Wild Bill Donovan
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83–84 Donovan sat to “United States”: “55,051 See Dodgers Beat Giants; Bears Win, Tie Packers for Western Title,” “Tuffy Leemans Receives the Gifts, but Two Dodgers Steal Spotlight,” New York Times, Dec. 8, 1941, p. 32; “Football Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941: Suddenly the Games Didn’t Matter,” New York Times, Dec. 7, 1980, p. S6; Gentry, pp. 277–78; Churchill, The Grand Alliance, p. 605; Nelson Poynter memo to WJD, Nov. 15, 1941, Fr: 385–88, R: 48, WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 14, 1942, Fr: 1029–32, R: 22, John Elwood letter to WJD, Nov. 6, 1941, Fr: 543–46, R: 49, M1642, RG226, NA; Ralph Nafziger memo on CBS Shortwave Department, Sept. 20, 1941, B: 16, ELP, DDEL; Nelson Poynter memo to WJD, Dec. 7, 1941, Fr: 1404–8, R: 48, M1642, RG226, NA.
84–85 Donovan walked to intelligence agency: The President’s Appointments, Dec. 7, 1941, Book 4, Sherwood Collection, HHP, FDRL; Gunther, pp. 361–62; Weintraub, pp. 327–33; Sperber, pp. 206–7; Whitney memo to Sherwood, Nov. 21, 1941, Fr: 546, Pflaum memo to Winner, Jan. 22, 1942, Fr: 954, R: 123, Edward R. Murrow letter to WJD, Jan. 31, 1945, Fr: 673, 675, R: 71, M1642, RG226, NA; Notes from WJD—April 5, 1949, B: “Bomb Fuses, Admiral Darlan, etc.,” WJDP, MHI.
86 “was firm”: “Germany Delays Axis Pact Action,” New York Times, Dec. 8, 1941; Brinkley, p. 92; WJD letter to James Forrestal, Dec. 10, 1941, HS letter to WJD, Feb. 2, 1942, Fr: 1167–85, R: 46, M1642, RG226, NA; AB diary entries, Dec. 7 and 10, 1941, ABP, FDRL; Irving Pflaum memo to WJD, Dec. 9, 1941, Fr: 331–35, R: 121, M1642, RG226, NA; Atherton Richards memo to WJD, Dec. 27, 1941, Fr: 404–6, R: 55, William Kimbel memo, Dec. 20, 1941, Fr: 374–75, R: 66, Memo for U.S. Ambassador, Chunking, China, Dec. 16, 1941, Fr: 718–25, R: 48, M1642, RG226, NA.
86 Great Britain: Elsey, p. 19; Gilbert, Feb. 1, 2008; Memos to FDR, Dec. 13, 1941, Report on the Current Situation in Baja California, Dec. 15, 1941, OSS, Reports 12-12 to 17-41, Subject File, PSF, FDRL; W. B. Phillips memo to WJD, Dec. 23, 1941, Fr: 253–55, R: 73, Dec. 10, 1941 memo, Fr: 292–93, R: 123, WL memo, Dec. 9, 1941, Fr: 336–38, R: 121, M1642, RG226, NA; JEH letter to EW, March 11, 1942, Rpt. No. 2013, OF 10B, FDRL.
87 to do so: Nelson Poynter memo to Robert Sherwood, Dec. 9, 1941, B: 16, ELP, DDEL; WJD memo to Capt. Roosevelt, Dec. 9, 1941, Fr: 1227, R: 100, WJD memo to FDR, Dec. 9, 1941, Fr: 123, R: 123, M1642, RG226, NA; Mulligan, p. 82; WJD speech before the Canadian Club, April 10, 1941, B: 2B, WJDP, MHI; “Germany and Italy Declare War on U.S.,” New York Times, Dec. 12, 1941.
