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Uniform Fetish

Page 20

by 10 Author Anthology

  Studying his handsome face, she said, “What have we got to lose?”

  “Your single status.” Nate pushed her back on the bed, and settled himself between her thighs, trapping her with his body.

  “My single status?” She laughed.

  “I’m being serious.” He brushed his lips over hers.

  Her smile froze, and she stared at him. “I’m scared. You’re a politician’s son, and I don’t even know whose son you are. I’ve never dated a man in uniform, and the knowledge that your stay here is temporary makes me nervous, because when your assignment is over you’ll leave.” She paused, considering her next words. “I’m afraid you’ll break my heart.”

  With his arms propped on either side of her, he said, “Aren’t you getting a little ahead of yourself?”


  “We’ll take it one day at a time and see where all of this takes us.” Nate circled his hips between her thighs, stroking her sex.

  His words made sense, and she wouldn’t argue. She couldn’t. Not when he teased her like this. Maybe she was getting ahead of herself. Regardless of what or who he was, she’d always run the risk of falling in love and getting hurt. She’d take it one day at a time and let this lead her where it would.

  “One more thing,” she said. “With your dad being a politician, will you be in the spotlight much?”


  Abby touched her fingertips to his face and slid them in a caress down his cheek. “Because I enjoy my exceptionally unpretentious life and while we get to know each other and see where this leads us, I’d prefer to be discreet.”

  “I won’t be in the spotlight for the next few years,” he said.

  She pressed her lips to his chin. “Good. Then we may have a shot at this.”

  “Abby, just one more thing … I’ll try my damnedest not to break your heart. That’s a promise.” Nate sealed her mouth with a kiss.

  Chapter Seven

  Five years later

  Abby sat on one of the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting area of the airfield, and stared out the window to the airstrip.

  “Is Nate there yet?” Tessa asked.

  Abby tightened her hold on the phone. “Not for another thirty minutes I think. How are things between you and John?”

  “He finally proposed!”

  At Tessa’s loud squealing, Abby pulled her phone away from her ear. When her shrieking died down, she pressed it back. “John proposed? Wow. I’m excited for you. When’s the wedding?”

  “We haven’t set a date yet. I’m in no rush. You know me.”

  Yup. Abby knew her perfectly well. “Still afraid of commitment, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe. Okay, fine. I’ll admit it, but I’m working on it,” Tessa said. “Listen, give Nate all my love. I’ll call you next week and we’ll plan to meet for dinner or something. Love you, sweets.”

  The phone line went dead, and the fluttering feeling in her stomach and shortness of breath returned, driving her crazy. Abby wished it was possible to fast forward the time so Nate would be here already. He’d completed his last assignment with his fleet, and he was back to stay. Today marked the beginning of their new life. They’d go on a month long vacation to make up for the last three months they hadn’t seen each other. When they returned, Nate had appointments set up with his dad and others to take the first steps into his political career.

  A bit of panic rose in her as she thought about the possibility of Nate becoming a senator. Senator O’Brien. That was what his dad—stepdad rather, as Abby had found out when Nate first introduced her to his family—Senator McKenzie had been preparing Nate for most of his life. Would she be able to handle the pressure that came with it? Yes. She would. Nate’s mom promised she’d guide her every step of the way. Reassured she had nothing to fear and feeling more confident she’d be able to handle whatever came next, Abby scanned the waiting area in the airfield.

  Nervous sweat covered her hands, and her pulse raced when a couple of FA-18Cs landed. The thundering sound shook the windows so hard she thought they’d break. Her throat grew dry, and Abby swore her heart would stop beating any minute now because it wouldn’t be able to keep pumping a thousand beats per second.

  “Mrs. O’Brien?” A petty officer opened the door leading to the ramp. “Lieutenant O’Brien is on his way. You can meet him halfway if you’d like.”

  Glee bubbled up in her chest, and she ran out the door to meet Nate. The bright light of the sun’s rays blinded her for a moment, causing her to blink, adjusting her vision. Abby lifted her gaze and felt her lips spread into a smile when she caught sight of Nate walking toward her still dressed in his aviator suit. She ran to him not caring who saw her or if she looked silly. All that mattered was Nate, her husband, had returned.

  “Abby,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist, lifting her off the floor the way he always did. Not giving her a chance to even say his name, he grasped the back of her neck and brought her mouth to his. His lips possessed hers, setting her body aflame. “I missed you,” Nate whispered against her mouth.

  “And I missed you,” she said, sweeping her lips over his.

  Nate set her on her feet. “Is this little guy behaving?” He gently pressed his palm to her belly, holding her gaze. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be here with you when you found out.”

  Tears burned in the back of her eyes, and she covered his hand. “You’re here now. It’s all that matters.”

  Nate closed the short distance and cradled her face with his hand. “I’ll always be here for you and our babe. Always.” His mouth touched hers. “I love you, Abby.”

  “I love you, too.” She grazed his lips with her teeth. “And, we’re having twins.”

