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The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 14

by Shae Shannon

  “Great speech. Short, sweet, and to the point. I think you will have a line of customers for a whole different reason, though. If everyone knows that you will be working there, they will be waiting in hopes to get a taste of you.”

  Amy smiled, giving him a playful swat on the arm. “Thank you, Brett. I don’t care why they come as long as they come and buy stuff. We need this place to take off.”

  “This place will be at max capacity. I can arrange for the pack to meet here in the mornings for our meetings. It will be a great change of scenery from Irma’s Diner. I would much rather have your image in my mind every day than Irma’s fifty-something-year-old body shoved in tight polyester skirts and halter tops.”

  Amy snickered, remembering how ridiculous some of the woman’s outfits had been. “I thought you would enjoy seeing her, er…cleavage over your coffee. She is a very free-spirited woman.”

  “Free, that’s a way to put it. She does let a lot of skin free, that’s for sure.”

  “Oh, be nice. She works hard, and if dressing a bit risqué makes her feel good, don’t judge. I won’t argue with y’all coming here though. So, why didn’t you go with the others? I figured you would be one of the first they took.”

  “I was, but thought it would be best to stay here and protect you and Giselle. After we disposed of the vamps that Chloe turned into torches, a few of us were put to security posts. I am in charge of you.” A mischievous toothy grin stretched across his face, and his eyebrows wagged in a boyish gesture.

  “Hold up there, puppy. I don’t think you understood the meaning of your assignment. Quit your cheesing. The only thing you are in charge of is keeping me safe. Dork.” She smiled and shot him a teasing wink.

  “A puppy can dream, can’t he?”

  They walked through the ballroom, stopping to politely greet guests. When they finally found Giselle, her face was drawn in concern. Chase was glued to her side, his chest puffed up and in total defense mode. Amy elbowed him in the ribs playfully. “Down, boy. You can’t look like you are a soldier on the battlefield in a room full of clueless civilians. Act casual, jackass.” Brett punched him in the arm, like brothers tended to think as an act of affection.

  “Sorry, bro. It’s just that Aiden said if anything happened to her, he would do more than neuter me. I like my balls.”

  Brett slugged him again. “Dude, there are ladies present. Watch your tongue.”

  Giselle stepped between the two. “Boys, it’s all right. I have been around for a long time, and two pups wagging their tongues aren’t going to offend me. And for the record, Aiden Grey doesn’t have any claim on me, so you can just dismiss that right now.”

  Chase shook his head. “You may not think he has a claim on you, Giselle, but he seems to think he does, and we have to go by the alpha’s laws.”

  Giselle rolled her eyes.

  Brett nodded. “We have half a pack of ours here mixed within the crowd, and another group outside. I know that Gabe has the Irish clan and the West Coast clan split up here and with them also. I personally think the West Coast vamps are more frightening than the rest. They make gangsters look like toddlers. Their motto is more kill first, ask questions later. They literally have their own army.”

  “Well, I know that my niece is stronger than she thinks, and I hope that she finds a way to use it. We have to put an end to this tonight. Lucard has to be destroyed.”

  “It is said that he is the oldest vampire. I am not sure, but I know that all of our forefathers have records of him. He is one mean son of a bitch and obviously wants even more power. I hope we can stop him before it’s too late.” Chase was obviously concerned, and sitting at the house and being excluded from the action wasn’t his choice of positions.

  Brett folded his arms across his chest. “He may be mean and powerful, but he hasn’t ever come against a pack of us. She will be fine. Giselle, do you think you can spy and see what’s going on, or is that something only Chloe can do?”

  “I can only read humans. The shifters and vamps have too powerful of shields that I can’t penetrate. I can feel Chloe, though. She is angry and scared, but as far as I can tell no harm has come to her yet.”

  “Okay, well let’s try to get the crowd wound down and out the dang door. I want out of this monkey suit.” Chase tugged at the collar of his shirt.

