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Guilty Pleasure

Page 5

by Justus Roux

  She took the elevator up to Michael’s penthouse. A mixture of fear and arousal filled her. She got out of the elevator and just beyond it was the door to his penthouse.

  “Girl, I hope you know what you are doing?” she told herself.

  She rang the doorbell and within a few moments the door open. Michael was wearing just a pair of jeans. God, he looked good.

  “Come in, Nicole.” He headed into the main living area.

  “Whoa…” Nicole exclaimed as the skyline of Chicago was easily viewed from the large windows. “How do you afford living here? Oh, I’m sorry I…”

  “It’s okay, Nicole,” Michael chuckled. He handed her a glass of wine. “Nothing has to happen, Nicole. It’s just enough you showed up.”

  She took the glass of wine from him as her eyes traveled down his well-chiseled chest. She wanted to run her hands over the beauty of his body…her pussy moistened at the thought of tasting his skin, feeling the hardness of him…her breathing quickened. She quickly everted her gaze. She had to keep a level head. She was afraid to want him, but more so, she was feared that she might fall in love with him. Oh, she was getting way ahead of herself. She had to change her thoughts quickly.

  “Do you want me to take off my shoes?” she asked.

  “If you want to. Drink the wine to calm your nerves.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I’m intrigued that you still have the need to address me as Sir while you are standing in my home.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Please don’t apologize. I like that you call me Sir. Feel free to look around. And to answer your earlier question about affording this place, well my parents are quite rich and I have done really well in my practice.”

  Nicole walked over to the large window. The view was breathtaking.

  “Where ever you look out has an amazing view that is why I bought this condo. I’m going to finish up dinner as you explore.”

  “You didn’t have to make me dinner.”

  “I know, but I wanted to.”

  She smiled shyly at him. She couldn’t resist exploring his large condo. The furnishing were modern and sleek, yet there was a coldness, a sterility about how he had this large condo decorated. She walked over to a huge bookshelf that went floor to ceiling. It even had a wooden ladder so someone could reach the top bookshelf. She liked that, the large antique bookshelf gave a bit of warmth to the space. She moved closer to look at some of the titles. There were shelves filled with self-help books. Her gaze traveled higher and there were of course books on law and all the fiction classics.

  “There you are,” Michael said as he came up to her and poured her another glass of wine.

  “I was just checking out your books. I wouldn’t think you would need all these self-help books you are so confident.”

  “I wasn’t always that way. When your parents are highly successful in their chosen fields, a lot is expected of you.”

  “What does your parents do?”

  “My father is a skilled surgeon and my mom owns a successful art gallery. So naturally everyone expected their only child to be exceptional.”

  “The pressure of that must have been enormous.”

  “It was. But I’m tough.”

  He couldn’t tell her that he had to study how so called normal people think, or that knowing the psyche of a wide range of people would make it easier to trick his victims. He had forgotten about those self-help books. Yet, judging by that look of empathy, which always intrigue him about her, was plastered on her face she easily bought his story. Sure his parents were successful and they did exactly what he told her. But they never pressured him to do anything. They only wanted him to be happy.

  Michael grabbed her hand and led her to the dining room.


  She did. “Your condo is so large. Do you entertain a lot?”

  “Nope.” He set the plate of stir-fry in front of her. “I like my space. And like I said the view was worth the price of this condo.” He sat across from her.

  She began eating. “This is delicious.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I’m a very private person, Nicole. If you want to start any sort of relationship with me you need to know that.”

  “There are different levels of private.”

  “I don’t have many friends. I don’t have time. I have had two serious relationships in my life and both of those I kept very private.” He saw her apprehension. “What’s wrong, Nicole?”

  “I moved here to get out of a very bad relationship. Nathan tried to isolate me from everyone…”

  “Oh, I see now, I don’t own you, Nicole, nor do I ever want to. You are your own woman. It’s just when I share myself with someone I become very vulnerable and I don’t like feeling that way. And I don’t want what happened to Adam to happen to me. What woman wouldn’t want to show off her rich, successful and attractive man? I’m not some show pony. I need to know that if I make myself vulnerable to a woman that she wants to get to know me, not what I can do for her. I hope I’m explaining this right.”

  “I think I understand.”

  “There is something about you, Nicole, that makes me feel safe. And like I said your submissive nature is calling out to my dominant nature. I want to protect you. I want to get to know you. I’m not going to lie to you and fill your head with romantic notions, it takes me awhile to fall in love, but when I do I fall hard. I’m leaving myself open for you to hurt me…”

  “I want to get to know you. I have never met a man like you before that makes me melt inside.”

  “Melt inside, I like that.”

  She looked at him, knowing he would be smiling. God, she love this man’s smile.

  Michael stood and went over to her. “Come with me, Nicole.” He grabbed her hand and led her out onto the balcony that looked over Lake Michigan. “Beautiful, isn’t it.”

  “Yes.” She took in the view as she held his hand tightly. She couldn’t stop this, she was falling in love with him. A part of her was terrified and yet another part of her was excited. He was so different than Nathan.

