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Uniform Fetish

Page 19

by 10 Author Anthology

  Chapter Five

  Staring at her reflection in the mirror closet door, Abby ran her hand down her black lace gown. The deep V-neckline in front and back along with the high slit accentuated every curve of her body. The dress had been a spur-of-the-moment purchase, and it had sat in her closet for the past year. The perfect occasion to wear it hadn’t come along until now.

  The fluttery feeling in her stomach reminded her Nate would be arriving soon. She recalled that he hadn’t asked her to be his date. He just assumed she wouldn’t say no. How could she, when he left her standing looking at a closed door? At first she’d been dazed and confused, what with the way he kissed her, touched her, licked her, then made her come. It had taken her a while to regain her composure that night.

  Declining his command—because that was what it’d been—to go with him to the ball had been tempting, but an option she hadn’t exactly entertained, not when her mind kept drifting back to him. Her body throbbed with the memory of his fiery kisses and the way he’d branded her with his mouth. Being honest with herself, Abby admitted she wanted the good time Nate offered and knew one night with him wouldn’t be enough. How would she manage not to lose her heart to Nate? Not to fall head over heels for him when she feared she was already halfway there? . Eventually, he’d leave to comply with his next set of orders—she’d be stupid to think he wouldn’t go—and what would she do then? Cross that bridge when she got there?

  The knock on the door jerked her out of her reverie. Pushing her last thoughts out of her head, she grabbed her silver clutch and walked out the door. The familiar wicked black gaze that greeted her took her breath away. Abby had imagined he’d be in his usual white uniform, and not wearing a black bowtie, a dress white jacket, and navy blue trousers. The gold cufflinks and his insignia finished the look, making her knees weak. Every inch of his body filled his suit to perfection. It wasn’t until then she realized her throat was dry. “Lieutenant O’Brien,” she finally said breaking the silence.

  “Nate will do just fine.” He took a step forward. “You look lovely tonight,” he said, lightly brushing his lips over hers, careful not to mess up her lipstick. “I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you to wear my jacket.” His fingers traced the deep V-neck of her dress.

  “You wouldn’t dare.” Abby palmed his chest, regretting it the moment she felt his strength beneath her fingers.

  His large hand covered hers, his warmth sending shivers of delight through her. “Right. I wouldn’t. Other men can look at you all they want, because all that matters is I’m the one taking you home tonight.”

  The huskiness in his voice held the underlying promise of tonight’s inevitable outcome. Determined to live in the here and now, and forget what tomorrow could bring, Abby allowed him to guide her to the two-door, silver Cayman. A bit shocked by the kind of car he drove, she stole a glance at him from the corner of her eye.

  “I earn a modest pay, but my independence doesn’t stop me from accepting gifts like this from my parents,” he said, answering her unasked question. “Dad expects me to follow his footsteps one day.”

  Raising a brow, she asked, “And that is?”

  “Running for senator.” He opened the door to the car and gestured her in.


  Neither one spoke on their way to the event. Abby’s head swirled with speculation as to whose son Nate O’Brien was. Of all things to consider, the possibility of him being the son of someone in a position of power wouldn’t have ever crossed her mind. Not in a million years. And that made her wonder about Nate’s deal with the Navy, and his career as a naval aviator. The pride in his voice when he mentioned his dad, led her to believe they had a good relationship. If she assumed right, then why was he a pilot? She tried to make a mental list of the senators’ names and other politicians, failing to recall any O’Briens.

  Nate pulled up in front of the hotel’s valet parking attendant and took her hand. “When I joined the Navy, I made a deal with my dad.” He drew in his breath, before he continued, “I can serve my country sitting behind a desk. But … being in the field, in the way I am as a naval aviator means a lot more to me. It makes me feel as if in some way I’m doing more for my country than if I were in an office, giving orders, making or passing laws.” Nate lifted his eyes to her. “Dad’s always been supportive of everything I do. Once my term is up I’ll return home and keep my promise to him. It’s the least I can do. After all, keeping with tradition in the family is important, too.”

