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Lifted Curse (Curse Trilogy)

Page 5

by C. M. Owens

His eyes hang low as he carries my drink, and Angelica has lost all interest in me now. She swishes over to Grayson, and her lips attack his with fervency. He almost drops the drink as it sloshes around when he shows his startled stance, and then his arms close around her to embrace the girl he has missed.

  I walk by them and take my drink out of Grayson’s hand as I pass so he can hold her fully as their lips continue to devour each other. I disappear back inside, and I make my way to the fifth floor over the school.

  The first boom of the fireworks erupts, and I feel my childish grin spreading as I walk toward the open doors of the balcony adjacent to a synthetic gardening area. The vibrant lights bounce around the sky before crackling to a fade and sizzling into disappearance. My smile widens as my hands slide across the balcony railing, and then something catches my eye from the corner, distracting me from the thundering beauties lighting up the sky.

  It’s a large picture frame type of embedment in the wall. I gasp slightly when I realize what it is, and my hand rests over my mouth as I read the engraving.

  This school was built on not just hope, but the very idea of hope. It was inspired by a woman whose bravery has surpassed the expectations of heroes. She is the voice of the ones too afraid to speak. She is the strength for those too weak or fragile to fight. She is the light for those still searching for their way. Most importantly, she is hope. She is our hope for a better future, and everyday she does more to ensure the safety, the happiness, and the chance at a better life for everyone. Araya Crush is an example for all children of all types. May this school carry on the legacy she has created.

  Tears drizzle down my cheeks as I stare at the plaque illuminated by the still firing masterpieces behind me. I can’t believe he did this for me. My fingers stroll over and feel each word engraved into the stone. I feel so loved right now.

  “That was going to be one of your birthday presents,” Hale softly murmurs from beside me, and I turn to face those soft, gentle, and longing hybrid blue eyes. “The construction wasn’t done yet, but I had them go ahead and install this so I could unveil it that night. I wanted it here because this is where the kids come to just get away from everything. It’s my favorite spot too. It seemed like the perfect place,” he continues, and his lips match the softness of his voice as they find the back of my hand.

  I can’t speak, and thank you doesn’t even seem like it would be close to good enough for something this remarkable. I don’t think for a moment. I just shut down my brain and let my emotions take over as I very steadily move closer to him. My hand grips the back of his neck, and he doesn’t hesitate for a split second before meeting me in the middle.

  His lips tangle with mine, and I cling to him as though he’s my only source of air. He grabs me at my waist and at the back of my neck as his perfect lips own mine. He grips me tighter, and I consider saying to hell with absolutely everything else and just giving myself to him.

  I finally draw back, though it’s damn near impossible to do, and every inch of my body wants to slap my own face for doing such a stupid thing.

  “You did this, Hale. Not me. You gave these kids this hope, not me. That should be your name up there. You don’t give yourself any credit,” I murmur adoringly, and his lips beseech mine again.

  I give in without waver as he holds me to his body, and then I draw back once more to catch my breath before I do something even more foolish.

  “I would have never done anything this extreme if I hadn’t fallen in love with you, baby. You were the inspiration, and that’s what this school is about… inspiration. The right name is displayed.”

  I shiver lightly under his touch, and then I lean into him while resting my head on his chest.

  “You staying with me?” he asks so hopefully, and this time it hurts to think of rejecting him.

  “I can’t, Hale. I’m still working through some stuff, and I don’t want to give you false hope.”

  “You can’t let me go either,” he smolders, and my hand caresses his cheek before I offer him one last sweet kiss.

  “I know. It’s not fair, and I’m sorry.”

  I start to walk off, and he pulls my hand in his once more.

  “I’ll walk you back. You can’t go alone.”

  I squirm awkwardly now that we’ve indulged in that incredible kiss. It’s definitely tempting to just fall into his arms right now, and I’m worried I won’t be able to walk away.

  “If you promise to drop me off and go, then I’ll let you walk me back,” I shiver out, and he stifles his grin when he sees my wavering strength.