  The End


  S.J. Maylee

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Emma gazed at the time again and swore as she pressed the gas pedal. All she had to do was get the signed documents from Jane Shavers and deliver them to Mr. Keller at his residence in Evanston by ten o’clock.

  The awful Chicago traffic may have eaten up all her buffer time, but it was his quaint neighborhood that would do her in. She couldn’t see a damn thing. The last time she’d set down her phone, she missed her cup holder and now she couldn’t find it.

  “I’m so screwed.”

  Her phone chirped at her to turn left from where it had landed under her seat. She slammed on her brakes and barely made the turn. His home was down another mile on the right, and she had two minutes to get there. She pushed on the accelerator.

  Lights blasted in her review mirrors, blinding her, and then sirens cut through the night.

  “Where the fuck did he come from?”

  She pulled over to a complete stop and prayed he’d let her go with a warning. Maybe she’d still only be a few minutes late. She popped open the glove compartment and then reached down for her purse. Once she pulled out her license and registration, she looked again in her review and the slowpoke cop was just now approaching her car. After hitting the down button for her window, she reached under her passenger seat for her phone, not finding it anywhere.

  “Please put your hands on the wheel.”

  “I’ve almost found it. Just give me one more second.” Her fingers knocked against the corner of the phone but couldn’t quite get a grip.

  “Now, Ma’am.”

  “Fine!” She put her hands on the steering wheel.

  “License and registration, please.” His voice was like steel.

  She slowly found the documents. When she handed them over, she caught a blinding eyeful of his flashlight, a glimpse of his hand on his gun, but none of that stopped her from ogling the sexiest officer she’d ever seen. She licked her lips.

  “What were you reaching for when I approached?”

  “Just my phone.” She put her hands back on the wheel.

  “That’s all?”

just a girl running late. Can you give me a warning or something?” She pushed out her breasts a little and wondered if it would be inappropriate to ask him for his number. “I don’t want to get fired on my first day. Mr. Keller lives just down the street, and he’s waiting to receive these papers.” She reached for the envelope and held it up.

  “Please step out of the vehicle, slowly.”

  “What?” She turned to him, and her heart skipped a couple beats at his stern expression. “Okay.” She opened her door.


  “What exactly do you think I’m going to do?” She got up and closed her door behind her.

  “Just step to the back of the car please and place your hands on your trunk.”

  She did as he asked, hoping he’d be quick if she complied.

  “Stay there. I’ll be right back.” He made his way to his car, and it looked like he was making a phone call.

  She rested her forehead against the trunk of her car, figuring asking for his number was out of the question. Instead, she concentrated on all the people she’d have to apologize to when she was fired. Her best friend, Candy, would be top priority. She’d introduced her to Mistress Charlie who’d gotten her the job with Mr. Keller. Emma hated letting people down, especially those that had taken a chance on her. She rubbed her forehead back and forth along her arm and snuck another peek at the cop still chatting on his phone.

  When she lost her job, her sponsorship to Club Voyage would probably be next to disappear. They expected her to follow club rules, and in her first week she couldn’t even follow the rules of the road. From behind her, the crunching of footsteps broke through the quiet night.

  “You’re Emma Wieland?”

  “Yes.” She turned to face him.

  “Keep your hands on the trunk, please.” He stepped up behind her. “I’m going to check you for weapons.” His touch landed on top of her shoulders and then came down and under her arms. “You work for Mr. Keller.”

  “Yes, do you know him?”

  “I sure do. I also work security at his club.” His touch slid down to her hips and around her ass.

  “Double shit, really?” She tried to turn around.

  He pushed her back down on the car. “Don’t move.” He held her hips, but the heat from his body held her in place.

  “I’m sorry, sir.” She was in serious shit here, and her thoughts still drifted to punishments and all the things this hot cop could command her to do. Sexy and dirty things … right out here where anyone could see. She arched her back, losing herself in his touch. Someday her voyeurism fantasy would get her in serious trouble.

  “Do you know why I pulled you over?” He leaned down and worked his way up and down her legs. His touch was firm and left her wondering if he was a Dom at the club.

  “I was speeding, sir.” Warmth gathered between her legs.

  “Do you have a problem following rules as well as the laws, Ms. Wieland?”

  “No, sir. I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.”

  He stood up and hovered over her ear. “Do you think you can find your way to Mr. Keller’s without speeding?” He stepped away from her.

  “Yes, sir.” She turned around and looked right into his cool blue eyes.

  “If you’re ever pulled over again, keep your hands on the wheel. Don’t give the officer a reason to frisk you.”

  “Okay.” She wanted to give him permission to do more than frisk. Lowering her gaze, she focused on how damn well he filled out his crisp blue uniform. Her pussy pulsed with need. She licked her lips and concentrated on his name tag.

  “What was that?” He pulled up on her chin.

  Oh yes, most definitely a Dom. “Yes, Officer Hoffman.”

  “That’s better. It’s always dangerous to speed but especially at night. Your safety is not worth the risk.” He squeezed her chin. “Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good, girl. Here’s your license and registration back. You better get going. Mr. Keller is waiting for you.”