  If Abby thought she had questions before, now she had a million more. What the hell? How come Tessa hadn’t ever mentioned anything about her family? Flabbergasted didn’t even begin to describe the emotions running through Abby.

  Too deep in her thoughts and the significance of what Nate shared with her, Abby lost track of time and hardly paid attention to her surroundings as he led her to the ballroom where the event was being held. They stopped here and there exchanging greetings and polite conversation as Nate introduced her to colleagues and their spouses.

  “Lieutenant O’Brien.” An older man, with silver hair stepped in front of them. “Miss,” he said, focusing his attention on her.

  Abby shook his hand. “Abby Shelton.”

  “Commander Kirk.” A shadow of a smile crossed the commander’s face. “I thought I’d never see the day.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Abby said.

  Nate’s strong hand rested low on her back. “Commander Kirk, I see your wife is looking for you.”

  Commander Kirk chuckled. “O’Brien, your dad will be pleased,” he said. “It’s the perfect time to start setting down the roots for your future. You only have a few years left—”

  Huh? Abby looked from one man to the other, trying to read between the lines of their exchange.

  “Thank you for the advice, Commander.” Nate gave him a quick nod and directed Abby to their table.

  “What was he talking about?” she asked.

  “His wife is my mom’s best friend. It won’t shock me to receive a call from my parents asking to meet you.” He wound his arm around her waist and drew her to him. “And before you know it, my mom and sister will start planning our wedding, too.”

  Abby blinked. “We’re not getting married.”

  “Certainly not.” Leaning in, he whispered at her ear, “We haven’t even fucked.” Nate straightened and looked intently into her eyes, then swept his lips over hers. “But we will.”

  Fuck or get married?

  Chapter Six

  The rest of the evening became a blur. Captains and Commanders gave speeches, handed out recognitions. All throughout, Nate stole glances at Abby. Even after the bit of information he’d shared with her about his life, and the many unanswered questions he bet she had, Abby appeared to be enjoying herself and handling everything well.

  Just when Nate thought they’d get through the rest of the night without any more people wanting to know about him and Abby, or people making comments that’d require he reveal more of his life to Abby than he was ready to, a damn journalist stopped by. Nate deflected all the questions to one of the officers at their table. Then, as if it hadn’t been enough, the journalist had her photographer take a few pictures of their group.

  “Lieutenant O’Brien, I hope you don’t mind if I ask the lady for a dance.”

  What the fuck was Flores up to? “As a matter of fact, I do mind,” Nate replied.

  “I’d love to dance.” Abby offered her hand to Flores and sent a reproachful glance at Nate, before walking away from their table to the dance floor.

  As it was his damn luck, the DJ played a slow song. Narrowing his gaze in their direction, Nate tracked every movement of Flores’s hands on Abby. On his lap, he fisted his hand when Flores placed his hand on the small of Abby’s back, right where the V-neck of her dress ended and the curve of her ass started.

  Making a fool of himself wasn’t his style, so he waited until the song was over. She’d come back to their table, and then he planned for
them to take their leave. Another man claimed her hand as soon as a new song began. Nate swore under his breath, forcing himself to remain in his seat. Only songs ended and started faster than Abby could make it out of the dance floor. It appeared she was the belle of the ball, and every man, single or married, wanted a dance with her.

  Nate had enough. He left his seat, and with a few determined strides he reached Abby’s side. “Darling, I think it’s time we go home.” Not giving her a chance to reply, he placed a proprietary arm around her waist and led her out of the room.

  He nodded his thanks to the valet parking attendant, and helped Abby in his car. As it’d happened on the way to the hotel, neither said a word on the drive back to her place. Nate was many things, but daft wasn’t one of them. By the blank look in Abby’s face and the way she kept opening her mouth as if to say or ask something, yet no words fell out, he knew all the questions she’d wanted to ask earlier had come back rushing in her mind.

