countenance naturally luminous. “I’ve never had such attentive men. I’ll admit to enjoying it. Are all hellhound-shifting humans this way with women?”

  “To my knowledge we are attentive, yet vary in personal styles. On the Upperworld our social interactions are limited. We each have our territories. In the Underworld we are either at separate leisures or are together for training sessions. I believe Hades would keep our loyalty focused on him. A battle for pack leader would ensue if we were a community.”

  “That makes sense…since you’re partly canine.”

  As if pulled together by a magnetic force, they leaned forward until their mouths were only inches apart. To distract himself from kissing her, Zol thought about what he wanted to do with her lips. Nipping, lapping, nibbles, all manner of licks and tastes—and anything their Kandace desired.

  She eased back a bit, her eye color changing to indigo mist. “I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where magic is the norm?”

  Adorably twitching her nose, she rotated their silverware above their heads briefly. “I mean, I assume that’s the way it is on Enduoir Prime.”

  “Zin and I have spoken with four Enduoir witches at various social events. They did describe their magical antics, especially impromptu competitions with each other. The c
onsequences were amusing, indeed.”

  “Such as?”

  “Hair bewitchments. Florescent colorings, clown-like, I believe, and elaborate spiral arrangements that appear right before attending an evening party.”

  “Talk about a bad hair day, that could do it. What else did they say?”

  “They spoke about sponsored contests, the winner being whoever could go the longest without using their sorcery. Of course, before traveling to Earth, they practice restraint, and how to live here unnoticed, especially by the shadow government operatives.”

  “Yeah,” she softly uttered, “everyone’s nemesis who walks on the paranormal side of existence, the so-called shadow government. Although, there are so many on-the-dark-side agencies under that umbrella, who can keep track of them all? Ever cross paths with any of their psi operatives?”

  “It is a complex business, indeed. We’ve only encountered them long enough to scramble their thoughts. However, since their pursuit against Supernaturals is ruthless, Zin and I are prepared to defeat them.”

  Kandace arched her brows. “I believe you. The force of your intent blasted me like a wall o’ flame. By the way, handsome H hound,” she dagger-eyed him, “what did Hades say about the Hendersons?”

  “The Hendersons aren’t eligible to be hellhound prey, darling Kandace. Currently, there are other divine strategies in place to halt their criminal misdeeds.”

  “In other words, all the world’s a stage, and this play is far from over.”

  Again, their faces moved closer, their breaths mingling, and Zol drowned in the glistening pool of her eyes.

  Suddenly, she jerked back, her expression startled. “The Hendersons’ hired goons are at my apartment. Or, I should say, at the building. I have my apartment shadowed against prying eyes. They’ve walked past the door twice, looking for the number. Hold on.”

  Zol watched Kandace shut her eyes. He joined her as she sent her awareness to the building’s guest parking area.

  I didn’t tell you to “stay,” did I, hellhound?

  No, darling witch, you didn’t.

  Together, they hovered above a silver SUV and two cars, one of them a Geo Metro Mini. Zol followed the spiral of her energy as it flashed beneath the SUV’s hood and triggered the horn. The obnoxious blaring cut through the night’s calm.

  With apologies to most of my neighbors, Kandace telepathed.

  The two bad guys rushed out of the renovated, two-story brick building. Glancing around, they made fast tracks for their SUV. Kandace stopped the horn as the driver moved to open the door.

  If they leave like good little goons, I won’t turn it on again.

  “See anything?” Jerking open the door, the driver jumped inside and turned the key.

  His partner took another quick look around, then slid inside, saying, “I only see bastards about to call 911. Let’s get the shit out of here.”

  Hovering, they watched the SUV speed out of the parking lot. I believe Zin is approaching with dessert.

  Together, they snapped their energy forms back inside their bodies and blinked open their eyes.

  Zin placed dishes before them, then seated himself. “Did I miss all the fun?”

  Chapter Fourteen:

  Playhounds of the Western World

  Kandace tore her gaze from the gorgeous pear halves drenched in cinnamon caramel sauce. “You weren’t tuned in?”

  Zin charmingly quirked a smile, the shape of his lips too appealing by half. “When I’m cooking, my beautiful witch, I prefer to concentrate all of my attention.”

  “If chasing the Hendersons’ hired talent away from my apartment is your idea of fun, then, yes, you missed it.” Inhaling the pear’s luscious aroma, she shut her eyes briefly. “However, I, for one, am much more interested in this scrumptious dessert.”

  “Cooking our Kandy Apple with all of passion’s ingredients.” Zin’s suggestive tone teased her straight down to her sex mound.

  “Incorrigible playboy, or is that playhound?” Kandace danced her shoulders, flirting. “Okay, which one of you is going to feed me the first bite?”

  Zol suavely gestured toward his twin. “Zin, playhound of the western world, should do the honors.”

  “Playhound of the…oh! I remember there was a saying, playboy of the western world.”

  “Yes, we are obviously revealing our study of American culture.” With finesse Zin sliced off a small piece, then placed the sauce-dripping morsel before her mouth.

