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Desired: Loving An Alpha Male

Page 20

by S. K. Lessly

  I stumbled to the bathroom and rinsed out my mouth with water. I stared at myself in the mirror. This was a huge mistake coming here. I should have never even entertained or opened the door for Eddie or Daniel. I just so badly wanted Drake to be wrong about both of them. I’d been without family for so long. It was a shame that he had an abundance of them but couldn’t trust them.

  I ran my hands through my braids, thinking, I am so in over my head. But when I think about everything, what if I didn’t come and something happened to Drake? I would’ve never forgiven myself. He meant everything to me and to think of raising his baby without him tore at me. But now there was a possibility that my life and the life of my baby was in jeopardy. I just hoped Angel was right and Drake did come home to see me and noticed the subtle things I left him. I knew he had hidden cameras everywhere, and he would check to see whom I left with… I hoped anyway.

  I heard someone open the door, and I moved from the bathroom just as the big guy that had the gun in my face walked in.

  “Let’s go!” he ordered and I obeyed.

  Here goes nothing.

  So my brain decided to create this idiotic idea to run for it. I saw the whole thing play out in my head like an outer body experience and felt, yeah, this could work. So my dumb ass went for it, pumping myself up by thinking, Don’t voluntarily walk the plank… I’m going to try something. So I kicked this rather large man in his balls and cut out of the open door, only for my face to run right smack into someone’s hand.

  I hit the ground hard, face on fire.

  Ho-ly shit!

  “Punta!” I heard above me. I cowered and protected myself from any more blows that I just knew were coming. But they didn’t come. Instead, I got yanked to my feet by my hair and grabbed forcefully and very tightly by the arm. I was walked down the hall like I was a child. What I did was childish, I know, so I guess I’m getting what I deserved.

  There were more rambles going on behind me in Spanish, and honestly I wish I would have paid more attention in school or when Gavin tried to teach me. Maybe if I had, I’d have known he was in the cartel.

  We came to a set of double doors, and someone suddenly opened them from the inside. I was shoved, nearly tripping over my own feet. The room was packed, and I could feel every eye on me, but there was one set of eyes mine went straight to.

  I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe at first, but as I was pulled further into the room, I said softly, more so to myself than anyone else. “Drake.”


  The closer we got to our destination, I was beginning to feel more and more uneasy. I had the feeling of deep dread on the plane ride to Miami, but I used the thoughts of Georgia to calm me. One thought, in particular, that invaded my mind was a memory of a few nights ago. I was stressed half out of my mind. Eddie and I had been arguing nonstop and going back and forth about this cartel in Miami. It felt like the Capuano family shit all over again. I made it home that night, and the condo was quiet; not empty but just quiet. It was three in the morning, so I didn’t expect Georgia to be up. She’d been extra tired most nights because of the baby, so I usually just let her sleep. I needed her though- I felt it. Sometimes I just wanted to hold on to her, the normalcy she gave me sometimes was just what I craved. We didn’t have to have sex. Sometimes holding her was just enough to fix me. But I didn’t go to her. She always seemed so tired, and I usually felt guilty when I took advantage of her, so I decided to let her sleep.

  I grabbed a beer from the fridge, moved to the couch and attempted to watch some TV. Since I couldn’t have what and who I really wanted, I settled for Sports Center and smoking my cigar.

  When I turned on the television, however, the station that came on was an R&B station wafting a little Luther Vandross through the speakers. I let it play.

  I took a long swig of my beer and placed it on the table in front of me. I slouched down further in the cushions of my couch and closed my eyes. He was singing about some house not being a home, and I listened to the lyrics thinking, Shit… this is what I’m talking about.

  I felt her coming into the room before I saw her. Lately, there’d been something about her that made me feel completely connected to her the moment she entered a room I was in. I didn’t know what it was. Quite honestly, I was still in denial that it existed, but I was not stupid.; whatever I was feeling was real.