  That was just too bad, because he wouldn’t answer any. Damn Commander Kirk. Reality struck with the few words the man said. Peering at Abby from the corner of his eye for a second before looking back at the road, Nate pondered at the prospect of having a serious relationship with her. Putting aside their physical attraction, what if things did work out between them? Could she eventually be his Mrs. Nate O’Brien? The thought didn’t scare him. Quite the opposite, it appealed to him.

  He pulled up on Abby’s driveway and walked her to her front door. Abby turned to him and said, “I had a wonderful time tonight.” She rose to her toes and lightly pressed her lips to his.

  Deepening the kiss, Nate draped his arms around her waist and drew her to him, until every inch of her body touched his. His hands slipped to her ass. “You have one of two choices, Abby,” he said, brushing his lips over hers. “You can ask me to make love to you or you can ask me to leave.” He squeezed her ass. “What’s it going to be?”


  Why was he giving her a choice? Abby thought she’d already made her decision when he picked her up earlier tonight. Though it’d been before she found out the real Nate O’Brien wasn’t just the drop-dead-gorgeous lieutenant keeping her awake at night. But now wasn’t the time for second-guessing herself. Yes. She had questions. Hundreds. Millions of them perhaps. Then again, why should it matter who he really was? Wasn’t this a fling anyway?

  The warmth of his palms on her ass seeped through the thin layer of her dress, and a pool of heat sat low in her belly. Sliding her hands to his neck, returning his intense gaze, she replied, “Stay.”

  “If you want me to make love to you, I want to hear you say it,” he said.

  His hot breath mingling with hers sent a shudder through her. “Make love to me, Nate.”

  His lips recaptured hers, ravishing her mouth. His hot tongue thrust in her mouth, exploring her, taking everything she had to give and then some. Nate briefly broke their contact to open the door. Lifting her off the floor by a few inches, he carried her over the threshold, before sealing his mouth over hers once more. The door closed behind them. Abby wrapped her arms around his neck, not wanting his mouth to ever leave hers.

  The masterful way in which he moved his lips over hers fogged her mind. Fire crept up her body, her dress tightened around her—or so it felt—and her breath became constricted. Nate pressed her against the wall and pinned her arms above her head. The tip of his nose touched hers, as they both panted, catching their breaths. “I want you so bad I could rip your dress and sink my cock in your pussy right now.”

  Her sex clenched at his words. He’d been teasing her since they met each other, and she’d had enough. Abby wanted him to finish what he started this time. Patience be damned. “Why don’t you?”

  Nate slid his hands down her arms, his fingers delicately caressing her skin. “I will,” he said, following the seam of her V-neck, then outlined her breasts. “But first I’m going to taste you.”

  Abby undid his bowtie. His jacket followed, and she tossed it on her couch. “I want to taste you, too.” She resumed undoing his shirt buttons. “I want to suck you,” she licked his lips, “into my mouth.” Abby tugged his shirt out of his pants, and pulled it down his arms. “Do you think you’ll fit?” she teased, cupping his engorged cock. His heat branded her palm, and she gave him a squeeze.

  A low growl leaked from his lips, before he covered her hands with his. “You’ll find out soon enough.” Nate slid her dress off her shoulders, down her arms. When it reached her hips, he gave it a small tug and it pooled at her feet. He took a step back, his searing gaze raking her body from top to bottom and back, lingering on her sex. “No underwear. Beautiful.”

  The rasp in his voice made her skin tingle. Abby slipped her fingers in her wet folds. “Am I going to have to make myself come?” she asked, rubbing her clit.

  Nate stepped forward and grasped her hand, then brought her fingers to his mouth. “Not tonight, but I reserve the right to watch you make yourself come some other time.” He licked her fingers, then thrust a finger in her entrance and rubbed her bud with his thumb. “After tonight, your pussy will be mine and mine only.”

  His mouth swooped down on hers. “Bedroom?” he demanded against her lips, lifting her up, securing her legs around his hips.