88 her vulnerability: William Kimbel memo to Victor Sheronas, Dec. 22, 1941, Fr: 633–44, R: 1, M1642, RG226, NA; Putzell, OHP, pp. 50–51; WJD memos to FDR, Dec. 17 and 18, 1941 Fr: 714, 782–89, 733, R: 22, WJD memo to FDR, March 11, 1942, Fr: 1135–36, R: 75, M1642, RG226, NA; WJD memo to White House, December 1941, Diplomatic Correspondence Spain, 1940–45, PSF, FDRL; “Boiler Explodes at Spanish Embassy,” Washington Post, Dec. 26, 1941; WJD memo to FDR, Dec. 30, 1941, OSS, Reports 12-22 to 30-41, Subject Files, PSF, FDRL; WJD memo to FDR, Dec. 22, 1941, Fr: 857–67, WJD memo to FDR, Dec. 18, 1941, Fr: 790–91, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA.
88 to defect: WJD memo to FDR, March 11, 1942, Fr: 1243–50, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA; Memo for Chief of Staff, March 13, 1942, B: 10, EKP, LOC; WJD memos to FDR, Feb. 19 and 21, 1942, FDR memo to WJD, Feb. 25, 1942, GCM letter to WJD, Feb. 27, 1942, Fr: 177–213, R: 97, Fr: 573, 578, 1061–63, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA.
89 German invaders: Notes regarding the Nazi Organization for Sabotage in the United States, Fr: 590–91, R: 97, WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 17, 1942, Fr: 1036, R: 22, John Wiley memo to WJD, March 7, 1942, Fr: 1159–61, R: 49, Political Tendencies Amongst the Population of Ukrainian Descent in the United States, Fr: 955–68, R: 104, Lowman memo to WJD, Feb. 16, 1942, Fr: 1149–63, R: 39, M1642, RG226, NA.
89 the internment: WJD memo to FDR, Dec. 15, 1941, OSS, Reports 12-12 to 17-41, Subject File, PSF, FDRL; Pearl Buck memo to WJD, Fr: 456–77, R: 36, EB letter to WJD, Feb. 20, 1942, Fr: 372–74, R: 39, M1642, RG226, NA.
89–91 Sporting a to inner sanctum: FDR Day by Day—The Pare Lorentz Chronology, Jan. 11, 1942, FDRL; Brown, pp. 200–202; WVHD, p. 3, WJDP, MHI; Notes from WJD—April 5, 1949, B: “Bomb Fuses, Admiral Darlan, etc.,” WJDP, MHI; Elsey, pp. 18–21; HS diary entry, Jan. 12, 1942, Film HM 51, HSP, YU; Irving Pflaum letter to William Hassett, Dec. 23, 1941, OSS, Nov.–Dec. 1941, OF 4485, FDRL; WJD memos to FDR, Dec. 21, 1941, Fr: 448–49, 838–47, WJD letter to Harold Smith, Dec. 26, 1942, Fr: 451–57, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA; WJD memo to FDR, Dec. 22, 1941, OSS, 12-22 to 30-1941 File, Subject File, PSF, FDRL; Persico, Roosevelt’s Secret War, pp. 208, 239; Sherwood, p. 202; Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer oral history, p. 13, HIA; HH memo, Dec. 17, 1941, Hopkins, Harry, SF, PSF, FDRL; Elsey, July 24, 2008.
93 the capital: “Col. Donovan Is Wild Chief of Mysterious U.S. Army,” Washington Post, Jan. 20, 1942; Donovan’s Undertaking, Munchner Neueste Nachrichten, Dec. 23, 1941, B: Press Statements on OSS, 1942–45, WJDP, MHI; WJD letter to Leonard Lindas, Feb. 20, 1943, and Lindas reply, Feb. 26, 1942, Fr: 1280–84, R: 92, M1642, RG226, NA; Friant, Feb. 18, 2008; Lumbard, OHC, p. 15; Gilbert, Oct. 29, 2007, Jan. 12, 2008; McKay, Feb. 18, 2008; David G. Donovan, Nov. 11, 2007; Mugler, Jan. 21, 2008.