  I opened my eyes as hers were concentrating on me. She looked beautiful. She had just gotten her hair done. She was sitting with some lady for hours, but afterward it looked good. It didn’t look like the braids she had in her hair before; it just looked like she had long hair. She only wore my Eagles t-shirt, and I could see that she didn’t have a bra on. My eyes then went to her hips. I watched her closely, the way she moved, how she swayed… and, shit, the look in her eyes. It seemed she wanted to devour me.

  I took a few puffs of my cigar and blew the smoke back away from her. I then stretched to put it out, and she stopped me. She says the smoke makes her sick, so I usually didn’t smoke around her. I was completely shocked when she pushed me back against the couch.

  Without speaking, she grabbed the throw pillow I had in my lap and placed it on the floor. She then knelt in front of me and positioned herself between my legs. With her eyes never wavering from mine, she lifted my shirt up and moved her hands underneath so she could touch me.

  I exhaled. This is what I wanted.

  I wanted to feel her touch. I needed her to…

  She started undoing my belt, and I sort of froze. To be honest, all the time we’d been together, she’d never given me a blowjob. She’d tried, and I never let her. Most of the time I was going out of my mind from wanting her- I didn’t care about it. I just wanted to sate myself in her fast and deep. Foreplay was the pleasure I gave her. I never asked for her to give me head. I thought about it constantly, wondering how her lips would feel, but we never took it there. Now...

  She got my jeans unbuttoned and unzipped. She released me from the confines of my briefs, licked her lips slowly and then gripped the sides of my jeans in her balled up fists. She yanked so I pushed up slightly so she could completely pull my pants down. She undid my boots next, took them off and freed only one leg from my pants.

  My heart started to beat faster with promise of her touch. The moment she gripped me in her hand, I thought I was going to explode.


  My breath caught with longing as she slowly bent down and made my head disappear into her mouth. I exhaled slowly and closed my eyes.


  I took more of my elixir in my lungs, opened my eyes and watched her as she familiarized her tongue and mouth with my dick. I was speechless… Yeah, me; speechless.

  This beautiful woman was kneeling in front of me, giving me a fantastic blowjob without a word.

  She created a rhythm that drove me crazy. She devoured me and licked the side of me, then devoured me again and licked the other side of me. She did that, at the same time stroking me, and I felt like a fucking king. Damn, she was making me lose control. I started to feel my balls tightening up. I was going to come… Hard.

  I moved my right hand to her neck and the scene before me made me swell even more. She didn’t take all of me in her mouth, and I didn’t care. She was making me feel so good all I could do was moan and say silly shit like “yeah baby…just like that” and “shit, you’re going to suck me dry, baby… God, keep doing what you’re doing.”

  I sounded like a bitch, but I didn’t care. She was making me feel that good. I took one more drag of my cigar, and I refused to come without being inside my favorite place. I then sat up and pulled her from me.

  “I wasn’t done,” she said to me and I almost lost my load in her face.

  I cleared my throat and said, albeit hoarse as shit, “I want to kiss you, and if you make me come in your mouth, I won’t be able to.”

  She smirked at me, and all I could do was smile at her. I said with grit and yearning starting to take over, “Le
t me feel you, baby.”

  She climbed into my lap and straddled me, taking me in her hand and sliding slowing down my shaft. I closed my eyes and moaned, “Hmmm.”

  Now that’s what I’ve been longing for.

  I sat up so that I was on the edge of the couch. I leaned over, stomped my cigar out in the ashtray and leaned back. My baby then took the reins and rode me just the way I loved...

  As I sat on the plane, thinking about that night, I regretted how she left my uncle’s house. It burned me. I should have told her how I felt about her. Maybe she wouldn’t have left. Maybe I could be buried deep in her right now if I had just fucking told her.

  Now, just thinking about her was filling me with the dread that started when I boarded that plane and it was growing deeper.