  He pulled her into his arms and held her tightly to him. He kissed her with the same ferocity he did when he took her in his office. Her body, her mind, surrendered completely to him. He lifted her up and pressed her against the glass. He used one hand to tear her panties from her.

  “I suggest you don’t wear panties around me, woman,” he said as he playfully bit her lip. He quickly undid his jeans and let them fall down to his ankles. He rammed his cock deeply into her. He felt her legs wrap tighter around him as he thrust hard. He pressed his body against hers as he continued to take her roughly. She surrendered to him, he could feel it and this only fueled his need to take her rougher. Her hands glided through his hair as she held on to him.

  “Yes!” she moaned as she rode the waves of her orgasm.

  “Look at me,” he growled.

  Her eyes slowly opened. The intensity of his dark eyes sent an erotic shiver through her body.

  “You are mine. Say it.”

  “I’m yours….I’m yours, Sir.”

  “Oh God, yes!!” he howled as he orgasmed. He held her to him for a moment and slowly put her down.

  He pulled up his jeans as she straightened out her skirt. He grabbed her hand and led her back into the main living area. He sat on the sofa and pulled her down onto his lap.

  “I need to keep what develops between us secret, Nicole. I need to know that you want to be with me for me.”

  “I’m scared…what if you just want to control me like Nathan had done.”

  “I’m not trying to control you, Nicole. I just want to keep our relationship a secret. All other parts of your life is what you decide. When we are at work I’m your boss, not your lover. If this is too much for you I will understand.”

  “I want to try. I want to give you what you need, but promise me once you feel safe that I’m not trying to use you that we can tell other people about us.”
  “Of course. I’m glad you understand and respect my feeling about this.”

  He laid her down on the sofa and leisurely kissed her. He couldn’t risk anyone knowing that they were involved. A part of him wanted to believe that maybe, just maybe, this might work out between them. Yet, he believed that about the other two and both ended the same way. He looked down at her lying underneath him. The trust she had in her eyes, the way she smiled sweetly at him, just the general warmth she had about her. She was a fool to give herself to him. How could she not see what he really was? She reached up and gently caressed his cheek. Such a simple gestured, one that normally wouldn’t mean anything to him, but yet…the way the light danced in her big brown eyes…a small part of him wanted to tell her to run away from him.

  “Kiss me,” she said softly.

  He smiled then leaned in and kissed her slowly and completely. Run, Nicole, run away from me while you still can…ran over and over in his mind.


  Nicole went into her apartment. She spotted Adam sitting at the kitchen table with Monica. Something was wrong. She could tell by the look on Monica’s face.

  “What happened?” Nicole said.

  “They found Adam’s ex-girlfriend and some guy dead in her apartment.”

  “The cops came to my apartment and brought me to the police station. They fucking thought I did that to her.” Adam felt sick to his stomach.

  “Those asshole cops showed Adam pictures of the crime scene,” Monica said.

  “Oh my God, why would they do that?” Nicole said.

  “They wanted to see my reaction. I can’t believe they thought I could butcher someone like that. I was hurt and angry with her, but I never wanted something like that to happen to her.”

  Nicole sat next to him.

  “You are clear of the charges right?” Nicole asked.

  “Yes. I had an airtight alibi, me and my band were rehearsing at the studio. I’m never going to get those images out of my head.”

  Nicole grabbed his hand and squeeze lightly. He was so distraught she wanted to ease his pain a little. She couldn’t believe that someone killed Mindy. They were just helping Adam get over losing her and now this. It was surreal.

  “The cops think it was some sort of drug deal gone wrong. That guy she was with has been busted for dealing before. There were drugs found in the apartment. All of that coupled with the brutality of the murders leads to that conclusion,” Monica said.

  “I didn’t know she was involved with drug dealers,” Adam said.

  “The cops shouldn’t have done that to you. There has to be something that can be done. Maybe Michael would know what to do.”

  “That is sweet of you to suggest that, Nicole, but all I want to do is forget this. She did just dump me just before she got murdered. I am the most likely suspect. I didn’t mean to drag this stuff into you gal’s home…”

  “Hey, don’t think like that. Nicole and I are happy to help you. I’m glad you came here. You are welcomed to stay as long as you want,” Monica said.

  “I think it’s best if I just go home. I have to sort this shit out in my head and I do that better alone. Thanks again for listening.” Adam got up. He gave both of them a hug and left the room.

  Nicole sat back down.

  “Wow, I mean Mindy was a bitch, but she didn’t deserve that. Adam wanted to see you. He said something about you brings calm. Where were you last night?”


  “You said you were going to Michael’s apartment.”

  “Oh shit I did tell you that didn’t I.”

  “You stayed at his house last night…girl, screwing the boss isn’t always a good idea.”

  “Okay this is going to sound weird and you have to promise not to tell anyone.”

  “I promise.”

  “It’s very important that you don’t say anything.”

  “Okay I got it, hush, hush.”

  “Michael and I are starting a personal relationship, but he wants to keep it secret.”