  “I promise I’ll be a gentleman… at least for tonight.”

  I suppress my own grin, and I loop my arm through his as we make our way to the elevator. A drunken, giggling couple display their passion despite our presence, and I have to lean into Hale’s chest to muffle the laughter I can’t hold back.

  I feel him shaking lightly as the sloppy, wet slurps of kisses go on, and he pulls me closer as he bends over to hide his grin in my hair. The door dings, and the staggering duo slam into the wall while tipping too fast. Hale tugs at my hand, and he shakes his head as we walk in the opposite direction.

  “I’m afraid you’re on the lower ranked floor, so you’ll have to endure such drunken displays,” he chuckles out.

  “I’m on the fun floor,” I counter jokingly, and he laughs even harder until we reach my door.

  “Thank you for not fighting with me about walking you back. As promised, I’ll be a gentleman, but I’ll resume being myself tomorrow,” he teases.

  I reluctantly open the door, and then I turn around to pull his tie which brings his face to mine. He smiles against the kiss he wasn’t expecting, and then I release him.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I utter softly.

  “I can’t wait,” he seduces, and he kisses my hand before walking a way with a salacious grin.

  Hale. Oh my Hale. Fuck.

  The door starts to creak open a little after four in the morning, and I reflexively reach for my loaded gun. I steady my breath while lying on the pullout bed, and I point the gun into the couch to face the intruder I’m expecting to sneakily attack me.

  The door shuts even slower than it opened, and I hear the sluggish steps coming in my direction. My body lunges at the intruder, and the barrel of my gun connects with their forehead.

  “Fucking shit, Araya. It’s me,” Ty gushes in a terrified panic while raising his hands high over his head.

  I stifle my laughter, and then I narrow my eyes.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I ask suspiciously.

  “I’m your fucking roommate. Damn it. I told people you were crazy,” he rattles out in a breathless tone, and I use my gift to flip the light switch up.

  “Roommate?” I scoff.

  “Yes,” he smugly retorts while pushing my gun away from his temple.

  “I don’t think so. I can’t stay here with you,” I bark, and I quickly leap over the couch.

  “Why the hell not?” he asks in an offended tone.

  I don’t answer as I barge out of the room, and I quickly jump on the elevator to head up to the sixth floor - Hale and Brazen’s floor.

  I feel nauseated the moment the doors open, and I’m scared to get off. I’m worried I’ll see one of them, and then I’ll be fucked. Literally.

  My fingers graze the surface of Hale’s door, but all is quiet. I can almost hear his breaths, which is odd. He’s sleeping peacefully, and it’s so tempting to just go climb into bed with him. I start to use my gift to turn the knob, but I quickly pull myself away.

  Brazen’s door is just a little bit away, and again my fingers trickle over the cold metal that would open to his home. It’s not quiet in his place though. I can hear a few bits of laughter scattered around, and then I hear a man speak.

  “So, Araya Crush,” the man murmurs, and obviously I have to listen now.

  “What about her?” Brazen asks mildly.

  “Your mother tells me the
two of you have been together,” the man says, and I can hear a bit of disappointment in his tone.

  “We were together, and I pray we’ll be together again very soon. I hope you’re not trying to dissuade me from such,” he cautions.

  “I’m not trying to do anything, Captain. I’m merely pointing out she’s a hybrid. There’s a reason we don’t mingle. Their needs and our needs don’t match. It’s hectic, it’s often annoying, and eventually it ends. With the two of you both in the United, it could look rather bad if things got messy.”

  “They’re not going to get messy,” Brazen growls, and I can hear several uncomfortable shifts.

  They’re not alone. People are listening to this.

  “And if she goes back to Hale Banner? Do you think it still won’t be messy?”

  “She won’t go back to him, and even if she did, it wouldn’t stop me from loving her. If she went back it would just be a matter of time before he fucked up. He doesn’t love her the way I do. He thinks he has a right to her.”

  No he doesn’t, Brazen. He loves me just like you do.

