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Lifted Curse (Curse Trilogy)

Page 4

by C. M. Owens

  The man nods appreciatively, and then Brazen turns back to me.

  “Come by my room, and we’ll discuss this better after while. I really love talking to you, baby. I love your voice, and I love feeling your body close to mine. I promise I won’t do anything but talk and listen. Please think about it?”

  My head pops back, and then I nod.

  “I’ll think about it, but don’t show up at my place if I don’t come to yours,” I threaten while pointing a warning finger at him.

  He smiles as though he feels a slight bit of victory, and then he kisses the back of my hand before walking away. I look around, and I see Ty walking toward me.

  Stay the fuck away, you slimy bastard.

  “One dance. That’s all I’m asking,” he urges.

  “No dance, that’s all you’re getting,” I retort with a snort of derision.

  “Araya, do you realize how bad it fucking hurt when you left me for Hale? One second it’s you and me, and I was so fucking in love with you. You refused to ever tell me you loved me, but you told him right away. I was pissed, and I acted out during a drunken few months. Cut me some slack.”

  “I should have never let you take a fucking picture of me, and I should have broken your camera to pieces when you did.”

  He smirks lightly, and then a plump, short little woman holds a microphone while stepping out onto the center of the dance floor.

  “Thank you all for coming to this wonderful event. Now is the time we all love. Our incredible, generous, and very single captain is about to pick a girl to dance with, and the rule is as it always is… she can’t refuse him. Now you single ladies smile, show a little leg, and pray you’re the one he picks,” she giggles out while flashing her red cheeks, and then she runs down to take her place on the side as she makes herself noticeable for Hale.

  My breath hitches the moment he comes into view with his sexy-as-Hale smirk, and he takes his time strutting toward me as the music begins to play. He adjusts his tie while giving me a wink, and I’m sick at my stomach at this point. I can’t dance with him.

  Just when I think he’s about to take me, he stops, kneels, and then a small girl - no older than five- emerges from the pack to take his hand. Her smile looks to sting her cheeks, and her hybrid blue eyes are lit up with giddy excitement. Tears almost enter my eyes, but I fight them off as he scoops her up to rest on his hip while twirling around with her in his arms.

  Her light brown ringlets dance in the wind stirred by his circling dance, and her laughter brings a smile to everyone’s face. I cover my ridiculous grin with my hand, and his eyes catch mine every time he stops spinning to dance a little sillier with her.

  Her laughter continues roar free, and I actually let out a small laugh of my own when it becomes too infectious to fight off.

  “He always picks a hybrid child. Every damn time we have one of these parties I’m sure he’s going to pick an actual woman. It’s starting to feel like rejection,” a girl behind me grouses, and my smile only widens.

  “They say he was engaged to a woman once. I’d worry he was gay otherwise,” another says.

  “Didn’t he date some chick here for a while?” another asks, and I realize there’s a huddle of them now swooning over Hale as their jealously sparks behind me.

  “He did, but she left him for a full blood. They say he still loves her. I wish he loved me,” a new voice dreamily sighs, and a small tear finally escapes my eye.

  I can’t stand down here and see all of this. It’s too hard to fight the way I feel about him in this atmosphere.

  Hale or Brazen? Hale or Brazen? Neither one.

  I start to walk off, but a guy grabs me up and starts dancing with me before I completely escape.

  “You are striking,” he gushes. “Please tell me you’re not married.”

  His dark red hair and soft blue eyes are not drawing me in the way my full blood and hybrid do.

  “No, I’m not, but I’m so far from available it’s not even funny,” I huff.

  “Care to explain?” he muses.

  “She’s trying to tell you she’s in love with someone even though she won’t say it out loud,” Hale’s voice interjects, and he pulls me away from the pouting man as a new song begins.

  His hands grip me tightly, and then his lips brush against my head as the slow song promises love. The huddle of women who were behind me now stare at me with gaping mouths - their eyes burning with envy.