  “That … that way.” Without looking, she pointed behind her. The hotness of his bare chest against her breasts seeped through her skin, straight to the bone. His lips brushed along her neck as he carried her to the bedroom, arousing her further. Abby couldn’t recall when she’d closed her eyes. She’d been so immersed in his fiery kisses, in his strength, she didn’t realize they’d reached her bedroom until he set her down and flipped her on her stomach.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he said in a low voice, running his hands along her back. “Your ass is so perfect.” Nate stroked her butt cheeks, then gripped her waist and drew her to him, until she knelt. “Yes. Just like that,” he coaxed, with a hand on her back, pressing her down on the mattress. He ran his fingers in a zigzag motion down her back, then slid one between her cheeks, lingering for a second or two on her tight opening, before continuing to her sex. “You’re so ready for me.”

  Abby gasped in sweet agony. She had no idea how much more of his teasing she’d be able to take. It’d take one or two strokes of his tongue on her, and she’d become undone. She tried to look over her shoulder, but the position he had her in didn’t allow for much movement. Nate gripped her hips tighter, and the warmness of his breath on her ass roused her desire even more.

  Anticipation ate her inside out. The bite of his teeth on one cheek, then the other caught her by surprise, and she squealed. The sharp, burning sensation, spread like a wild fire through her. No one had ever bitten her before. Instead of running away scared, she wished he did it again. As if reading her thoughts Nate bit her other cheek, and she jerked with pleasure at the unexpected caress.

  She felt him chuckle as he continued working his way to her aching sex. Gripping her thighs tighter, with the tip of his tongue he explored her, drank her, drove inside her. Every muscle in her body vibrated, and her clit throbbed. Her lungs seized as her head spun. Time stopped. And she fell down an abyss with every lick of his tongue, his teeth grazing her sex, sucking her in his mouth.

  “Nate…” she cried out. Heat crawled up her body from all angles. Abby couldn’t tell where it began or where it ended. The muscles of her sex tightened, and her toes curled as her body uncontrollably shook with her release wave after wave.

  Spent, and still catching her breath, the crinkling sound of foil warned her. Nate crawled between her legs, spreading them apart. “Now,” he slid his cock up and down her sex. “You’re ready for me.” With one powerful thrust, he drove inside her. Abby swallowed back a moan, feeling her body give into his size, enveloping him. “Yes, that’s it, darling.”

  Nate lunged forward, each time it seemed he buried himself an inch further. Each time, his cock touched the sweet spot no one had ever reached. Her muscles
clamped around him, wanting him to drive harder, and hit that spot again.

  “Do it again,” she said breathless, her hands scrunching her sheets. “Harder.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Nate held her in place, lunging harder in her.

  “Yes.” She gasped. “You’re not going to hurt me, I promise.”

  With a firmer grip on her thighs, he drove in hard, the tip of his cock touching right where she needed it. Stars clouded her vision, and a cry left her lips as heat consumed her, her muscles clamping around him. With a raw growl he followed, thrusting faster, his body shaking atop hers.

  Moments later, exhausted, they lay naked, their bodies moistened from their lovemaking. “Abby,” Nate said at her ear, making lazy circles with his fingers low on her belly. “This isn’t a one-time thing.”

  Abby turned in his arms, and met his gaze. “Nate, you don’t have to … I—I didn’t expect this to be m—”

  “Ssh…” He pressed a finger to her lips. “I’d like for this, for us, to be more.” Nate drew a finger along her cheek, drawing back a strand of hair. “I’ll be in the service for a few more years, and I’ll be here almost three years of those. I know it isn’t easy to have a long distance relationship. All I ask is that you give this, us, a chance.”

  Why was he changing the rules? Not that she didn’t want to have a serious relationship, but what if this didn’t work? What if when his assignment was over here, he left and never returned? “I-I don’t know.”

  “Abby.” Nate hooked a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Darling, I’m not asking you to marry me.”

  Her heat skipped a beat at the mention of marriage. “Of course you aren’t.”

  “Right. In no way am I asking for that.” The corner of his mouth twitched into a lopsided grin. “So?”


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