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Desired: Loving An Alpha Male

Page 19

by S. K. Lessly

  Angel gripped the steering wheel tight, but looking at his face, I saw that he was calm as the air before a storm.

  “Yeah, send that info with the usual encryption,” I told Mark.

  “What do you want to do about your brother?” Mark asked me.

  “My brother?” I asked, eyebrows risen.

  “Yeah, he has his hands in trying to shut down Vegas and the Santiago family, the trafficking side anyway. You know he has a hard on about that.”

  “Keep an eye on him and let me know if he makes his way down to Miami or any other place he shouldn’t.”

  “Will do. Later.”

  Everything fell silent. I could feel the rage coming off Angel, but I didn’t say a word. We sat in my car for twenty minutes before my phone dinged. I looked at it, and my contact sent me Greg’s whereabouts. He was at his office downtown.

  “I have some place to be. You want to come?”

  He looked at me, asking. “You okay to drive?”

  “Yup… I’m sober as shit right about now.”

  He nodded. “Then come and get me when you’re done. Go see Georgia and pack. We have a plane to catch.”

  I nodded, knowing exactly where we were going. But Angel added anyway, “Eddie has already left for Miami.”

  We switched places then I drove off to have a conversation with Greg.

  When I got to his office, I didn’t waste time. I barged inside to see him getting head from some chic. I pulled out my gun and told her. “Get the fuck out or die, your choice.”

  The girl scrambled, grabbing her clothes on her way out of the room.

  Greg tried to move, and I put a bullet in his desk, next to his hand. “Shit, you crazy son of a bitch!”

  I shot again. “Don’t call my mother a bitch.”

  I moved close to him and smacked his silly ass across the face with the gun. He fell out of the chair, and I kicked him in his solar plexus.

  “You are a dumb motherfucker, you know that?”

  Greg crawled away from me. “She’s going to call the cops.”

  I shook my head and kicked him in his bare ass. He fell forward and scrambled, trying to pull up his pants. I said to him, “Sorry, Junior, if she calls the cops, you would be going to jail and so would she. She’s underage, you prick.”

  His eyes went wild as he continued to move away from me. I brought a chair around with me and sat right in front of him.

  “Now you and I are going to have a lovely talk. I’m going to ask you some questions, and you’re going to answer me. Fucking lie and I’ll shoot you. Piss me off, and I’ll fucking kill you, understand?”

  He said nothing, so I fired again, close to his leg. “Okay! Okay! Shit… Why do you always like to shoot around people, scaring people half to death?”

  My eyebrows rose. “Would you rather I shoot you? I mean, that’s what I love the most. Actually shooting people.” I moved my gun to his knee. “Now pardon me; I’ve been told I was getting slow. But you mentioned you were in communication with Georgia’s fiancé, Gavin Santiago. Can you enlighten me on what you two had to talk about?”

  Gregory looked at the gun, then his knee. The contemplation went fast, and he started spilling his guts. He told me how he found Georgia close to a year ago and when he called her cell phone, Gavin answered. Greg told Gavin about his company, about how many shares Georgia was owed, etc. At the time, Gavin wasn’t trying to marry her, but after he and Greg talked, he decided it would be in his best interest to marry into the family and get a piece of the pie. That’s when he roped the Sayers into a money laundering scheme.

  Greg didn’t know how to get out of it, so he contacted Manuel Agosto, hoping he would be able to help him. Apparently, Manuel and Greg knew each other from their college years.

  I asked him, “So what did you and Gavin talk about recently?”

  He sighed. “When I told him Georgia was in Philly, he asked me to stall her until he could get his crew up here. When she left, I called him and told him she was gone. I didn’t tell him why she left, just that she’s gone.”

  I aimed at his shoulder and pulled the trigger.

  He screamed and writhed around on the floor, cussing at me, telling me that he was going to kill me... I waited. Finally having enough of his whimpering, I grabbed him by his shirt and put my gun to his temple.

  I said calmly, “You think I’m fucking stupid?”

