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Heart of the Matter (Love Me Book 2.5)

Page 6

by Jaime Russell

  Doc cups my ass cheeks as he boosts me up. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist as I arch my back putting my lace covered breasts into his face. Doc tries to find my nipples so I decide to help him by removing my bra which pleases him because he finds that nipple he was searching for and smiles into my breast as I moan from his teeth grazing me.

  Doc stumbles around trying to find one of the two beds in here that are not bunk beds. When he found one he lightly tosses me on it and I giggle. Doc is staring at me and he licks his lips. He reaches down to my jeans, he unbuttons them and slowly pulls my jeans down. The sensations from the fabric on my already heightened nerves; I couldn’t help but squirm. After he tosses my jeans aside, he slowly takes hold of my red lace thong and removes it. Doc kisses along the path of where my thong just was as I lay here feeling naked and exposed. I should feel nervous or embarrassed by it but I don’t because of the way he looks me up and down.

  I’m constantly staring this man up and down. I have this desire to memorize every inch of him so when I close my eyes, he will be in my nightly dreams. Doc’s excitement for me is showing through those thin scrubs that he is wearing. I did that to a guy I’ve never been in this position with a guy before. I hate how my inexperience gets into my thoughts.

  “Beautiful.” Doc whispers into my ear as he nibbles on it. I feel his day-old stubble rub up against my cheek and neck as he begins kissing down my body. My fingers are itching to do something, touch something so my fingers start tracing his spine. I close my eyes, thinking about how good this stubble would feel between my legs. Doc must have been reading my mind as he moves his face down my stomach, right to my pussy.

  Doc is running his hands up my left leg when he gets to my knee, he starts leaving butterfly kisses on my thighs. I try to squirm but Doc grabs my hips to steady me. My legs are now laying loosely on the shoulders of Doc as he leans in and starts to kiss around my pussy. Doc uses his right hand to open me up to lick my clit; like he’s licking an ice cream cone, one quick motion.

  I have used my fingers and even toys to get myself off but his tongue on me has every nerve ending exploding like pop rocks hitting my tongue. I love these feelings that Doc is bringing out in me.

  Doc’s fingers start to slide into me one at a time, and each time stretching me a little more. It’s painful at first but I try to relax so I don’t give away too much of it. Doc keeps moving his fingers in and out of me faster while his tongue and teeth are paying very close attention to my clit. I feel myself building up. My hips keep bucking into his mouth to get the connection closer. Doc must have known that I was close to coming that he removes all contact with me. I whimper and Doc laughs, “Don’t get too comfortable, I’m coming for your pussy again.” I grunt in frustration.

  I smile and I start to open my mouth but before, “I’m a virgin,” comes out my mouth, I feel Doc at my entrance.

  “Ready?” I try to relax my body because from the stories of my teen and early college years of their first time that I know it’s going to be painful. I breathe in slowly before relaxing. I nod quickly not wanting to speak. With one quick motion, I feel him in me that I scream out in pain. My cheeks grow very warm and if I was a betting woman, Doc knows that I’m a virgin. His expression goes from lust filled to what did I just do. I make no movement or say anything to give him reason to stop. My body is getting use to his size as he stays inside me a few minutes. During this time, he stares at me and tenderly kisses my neck and collar bone. My body is starting to guess what Doc is going to do next as I arch my back so my nipples are eye level with his lips. Doc snatches one of my nipples in between his teeth as he pulls out and slams back into me. I scream out in pleasure and pain. Doc continues this routine for about ten minutes and I feel like a possessed woman. I move my hips with his rhythm, in and out, up and down. The only sounds in the room are the smacking of our bodies together and heavy breathing.