  “I love you, Araya,” he blurts out so softly.

  I sigh as I lean into him, lying my head on his chest. I breathe him in, and he smells so damn good. I could do this, but I would just get hurt again. He’ll never stop leaving me in the dark.

  “It doesn’t matter what you say now, Hale. It’s what you’ve shown that proves you don’t love me. You wouldn’t have crumbled me like a week old newspaper if you loved me.”

  “Baby, I just wanted you safe. I still want you safe. Just stay at my place until we get a hold on all the newcomers. I don’t like knowing you’ll be sharing a room with someone here. I’ve yet to find Wendy this afternoon, so I have no idea who drew your name.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just dance with me for right now, and then go enjoy your party. You’ve got quite the little fan club full of women eager to dance with you.”

  My eyes point to the crowd still teeming with envy, and I wait anxiously for his response to that. If he dances with another woman, I’ll fall apart. I shouldn’t be so fucking selfish.

  “You’re the only one I want to dance with. The flock of women chasing after me will just have to continue gossiping to ease their disappointment,” he cockily releases.

  I snicker lightly, and then he tilts my head up so my eyes meet his.

  “You know where I’ll be staying, and you know you would be more comfortable there. I have to go mingle right now. My people put a lot of hard work into this, but I’ll see you after while unless you feel like going person to person with me. I’d love to introduce you as my girl again,” he utters hopefully.

  “Go mingle. I’m not very social. You know this,” I mumble.

  His lips find mine for a second, and then he draws back when my tears threaten to fall.

  “You know you love me, baby. Just stop fighting me. All it’s doing is exhausting both of us.”

  “I do love you, and I love Brazen, but you both broke me. Even if I absolutely had to choose to be with one of you, I don’t think you would come out on the good end of that. You watched me fall to pieces. You knew telling me you had been with Alex would destroy me. Have you ever actually been with her?” I almost ask demandingly.

  “Never. I haven’t been with anyone but you since the day I met you. No one else really feels worth my time. You’re my counter, and even if you weren’t, you’d still be the only girl in this world able to capture my full attention. I’m so sorry, but I thought I was sparing you. I hope you understand that soon because I don’t know how much longer I can take being without you. I’m almost praying for another savage episode.”

  I stifle my grin thanks to his last part, and then I roll my eyes.

  “Go talk to your people. Don’t waste your time on me because nothing is changing tonight. I’m still washing salt out of the wounds right now,” I sigh out.

  Grayson’s sad face all alone in the corner draws my attention, and Hale notices my gaze.

  “It appears someone else needs a nonsocial person to speak to,” he nudges, and I pat his chest before walking away.

  A girl beats me to him, and she giggles out, “Will you dance with me?”

  He sips on the whiskey he shouldn’t be drinking, and then shakes his head.

  “I’m with someone,” he grumbles.

  “Who?” she muses.

  His eyes sting, and then I step up to be the hero.

  “Grayson, there you are,” I gush out. “I love this song.”

  He smirks lightly, and then he walks over to take my hand while twirling me onto the dance floor.
  “Thanks,” he murmurs while sipping the whiskey again.

  “I never pictured you hiding in a corner. What’s going on?”

  His jaw clenches, and then he points across the room to where a drunk, giggling Angelica is dancing with Ty.

  Ty, you son of a fucking bitch.

  “She’s completely over me, and I still don’t know what to do. I shouldn’t even care. If she’s so okay with us not being together, then I should be too. Is it different for girls or something?”

  “It’s not different at all. Perhaps she does have something in common with me. All the wrong choices for one,” I murmur to myself.

  “My hearing has gotten better, you know,” he huffs out.

  “I know. Your hearing saved my life,” I utter while kissing him on the cheek.

  His soft blond hair is tousled from the times he has run his hands through it, and he does it again when Angelica laughs louder while Ty pulls her to his body.

  “That’s it,” I growl, and I stalk toward the asshole who has already pissed me off too many times to do this to Grayson.

