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The Beginning of Eternity [Decadent Delights] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 15

by Shae Shannon

  The full orange moon hung almost in the highest point in the sky. The house was chaotic and swarming with bloodsuckers and Frankensteins of all concoctions. The team spread out, surrounding the entire property. Snipers were positioned at the tops of the trees, giving them a great cover and advantage. They spotted the stage set up outside. Pillars were positioned around a single slab. A wall of candles surrounded the area. That must have been where the psycho Dr. Hyde wanted to perform the ritual. Gabriel’s stomach bile rose, causing him to stifle a cough. Sick fucking bastard. In less than thirty minutes, they would bring her out. The legend stated that the moon had to be at its highest peak on the one night that the blood moon appeared. Tonight was the first blood moon in twenty years. The next would be another twenty years. There was no way he would be late.

  The nasty creatures started oozing out of the door, taking their places and making the final preparations. And then he saw her. Ophelia waltzed out, gazing around the yard. Gabriel could tell she was tense. She was acting odd for even her and was definitely up to something. Being her brother, he could spot it a mile away and knew that her usual slate-cold mask was just a poker face. Damn it, Ophelia! Why couldn’t you have come to me for help? Hesitation wasn’t something he had planned, even though killing his own sister was part of it. There was no way he would shed her blood until he found out what she was up against. They had to get Chloe out of danger first. Then the rest of the abominations could be annihilated.

  As his thoughts wandered, he finally heard Chloe’s voice radiate through his head. “Gabe! They are bringing me out tied. I have been snowballing my energy, so as soon as they get me in place, tell all of your men to get down. I am not sure exactly what is going to happen, but I hope to hell it will be good and will help. There is a vampire that will be carrying me. He is the one that kidnapped me. Don’t kill him, please. He is only trying to keep his mother and baby brother safe. Joseph has tried to keep me as safe as he could, and I know that he is a good man. Please don’t harm him. Send someone to free his family, please!”

  “Calm down, Chlo. Everything is going to be all right, sweetheart. I am so glad that you are okay. I knew you were strong, but I would die if anything happened to you, baby. Joseph? As in Joseph Waters? He is a good man. I believe that he would never hurt you. He has been a friend for a very long time. I will send someone over to his mom’s and have that taken care of. All I care is that I get you back safe and sound, snuggled against me in our home. You have earned yourself quite an ass whoopin’, little lady. Getting kidnapped has earned you more than a few swats to that sweet little ass. Keep that in your thoughts as we get you out of this.”

  “Gabriel! How can you think dirty at a time like this? Just for that, I have a notion to spank those tight, perfect buns of yours. You just get me out of here, mister.”

  A smile played at the corners of his mouth, his heart clenching that no matter what situation she was in or what evil beast held her captive, she still had spunk. “We will discuss this further at a later time. For now, just be careful, love. I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, Gabriel. Now come get me!”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The moon was almost to the mark. Chloe was carried out. They laid her on the slate slab as she thrashed and struggled to get away. Her arms were stretched out wide, her feet crossed and tied together to the metal hoops that were embedded in the stone. This table could have such better uses than sacrifice. Maybe Gabe will load it up when this is done.

  “I heard that, pet. Keep your head in the game, little missy. And I already have one that’s a whole lot better.”

  Considering the situation she was in, she still had to hide the slight smile that crept over her. Ophelia stood outside of the circle behind Lucard. He had taken a place at Chloe’s side. Weird chanting and noises came from him, and only justified that he was totally bat-shit crazy to Chloe. As lightning zapped through the clear night sky, his chanting became louder and more violent. Lightning shot everywhere, reaching every corner of the infinite darkness. Chloe knew that something huge was about to happen, and she had to act now. She drew every ounce of power she held in her veins. When Lucard bent to sink his teeth into her flesh for the first of many to come, she unleashed the energy she had been building with the aid of the stones. The air bent around them, circling like a vicious hurricane. A cluster of lightning bolts grabbed Lucard and zapped him repeatedly. He was locked in her own version of an execution chair.