  “Are you sure you’re capable of performing your duties if she’s on the road with you? I’m only asking because this is important. Your future is bright, and it has been noted in the past you can’t think while in her presence. If you can’t be the captain I know you to be, then I’ll request a backup interrogator for this,” the man sternly interjects.

  On the road where?

  “I’ve never not done my job, and I’ve been on the road with her before. If it pleases you, I’ll keep it strictly professional. Araya is the only one capable of going through these men. They’re very skilled in the art of lying, and most of them would rather die than roll over on someone else,” Brazen tacks on.

  What? What the hell is he talking about?

  I clumsily lose my grip, and my head pops the door before I catch my balance.

  “Someone is out there,” a man whispers, and I take off down the hallway to duck behind an oversized artificial plant just as I hear the door creak open.

  I hold my breath and remain perfectly still, though I don’t know why. It’s not like Brazen would be pissed at me for showing up at his room after he asked me to come, but I don’t want to stay here. Especially not now that he’s already having a hard time explaining about us.

  “It’s nothing. It must have been another door,” Brazen causally murmurs while shutting the door behind him.

  I release my breath, and then I walk on down the hall to one of the largest rooms - other than Hale’s. I sigh as I knock, and I hear grumbling stirring behind the door as Clay gets out of his bed.

  His groggy eyes show worry and surprise when he opens the door for me.

  “Araya? What’s wrong? Are you alone? I told you not to-”

  “Whoa. Whoa. One thing at a time,” I chuckle out.

  He sighs out, and then he crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Why are you here alone?”

  “That’s the one you’re leading with? Okay,” I snicker. “Let me in, and I’ll tell you.”

  He narrows his eyes at me, and I smile as he ushers me in. His white tee shirt and flannel pants are almost comical. Poor Clay has lost his sexy in his old age despite the fact he barely looks older than twenty-five.

  “I’m here alone because there wasn’t a guard. There hasn’t been one all night by the way,” I say as that crosses my mind.

  “It’s possible the guard detail was lost in the shuffle. I’ll remedy that immediately. Now, is something wrong?” he asks a little softer.

  “Yes… Very… My roommate is Ty,” I growl, and he instantly bursts out laughing, all of his anger washing away.

  “Well that is too coincidental. He had to have somehow engineered that,” he roars out through his laughter.

  “Thank you, Commander Obvious. Anyways, I shot him. I’m sure there’s some sort of probationary time frame for my being alone with him, so now I need a new roommate.”

  He laughs more while shaking his head.

  “He didn’t file a complaint, so there are no probationary measures necessary. Sorry, but Ty is your new roomy.”

  “Then I’ll file a complaint on myself for shooting him,” I exasperate.

  “You know you can’t do that,” he snickers out.

  “Then you have a new roommate it seems, Commander,” I playfully add while pulling down a glass.

  “That’ll be fine. I’ve got two beds, and you’ll be going on a detail tomorrow which will take at least a week to complete,” he says with his eyes bright and his smile still intact.

  “Detail? What detail?” I ask while filling the glass up with water.

  “I need you to join Brazen and a team of others to do a ground-running interrogation. You’ll be flying through suspects from a major lead gathered by the southern region. You’ll be in tents for the week so you can stay mobile. Mobile homes attract too much attention for this sort of run. They’ll know the United is hidden within and you’ll have runners. So grab your camping gear first thing in the morning… or in a few hours rather.”

  I yawn as I lean over the bar, and I grumble under my breath.

  “I hate camping.”

  “I know,” he chuckles out. “But it’ll be the quickest and most efficient way to go through so many all over the place. You’ll be riding with two other officers, and Brazen will be leaving earlier to set things up. As a matter of fact, he’ll probably be here in a couple of hours to checkout.”

  “I suppose I need to get some sleep then,” I mumble, and then I give him a short hug before walking into the unoccupied bedroom.

  “I’m going back to sleep too,” he yawns out, and then I feel the bed slapping my back as I snuggle into it.