93 “never-mind”: Ford, pp. 239–40; Putzell, OHP, p. 20; Peers and Brelis, pp. 29–30; interview with WL, Feb. 5, 1969, B: 136B, WJDP, MHI; Vincent Lassiter, The General Donovan Story, B: 1A, WJDP, MHI.
93–94 By the end to as well: Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 77–80; Ford, pp. 132–34; Kingsley, Jan. 7, 2008; John Pershing letter to WJD, Feb. 16, 1943 Fr: 883–84, R: 119, Analysis of Security Office File Relating to Karl L. Falk, May 11, 1943, Fr: 590–96, R: 136, M1642, RG226, NA; Vincent Donovan letter to Jim Murphy, July 15, 1943, B: 379, E: 92, RG226, NA; Harold Ickes letter to WJD, July 21, 1941, B: 180, HIP, LOC; Notes on Discussion between Mr. Elmo Roper and Mr. A. M. Wilson, Jan. 8, 1945, B: German Documents, Elmo Roper, etc., WJDP, MHI; FDR memo to EW, Oct. 2, 1941, EW memo to James Roosevelt, Oct. 7, 1941, OSS, 1940–Oct. 1941, OF 4485, FDRL; Kingsley, Jan. 7, 2008; John Weitz interview, B: Interviews—Teitelbaum to Withrow Jr. 1979-undated, WJDP, MHI; Chalou, pp. 20, 24; Interview with OCD, pp. 150, 425, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; “Senate Votes Inquiry into U.S. Bureaucracy,” Chicago Tribune, Feb. 19, 1942; James Wright letter to A. M. Kirchhofer, June 16, 1942, B: 19, RDP, MHI; WJD memo to FDR, April 22, 1942, Fr: 139–42, R: 23, letter to Robert Sherwood, May 23, 1942, Security Office memo to WJD, May 28, 1942, Fr: 13–33, R: 49, Fr: 82, R: 109, M1642, RG226, NA.
94 the schemes: OSS Assessment Program, Fr: 618–704, R: 33, M1642, RG226, NA; JEH letter to WJD, July 13, 1945, Fr: 1149–56, R: 46, M1642, RG226, NA.
95 set up for it: War Report of the OSS, pp. 70–73; Chief of Naval Operations memo to FK, Sept. 25, 1941, B: 1, TTP, RG263, NA; WJD memo to Wallace Phillips, Nov. 17, 1941, Fr: 462–503, R: 97, NA; Agent telegram to Phillips, Nov. 15, 1941, WJD letter to Atherton Richards, Nov. 24, 1941, Fr: 462–503, R: 97, M1642, RG226, NA; Wallace Phillips memo to WJD, Nov. 18, 1941, B: 361, E: 210, RG226; WJD undated memo to Wallace Phillips, Fr: 462–503, R: 97, M1642, RG226, NA; J.B. memo on Danger of German Infiltration into North Africa, March 13, 1941, FO 371-28378, NAUK.
95 they collected: WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 18, 1942, Fr: 1059, R: 22, DB memo to WJD, Nov. 10, 1941, Fr: 63–67, R: 33, Norman Davis letter to WJD, Nov. 19, 1941, Fr: 936–41, R: 104, WJD letters to A. Stuber, May 6 and 11, 1942, Fr: 327–31, R: 48, M1642, RG226, NA; DB memo to WJD, July 21, 1942, B: 350, E: 210, RG226, NA; DB memo to H. Watson Starcher, March 26, 1942, B: 386, E: 210, RG226, NA; WJD memo to JCS, Jan. 22, 1943, B: 251, E: 210, RG226, NA.