  My hands are on his back, digging my nails up and down. His body starts to tense, does that mean he’s close? I can’t concentrate on what he is doing because my body starts to do something that I’ve never felt before. I feel this wave of sensation that hits me and takes my breath away. My insides start to tense and I’m doing everything in my power to hold onto this feeling as it’s so mind-numbing, a pleasurable pain. I can’t hold it anymore and I feel myself tightening around his hard cock inside me. Doc flips us so I’m on top and I feel awkward as I’m not sure what to do so I follow him. Doc digs his hands into my thighs and guides me up then down onto his cock. My body is constantly giving me more sensations of euphoria. I can’t believe I waited this long to be with a man. As I move off his cock slightly, Doc raises his hips slightly off the bed so we collide together. I don’t want this feeling to end but my body is starting to feel exhausted. “Let go.” Doc grunts out and with that I do. With one more collision, my pussy walls start to convulse around his hard cock. I close my eyes, tilt my neck back and moan in pleasure. “Oh god yes.” I get lost in my thoughts of how to describe how my first time was because I could never imagine it being like this. Doc tenses, grunts out some muttering words and as his body falls back to the bed. I collapse on him and I hear the beating of his heart, feel his fingers on my back, and kisses on my shoulder.

  We are startled awake as his pager starts to go off. I don’t know how long we were asleep but I still feel him inside me. I slowly move off of Doc as I wince in pain but try not to show it.

  “Fuck!” Doc mumbles to himself. “Emergency.” Doc jumps off the bed, finds his scrubs and starts getting dressed. I look around for my stuff to avoid eye contact with him because I don’t know what to do in this situation. I notice that he was putting my thong in his back pocket. I clear my throat and hold my hand out for them back but Doc just winks at me. “There is a shower through those doors if you want to get cleaned.” Doc kisses me with the same urgency from earlier. When the kiss ends, he’s out the door. “Yeah so I’m Sarah and you are?” I sob.

  I run to lock the door so no one can walk in on me as I’m still naked. I slide down the door to cry into my knees. I wish Abby wasn’t having a baby right now because I could really use one of her talks. I gingerly get up as my legs feel so weak. I walk into the shower to wash off trying not to get my hair wet. I look around at the bed that we were on and I noticed that the sheets are gone. I notice that the door is still locked so he must have done all of this when I had my back towards him. I take a deep breath and put on the famous, ‘Fake Sarah Attitude.’


  “What do you mean, emergency C-section?” I ask the doctor as I hold the hand of my very pregnant and scared wife who is crying and scared. I notice that some of the numbers on her monitors are going up and down but I’m not a doctor so I don’t understand any of it.

  “The baby is in distress.” Abby’s OB/GYN starts to say and Abby squeezes my hand tightly. The doctor must have noticed it because the machine beeped, “Abby, you need to remember your breathing. You and the baby are safe but I want to keep it that way. He twisted himself around pretty good, his umbilical cord is wrapped around his throat.” The doctor must have heard Abby’s breath hitch, “His vitals are good right now but if Abby was to push during one of her contractions then it could be a worse situation.” The doctor calmly answers as he does some checking with the ultrasound machine. He hits a couple of buttons and we hear the swishing of the baby’s heartbeat. “Listen to that, music to my ears.”

  I blink away the tears to look at Abby, eyes closed and a big smile on her face, seems to be at ease hearing our son’s heartbeat. “What now?” I ask trying to look around the nurses and doctor to see what they are doing.

  “The operating room is booked and prepped. My nurses will start the medicines and getting you hooked up to the machines I need. Cash you will be in there with us so you will need to wear scrubs as well. I will go get myself ready as well. Abby, you are in good hands. Within the hour, you’ll be holding your son.” He grabs Abby’s hand and squeezes to give her
some reassurance. He rattles off some medical mumbo-jumbo to the three nurses in the room and leaves. The one brown haired nurse, Darcy, hands me some scrubs and tells me to go change into them. I walk into the bathroom and change. I look into the mirror, “breathe Cash. You need to be strong for Abby and our son. Don’t show weakness, not right now.” I change and model for Abby who is lying there looking nervous in the room by herself.

  “You look so sexy. I wonder if we could get you a pair.” Abby takes her finger up and down my stomach. I laugh and shake my head.