  “No, No… Ugh… You shot me,” he cried.

  I let him go and said, “You lied to me… again I don’t like to be fucking lied to. If you planned on setting her up with the Russians, you wouldn’t have a problem telling her mafia fiancé she was pregnant by someone else.”

  Greg didn’t reply. I screwed the silencer on my gun, and Greg’s eyes grew ten times wide.

  “Please don’t kill me! Fuck! I’m sorry. I didn’t tell him by who, just that she was living with someone and had gotten pregnant. I swear that’s all I said.”

  I stood. “You’re lucky I don’t have time to beat your ass for being a pussy, but my time is up. You’re right; that girl is going to call the cops; the FBI actually, since she’s underage. It seems the Russians have one up’d you. So you better get moving if you don’t want to get caught with your pants down.”

  I moved quickly to the elevator and rode down to the basement. I looked at the time. I needed to see Georgia. Hopefully she would forgive me for being an idiot, and then I needed to pack.


  When I opened the door to my apartment, I could feel it was empty. I closed my eyes with regret.

  I was going to Miami anyway, so I’d find her when I got there, thinking that’s where she may have gone. I quickly went upstairs to pack when I noticed something odd. First thing first, the bed looked slept in. I knew my Georgia; she hated leaving the bed unmade. Even if she slept on top of the covers, the moment she got out of bed, she fixed it.

  I moved into the closet and saw all her clothes gone except for my t-shirt. That was another red flag. She told me the other day she was keeping my shirt forever. I know for a fact she would have taken this shirt no matter if we argued.

  I went to my safe in my room and opened it. I took my laptop out and started it. I put in the codes to my security cameras inside the apartment and found that they recorded her coming in. She went upstairs, and I could see her curled up on the bed. I fast forward until she started moving, then the cameras went off. I then switched on my backup cameras that came on instantly when my main cameras get shut off. I saw my brother in my apartment talking to her, along with Eddie. I hurled my laptop across the room and made my way to see my brother.

  I don’t know how I got to my parent’s home because I don’t remember the drive. I remember getting into the car and getting out. I didn’t bother with knocking or the locks. I bust the door down. My family members, being who they were, weren’t prepared; especially when they saw it was me- except my brother. I moved quickly to the dining table grabbed the plate and hurled it at the hand that was going for his gun. He finally pulled it, but I took it and smashed his face in with the gun.

  “You son of a bitch! I’m going to fucking kill you.”

  I meant every single word of that statement. My brother wasn’t a slouch, so he swung at me. I pushed his hand away and went for his gut. I punched him with everything I had in me. I went in; connecting with kidneys, spleen, liver. I didn’t care what I hit; I just wanted to do damage. I wanted internal bleeding. I wanted him spitting and pissing blood for months.

  I was just about to take my shot when I felt two people come up beside me, guns pointed. I moved quickly, pulled my sister’s gun apart and flung her into my father. They collided with each other, and I took my father’s gun.

  I raised his gun at him and my sister’s at my brother, who must have gone for his spare because he was pointing one at me.

  I then heard a click behind my back… my mother.

  “Drop it, or I’ll shoot,” I heard her say but I didn’t move. I watched my father
, sister, and brother.

  My brother spat blood close to my foot. “It’s over you’ve fucked up now.”

  “You think I give a shit about fucking up? You think I give a shit about my fucking life?” I moved closer to him, face distorted with the rage I was feeling. My brother backed up slightly and looked over at my father as I spat, “You stupid arrogant piece of dog fucking shit. Do you have any idea what you’ve done? You’ve sent her to her fucking death and for what? For your precious career? He’s going to kill her, don’t you understand?”

  My brother, still unable to stand up all the way, shook his head, “That’s not my problem. She made her bed…”

  I cut him off. “What bed? You coward, she knew nothing about Gavin being who he was. He kept that from her this whole time. She finally got away from him with her life, and you just took it from her and for what? So you could close your case? Did you send her with backup at all?”