96 “the trees”: Mauch, pp. 43–44; War Report of the OSS, pp. 61–63; Serge Obolensky letter to FDR, June 24, 1941, Fr: 754–59, R: 120, Eve Curie letter to WJD, Aug. 7, 1941, WJD draft letter to Trippe, Fr: 746–75, R: 38, WJD memos to FDR, April 30, 1942, Fr: 147, 193–96, R: 23, M1642, RG226, NA; Harold Ickes diaries, entry March 3, 1943,
HIP, LOC; WJD letter to FDR, Nov. 17, 1941, B: 16, E: 211, RG226, NA; Armand Denis letter to DB, Sept. 17, 1942, B: 352, E: 210, RG226, NA.
97 “bill of goods”: Chalou, p. 46; Donovan, “A Central Intelligence Agency,” p. 446; Donovan, “Intelligence: Key to Defense,” p. 114; Coordinator of Information Budget Proposal for 1943, Fr: 190, R: 43, M1642, RG226, NA; Harold Smith diary entry, Jan. 6, 1942, HSP, FDRL.
98 troublesome rival: George H. Muhle Report on Office of Economic Intelligence, Propaganda and Similar Action, B: 4, E: 210, RG226, NA; German Bayer Aspirin memo to WJD, May 26, 1943, B: 11, E: 157, George Office Records, RG226, NA; George memo to Francis, Aug. 16, 1943, B: 6, E: 157, George Office Records, RG226, NA; Dun & Bradstreet report, April 7, 1944, B: 344, E: 210, RG226, NA; War Report of the OSS, p. 142; Preston Goodfellow memo to J. V. Grombach, March 18, 1942, John Grombach memo to Preston Goodfellow, May 7, 1942, B: 4, Almet Latson letter to Preston Goodfellow, June 17, 1942, Box 2, MPGP, HIA; Profile of John V. Grombach sent to author by Thomas Troy; WJD memo to Preston Goodfellow, April 28, 1942, Fr: 1096, R: 123, M1642, RG226, NA; Stout, p. 2; John Grombach letter to George Sokolsky, May 28, 1953, B: 57, GSP, HIA.
98–99 Donovan’s headquarters to traffic cop: James Murphy memo to EH, July 24, 1942, Fr: 1334–42, R: 92, WJD letter to Rowland, Oct. 22, 1942, Fr: 754, R: 45, William Kimbel memo to WJD, Feb. 8, 1943, Fr: 859–64, R: 65, M1642, RG226, NA; “Remembering 109,” by Julia Child, OSS Society Newsletter, Spring 2001, p. 5; OCD memo to WJD, Oct. 29, 1942, Fr: 839–44, R: 56, M1642, RG226, NA; HRW’s memo of his talk with the Secretary of State, June 4, 1042 Fr: 339–40, R: 112, M1642, RG226, NA; Calvin Hoover memo to WJD, Aug. 21, 1942, B: 362, E: 210, RG226, NA; Harold Ickes letter to WJD, Sept. 15, 1942, Fr: 832–35, R: 56, Secretariat memo to Sears, Jan. 13, 1944, Fr: 924–28, R: 56, M1642, RG226, NA.
100 personal sources: WJD letter to Daniel Bell, Oct. 26, 1942, Fr: 1177, R: 117, Stanton Griffis memo to WJD, Sept. 15, 1942, Fr: 1168, R: 92, Stanley Lovell memo to WJD, Feb. 22, 1943, WJD letter to John Deane, March 10, 1943, Fr: 462–81, R: 96, M1642, RG226, NA; War Report of the OSS, pp. 85, 129–55; Garland Williams memo to Goodfellow, April 28, 1942, Fr: 50–51, R: 45, M1642, RG226, NA; Page, OHP, p. 21.