  Amy, who had been silently observing the conversation, busted out in laughter. They all turned to look at her, wondering where the outburst had come from. “What? Sorry. It’s just that a dog said he was wearing a monkey suit. It was a funny visual.” Giselle rolled her eyes, allowing a small smile to creep over her features.

  The guys didn’t seem to find her outburst funny, and instead of protesting, they pouted. Amy moved to the jukebox, programming in the last few songs, and told Matt, the youngest wolf in attendance, to make an announcement over the microphone that the last few songs were being played.

  The crowd invaded the dance floor, bodies shoulder to shoulder, all hoping to get the best out of the last few dances. The band was now absent, taking leave after Benny, one of their guitarists, was strangely burnt. Their lead singer, Ophelia, had disappeared also without warning, so they packed up and left. Giselle went to the back sitting area with the others and pulled out her satchel of herbs. “I may have a spell or two I can do—nothing big without her here—but we are strangely linked to each other. It might help her open the door of communication to me, and I can walk her through spells.”

  Tension eased out of Chase. “And they give wolves a hard time because we can change shape. Witches are so much more complicated and mysterious. I for one would never piss off a witch. My luck, she would make sure I would turn into a hamster when I shifted or something.”

  Brett stared at his pack brother, totally in shock that he was related to the bonehead standing in front of him. “That has to be the dumbest fear you could possibly have of a witch. Chloe made a group of vamps combust in flames, and you think of being a hamster? Seriously?”

  “Boys! Both of you shut up. Brett, go outside the door and keep everyone out. Chase, you keep an eye on the windows. I would feel better if we could do this downstairs, but I don’t want to draw any attention.” They both nodded in acknowledgment and took their places.

  “Amy, love. I need you also. Can you please repeat the words as I say them? It will make the spell stronger.”

  “Sure! You know I love to help.” Giselle handed Amy a few sprigs of different herbs and took some for herself. She lit a small green candle and started chanting an unfamiliar tongue. Amy flubbed up the first couple times, but she soon got the pronunciations correct. They repeated it for quite some time, until Giselle suddenly stopped and dropped down on one knee. Her face looking upward and her hands spread out from her sides, she gasped and shook. When she stood, she started talking to Chloe, and it seemed as if she was getting a response. It was like watching someone on their cell phone with a Bluetooth walking through the supermarket. If the situation wouldn’t have been so serious, Amy would have cracked a ton of jokes about it. Her best friend being in danger killed her normally goofy personality.

  * * * *

  Chloe stumbled over the threshold, barely catching her balance before being dragged into the main part of the house. It was old and worn, needing paint and a good scrubbing. Even the furniture had been nice at one time, but years of neglect had taken its toll. As they entered the sitting room, a group of vampires all turned to glare at her. Their eyes were glowing bloodred. Their fangs descended so far it caused streams of spit to drip down their disgusting chins. They were so pale their skin looked transparent and had violescent patches around the eyes and cheeks. The room reeked of decay, causing Chloe to swallow hard to keep the contents of her stomach from dumping on the floor.

  “Joseph, how nice of you to bring us lunch. Surely Lucard won’t mind if we have a quick bite before we escort her to him. She is going to die anyway. She doesn’t need all of her blood for that.” When the revolting beast th
at had spoken started toward her, Joseph stepped in front of her, blocking his path.

  “Don’t fucking touch her, you disgraceful sewer rat. One more step, and I will pop your head off and shove it up his ass before I drop a match on you both.” The man stopped and propped himself against the love seat perched in the middle of the room. Chloe didn’t know why he had protected her, but she was thankful. Joseph was good—she could see it in his heart—but for some reason stuck doing the job of a villain. “Go notify Lucard we have arrived now!”

  Three of the smelly goons took off almost in a run, the other two standing guard at the windows. Joseph turned toward Chloe. He walked her over to the far side of the room to sit on a couch. He motioned for her to sit, and she did, reluctantly. She felt safer as long as he was there with her and hoped he didn’t leave any time soon. She was still trying to figure a way out and had mentally been communicating with Gabe, explaining every detail she could recall that might possibly help their rescue. She had faith in him and faith in the pack. She only worried that they might get hurt trying to save her.