  Using her most lady like manner, Kandace slipped it onto her tongue and tasted. She decided she’d found food heaven. All she could do was revel in the flavors, the textures, and not even offer a moan of appreciation.

  Zol lifted another piece to her lips, and Kandace eagerly took the delectable bite. This time a moan escaped her lips as she savored.

  Their demeanor remained gentlemanly. However, as Zin and Zol took turns feeding her, their manner became elegantly seductive. Kandace relished it, and their attention, as much as the delectable caramelized pears.

  Watching them eat their own dessert, she felt herself glow. Believing it happened on the inside, she gazed at Zin with curiosity as his eyes flamed brilliant, his passion for her obvious.

  “You’re shining, beautiful Kandace,” he drawled in a rasp.

  Impulsively lifting her arm, she stared at the subtle glisten overlaying her skin. “I don’t think that’s ever occurred before.”

  “We’re the first.” Zol’s smoky voice shivered her to her core. He and Zin locked gazes for seconds.

  “You don’t happen to know what it means?” Kandace eyed them both with suspicion.

  “It means you want us to lick you soon, shiny Kandy Apple.”

  She couldn’t deny their chorused words. Her desire blazed like a towering Samhain bonfire.

  Yet, simultaneously, she quivered inside. Fear gripped her and Kandace locked her fingers, then stretched her arms. Something she did whenever she felt out of control, indecisive.

  “Kandace,” they rasped.

  “In stereo, as mom used to say.” She looked from one to the other. Neither one of them moved, almost statues, and Kandace realized they didn’t want to frighten her. “Dance with me first.”

  Damn, but she struggled to say even that. She switched her gaze back and forth, her breaths ridiculously fast.

  Their enigmatic gazes darkly simmered. Okay, she told herself, it was definitely mount-up lust despite their restraint and their polished manner with her.

  “Zin, you dance with our Kandace, and I’ll attend to cleanup.”

  Zol swept her hand up. His kiss seared the soft flesh above her thumb. No doubt by the way he handled her, he anticipated doing the humping deed with her.

  Human hellhound sex. Whatever that meant, actually.

  Although Kandace couldn’t imagine it would be the kind of encounter she detested with her whole soul—wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am sex. Oh yeah, she’d cast a couple of get-even spells, but that had been during her early twenties.

  Still, Zol turned her on to the max. “You do make a woman tingle with excitement.”

  “I will adore you soon, my Kandace.” With a smooth spin, Zol strode from her.

  In his place, Zin stood before her. As he gallantly offered his hand, her heart sounded like tiny rapid drumbeats.

  Zin drew her upwards, the strong sorcery of his passion definitely irresistible. “All that volcanic fire in your eyes, handsome hound.”

  “Spewing for you.”

  Not doubting that for a second, Kandace followed him. He moved backward with a dancer’s lithe power, while the jet-black glisten of his eyes compelled her to match his movements.


  The sensation of flowing toward him became beautifully real as his arm clasped her waist. He pressed her against his elegant virility. That’s what his body felt like—hard polished virility.

  His beast smoky scent didn’t merely fill her nostrils, but seeped into every crevice of her, including the swelte
ring crevice of her pussy.

  Zin dreamily whirled her onto a surface meant for dancing. Like magic, ceiling lights created a silvery blue radiance around them. In her head, Kandace heard Ella Fitzgerald’s beyond-compare voice croon what she was feeling.

  “You do that something to me, that something that simply mystifies me,” she sang just for Zin.

  Pausing their steps, he draped her over his arm. His gaze, blatant with desire, was also lit with curiosity.

  “Tell me why should it be,” she throatily continued, “you have the power to hypnotize me?”

  “My Kandy Apple,” he rasped so seductively, she wasn’t quite prepared for his next move.

  With commanding ease, he twirled her, then brought her flush against him. He swayed her with such suave demand, Kandace clung to him, molten to her core.

  Definitely magick, the melody from the Cole Porter song enveloped them. In that way a woman knows what a man wants, Kandace knew Zin wanted her to continue singing.

  Leaning back against the banded strength of his arm, she sensually shook her hair. “Let me live ‘neath your spell, do do that voodoo that you do so well.”

  Zin halted their dance, and his gaze devoured her face in the most sexy way imaginable. “For you do something to me…hellhound…that nobody else could do.”

  As she finished, the truth of the lyrics cycloned through her. Faint with the realization, Kandace felt Zin gather her close, and hold her up. Goddess, she appreciated his supernaturally potent frame, a perfect foil for her own curves.

  Encouraging her to rest her head against his shoulder, Zin glided them over the circular floor. The music faded into an instrumental version of “That Old Black Magic.”

  “That’s trippy,” she murmured more for her own benefit than his. “How did you do that? Or is your twin behind the curtain pushing buttons?”

  “Mind control, darling. I mentally trip the switch of our sound system.” His tone was gently teasing.

  “Trip the switch, oh good, gentleman hellbeast.”

  As they continued slow dancing, the bold finesse of his moves captivated her even more. Moments later, she murmured, “Trippy magic, though, no wonder…never mind.”


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