  The blindfold was ripped off of her eyes by Joseph as she spotted Ophelia diving their way. “Joseph, watch out!” Just when Chloe expected the ice bitch to attack her rescuer, Ophelia turned. A sword circled around, cutting the air before it, slicing Lucard’s head off. His body still standing due to the currents running through him gave Ophelia the opportunity she needed to dismember his limbs. He finally fell in a heap on the ground.

  The nasty, snarling beasts all came their way. Obviously infected vampire and wolf breeds weren’t all he had been working on. Before their eyes, some were transforming into the most vile, nightmarish creatures only hell could imagine. Catlike beasts with twisted, snarling faces and oozing, disgusting saliva dripping off of fangs were just one of the variety that suddenly seemed to find her appetizing. There were wolf mixes, bear breeds, and some she could not identify. Why infect humans with both serums to produce this? Why not make good of it and get a true shifter with special powers instead of demonlike beasts? Just as she thought she might have to figure out what wine to serve them that would best complement her flesh, the militia stepped in. The vampires were nothing but a blur. All of the shifters were massive and fast, taking the smelly bastards out in one swipe.

  She reached down once more, trying to conjure up one last spell. “Giselle! Help me! I have to help. I am tied up and can’t do anything! What is a spell I could use that wouldn’t hurt our people?” Her telepathy message must have been heard loud and clear, because Giselle answered immediately.

  “Repeat these words three times, child, then expel any energy you have left. Understand?”

  “Yes, Auntie. Quick!”

  “Evil dwell in the black of hearts, dissipate into the stars! Take the demons that fight so near back to hell away from here!” Chloe repeated the words, and released every last drop of power she held. A blast of energy radiated out from her, washing over all in its wake. The nasty creatures turned to dust, leaving everyone looking for the cause of destruction. Chloe was now untied and in the arms of Joseph. Her body was limp. She was unconscious. A huge tear dripped down his cheek as he slowly walked over to Gabe. He eased her into Gabriel’s embrace, his face haunting and full of sorrow. “I…I am so sorry. I didn’t take her to hurt her. Please, I was only trying to save my family. I had planned on getting her out of here at the last minute and saving her. Oh God, Gabe, please help her.”

  “Calm down, Joe. Chloe told me what is going on. We have sent people to get your mom and baby brother. She should be okay. She just used every ounce of energy she had left. I promise you she is in big trouble when she gets better. There was no need for her to do that. We had it under control.”

  “She is a feisty one, Gabe. Thank you for your help. I am truly sorry she was put in this position to begin with. But if it wasn’t me that had come to get her, one of the others would have, and I couldn’t let them touch her. Those damned vile creatures. I hope this is the last batch of freaks we have to worry about.”

  “It’s not. We need to move now. There is a herd down in the lab. It will take all of us to get rid of them. He has been stockpiling.” Ophelia had joined the conversation without notice.

  “Sister, I have to say, you had me worried. I knew that you were troubled, but I had hoped that you were planning on something other than joining that deranged motherfucker.” Gabe leaned over and kissed her cheek. “It is good to see you again. I hope you decide to stay awhile this time.”

  Her eyes darted toward Joseph. She let her eyes roam over him from top to bottom
before smiling. “I think I might have a few reasons to stick around for a while, if you have room. There are a few…matters I want to look into if I can.”

  “Ha-ha-ha. I would love for you to stay awhile. We have a lot of catching up to do. Thankfully the walls in the mansion are thick. Ugh.” Gabe and Joseph shook their heads, trying to avoid eye contact with Ophelia.

  Rose coloring crept over Joseph’s face and neck, advertising his embarrassment to the crowd. “Let’s go get rid of the rest of the mutations. If we come across any mutant turtles, I have to say, jokes will be made—just a warning to you all.” Joseph’s joke distracted the wandering eyes and brought the reality of what awaited them back to the forefront. Laughter filled the air as they made their way to the laboratory.

  Gabe took Chloe back to the cars, placing her inside on a pile of blankets. He caressed her cheek, whispering sweet love words to her. A human, sacrificing herself to save vampires and shifters. Who would have thought? She was even more unbelievable than he could ever dream. She was still lifeless, her breaths coming in shallow puffs. He had to get her back to Giselle as soon as he could. He radioed the others and let them know he was headed home.

