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Guilty Pleasure

Page 4

by Justus Roux

  “Sorry, girl, he just broke up with his girlfriend,” Monica said quietly.

  “There you are, little Nicole.” Adam slowly stood.

  She could smell the whiskey on his breath as he wrapped his arm around her.

  “Shouldn’t your bandmates be here?” Nicole asked.

  “Your face popped into my mind, so here I am. Monica is cool with me stopping by so I figure why the hell not. I can’t take my bandmates telling me how much better off I am without that bitch Mindy in my life. Hell, it’s the general consensus among all my peeps.”

  “Oh, I see now, you wanted someone to hear how much she hurt you,” Nicole said as she helped him to sit back down.

  “Exactly. You got anything to drink in here?”

  “I think you have had enough. I thought you were going to Kansas City and wasn’t coming back until Saturday,” Monica said.

  “That was the plan, but the last two gigs got canceled. So here I am. I showed up at Mindy’s apartment to surprise her and well the surprise was on me. She wasn’t alone. Shit, I don’t even know who that dude was…”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Nicole said.

  “I thought I treated her right. I don’t know, maybe I’m just an asshole. She used to come with me when I had to travel for gigs.”

  “How long were you together?” Nicole asked.

  “About a year. She made me believe that she was on my side, you know. I should have seen the signs. But love is stupid.”

  “Amen to that,” Monica said.

  Adam started to laugh. His laughter was infectious, which made Nicole and Monica smile. Nicole barely knew him, yet she could tell he had a kind soul.

  “I loved her, damn it.” Adam laid his head on the back of the sofa. “I don’t think she felt the same way. If she did she would have never cheated on me. I understood if she didn’t want to travel around. It’s my dream not hers. I was so willing to compromise to come up with something that worked for the both of us. But now that it’s over I see she didn’t want to put work into our relationship. When the sailing got rough she abandoned ship. I was too stupid to see it and got totally blindsided by all of this. I should have just gone back to my apartment and called her…”

  “No, you did the right thing because now you know what kind of person she really is. And you have the courage to really see it. I didn’t have that kind of courage. I made every excuse for Nathan…” Nicole stopped talking. Shit she wasn’t ready to discuss Nathan with anyone yet. She could hear the pain in Adam’s voice and wanted to do something to ease it.

  “I’m guessing Nathan is why you moved to Chicago,” Monica said.

  Nicole remained quiet.

  “That is obvious, Monica. We won’t pry, little Nicole. But thank you for trying to make me feel better. Whoa, the room is really spinning.”

  Monica and Nicole laid Adam on the sofa. Nicole went to her room and grabbed the comforter off of her bed and went over and covered Adam up with it.

  “What a bitch this Mindy is?” Monica said quietly. She gestured for Nicole to follow her to her room. She quietly closed the door. “He just showed up. I couldn’t turn him away.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. He seems like a sweet person.”

  “Oh he is. The funny thing is he kept telling me he had a girlfriend, but I never saw her at the bar. I just assumed she was made up to keep the girls from bugging him while he worked.”

  “That is odd that she never came to see him play.”

  “Which should have tipped him off that she wasn’t invested in the relationship at all. Adam is nuclear hot and I think she just wanted to have a hot boyfriend to show off when it suited her. We will let him sleep off the whiskey.”

  “He can stay here a couple of days if it will make him feel better,” Nicole said.

  “Really? You are cool with that. You barely know him.”

  “You do. And besides, he is a sweet person who just had his heart handed back to him. We would be assholes if we didn’t try to help him somehow.”

  “You are too nice, girl. I’m glad you are though. I do have one question for you, and I wouldn’t ask it but for safety reasons.”

  “What is it?”

  “Did Nathan do to you what Mindy did to Adam or did he abuse you? I only ask because if Nathan abused you he might try to hunt you down…”

  “I understand what you are trying to get at.” Nicole sat on Monica’s bed. She didn’t want to think about Nathan, she was trying everything to just forget. But she didn’t want Monica to worry. Why they hell did she bring up Nathan in the first place. Adam’s pain was palpable and he wanted someone to understand his pain, she had to do something, say something to help him. Nicole sighed…she wasn’t ready to discuss this with anyone. “Nathan mentally abused me, he didn’t so much physically abuse me. He made me believe I couldn’t exist without him and treated me so horribly and yet I came up with excuse after excuse for his behavior until I just couldn’t do it anymore. So no, he won’t come hunting me down,” she said that so fast, she wasn’t sure if Monica understood what she was saying. She just wanted to give an overview of her life with Nathan, she couldn’t do any more than that right now.

  “Whew, that’s good to know.”

  “I’m going to try to get some more sleep. I have to go to work.”

  “Did Michael drop that case that you were so upset about? I didn’t have time to ask you yesterday.”

  “He is giving it to his partner to handle.”

  “That is sweet of him. But you shouldn’t expect him to do that every time, nor should you get so emotionally wrapped up with your cases you have to research.”

  “I didn’t mean to do that. I just felt so bad for Delta. I should have controlled my feelings more.” Nicole got up and headed to the door.