  “Baby, you are about to give birth to our son and you’re already wanting to have sex.” I kiss her.

  “Look at my sexy husband. I can’t help it.” We laugh as a nurse comes in and clears her throat.

  “Sorry to interrupt this love fest but it’s time to go. Mr. Hawthorne there are a lot of people in the waiting room. Could you go explain what's going on and then meet us at OR 4? A nurse will be able to direct you if you get lost.” The nurse tells me to go out hang a left, then a right and another right. I kiss Abby good bye and let her know how much I love her. I walk towards the waiting room.

  I see Nicarra, Shawn, Sally, Matt, Max, Reagan, The Stephens and Edwards all sitting around talking or reading a book but no Sarah. I walk in and Reagan spots me first. She stands and hits Max’s knee.

  “What's going on? Is Abby okay? Are you okay?” I smile and hug my friend. I need her support and feeling her arms around squeezing me tight, it makes it better.

  “Okay I have some news that I want to share then I have to go. Abby is fine, baby is fine. We are having an emergency C-section. The baby has turned and his umbilical cord is wrapped around his neck. If Abby were to push, she could end up choking him. I think I’m saying that right but with all the information I’m probably screwing it up so we will have a baby in about an hour I need to head back and I’ll be out as soon as I can. Max, thank you for grabbing my phone off Sally when you went to get my parents. I’ll text Reagan so please don’t blow up my phone as I need to concentrate on my family. We love you and thank you for being here for us.” I start to leave the room, “Max and Reagan, come here please.” We start to walk down the hallway away from everyone, “I’m scared shitless.” I show how bad my hands are shaking that I can’t control it. “Did you know in moments like this the nurse will pull me aside to sign papers and ask if it comes down to Abby or the baby, who do I choose? I mean who the fuck asks a man to choose? What if I lose her?” I sob as I grab the railing on the hospital wall. I never understood why they were there or what purpose but right now it’s giving me something to grip.

  “Cash, you’re allowed to be scared, Abby is your wife and she’s carrying your son. You are never going to lose Abby, she won’t allow it.” I laugh through the tears, “They are in pain and it’s scary that you can’t control it.” Reagan says as she hugs me. “She is going to be okay and you are going to be a daddy in an hour. I want you to look at the bigger picture here.”

  “I can’t wait to hold my nephew. Everything is going to be great. Get in there and hold my sister’s hand. You know you want to look at her instead of us.” I laugh because Max is one hundred percent right.

  “Thanks. I needed to get it off my chest and having all those eyes on me. I don’t want anyone to see me weak or doubting, you know?”

  “Hey we get it man but no one will think you are weak for being scared. If anything happened to Reagan, I would be a mess. Hell, look at all of us when Jonathan was hit by the car. We all cried, and paced a room until he came home then we sat to watch him sleep. When it comes to our kids, our women, we are fucking pussies.” I hug Max and Reagan.

  “Thank you. I need to be with Abby. Holy shit, I’m going to be a dad!” I laugh as I start down the hallway to the nurse’s desk because I wasn’t listening to the directions. I couldn’t stop looking at Abby.

  “Hell yeah you are!” Reagan yells down the hall.

  “Well there’s the man of the house; are you ready to hold your son?” Darcy asks as we walk down the hall to the OR.

  “How is Abby?” I ask the doctor whose standing in front of me as he washes his hands.

  “She is doing good. Your son’s vitals are good too but they are starting to drop so we need to get in there now. You ready?” I nod my head and take a deep breath then head into the room with Darcy. “Abby, how are you feeling?”

  “Nervous.” Abby weakly smiles to the doctor.

  “You are numb from the waist down but will be awake through it all. You are going to feel some pulling and pressure, which is completely normal. If at any time, you feel something that doesn’t feel right, tell me right away. I want you to try not to freak out but let me know. There isn’t a lot that I can do for it but I promise you that I won’t do anything to harm the baby.”

  “Will we be able to see him?” I ask the doctor trying to see around him and the nurses.