  When he was about to pull away, Aiden jumped in the passenger side. “Hey, bro. We have enough people down there to take care of the mess. I have to say, Brandon and the other two cats are pretty badass. Wesley ripped the throats out of five before the rest of us even got down the stairs. That tiger is no joke. I knew they could climb trees and all, but they damn near walked on the ceiling. And who the fuck ever saw a silver panther before? That shit is crazy. His eyes alone scare the shit out of me. They were almost hypnotizing. I bet ladies everywhere fall to their knees with their mouths open the second he flashes those amethyst orbs. Brandon did some major damage, too. Oh shit! And, the best move ever, Conner did a backflip off of the stairwell, landed on top of one of the douche bags, and used his back legs to rip its head off while he used his front paws to dismember its arms and legs. He bit the whole torso in half and spit the guts and slime out into the face of another one! It was so badass, dude. Definitely the most acrobatic lion I have ever seen. I’ve got to take a few lessons from that guy.”

  Gabe had started driving as fast as he could while amused at his companion’s war stories. “Bummer I missed that! Yeah, the cats are a force to be reckoned with. They put up a good struggle to even true vampires. I am just glad they are friends and not enemies. You should see their parties! Talk about a blast. Just wait. We will have their packs over soon with you. No chasing the kitties, though. I don’t think your boys would like the outcome. The females are meaner than the men, I think!” They both laughed, glad that the tension was eased, even if momentarily.

  “I will be sure to advise the boys, but I think it will make it that much more intriguing to them. I, for one, am a glutton for punishment but am determined to win the heart of a certain witch.”

  Gabe laughed again, this time at his friend. “You have no idea what you are in for, Aiden. Chloe is a handful. Her aunt is older, wiser, stronger, and more experienced. I reserve a front-row ticket to this event, because she is going to put you through hoops, dude.”

  “I count on it,” Aiden responded with a naughty gleam in his eyes.

  They carefully hauled Chloe into the house, instructing Brett and Chase to do security outside until everyone got back. She was placed on the bed, her jewels left on but everything else stripped to her petticoat. Gabriel drew the blankets up over her to protect her from Aiden’s view. He knew the man would not be so low as to check his wife out, but it was a primal instinct to guard her.

  Giselle hustled in, taking her bedside. “Gabe, Aiden, I need you two to sit her to where I can pour this down her throat. She has to swallow as much as possible. You may need to hold her nose and rub her throat to engage the natural swallowing reflex.” Both men took their place and did as instructed.

  “Giselle, she is going to be okay, isn’t she?” Aiden wore concern on his face like clown paint. Gabe had to double swallow to keep his emotions down, because he was terrified of the answer. He made eye contact with Aiden and was given a nod of support.

  “She should. Chloe is strong. I have to get her through the next twenty-four hours. Now, make her drink.” The brew was poured down her throat little by little until the cup was empty. They laid her back down and stepped into the other room. “She has to rest now, boys. Why don’t you go down and get something to drink. She won’t wake until at least tomorrow night sometime.”

  Gabe pulled Giselle into a bear hug. “Okay. We can find something to do until the others get back. Thank you, Giselle.” They made their way out, leaving Giselle reading on the couch in front of the fire.

  The place was almost totally cleaned up, obviously from the works of Giselle and the pups. They found the blood wine and a bottle of whisky for each of their tastes and sat on the stage that was still up in the ballroom.

  After Aiden swallowed down half of his glass, he sighed. “Wow, man. What a night. I mean, this shit is even weird for us supernatural creatures.”

  “You can say that again. They should be making radio contact soon and be headed back before long. I know they have a bonfire to attend, but it shouldn’t take that long.” Gabe refilled Aiden’s glass.

  Aiden nodded in appreciation.

  “I assume they are torching the house and outbuildings also?” “Yep. It will help hide the evening’s activities from the human cops and shit that are bound to show up eventually.”

  While they were killing time with small talk, a high-pitched scream came ringing through the house. “Fuck! Chloe!” Gabe half flew, half blur-ran to the room with Aiden, shifted into his wolf, on his heels.