  “Yes, of course, I sent her with Eddie. Your cousin has been extremely helpful in the past, giving us information we needed for cases we were working on. They are working together on this to clear your name, you prick. When they get there, they are to call me directly.”

  I looked at my father. “Are you kidding me? How in the fuck did he get a badge?” I looked at my brother. “Eddie has been feeding you false information or information that only benefited him in the end. For one thing, he is working with Santiago. He sold them the guns and used my name to do it. I bet you he even gave you that information on me, right? On the bodies? The shit you couldn’t stick on me because I didn’t fucking do it? He set you up, he’s setting me up and he set up the love of my life and my fucking unborn child for God only knows what, and you have your head so far up your own ass you can’t see anything but shit.”

  It took a minute, but my brother finally got what I was telling him. He started looking behind me and to our father. “I… I didn’t know she was pregnant, okay? She didn’t say anything when I asked her for her help.”

  “What did you say to her?”

  “I just asked her to help us. I said you were a loose cannon, and you were going to get yourself killed if she didn’t help. I told her about Gavin, and she didn’t react any kind of way. She just looked at me. I told her that you were going to go after him for her and that you were going to get yourself killed. Then Eddie took it from there. He coached her until she packed her clothes, making it seem like she was gone so it wouldn’t tip you off, and she left with him. I drove them to the airport about two hours ago and told them I would meet them tomorrow morning.” He looked at my father. “This isn’t my fault.”

  I shook my head, put my gun away and tossed my father’s on the ground next to him. “Understand something, Daniel; if something happens to her and my child, I’m going to kill you.”

  I looked at my father, sister, then turned to my mother. Before I left their house, I said, “And tell your boy he’s on borrowed time. After I clean up your fucking mess as usual, he’s next on my list.”

  “You can’t touch or threaten a Federal Agent,” my brother told me.

  “You fucked up big brother… You used her to get to Vegas, when she had no clue you were setting her up. You drugged her for fuck sake… that’s unacceptable and unforgivable. I have every right to threaten him. I’m telling you, just so he can have a head start.” I slammed what was left of my parent’s door and jumped in my car. I had a plane to catch, and I hoped to God I’d get to her in time.

  Chapter 18


  I wanted to be wrong about Eddie, and I thought I was when he showed up at Drake’s house with his brother. I didn’t trust either of them but if Daniel was there, Eddie had to be on the up and up.

  We touched down in Miami in the dead of night. It was cool out, but it was nothing compared to where we just left. Eddie was quiet the whole plane ride there. I was thankful of that because all I kept thinking about was my conversation with Angel.

  I was surprised when I left the Uncle’s house, and Angel was standing by Drake’s car. I wondered that moment if everyone heard our conversation or argument.

  Angel came to me. “Need a ride home, beautiful?”

  I nodded, thankful I didn’t have to drive myself for fear I would have crashed somewhere because I was shaking so bad.

  Angel helped me to the car and once inside, he turned on the heat.

  We drove in silence for a while. Then Angel said to me, “The most hideous laugh.” Then he smiled and shook his head.

  I groaned, “You heard us arguing, didn’t you?”

  He smirked. “Well, it was hard not to miss. But not everyone heard. We got rid of some of the family, sent them in the family room. They might have gotten some of it but not all.”

  “I’m so embarrassed.” I buried my head in my hands.

  “Don’t worry about it. You’re pregnant, so you get a pass. Besides, Dominique’s laugh is hideous… it’s like a hyena. Congrats, by the way. I can’t wait to meet my little cousin.”

  “Wow, you did hear everything.”

  “Well, yeah, but actually Lincoln told me and Pops the day after he found out you were pregnant.” I looked at him surprised. He replied, as if feeling my eyes on him, “Yeah, surprised I know. He bought a ton of cupcakes to give out to everyone tonight. There’s a few back there for you.”

  He pointed to the seat behind us. I reached back there and pulled out the box. I opened it and found three cupcakes with pacifiers on top of them. A few were pink, and one was blue. I pulled one out, removed the pacifier and bit into it. I moaned at the taste. “This is so good.”