  “Do you want to watch the procedure because I could try to find some mirrors.”

  “Oh, god no, I hate the sight of my blood.” Abby says with a laugh, “But we can hear him, right?”

  “Yes, you will. I will keep you updated on all things. I promise you.” The nurse gave me a stool so I could set next to Abby’s head. I played with her long brown hair to help relax her.

  “When we get you home, we’ll have Shawn and Max over to set up the gaming room so we can teach the boy from the beginning all about raiding.”

  “Ha yes we will. Do you think that my parents will be staying around for a while?” Abby scrunches her face and I look to see that the doctor has started the procedure.

  “I think so. I know they want to make amends and fix it. Are you willing to let them?”

  “Yes, they are the only grandparents besides Joan and Matt’s mom. I want my parents in his life. Are you okay with that?”

  “Abby, this is a strange time to be having this conversation but if you want them in your life then I will support you.”

  “Thank you. I can forgive but I won’t forget. They lay one hand on our baby, and they are gone, out of our lives for good. I honestly believe that he wants to make amends.”

  “It will be good too because your recovery time is going to be longer with the C-section.”

  “Alright, Abby you are going to have a lot of discomfort as I really start to get in there move things around. Do you want me to get technical with you?”

  “Can you dumb it down for us?” Abby says with a chuckle. The doctor laughs and nods. The room is quiet for a while and I’m enjoying watching my wife. Abby keeps biting her bottom lip. “How's our boy doing?”

  “He’s doing well.” The doctor starts moving his arms around and the nurses are looking like they are going into action. The doctor mumbles to himself. “Don’t worry, I’m trying to feel around to see about the cord and if I can turn him to bring him head first. I know this is unpleasant for you Abby but I’ll make sure that the pain meds are ordered for you.”

  “This really hurts.” Abby cries out.

  “Almost got him where I want him. Boy he is a stubborn one. The cord isn’t as twisted on him as the sonogram showed so he must have been working his way to fixing himself. You have a genius already.” I could see the doctor smiling through the mask. The doctor grunts and out comes the baby. The nurse starts to suction the baby’s mouth and nose to make sure he doesn’t have a lot of fluid still in him. “Alright daddy, come cut the cord.” I nervously stand up and look at my son. He is beautiful. “Cut right here.” The doctor hands me the scissors and points me to the spot between the two clamps that I’m supposed to cut. I do it and smile.

  “Hey buddy, I’m your dad.”

  “Why isn’t he crying?” Abby’s voice is filled with concern. After those words, the baby lets out a huge cry and Abby cries with him. “Can I hold him?” The doctor nods and lays the baby on her chest. The baby’s ear is laying right on her heart. I look at my beautiful wife and handsome son. The doctor is fixing Abby while we stare at the product of
our love.

  “He’s perfect Abby. Look he has your nose.” We lay here watching our son crying over our miracle. “I knew love at first sight when I met you but this is something so much more powerful.”

  “I agree, can you believe it?” After a while the nurses take him to get him cleaned up and weighed. I’m over watching them take care of our son and I look over to Abby. I grab my phone to start taking pictures of our son. I send a quick text to Reagan.


  Meet the latest member of the family. Mommy is doing great. Baby is wonderful. All ten toes and fingers. 5 pounds and 11 ounces. 22 inches long. Pure perfection.

  “There, now the family knows that you and baby are doing great.” I walk over to Abby with our son in my arms. “He is perfect.”

  “Doctor, I don’t feel so good.” Abby says as alarms start going off.

  “Abby, can you hear me?” The doctor yells. He starts to barking orders to the nurses. “Get him and the baby out of here.” The one nurse walks us out to where I came in at earlier.

  “Please baby, don’t leave me. I need you. We need you.” I cry out hoping she can hear me. “Tell her, we need her.” I look down to the most precious baby that I’ve ever seen. He is the perfect mix of Abby and me. It seems like it’s been hours since we were sent here but in real time it’s only been fifteen minutes before the doctor came in to talk me. “What happened?”


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