  “A secret, why would he want to keep your relationship secret? Maybe it has to do with the fact he is your boss and people at the firm might talk.”

  “That’s part of it. But he said that he is a very private person and wants to keep his private life, private, well that is the gist of it. I was worried about this because of what Nathan did to me, I sure the hell don’t want to get trapped in something like that again. Michael explain his reasons and I believe him.”

  “I won’t say anything to anyone. It’s no one’s business anyways.”

  “I feel weird talking about this after what happened to Adam.”

  “No one saw that coming, girl. Plus, Adam would be happy for you.”

  “Don’t tell him about me and Michael.”

  “I know, calm down. But can I say something.”

  “Of course.”

  “To me it’s a bit strange how he doesn’t want anyone to know you guys are starting a relationship. I can see being hush hush at work, but what is the big deal if people outside of your work knows.”

  “He wants to be loved for himself not for what he can do for someone.”

  “Whoa, his past girlfriends burnt him. It is you and his business, so I will do what you want. Damn girl, Michael is smoking hot, you lucky bitch.”

  Nicole smiled. “I’m just nervous about all of this. What really scares me is that I think I love him already.”

  “Love is some scary shit. That is why I don’t actively seek it out.”

  “We can’t let Adam be alone.”

  “Nope we can’t. So later on today we will be bringing him some dinner.”

  Chapter Seven

  Adam just sat on his sofa staring out into space. The images of Mindy’s body stabbed like that. Whoever did that to her wanted her to feel pain. Yet, the man that was with her only had a couple of stab wounds and his throat cut, which means whoever did that wanted the guy to see Mindy tortured. That had to be it. Mindy wasn’t a drug dealer. Yet, there was so many things he didn’t know about her.

  Adam quickly stood when he felt someone’s hand in his hair.

  “I’m sorry, your door was open and I was worried,” Nicole stood there with a box of pizza. “I brought you dinner. Monica will be here shortly.”

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “We wanted to make sure you were alright.” She went into his small kitchen and set the pizza box down on the table.

  Adam followed her. He barely knew this woman, but being around her made him calm. He liked talking with Monica and she was a good listener, but Nicole is why he went to their apartment. She had such a warmth to her, that added to the fact you could see what she was thinking because her face was so expressive was refreshing.

  “I was just talking to Michael, you know work stuff. I told him what happened to you. I hope that was okay. I wanted him to be aware just in case you need a good lawyer.”

  “Michael would be the lawyer I would want.”

  “Sit down and eat.”

  “Only if you join me.”

  “Okay.” She smiled brightly at him. “Where are your plates?”

  “I will get them.” Adam went to the cupboard and got three plates. “You did say Monica was coming, right?”


  Adam set the plates down then sat on the chair. Nicole grabbed a couple pieces of pizza and put them on the plate then handed him the plate. She got some pizza for herself then sat across from him.

  “You have a nice apartment,” Nicole said.

  “Nice isn’t exactly a word I would use for it, but it’s free so I’m not complaining.”

  Nicole talked on about this and that. Adam just sat there and listened to her. He enjoyed listening to her talk.

  “Are you and Michael dating?”

  Nicole was quiet for a moment. “Why would you think that?”

  “When you say his name your face lights up.”

  “It does?”

“Yep.” Adam was confused when she looked a bit distraught. “My bad, you must like him and he has no idea that you do. I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

  “That’s not it.”

  “Hey, I won’t pry.”

  There was a knock on the front door. Adam walked over and opened it up. He smiled at Monica and gestured for her to come in.

  Adam enjoyed Monica and Nicole’s visit it made him forget everything for a few hours. When they left to go home all those awful feelings swept over him again. He grabbed his jacket and headed out. He was going to go to the studio and lose himself in his music. He had to do something to get those awful images out of his mind.


  Michael stood in the control room of the studio Adam was rehearsing in. He watched Adam strumming away at his acoustic guitar trying to create some sort of melody. Nicole had called Michael and was worried about Adam. Normally, this attention Nicole was giving to Adam might make a man jealous, she was his after all, yet Michael knew Nicole’s intentions. She was just showing compassion for her roommate’s friend.

  It was clear that Adam was distraught. He wore his emotions on his sleeve, just like Nicole did. Michael was relieved when the police just chalked the murder up to drug violence. They would never connect him to it. He was reckless when he killed that bitch and that man of hers. He had to be more careful. He couldn’t allow himself to lose control like that again.

  What Michael couldn’t understand was why Adam was so upset. The bitch that broke his heart got what was coming to her. His curiosity to know the why of it made him come here to talk with Adam. It was a bonus that this would also make Nicole happy.

  Michael waited for Adam to stop playing then he walked into the live room.

  “Holy shit, you scared me, Michael,” Adam said as he set the guitar down.

  “Nicole wanted me to check on you.”

  “She did? She has already been so sweet to me.”

  “Yeah, I know.” That came out harsher than Michael intended.

  “If I didn’t know better I would say you aren’t too happy about Nicole hanging around with me.”


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