100 the novelist: WJD letter to FDR, Nov. 17, 1941, Fr: 430–33, R: 22, WJD memo to FDR, April 21, 1942, Fr: 120, R: 23, M1642, RG226, NA; Memos to WJD on scopolamine, Nov. 11–12, 1941, R: 76, A-3304, RG226, NA; Halpern, OHP, p. 13; Gladieux, OHC, pp. 393–95; Wesley McQueen memo to Early, Oct. 21, 1941, B: 89, E: 47, RG226, NA; Trumbrill Marshall letter to WJD, July 31, 1941, Fr: 649–51, R: 113, John Steinbeck letter to WJD, Aug. 19, 1941, Fr: 1015–17, R: 104, M1642, RG226, NA.
101 American people: WJD memo to FDR, May 5, 1942, FDR memo to S.T.E., May 6, 1942, OSS Reports 4-29 to 5-9-42, Subject File, PSF, FDRL; W. Don Clawson letter to A. S. Watt, Dec. 8, 1942, and WJD response, Dec. 31, Fr: 109–15, R: 33, WJD memos to FDR, Feb. 10 and 18, 1942, Fr: 442–45, R: 75, M1642, RG226, NA; HS diary entry, Dec. 20, 1942, Film HM 51, HSP, YU.
101–102 Stanley P. Lovell to one memo: Lovell, pp. 35–58, 167, 183–88; Persico, Roosevelt’s Secret War, pp. 165–66; Dunlop, pp. 377–78; Fischer, pp. 10–11; R. Mazzarini memo to H. P. DeVries, June 2, 1944, B: 366, E: 210, RG226, NA; Lt. Macdonald memo to Major Shepard, Aug. 29, 1941, B: 207, E: 210, RG226, NA; Warren Lothrop letter to Stanley Lovell, Nov. 11, 1942, B: 207, E: 210, GR226, NA; Amendments to OSS 1942 Catalogue of Materiel, Fr: 1776–77, R: 14, Sylvester Missal memo to WJD, May 31, 1944, Fr: 201–2, 113–14, R: 73, M1642, RG226, NA; War Report of the OSS, pp. 83, 159; General Counsel memo to Rex Keller, July 16, 1945, B: 37, JDP, HIA; James Hamilton memo to Edmond Taylor, Aug. 29, 1943, B: 361, E: 210, RG226, NA.
102–103 Smoke swirled to the experiments: Truth Drug Preliminary Report, Oct. 13, 1943, Part 2, B: 2, GU; Allen Abrams memos to WJD, June 4 and 21, 1943, Memorandum on T.D. June 2, 1943 (Withheld), Item 1, R: 86, 89-0067R Donovan Microfilm RG226, NA; WJD memo to OCD, May 10, 1944, B: “United Kingdom—OSS Training School 1040-60,” WJDP, MHI; WJD memo to Cornell University Medical College, March 26, 1945, B: 344, E: 21, RG225, NA; H. G. Wolff letter to WJD, Sept. 21, 1946, B: 364, E: 210, RG226, NA; Lovell, pp. 57–58.
104 and Navy: William Whitney memo to WJD, Jan. 8, 1952, and WJD Reply, Fr: 411–20, R: 123, WJD letter to Robert Sherwood, Feb. 23, 1942, Fr: 10, R: 106, WJD memo to Robert Sherwood, May 5, 1942, Fr: 1053–55, R: 49, M1642, RG226, NA; Elmo Roper letter to WJD, May 13, 1942, B: 3, TTP, RG263, NA; Troy, Donovan and the CIA, pp. 120–47; Interview with OCD, pp. 378–79, box labeled “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89, WJDP,” MHI.
104–105 Roosevelt, who to his adventures: WJD memo to FDR, March 6, 1942, OSS, Reports 3-1 to 9-42, Subject File, PSF, FDRL; WJD memo to FDR, May 26, 1942, Fr: 569, R: 63, WJD memo to FDR, Feb. 28, 1942, Fr: 272–73, R: 32, M1642, RG226, NA; FDR memo to WJD, Feb. 9, 1942, OSS Confidential File, PSF, FDRL; Lovell, pp. 61–63; Tolstoy-Dolan Mission B: 99B, WJDP, MHI; WJD letter to FDR, March 24, 1943, and FDR response, March 26, 1943, the Dalai Lama, PPF 8108, FDRL.