  Angel laughed. “I’m glad you approve.”

  I ate the cupcake and looked over at him. “Do you think I was overreacting?”

  He was quiet for a minute. Then he said, “Yes and no. Look, Georgia, no one can blame you for how you feel and what you want. You want someone to love you, to express that sentiment to you. It’s normal… every woman should want that.”

  “…you don’t think he’s capable of feeling it or saying it to me.”

  “No, I think he’s perfectly capable of both things. Georgia, I know for a fact he’s changed since he’s met you. And he is miserable when he’s not around you.” I looked at him skeptically, and he shook his head. “Woman, you have no idea how much of a grouch he was when he came back from Cabo. He wasn’t a pleasant man to begin with, but he was worse when he got back.”

  I nodded my head. “I know Drake can be a grouch…”

  “Georgia, the moment you came back in his life, the grouch went away. He actually became very pleasant. Hell, he’s even stopped saying the word ‘fuck’ as often; that’s you, my dear. First things first, no one calls him Drake and lives to tell anyone about it. Even his teachers called him Lincoln. Second, he never and I mean never brings anyone to dinner or around family. No one has ever meant that much to him, Georgia, except you. And he’s not a touchy guy. But he can’t seem to keep his hands off you, and it doesn’t matter who is around. That’s not my cousin.”

  “Yeah, but he’s not in love with me,” I told him.

  “Who says he’s not? Georgia, think about the man you’re with and think about what he’s been through. You know he has feelings for you and so does he. Even my pops can see it. Why do you think he’s been sitting you next to him? He’s been getting to know you in his own way, letting everyone in the family know what place you have because he knows how precious you are to Lincoln; we all do. All I’m telling you is not to give up on him. Give him a chance to tell you how he feels in his way and in his time. He won’t let you go; you know that, right? He’s a stubborn son of a bitch, and he won’t be without you or that little baby. The moment he finds out he fucked up, he’ll be there.”

  I was waiting for him to come home that night. I had planned on jumping him the moment he came through the door, so I was completely disappointed when his brother came over instead.

  So here I was, back home trying to prevent Drake from getting

  I couldn’t believe what they’d told me about Gavin. I couldn’t understand how I never knew what he was, but he was definitely a great liar.

  I looked over at Eddie. “How are we going to do this? Are we going to wait until morning?”

  Eddie looked over at me. “Yes, we are going to wait until morning. We’re going to stay at this bed and breakfast off the coast. Just sit back and enjoy being home.”

  I watched Eddie drive with both hands on the wheel. He seemed so tense instead of relaxed, but I could see why he would be.

  I’m going to have to tell Drake he was being too hard on him and that he was wrong about his cousin. I can only imagine what he’s risking for Drake.

  Drake was wrong about this one.

  I did what he suggested and laid back. I closed my eyes feeling a little dizzy, hoping this car ride wouldn’t have me throwing up everywhere.

  I felt the car stop, and I opened my eyes. I first smelled the ocean, then heard it. The house looked beautiful in the dead of night. There were a few cars there, but I was exhausted, and all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep, so I didn’t question it.

  I followed Eddie to the house, and when he opened the door, he moved out of the way so I could walk in. When I passed the threshold, a gun was instantly put in my face. I looked into the eyes of a rather large man. I turned quickly to see if Eddie was okay and wow… he was fine. As a matter of fact, he was hugging some man.

  The man seemed very familiar to me, but I couldn’t quite remember. The man walked up to me and smiled. “So we meet again, Maya.” I finally remembered who he was when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck.


  Thank goodness I was alive!

  I could wiggle my toes and fingers, and I at least knew who I was. What I didn’t know was where I was. I opened my eyes and found that I was laying across a bed and was in some room with no windows, a bathroom and a door that I knew was locked. I sat up slowly, and my head started to pound like crazy. I gripped the back of my head and felt a knot. Then as if on cue, I started to heave. I moved as quickly as I could and threw up my stomach lining because there wasn’t anything in my stomach.


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