  When they entered the room, the sight they were greeted with was not what they had expected. Giselle was against the wall, bleeding. Dante was leaning over Chloe, a dagger in his hand that was raised above her chest. “The power shall be mine! I will not be ridiculed ever again! I will rule this earth. Humans and creatures alike will kneel before me!” He was so busy going on and on about his own little power trip that he hadn’t noticed Gabe and Aiden. Vampire senses were above and beyond those of any human or animal, and still the stupid, disgruntled bloodsucker failed to notice. No wonder he was ridiculed. When his hand thrust the dagger toward her chest, Gabriel swiped in and blocked it. He turned the blade on Dante and shoved it through his heart.

  Aiden had maneuvered behind and took the opportunity to decapitate the bleeding moron. He picked up the pieces and started toward the door. “Gabe, you really should look into roach spray. Disgusting creatures.”

  Gabriel just shook his head, allowing Aiden to take his leave. He kissed Chloe tenderly on the lips, caressing her cheek lightly. “Shit! Giselle!” He stood to move to the sitting area, only to find her awake and smiling, sitting in the lap of no other than Mr. Big Bad Wolf himself. “Leave Little Red Riding Hood alone until she gets feeling better, Aiden.”

  “I am fine, Gabe. Don’t you go worrying about me. I can take on this wolf any day. Thank you for your concern, boys, but I am a witch. The stupid stones around the fireplace were not meant to be used as a pillow, however.”

  “That is definitely something I will get right on to correct, ma’am.” With a huge smile on his face, Gabe kissed the older woman on the cheek. “I am just glad you are okay. I hope and pray that Chloe is okay and has your strength.”

  “She will be fine. Quit your fretting. And she is stronger than I ever thought about being, Gabe. Just wait and see. In a few months, she will be able to keep you in line, that’s for sure.”

  Laughter belted out of both men. “I do believe you have met your match, Aiden Grey. I look forward to watching her wear the pants in the relationship for years to come.”

  “Hey, she may get what she wants and run things however she wants. I will always be the boss in the bedroom.” Giselle hid her giggle behind her hand, while Aiden flashed a smile so big his fangs showed. They all sat, allowing the si
lence to wrap around them in a blanket of comfort.

  The radio call came in, informing them all that the house was about to be extremely occupied. “Well, I am so glad that we have all of this room. The huge kitchen and all of the extra quarters will sure come in handy. I will go put on some tea. Aiden, would you mind helping me to the kitchen? I feel a bit woozy still and prefer not to get reacquainted with the floor.”

  “I would be delighted, my dear Giselle.” “Gabe, you take a few minutes with Chloe. Come up when you are ready. I will send the puppies to guard the room when you are.”

  “Thank you so much. I am so sorry again you were hurt. Are you sure you don’t want me to put on the tea? I would rather you sit and relax after all you have been through tonight, from the mental drain of conversing with me and Chlo all night to being swooshed to the wall by a dork.”

  “I would have had him if I had not been startled. I had dozed off on the couch when he came in. I would so have loved to turn that asshole into a slug.” The men laughed, knowing that she would have done just that. “I have the tea, boy. You just cherish your wife for a few minutes.”

  * * * *

  The house was almost as full as it had been hours earlier when the ball was in full swing. Gabriel found Blake, who had taken Amy to the wolf pack the second trouble started. She was bouncing with excitement about her new friends she had made. She kept insisting on going up to see Chloe, but the muscles in the room kept her at bay as long as possible. Leave it to Amy to want to chatter her friend’s ear off while she was unconscious.

  “I am telling you, it will help her! I saw it on an episode of House. This dude was in a coma for like twenty years, and one afternoon a new nurse was on shift. She walked in talking to him, unaware that he was in a coma. As she was talking, he sat up and answered! It was so cool.”

  Gabe shook his head. “Amy, that’s television. And Chloe isn’t in a coma exactly. It’s like a healing sleep. She will be fine probably tomorrow. I promise you will be the first to talk to her when she wakes up.” Gabe and Blake both looked on, anticipating and hopeful that she would see reason and keep away for tonight.


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