  I rip Angelica away, and he throws his arms up in a what-the-fuck motion.

  “I knew you still had the hots for me,” he teases.

  “You can’t fucking go after her,” I snap while dragging the staggering drunken blond girl behind me.

  “Why not?” he chuckles out. “Because you would get jealous?”

  “No, you egotistical son of a bitch. She’s my fucking sister, and she already has a boyfriend,” I bark while my eyes cast daggers at his heart.

  “Sister?” he gasps. “Damn. I guess your family got the hot genes.”

  I look around, and I’m relieved Nicholas isn’t in here right now. He might lose it if he sees Angelica drunk and Ty trying to take advantage of her.

  “Take her,” I command to Grayson, and Angelica falls in his arms as he scoops her up.

  “Damn she’s drunk,” Grayson sighs, and it’s apparent he doesn’t know what a creep Ty is or he would have already incinerated him.

  “Take her outside for fresh air. Try the rooftop, it’s a little less crowded usually.”

  He nods as he walks off, and I turn back around to step in front of Ty.

  “If you get near her again, I swear I’ll shoot higher than your kneecaps. She’s eighteen, she’s new to her change, and she’s a little freaked out about some personal shit. Mess with her again, and I swear I’ll fucking rip you tp shreds. Got it?”

  “Damn, momma bear. I was just dancing with the girl, and she came to me. I wouldn’t fuck a drunk chick unless I was dating her. Give me some fucking credit,” he defends.

  “I did once, and you fucking ruined all credibility you had with me. Now go buzz in someone else’s ear. I’m sick of hearing your voice,” I blare, and then Hale swishes over to investigate.

  “What the fuck did he do?” he growls, and I have to jerk him back before he rushes Ty.

  “He just pissed me off. Don’t start anything. This is your party your people threw. I need to go check on Angelica,” I grumble, and he smiles lightìy when he hears my kind words.

  “I see. Can I call you later? I’d like to watch the fireworks with you,” he says too sweetly, and I just want to throw myself at him right now.

  “I don’t know how long this will take. Besides, I’m beat. I’ll just see you tomorrow,” I mumble, and then he pulls my hand in his.

  “I can go with you. I’ve served enough time down here.”

  “I need to do this myself. Apparently, this is my fucking fault according to everyone else.”

  He frowns at my exasperated and snarky remark, and then he pulls me to his body, his eyes showing me his soul.

  “No, it’s not. I’m sorry I ever made you feel that way. You have every right to be pissed, confused, and even betrayed. You said what you did because you were hurting, baby.”

  I take a deep breath, and then I struggle to keep the treacherous tears at bay.

  “It’s too late to take my side now, Hale. I could have used you two weeks ago though,” I slice, and he finally releases me from his hold when he realizes nothing has changed the way he had hoped.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he releases disappointedly.

  I dart off toward the rooftop, and I’m glad this night is almost over. Between the two men I love, the man I hate, the man I pity, and the girl too similar to me, I’m exhausted.

  Chapter 3

  One Hale of a Party Trick

  “How is she?” I ask softly to Grayson.

  “She threw up, I held her hair, and now she’s passed out. I’m not so sure fresh air was a good idea,” he grumbles.

  I hold my mouth to suppress my laughter, and then I shrug.

  “It’s just what people always say. I’m usually the one drunk, so this is new to me. This will really will help though,” I murmur gently while handing him a pack of blood.

  He pours it into her mouth, and she starts coughing instantly while her shameful eyes awaken and dart away from the two of us.

  “Leave me alone,” she mutters in a near muted tone to Grayson, and then she rips free from his clutches as she staggers over to the side of the small rise of the roof.

  His eyes bear their pain too obviously, and I put my haîd on his shoulder encouragingly before I slowly start making my way to the girl I quite possibly broke. Fuck my luck.

  “Will you go grab me a drink?” I ask him softly while turning around, and he nods before dashing away to hide his escaping tears.