  While I was having dreams about my woman, Angel was sitting across from me on the phone with my uncle. My Uncle, who by the way we had to practically fight to keep him off the plane, was livid. Hearing and seeing the evidence against his son was a shock in itself. He couldn’t believe Eddie had that much hatred and jealousy for me.

  He always says, “Family can argue and fight all day, but when the day is done, we’re still family.” Yeah, my uncle and I clearly had different perspectives. He raised his kids to think the same as him, but I didn’t have that family background.

  I knew for a fact Eddie was capable of this shit. But going behind his father’s back was against what we stood for. The trust and loyalty had been rocked. I could see it in my uncle’s eyes; he knew what I would do the moment I got my hands on that little shit. He put my life, my future in jeopardy for what? Because he hated that his father gave me more attention than him? He needed to grow the fuck up, and I was going to teach him what it meant to fuck with a grown ass man.

  I was going to kill that son of a bitch. I hoped for the sake of my family that Angel got to his brother before I did. I hated to lose my family over this shit, but I was done.

  When we landed in Miami, Angel brought me up to speed on his phone calls.

  “So it seems we have the same shit happening in the Santiago’s family as in our own. Your contact Mark said that Gavin has made some connections with Eddie behind his father’s back. Pops got a hold of Don Santiago and sent him the information about his son plotting to take over the family business and his ideas about forcing him into a grave. He wasn’t too happy about it and wanted his own contacts to confirm. So while he’s confirming what we gave him, he said he’d meet us at his son’s place. He gave us directions.”

  “Is she there?” I asked as we climbed into one of the three Tahoes waiting for us on the tarmac.

  “He’ll let us know.”

  We got confirmation she was there two minutes later and were now five minutes out from the house. I started taking deep breaths as I pulled out my guns, checked and chambered a round and verified the safety was on. We flew a chartered plane to make sure we didn’t have to worry about security gates and, shit, the flight was faster.

  This shit’s about to get completely messy. I just hope I can get to her in time. Otherwise, everyone in that house will pay.

  When we pulled up to the house, it was surrounded by a gate. However, no one was at the front of the gate, and the gate was open. Each driver from the trucks turned off their headlights and approached the house in the dark. We pulled up close to the front of the house, and three bodyguard goons came out.

  We, of course, had our goons with us, Things 1, 2, and 3, along with a few other guys. One of the men from the house came up to Angel as we climbed out of the back seat.

  “Don Santiago is waiting inside. We need to take your weapons.”

  Yeah right.

  I walked past him. “You’ll have to take them from my cold dead fingers. Let’s go.” I moved past the other two bodyguards and walked inside the house. It was one of those typical mansion type houses with a large foyer and curved staircases that lead up to the second floor, high chandelier, expensive, ugly paintings, shit like that. This place had twelve bedrooms, four living or family rooms, kitchen, formal dining area… I can go on and on. I had Mark send me the specs of this place, and I studied it on the plane, making sure I knew everything I could. There were some secret exits and rooms, and I assumed that was where they were keeping her.

  We crowded into the foyer and headed straight to the back of the house with one of Santiago’s men leading the way. We stopped at a closed door, he knocked and out comes Don Santiago. He was a short, pudgy man, but I could see he exuded the same kind of power and respected my uncle had.

  He greeted Angel and I with a handshake and a nod. He said to Angel, “I just got off the phone with your father. He assures me this won’t get messy.”

  He then looked at me, but I didn’t reply nor did I give him an indication that it wouldn’t.

  If they didn’t give me what I came for in the exact manner of which she arrived, it would definitely get messy. I would wipe out this entire fucking family.

  My cousin, ever the diplomat said, “Sir, that will depend on your son. If he gives us Georgia, unharmed everything will be fine.”

  The Don scoffed, “All this over some pussy?”

  I smirked at him. “It’s some good shit!”

  He looked at me up and down, then shook his head. “Georgia was nice to my son. He didn’t fucking deserve her… neither do you.” He turned and walked in front of us.