106–107 Donovan’s Coordinator to of evil: Irving Pflaum memo with transcript to WJD, Sept. 29, 1941, Fr: 1154–55, R: 52, R. A. Pfaff memo to EB, Jan. 16, 1945, Fr: 1020–21, R: 99, M1642, RG226, NA; Weinberg, pp. 305, 481–83; vanden Heuvel, Jan. 7, 2008.
107 the sex: Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler: His Life and Legend, by Walter C. Langer, Analysis of the Personality of Adolf Hitler, by Henry A. Murray, October 1943, B: 188, E: 139, RG226, NA; General Counsel memo to WJD, Nov. 11, 1944, Fr: 1016–19, R: 38, M1642, RG226, NA.
107–108 An important to “bedtime stories”: Persico, Roosevelt’s Secret War, pp. 191, 233, 330–31; Mauch, pp. 48, 50, 56; Grose, pp. 112–16; WJD letter to John McCloy, March 26, 1942, Fr: 30–33, R: 54, Special Sedgewick Report, Dec. 9, 1943, Fr: 374–76, R: 109, M1642, RG226, NA; J. F. Carter letter to Gerald Campbell, May 26, 1942, R. Campbell letter to Carter, FDR memo to Secretary of State, Dec. 3, 1942, Subject File Carter, John F., PSF, FDRL; Memo to Miss Clarkson with memo to SW, July 4, 1942, Memorandum on E.S., July 7, 1942, JFC memo to SW, Nov. 3, 1942F: Carter, John Franklin, 1942, Office Correspondence 1920–1943, SWP, FDRL.
108 with longing”: Douglas Miller memo to WJD, Oct. 6, 1941, with Notes for a strategic plan, Fr: 1163–67, R: 52, J. P. Warburg memo to Barnes, Dec. 19, 1941, Fr: 88, R: 36, Nelson Poynter memo to WJD, Aug. 7, 1941, Fr: 411, R: 49, M1642, RG226, NA; Interview with Dr. J. P. Baxter, Oct. 25, 1944, Col. Thomas Early’s dictated report, Dec. 12, 1044, B: unnumbered third and fourth boxes from the end of the collection, WJDP, MHI.
108–109 Donovan became to back to Donovan: Donovan appointment book, Sept. 30, 1941, B: 98A & B, WJDP, MHI; Malcolm Lovell and Hans Thomsen files, B: 355, E: 210 and B: 312, E: 92, RG226, NA; Brinkley, pp. 37–39; Interrogation Report on Hans Thomsen, Oct. 10, 1945, B: 337, E: 19, RG226, NA; Bureau Memo Re: Malcolm Lovell, March 14, 1946, 100-25944-47 (19), FBI.
109 an assassination: Dec. 10, 1941 memo, Fr: 1219–24, R: 52, WJD memo to James Dunn, Jan. 13, 1941, Fr: 446–51, R: 75, M1642, RG226, NA.
110 of Austria: AWD memo to WJD, April 8, 1942, Fr: 810, R: 48, AWD memo to Hugh Wilson, June 3, 1942, Fr: 375–79, R: 68, M1642, RG226, NA; WJD memo to FDR, March 26, 1942, Fr: 1360–61, R: 22, M1642, RG226, NA; George Bowden memo to Donald Downes, Oct. 19, 1942, B: 4, Memo for AWD on Father Odo, April 17, 1941, B: 4, E: 136A, Donald Downes Papers, RG226, NA; AWD memo to Hugh Wilson, May 29, 1942, B: 346, E: 210, RG226, NA; WJD memo to FDR, April 21, 1942, Fr: 111–17, R: 23, Michael Williams letter to WJD, March 18, 1943 Fr: 1046–53, R: 119, M1642, RG226, NA; WJD memo to FDR, March 26, 1942, OSS Reports 3-16 to 26-42 Subject File, PSF, FDRL; SW letter to FDR, March 31, 1942, Coordinator of Information 1942, Office Correspondence, 1920–43, SWP, FDRL; Brinkley, p. 143.