  “Angelica, he hasn’t done anything wrong,” I sigh out. “It’s me you’re mad at. Don’t take it out on him.”

  “I’m not mad at you, Araya. How could I be? It would just make me look all the more spoiled and bratty,” she snarks, her eyes staying glued on the ground below.

  “You are spoiled and right now you’re very bratty, but that doesn’t mean Grayson deserves to be punished for my having hurt your feelings,” I condescendingly counter.

  “According to you, you found him first. You saved him from the blood rape charges, so that means he has to be devoutly loyal to you for the rest of his life. Otherwise, he’s a piece of crap just like me,” she dully releases, and I can feel the cold, numb, pain seeping out.

  I purse my lips as a little more guilt rattles around inside my once chilled heart, and I lean against the edge of the wall.

  “I said a lot of things to an eighteen-year-old girl I shouldn’t have. I forget how very unlike us you are. We all say things we don’t mean, and we’ve grown accustomed to each other’s tantrums. You had a father, and you are more mature for that reason, while also a little more sensitive. You channel your anger better, and we just go out on tirades. It’s what we do. Brazen is sensitive like that. It took him a while to be able to overlook my words.”

  “So since you’re a forgotten it’s okay to say whatever you want no matter how painful it is to the person on the receiving end? Nice. Real nice. It seems as though I’m the only one not making excuses,” she grumbles.

  “Not making excuses? You’ve done nothing but make excuses as to why you won’t stay with Grayson. It’s as though you don’t give a damn about him at all,” I snap.

  “If you care about him so much, then you be with him. He’d probably prefer you anyways as opposed to some girl who hasn’t ever even had a boyfriend. At least you know what the hell to do,” she snarls.

  A breath of realization comes to me, and I lean against the wall while stifling a grin.

  “I see. So this really doesn’t have anything at all to do with what I said. This is about your inexperience, and… what… you think he’s an expert?” I snicker out.

  “The reason you met him was because he was being arrested after blood screwing another girl,” she growls, and her nose turns up in disgust.

  I hold back my laughter for her inability to curse. I’ve never heard a hybrid speak about feeling sexually inadequate. It’s essentially an oxymoron.

  “First of all, that
showed his lack of experience. If a full blood begs you to take blood from an artery, they’re no good. You should run, never concede. Secondly, experience doesn’t mean a damn thing. Half the fun of having sex is learning to have sex. Besides, the two of you blood fucked the day in the valley,” I say with too much amusement in my tone.

  “Exactly. It was a blood screw. My first time was a blood screw. It was great - it was better than great actually - but it wasn’t me. It was the blood exchange controlling me. I don’t know how he’ll like me once he realizes just how little I know.”

  This is just surreal. They’ve only fucked once? Wow.

  “You’ve got a rare opportunity. You’ve found your counter so young in life, and it’s very special to him he’s the only one you’ve ever been with. It’s even more special he’s the one who gets to teach you. Sex is just sex with anyone but the right person. It’s so much more when it’s with someone you love, and who loves you back.”

  I stare over the wall as Hale walks through the young, parentless hybrids, and they all clamber over each other to get his attention. He laughs and pats them on the head as he disappears inside the compound. I sigh louder than I mean to, and she takes notice of it.

  “You’ve preached to me about my counter half this whole time, but what about yours? Hale loves you, and I don’t think there’s a lot he wouldn’t do to be with you. The problem is, Brazen feels the same way. What advice are you going to give yourself?”

  I grumble under my breath at the smart, yet still agitating young one.

  “I don’t know yet. It was easier when they weren’t on a level playing field. Hale and I are counters, and I don’t have to tell you how incredible that draw feels. But Brazen is just as amazingly drawing. Either way, one of them will get hurt once the hope ends. I just don’t know which one.”

  “Don’t you?” she asks very condescendingly, and I smirk a little.

  “I actually don’t,” I snicker out.

  “You will,” her motherly tone answers back, and then her eyes light up as Grayson walks back up on the roof.


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