  “You know, Nicole, if you want to talk about Nathan I will listen.”

  “When I’m ready…but thank you for your offer.” Nicole headed into the living room and saw Adam sleeping on the sofa. Poor guy, hopefully next time he falls in love, he falls for someone who deserves him. It was odd she thought so highly of a man she barely knew, yet there was something about him…she didn’t want to think any more about any of this. She went back into her room and tried to get some sleep.


  Nicole was glad she was just running checks on a couple of Michael’s new clients. He had to know everything about them in order to prepare the best case he could. More importantly these two cases were armed robbery cases. No one was killed or even hurt. There would be no emotional outburst from her. Thank God.

  Her pussy moistened when she heard the sound of Michael’s footsteps passing by her door. She knew it was him by the sound his dress shoes made as they moved across the wooden floors. She was surprised by her body’s reaction to such a simple sound.

  She grabbed the first folder. This particular case was easy to get all the details. This was the guy’s first conviction and up to this point he hadn’t been in trouble with the law. Why Michael needed her to research anything about this case, she hadn’t a clue, but she wasn’t about to question him. She left her office and headed to his.

  She felt herself becoming more aroused the closer she got to the door. She knocked once then entered. Michael was sitting behind his desk talking to someone on the phone. He gestured for her to sit down on the chair in front of his desk. She glanced over at the part of the desk he fucked her so roughly on. She quickly averted her gaze.

  “What is it, Nicole?” Michael said.

  “I have everything you need for the Maxwell Brown case.” She handed him the folder.

  “You look tired, did you not sleep well.” He glanced over her notes.

  “Not really. Adam showed up in the middle of the night all drunk. He just broke up with his girlfriend and needed a sympathetic ear.”

  “Adam is back from Kansas City?”

  “Yes, I guess a couple of his gigs got cancelled.”

  Michael sat back in his chair. He p
lanned to call Linda tonight and set up a façade to get her to go back to Adam’s apartment.

  Nicole looked at Michael he seemed lost in his own little world.

  “Is something wrong, Sir?”

  “No, I just have a ton on my mind. Adam is better off without that bitch girlfriend.”

  “You knew her?”

  “Briefly, and that was enough for me. I don’t know what he saw in her.”

  “I felt so bad for him.”

  Michael looked at her. He could see her empathy for Adam. Again, to have such feelings for someone she barely knew, intrigued him.

  “Karma has a way of sorting shit out,” Michael said. He was beyond annoyed that he was going to have to postpone his hunt.

  “No, that is not always true. Some people seem to get away with hurting anyone they want and still they get everything they want.”

  “Do you have feelings for Adam?”


  “You are quite passionate about his pain.”

  “He seems like a nice guy. I don’t really know him.”

  “He is quite a nice guy, but he is also naïve. He is generous to a fault, even with those who don’t deserve it. He doesn’t want to use what God gave him.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “He is an extremely attractive male. And yet he refuses to see this quality in himself. He could probably charm a snake if he wanted.”

  “So you are saying if you are an attractive person you should use that to further yourself.”

  “Why not. I, unlike Adam, are not naïve to the ways of the world.”

  “You sound a bit more jaded than he is.”

  “Perhaps.” Michael felt a rage building inside him. He had himself all psych up to hunt tonight and now because of that naïve singer he would have to put it on hold.

  “Are you angry that Adam stayed at mine and Monica’s apartment?”

  “No, I don’t own the deed to your pussy.”

  “Excuse me…”

  Michael stood and walked over to her. “Tell me something, Nicole, are you showing up at my apartment Saturday or not?” His voice was harsher than he intended. He had to get himself in check or he run the risk of scaring her off. “Shit, I’m sorry, that sounded douchey.” Michael leaned back on his desk. “Monday was a bit awkward for both of us. I guess I’m trying to ease that awkwardness. If I knew which way you wanted this to go I think that would help.”

  “I understand. I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels awkward.” Nicole kept her gaze to the floor. “I would love to go to your apartment Saturday, what time should I arrive?”

  Michael smiled down at her. She was so eager to please it made his cock rock hard. “How about seven p.m. does that work for you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Alright now that is settled let’s get some work done. See, the awkwardness has already lessen.” He walked back over to behind his desk and sat on the chair. “I will look over the file you gave me. Both of these cases should be pretty easy.”

  “Thank goodness.” She looked up at him and he was smiling warmly at her. That made her feel so much better.


  Michael called Linda and told her something came up and that he would be unable to go out this Wednesday. She sounded so disappointed and yet she should be thanking whatever God she prayed to, that this happened.

  Michael couldn’t quiet the demon inside himself. His need was overwhelming and this was dangerous. This is how people like him get caught. He had talked with Adam earlier this afternoon to confirm what Nicole had told him was the truth and it was. Adam would no doubt wallow in self-pity, most of his kind did. Michael would never waste energy on such emotions.

  He pulled up to the apartment building in the rented car. He shut the car off. He had to wait a moment to control his need.