  Joseph leaned toward her, pulling her out of her thoughts. “I am so sorry. I had no choice. My kid brother and momma are being held by one of the mutants named Dante. I will try to help you as much as I can, but I have to get them released first. Please forgive me.” His words floated over her in a breath of a whisper, so quiet it was more a mental thought than spoken. She knew that the goons hadn’t heard either. Not wanting to give her gifts away or clue the two goons in on their conversation, she merely nodded in response.

  Two vampires entered the room, causing her fear to grip her chest like a tight vise. The first was an older man. Obviously a vampire, he gave off a powerful vibe of strength and power. She was immediately scared, causing her skin to grow clammy and cold. When the second body stepped into sight, Chloe had to bite the inside of her bottom lip to keep her surprised gasp in. Putting on her best poker face, she glanced between the two. Ophelia. Why was her mate’s sister involved in her kidnapping and possible death as sacrifice? She shot the scene before her to Gabriel, hoping he could put the pieces together and fill her in. All she got in return was confusion, anger, and disappointment through their connection. She tried to comfort him, but the situation she found herself in made it hard for her to assure him she was fine.

  Ophelia glared at her, without a single emotion or acknowledgment that she had met her in her own home hours before. Her soon-to-be sister-in-law kept her face hard as steel as Lucard walked over to her. “Chloe, finally I have found you. You are beautiful. Such a shame for it to be wasted on a mere human. Oh well. I have better uses for you, dear. I apologize for my men trying to manhandle you earlier. I received word that you held your own against them. I am quite pleased, because you have no idea what power you truly hold.”

  “Well, I do apologize for being a human. However, I hate to disappoint you, but I really must be going now. I have to get back to the ball before midnight or my ride turns into a pumpkin. Now, if you will excuse me…” Chloe stood, squared her shoulders, and started toward the door.

  It was less than a heartbeat before Lucard was blocking her path. “You aren’t going anywhere.”

  “I thought that might be your response.” She turned back as if to walk to the couch, and spun, circling the air around her and causing the room to become like a tornado. They were stuck in the middle where the eye would be, the air sucking out of their lungs. She pulled it around and thrust it at him and Ophelia, sending her flying to hit the back wall. Lucard was pushed back a few feet but quickly gained his footing and roared laughter at her. Joseph flipped over the couch, landing behind on his back. He quickly took a crouching position, using the furniture as a barricade.

  “You have spunk. I give you that. Nice try, though. Ophelia, get your worthless ass over here and do your job.”

  Ophelia stomped over and stopped in front of her. Her face twisted into a bitter scowl and her eyes glowed with anger. The fact that she had slung the bitter cunt against the wall pleased her. She knew that this woman was a force to be reckoned with, but her confidence elevated to new heights. She was attempting to do a replay of the freeze tag that had happened at the ball when Ophelia had touched her arm. Within seconds, Chloe’s nervous system shut down. She went totally paralyzed, her mind cloudy. The darkness clouded her sight, threatening to draw her in the depths of its abyss. She looked frantically around, only finding Lucard laughing, his face twisted in a sickening snarl. Joseph stared in her eyes, showing sympathy and possibly…regret? She didn’t get a chance to focus enough to find out. She was falling fast and would be unconscious in a matter of seconds. Ophelia glared at her, her face like rock frozen with layers of glacial ice. After a few dirty looks to Lucard and the goons who were enjoying the show, Ophelia walked out and didn’t look back. Chloe clenched her teeth, determined to not show any sign of pain or weakness. She was fighting with every ounce of strength she had inside to not pass out. Who knew what horrible fate awaited her. She screamed in anger right before she plummeted into the peaceful darkness.

  Lucard stared down at her limp body. “Take this little hellcat to the bottom chambers. I want you to keep her there until I send for her. Don’t leave her alone at all. I tire of the resistance.” Lucard left, leaving Joseph to conduct his commands.