111 Donovan agreed: Donald Downes memos to WJD, Aug. 18 and Oct. 1, 1942, Confidential memo on Treviranus, Jan. 27, 1943, Robert Ullman memo to Sidney Clark, Jan. 20, 1942, B: 1, E: 1
83, RG226, NA; “Strategic Services,” B: 8, E: 136A Donald Downes Papers, RG226, NA.
113 to himself: Interview with Wayne Nelson, Nov. 28, 1961, B: 4A, WJDP, MHI; Interview with EB, March 3, 1945, B: unnumbered third and fourth boxes from the end of the collection, WJDP, MHI; Brinkley, pp. 139–40, 156–63; Wallace, OHC, pp. 1476–77, 2147.
113 husbands’ ears: Train, OHC, p. 296; Dunlop, p. 348; WJD memo to Chief of Naval Personnel, May 3, 1943, Fr: 589–91, R: 19, M1642, RG226, NA; Howe, July 19, 2009; Kingsley, Jan. 7, 2008; Interview with Mary Bancroft, p. 20, July 16, 1980, B: Interviews—Bancroft to Sherwood 1945-undated, WJDP, MHI; Report #5 (10/16/42) B: 3, E: 136A, RG226, NA.
113 circling now: WJD letter to Lincoln MacVeigh, April 19, 1942, Fr: 808–11, R: 56, M1642, RG226, NA; Interview with Wayne Nelson, Nov. 28, 1961, B: 4A, WJDP, MHI; Interview with OCD, p. 364, B: “Oral History Interviews—OCD, Activities in Europe 1941–89,” WJDP, MHI; interview with WL, Feb. 5, 1969, B: 136B, WJDP, MHI; Howe, Sept. 25, 2007.
114 “anyone else”: WJD memo to FDR, April 27, 1942, Fr: 172–73, R: 23, David Williamson memo to DB, Feb. 19, 1942, Fr: 581–89, R: 97, W. B. Phillips memo to WJD, Dec. 19, 1941, Fr: 483–536, R: 97, William Kimbell letters to WJD, May 20 and 23, 1942, Fr: 982–94, R: 68, WJD memo to FDR, May 9, 1942, Fr: 238–43, R: 23, M1642, RG226, NA; SW letter to WJD, March 25, 1942, and WJD reply, March 26, 1941, Coordinator of Information 1942, Office Correspondence, SWP, FDRL; AB memo to SW, April 29, 1942, OSS Reports, 4-29 to 5-9-42, Subject File, PSF, FDRL; Harold Smith diary entry, April 10, 1942, HSD, FDRL.
115 was lying: Harold Smith diary entry, Nov. 16, 1944, HSD, FDRL; WJD letter to Davis P. Barrows, July 9, 1942, Fr: 624–33, R: 68, M1642, RG226, NA; WJD memo to FDR, Dec. 30, 1941, OSS, Reports 12-22 to 30-41, PSF, FDRL; National City Bank letter to WJD, Oct. 23, 1942, Fr: 650–55, R: 68, Report of Meeting in WJD’s office, March 13, 1942, Fr: 996–1003, R: 68, M1642, RG226, NA; Secretariat memo to WJD, June 18, 1943, Items of Information, Kangaroo Project, June 25, 1943, Summary Kangaroo, Spencer Phenix memo to R. C. Foster, Sept. 28, 1943, B: 365 and 366, E: 210, RG226, NA; Thomas Troy letter to author, Feb. 12, 2008; Preston James memo to WL, Feb. 18, 1943, Fr: 901–2, R: 102, M1642, RG226, NA; FBI , memo for Mr. Ladd, B: 8, TTP, RG263, NA, FOIA NW31095.