  Eh… he’s right of course, but so what. She’s mine.

  We made a left and walked down a long hallway. We got to a set of double doors, and Santiago’s men opened it wide and we walked inside. There, Eddie sat next to a pretty, thin black woman, with long hair and a tight ass green dress, on the couch. Vegas was sitting in a chair with his two guys from Cabo standing some feet behind him, and I assumed Gavin, who was sitting on the couch opposite Eddie and the woman.

  Gavin stood when we walked inside, and his father boomed. “What’s this business I hear you buying guns behind my back?”

  Here we go!

  Gavin looked over his father’s head at Angel and me, then he looked at Eddie.

  Eddie; that motherfucker was shitting bricks. I could see the sweat beading on his forehead from a distance. Seeing him there and knowing that he touched what was mine, pissed me off even more.

  I shut down; void of all emotions I moved to stand next to my cousin. My guns ready and waiting for the cue from him to start this dance I knew was coming.

  Angel moved and reached his hand to Gavin and Gavin reluctantly took it. “This is my cousin, Lincoln, and well you already know my brother. I’m here on behalf of my family’s interests. It seems you have a few of our shipments without our approval, but we’ll overlook that. Also, what you have is someone that belongs to our family and we’re here to collect.”

  Gavin looked at Eddie and smiled at Angel. “You are more than welcome to take him.”

  Angel shook his head. “Not him.”

  The room fell silent as Gavin and Angel did the staring contest.

  The Don spoke, sitting in a rather weak looking chair, too weak it seemed for his bulk, but he looked as if he sat there all the time. “Go get Georgia.”

  Gavin looked at his father. “I would if I could, but I haven’t seen her in months. After all, father, she did leave me at the altar.” He looked over at me innocently, but quickly turned his attention back to his father, seeing the look of madness in my eyes.

  Vegas sat there quiet, but he seemed agitated some. He kept staring at me; I could see it out of the corner of my eyes.

  Don’t worry, I thought to myself. You’ll get your chance believe me.

  I had to give the Don credit; he didn’t take too kindly at being lied to. Neither did I.

  “Go and get her. I know she’s here. I’ve been told she is. You’re holding her in that room you built down the hall. Fetch her and bring her here.”

  I watched Gavin closely. Finally, he nodded at someone behind me, and I heard the door open and close.

bsp; As Angel sat down, he looked over at me. I nodded and made eye contact with our crew, and they moved out in the room, getting into position just in case they had to protect Angel. When I turned, I saw Gavin’s eyes on me.

  “So you think you’re just going to come in here and take what’s mine?”

  I didn’t reply.

  “Answer me!” he exploded, and I just smiled.

  “That’s enough,” the Don barked. “You have bigger problems it seems.”

  “How so father?” Gavin spat, then looked at his father.

  “You bringing this petty shit to my front door over a woman that you didn’t even want.”

  “It’s the principle, father. She is my fiancée, and no one is taking her from me. She’s mine.”

  His father scoffed and waved his hand. “Didn’t you take that one for your wife already?” he asked, looking at the woman in the green dress. “You need more black pussy for what? They’re not worth anything but to fuck.” The last two sentences he spat in Spanish, but I got every word and made sure I had a fucking bullet for the Don to eat before this night was done. No one in this room was above reproach.

  Gavin was about to say something when the double doors opened and I tensed. Shit, I could feel the tension in the air. Shit was about to go from calm to chaos. I just hoped we all could leave there with our lives.


  Seeing Drake made me feel better, but the look in his eyes put me on pause. His eyes were black as night, void of any feeling or emotion. He looked like pure evil… like the pair of eyes that seemed to haunt me for seventeen years.

  I noticed no one else in the room until I was placed right in front of Gavin. Gavin frowned, showing me concern and attempted to touch me, but I moved my head back from him.

  He looked behind me, asking, “What happened to her?”

  “What difference does it make?” I responded.


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