  My shorts are too hot in this apartment. Clay always leaves the air too muggy. I quickly slip out of them, and then I slide under the sheet as the pillow offers me some cooling. A week with Brazen. My head hurts from the confusing and contradicting feelings plaguing me.

  The hot coffee slithers down my throat as it works to awaken me from the zombie-like state I’m in. Very little sleep, an unwelcome roommate, and now I’ve got a week long detail to tend to. At least it’ll give me a break from Hale. I almost forgot how fucking crazy he makes me. It’s hard to pretend as though I’m not falling in love with him all over again. Then there’s Brazen. Oh my aching head.

  “I thought I smelled coffee. It’s only been an hour and a half. I had hoped you’d let me sleep a little longer,” Clay grouses.

  “Sorry. I’m a little nervous about this surprise detail,” I murmur softly, and he walks around to accept the cup of coffee I’m proffering.

  “Wow,” he says with wide eyes as he stares at my inappropriate attire.

  I laugh when I realize I’m still in my lacy, black underwear which matches my slinky black top.

  “Sorry. I’m used to living alone or with a boyfriend. I didn’t think anything about it, and it’s so fucking hot in here.”

  “Then turn the air down, don’t strip,” he grumbles, and then he shifts uncomfortably.

  I laugh at his awkwardness as his eyes deliberately stray from me. He shakes his head, and he sits down behind the bar to sip on his coffee.

  “I’ll put some shorts on,” I huff out playfully. “You know, you did say I was like family. Family shouldn’t be affected by a girl in underwear.”

  “Funny. Really funny,” he gripes under his breath, and then someone knocks on the door before I can make it back to the bedroom.

  “Clay, it’s me. Open up,” Hale murmurs insipidly from the other side.

  I smirk as I use my gift to open the door, and I keep my panty-covered half hidden behind the bar as Hale walks in. His eyes widen in surprise when he sees me, and then his foolish grin spreads.

  “Hey,” he says softly. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “I got here early this morning. Ty ended up being my roommate, so I ditched the living situation.”

  “You could hav
e come and stayed with me,” he says with a touch of a wounded tone, hope falling out of his eyes.

  “You know that would have ended a little differently than what I’m ready for,” I mumble, and a devilish smirk spreads salaciously across his face.

  “I would have been a gentleman,” he sizzles out.

  “I doubt I would have been a lady,” I huff, and his grin grows too big for me to fight my own anymore.

  “So, the two of you have apparently made up. That’s pretty great actually,” Clay chirps in delight. “I’ll give you two a minute alone.”

  Clay’s grin is all too obvious, and I roll my eyes at his less than subtle gesture. I’m nervous instantly, and I’m regretting not changing into my shorts already.

  “Actually, I was hoping to speak to you for a minute. I just found out about this detail you’re sending Araya on, and I want to go with her. I don’t like the idea of her being out there without me,” Hale murmurs protectively, and he steps behind the bar to see me in my hidden attire.

  His eyes widen instantly, and his neck cracks to the side before he steps close enough for our bodies to touch while he pulls a cup down from the cabinet. His menacing grin teases me as he traps me in the corner of the counter while pouring his cup.

  “I need you here. Ty will be dissecting the virus, and I will be working with Araya’s blood as well as analyzing any other blood they come across as I should have done to begin with. I need you to run things because I’ll be in the lab more than anywhere else.”

  Hale’s lips tighten, and his playful seduction ends promptly.

  “I don’t want her there without me. Just have the suspects brought in,” he counters hopefully.

  “I can’t do that either. Araya is going because these guys stay on the move. It’s too risky to try and transport them. This is a team effort, Hale. Everyone has to do their part. You know better than anyone I would love nothing more than to leave her completely and solely in your hands, but we can’t afford to make mistakes right now. I’m sorry.”

  Hale sighs out in defeat, and then his eyes turn back to size me up again.

  “Underwear?” he muses.

  “Clay likes it really hot… in here,” I mock with heavy innuendo, and Clay spews his coffee across the floor upon hearing my conniving little remark.


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