  Miles walked into the locker room at Club Voyage and made his way right to the assignment board. All week, he’d been patrolling the quietest streets in Chicago. The assignment was more about protecting folks from themselves rather than guarding them against dangers. His last traffic stop was the perfect example. Although, a few more minutes in the smart ass sex kitten’s presence and she would have had to fight him off.

  Knowing she worked for Mr. Keller hadn’t helped the situation. It was well known he employed several of his club members, a suspicion that was confirmed when he spoke with Keller. Ms. Wieland certainly could have used a Dom’s reprimand with all the bratty behavior she displayed, not to mention her reckless driving.

  His dick had gotten so damn hard as he’d patted her down. She’d smelled like sugar and spice, definitely something he wished he could taste. When her hot little ass had arched towards him, he knew he needed to get her back in her car and on her way. He should suggest the scene to Mistress Charlie for one of her theme rooms. That would be a scene he could get into.

  He found his name once again listed for security at the restaurant. It was just a matter of time though before his next bump up in responsibility, and he respected the process Mistress Charlie had designed. Each step gave him a greater understanding of the Master’s role.

  Eventually, he’d get the assignment he was waiting for. Until then, he’d continue to miss out on the action. The only consolation was that it made it a heck of a lot easier to not play favorites with any of the subs. At least it was just private rooms open tonight in the main club, but he couldn’t shake the feeling he was missing a key point in his training and that’s why he hadn’t advanced.

  His patrol obligations didn’t give him a lot of hours at the club each week, and they’d accommodated him every time he’d needed to make a change. He didn’t have a family at home that relied on him yet, but many of his fellow officers were husbands and fathers. Whenever they needed time off, he liked to help out.

  “Tommy,” he yelled over his shoulder. “You’re working the club entrance tonight.” Tommy started his training about a year ago, just a few months after Miles.

  “The Mistress told me I’d be at the next level soon, but I didn’t think it would happen this week.” He hung his coat in his locker, slammed it shut, and made his way to the list. “Your day is coming soon.”

  “I don’t know. She still thinks I’m holding back.” Miles was determined to prove his worth. Prove he was ready for more.

  “I know you’re anxious. Hell, I am, too, and I haven’t been working towards this goal as long as you have.”

  “You’re anxious to explore as many subs as you can once you’re a Master,” said Miles.

  “Yes, well, that is the rule.”

  “Hardly. The non-exclusive rule for new Masters has nothing to do with racking up notches on your headboard.”

  “I know. I got that same lecture from Keller yesterday.”

  The rule may be popular and he was looking forward to watching out for all the submissives, but he wanted to find his match, which was his ultimate goal.

  “I just heard Master Colin’s at one of the tables in the restaurant. His sub arrived about an hour ago for a night out with her friends. He doesn’t want her to know he’s here keeping an eye on her. Maybe you can help him out and make a good impression.”

  “Thanks, Tommy.”

  “With a bit of luck, I bet we both are promoted to Master at the next ceremony.”

  Chapter Two

  Emma picked up her third dirty martini of the night, swirled the olive stick around the almost empty glass, and popped the first olive into her mouth. Even though she rarely drank, she figured it would take at least one more drink before she could relax. Her first time getting pulled over had certainly left an impression.

  “I can’t believe you almost got arrested.” Her girlfriend, Mary, sipped on her water, shaking her head.

p; “You’re supposed to keep your hands on the wheel.” Candy slapped her on the back. “You probably gave the cop a good scare.”

  “I’m glad you both think it’s so funny.” She turned to Mary, who worked for Jane Shavers. “You sure Keller’s okay?”

  “Yes, it’s fine. He called Jane and confirmed the papers were delivered. He’s not happy our online signature program was down, but our candidate is starting tomorrow like he wanted. Didn’t he say anything to you?”

  “Not really. He just told me to drive carefully.” She swallowed against the butterflies that wouldn’t leave her belly. “I thought for sure he was going to fire me right then and there.”

  “Keller may be stern, but he seems to like giving people second chances. He’s probably more interested than all of us in what will happen next time you’re pulled over.” Mary tried to smother her chuckle and failed. “So, the cop really frisked you?”

  “Yes, the whole thing was humiliating.” She took one last sip and set the olive stick back in the glass. “But, I have to say, if I hadn’t almost been hauled off to the clinker, it would have been hot as hell.”

  “Oh really, tell me he was cute.” Candy scooted a little closer and pushed Emma’s drink out of her reach.

  “Yes, he was so good looking. The kind of blue eyes you could get lost in, and he really filled out his uniform if you know what I mean.” She sat up a little straighter.

  “I bet your fantasy bells were ringing like wild.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Our little Emma’s into the voyeurism thing.”

  “You better believe it. I had no idea what a turn-on it would be to get pulled over by a hot cop. He felt along my shoulders and down around my ass. It was delicious.” She raised her hand, positioning her thumb just under her pointer finger. “I was this close to falling to my knees when he told me he worked security for Keller.”

  “Do you think he’s a Dom?”


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