  When a woman broke his heart he did what he does best. She took his heart he took her life. These kills where highly ritualize. He would strangle her until the life left her eyes then he stab her through the heart. He would lay the body out in a place that meant something to them. He would cut off a chunk of hair to save as a trophy then dose the body with white paint. He didn’t really know why he went to so much trouble with these kind of kills. From a legal standpoint this was oddly smart of him. They would never pin these murders on the same person from his previous kills, they were just too different to link to the same person.

  Michael’s first love was Jenny Thompson, their relationship lasted a year, but when she refused to go to the same college he did so they could be close to each other he took it as a betrayal and killed her. His second love, Kim Nichols, was during his sophomore year at Yale. She went to Southern Connecticut state university to study art. He grew tired of her clinginess and killed her. These two and one other victim were the only ones he remembered their names, the only ones he had a sliver of remorse for killing. No one knew of these relationships and he always figured he wanted it that way just in case he couldn’t control his demons and killed her. Self-preservation was always utmost in Michael’s mind.

  He got out of the car and headed inside. He looked around for any kind of cameras or security devices. Thankfully, most of these low rent apartments didn’t have any kind of security. He went to the stairs and just walked up the four flights. He couldn’t chance someone would see him. His need to kill was growing with every step he took.

  He swung open the stairwell door and did a quick look up and down the hallway. No one was there. He quickly headed for apartment twenty. He kept looking up and down the hallway as he waited for someone to answer.

  The door slowly opened.

  “Shit, did Adam send you?”

  Michael shoved the door open knocking Mindy on her ass.

  “Hey man, what the fuck?” a guy said.

  “Danny, don’t touch him, he is a fucking lawyer. This is Adam’s friend.” Mindy got up to her feet. “What do you want?”

  Michael made his way to her small kitchen.

  “Dude, get the fuck out of here or I will toss you out the fucking window.”

  Michael looked at the wannabe biker.

  “This is what you toss Adam away for.”

  “Okay, I get it, you are mad that I hurt your friend,” Mindy said.

  “No, you don’t get it, bitch. I’m fucking mad that you fucked up my plans for tonight.” Michael grabbed a large kitchen knife.

  “What are you going to do with that, pretty boy?” Danny said.

  “Let’s take it down a notch. You don’t need to try and scare me,” Mindy said.

  “Are you scared? Good, it’s much more fun when my victim is scared.”

  “Enough of this shit.” Danny walked over to him. “I doubt you will do anything, pretty boy, but I sure the fuck will. You have made a huge mistake.”

  “No, you have, asshole.” Michael lunged for Danny and stabbed him rapidly three times in the stomach. This would take him down. He quickly charged at Mindy and grabbed ahold of her. He grabbed a nearby lamp and pulled its cord from the wall socket. He tore the cord off the lamp and used it to hogtie her so she couldn’t move.

  He walked back over to Danny and just smiled down at him. The look of horror on this idiot’s face was priceless. Michael came down to his knees he set the blade of the knife against Danny’s throat. “You are going to die, asshole.” He listened to Danny plea for his life until he grew bored of it then he slit his throat.

  “You aren’t screaming, bitch,” Michael said as he walked over to Mindy.

  “Please, don’t kill me.”

  “You saw how well all that begging helped that idiot. No amount of begging or bargaining will save you. Die with some dignity. You fucked up my plans tonight. Some other bitch was supposed to die. You couldn’t keep your fucking legs close. Adam would have happily fucked you here, leaving his apartment empty like it was supposed to be.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Did you care anything for Adam?”
r />   “Of course I did. I will make it up to him if you let me live.”

  “I don’t give a flying shit about him. He is a means to an end. A scapegoat, fall guy, whatever term you would like to use. You see, bitch, I helped him so he could help me. It’s that simple. Tell me why you didn’t let him move in with you if you knew he was having a hard time financially.”

  “Why would I do that? What are you getting at?”

  “He was just a piece of arm candy for you, wasn’t he? Answer me,” Michael barked.

  “Yes. I just wanted to show him off to my friends. I knew that stupid band of his was going nowhere and I told him to get a real job, but he didn’t listen.”

  “Then I should thank you for being such a cold hearted bitch. I have killed so many people I have lost count. I take them to Adam’s apartment so I can play with them for a little while until I take their life. Look at me, I’m so close to Adam’s built, Adam’s looks, hell our voice even has the same deep tone, and not to mention I tell my victims when I meet them that I am Adam. So if I fuck up, Adam will take the fall. And it’s all your fault. Now, it’s playtime.”

  He lifted her up just enough so he could drag her into the bedroom. He will torture her until he grew bored of it then kill her like he had done with all the others. He will just leave their bodies here. There is nothing tying this bitch and her man to him. He would have to be careful not to leave any DNA evidence. Yet, at this moment he didn’t care about anything but Mindy’s torment.

  Chapter Six

  Nicole looked up at the Legacy Tower Building as she stood in front of the entrance. It was strange that such a modern-looking condo building had an historic entrance. Michael’s penthouse was on the seventy-first floor. He must make pretty damn good money if he could afford to live in a condo building like this. She walked up to the doorman. She told him that Mr. Lyons was expecting her and after he checked to make sure it was true he let her into the building.


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