  The voices of Gabriel and Giselle rang through her head. She was unable to make out any words, but she could hear them. If only she could reach a little further. Chloe knew she must be unconscious, but where she was and what was going on around her, she had no idea. The feel of strong arms holding her penetrated the endless thick blanket of darkness that cocooned her. Gabe. I must be snuggled in his arms, safe in our bed.

  “Chloe! Focus on my voice! Can you hear me?”


  “Are you hurt, sweetheart?”

  “I don’t know. Where am I?”

  “Listen, we have to move fast. I want you to think hard, girl. What is the last thing that you remember?”

  “Um, I was taken to a house. Ophelia! She touched me and sent electric-like shocks through my body. I was unable to fight against her and was left paralyzed. I hit the ground. Oh! I am unconscious.”

  “Okay. I am going to tell you what to do. Are you still wearing the jewels, sweetheart?”

  “I was up until when I passed out I know for sure. I don’t think they took them off. I hope they didn’t. That would make this more creepy than it already is.”

  “Great. Okay. I want you to visualize seeing your own hand. Hold the picture hard in your mind. Then move your hand to your necklace. Rub the stone between your fingers, Chloe. Concentrate hard. You can do this.”

  “Okay, I will try, Auntie.” Chloe put all of her inner strength in completing the task.

  Joseph couldn’t believe he had participated in the capture of this precious woman. She was so sweet and so courageous even though he had just fed her to the wolves. He couldn’t allow that sadist psycho to slaughter her. His brother and momma would be angry if they lived and knew that a poor woman was tortured and killed for their freedom. He had to find a way to save both his family and her. He was deep in thought, trying to concoct a plan, when he felt her move. Her subtle movements gave him hope. At least she wasn’t terminally paralyzed. His arms wrapped tighter around her, hugging her against his chest. He began to whisper soothing words in her ear, willing her to open her eyes. Her fingers moved up toward her neck, stopping on the necklace that was elegantly draped above her cleavage. She rubbed the red stone over and over, and he prayed that whatever was happening, it would work. He bent down and feathered his lips against her forehead. Please wake up, little one. She rubbed it over and over, the rest of her frail body limp and lifeless.

  “Now, start drawing up your energy. The stone will amplify your strength and power. You will feel it when you are ready. Don’t waste a single movement until the time is right. Gabriel is on his way, sweetheart. Hang in there just a little longer. The cavalry is co

  Gabe led the convoy of blacked-out vehicles and pulled up on a dirt road. They turned into the bush and all piled out. The shifters were busy undressing, getting ready to transform into fighting, killing beasts. The vampires were also gearing up. As they gathered around, they had enough forces and weaponry to march into hell and kick the devil’s ass. Evil had no place here. The plans were laid out, and everyone knew what their part was in the rescue. They also knew what had to be done after Chloe was safe and sound. Lucard and his band of science projects gone bad would be destroyed. Unfortunately his own flesh and blood fell into that category. Gabe’s heart hurt that his own sister had stepped over onto the dark side, but there was nothing he could do about it.

  “Okay, men. Let’s get my wife back and exterminate these abominations. Move out!” Everyone scattered, except three half-naked men. “Conner? Wesley! Brandon! How did you find out? I am so glad to have you by my side going to battle. Thank you, brothers!”

  Brandon patted him on the shoulder. “We got word from the pack. We each came as fast as we could. Our packs couldn’t leave the dens unprotected, but we were able to come and help. There are a few others on the way, but I am not sure if they will make it in time. We each plan on making that bastard pay for the disgusting shit he has been doing to some of our kind.”

  “Good. I am honored to have you guys. Okay, let’s get moving. I haven’t heard any thoughts from Chloe in quite a while now. I only hope she is sleeping or unconscious and we aren’t too late.”

  “I am sure she is fine, bro. Any woman able to steal your heart has to be strong.” Brandon slapped Gabe on the shoulder. Conner, a man of few words, just nodded in agreement, showing his full support.

  Wesley flashed his Colgate smile. “Let’s go tear some shit up, boys!” They all started toward the compound of evil.

  Chapter 12


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