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Page 7

by Catherine Lievens

  “Whatever you decide, I’ll back you.”

  Casey’s heart swelled in his chest. He knew how serious Dominic was about this and how much it would mean for him to have the Alpha’s support if Gregory decided to do something stupid, such as demand that Casey go back to his birth pride. Casey had never officially asked to leave the Orston pride, since he’d lived in the forest for so long and they had thought he was dead. If Gregory wanted to, he could use that and affirm that therefore Casey was still a member of his pride.

  Casey turned to Nolan. “I know we haven’t talked about this yet, but—”

  “Yes, I’ll come and live here with you,” Nolan said with a grin. “If your Alpha will let me, of course.” The cat slightly bowed his head toward Dominic in a show of respect. The lion wasn’t big on shows of power, but he seemed to appreciate the gesture.

  “As long as you don’t come running into my office in cat form again just to escape from your mate, you’re welcome here.” Dominic smiled, showing that he was teasing Nolan. “Casey deserves a little happiness, and I am happy he found you. Welcome to the Whitedell pride, Nolan.”

  Nolan beamed up at Casey, and Casey couldn’t resist kissing those plump lips. A jolt of lust zinged along his spine, heat pooling in his groin as Nolan responded to the kiss, their tongues tangling happily. Casey had to remind himself where they were to avoid throwing his mate on Dominic’s desk and fucking him into next week, so after a last peck on Nolan’s reddened lips, he leaned away.

  “I’ll tell my parents as soon as they get here. Maybe we can go back with them to pack my things. That way you can meet the rest of my family, and you won’t have to ask your boss for other days off.”

  “Let’s see how this thing with Gregory goes first, okay, love? I’m sure your parents can stay a few days here with us until we resolve this problem.” Casey looked at Dominic, silently asking permission to have the cats sleeping in the mansion. He shouldn’t have worried.

  Dominic nodded, a smile on his face. “I look forward to meeting your parents, Nolan. Make sure you bring them to my office after you get reacquainted with them.”

  Dominic followed them downstairs and they watched him shift on the back porch. Damn, the man was big both in human form and in lion form! Casey chuckled as Nolan growled at him for looking at his friend’s naked form. He had never wanted Dominic that way. The thought was enough to make him shiver, and not in a good way. Dominic really was a big brother for Casey, and only that. Still, it gave Casey a good reason to start a make out session with his mate in the kitchen.

  They had come down to grab something to eat since their bedroom exercise had left them famished and Nolan had affirmed he couldn’t wait for dinner, so after kissing for a while Casey had managed to take his lips away from Nolan’s long enough to actually open the fridge. That was when a soft voice said, “Hi,” from behind him.

  Turning around, Casey saw Finn standing there hesitantly. “Hey Finn! What are you doing here?”

  “I, umm, I was wondering if you were free right now?”

  Nolan growled from where he was sitting at the counter. It amazed Casey to see how territorial the little cat was, even if he didn’t have any motives to feel that way. Sliding his arm around Nolan’s waist, he presented the two men to each other. “Finn, this is my mate, Nolan. Nolan, Finn. You remember, love, I told you about him when we were talking about the pride members?” Casey said the last sentence in a lower tone. He didn’t know much about Finn’s abilities as a Nix, but he didn’t think enhanced hearing was one of those. He didn’t want to remind the guy about his situation. God knew he was getting enough pitying and worried glances from everyone else.

  Understanding dawned in Nolan’s eyes and Casey quickly tried to get Finn’s attention. “So, what brings you here?”

  Finn shrugged. “I didn’t feel like staying at home.” Casey looked at the Nix’s haunted eyes. He would bet anything that the man had problems with his family on top of those with Bryce. He’d never said anything to anyone, but he had noticed that sometimes the slender Nix sported bruises that he tried to hide as well as he could under his clothes, not always succeeding. Casey wished Bryce would stop being such an ass and start to take care of his mate, as it should be. It was obvious the man needed to be loved by the way he was sucking up Nolan’s attentions right now.

  The three of them were eating sandwiches Casey had prepared when Bryce wandered in the kitchen, obviously not noticing Finn where he sat near the wall. The Nix froze, his face paling even more than its normal light color. It looked like he was afraid to move, as if he didn’t want to startle Bryce into running away like a wild animal.

  “Hey, Casey. Dominic told me you found your mate! Congrats!” Bryce briefly hugged Casey, slapping his back before turning to talk to Nolan. That was when he spotted Finn.

  Everyone stayed still for a few seconds, as if time was suspended in the kitchen. Then Bryce reacted, mumbling something that sounded like “Hi” to Nolan and turning away, exiting the kitchen as if he had hellhounds chasing him.

  Casey turned his attention to Finn. The way in which every feeling the man was experiencing passed in his eyes made it painful to look at him. Casey wasn’t sure what to do but Nolan beat him to it. The cat wrapped his arm around Finn’s shoulder and murmured soft words in his ear, so soft that even Casey’s shifter hearing didn’t get them. The Nix nodded and looked briefly at Casey, smiling sadly. “I guess I should go. Thank you for the company.”

  Casey didn’t even have the time to say goodbye before Finn had already popped out, leaving Casey and Nolan alone with their sandwiches.

  * * * *

  Nolan was bouncing on his feet, enthusiastic like a kitten in front of a ball of thread. His mom had called ten minutes before, saying that they were about to arrive, so Nolan had run to the front door. Now he was waiting in front of it, a smiling Casey by his side. If the man was nervous to meet Nolan’s parents, he surely didn’t show it. The sun was gleaming in his hair, surrounding him like a halo. Casey really was an angel, at least to Nolan. Oh my, when have I become so sappy?

  Knowing this was their last occasion for PDA before his parents arrived, Nolan looped his arms around Casey’s neck and pulled his mate down for a breath stopping kiss. He couldn’t seem to get enough of Casey, of his taste and scent.

  “What was that for?” Casey asked when they came up for breath.

  Nolan shrugged. “A last one before my parents get here.”

  Casey chuckled. “They know we’re mated, so I’m pretty sure they at least suspect we’re having sex. I mean, they are mated too, right?”

  “You did not just put my parents and sex in the same sentence! As far as I know they never, ever had sex and are both still virgins. That’s just…eww!” Nolan couldn’t suppress a shudder.

  “Love, you have twelve siblings. They didn’t appear out of thin air, and neither have you.”

  Nolan knew Casey was teasing him, but still, he didn’t want to even think about that!

  “I didn’t hear you!” He stuck his fingers in his ears and started singing the first song that came to his mind. By now Casey was outright laughing, his face red as he supported himself on the wall.

  Nolan stuck his tongue out at his mate, interrupting their banter when the gates opened to let in a car. Nolan had never seen a private home with so much security, so he had asked Casey the reason why more than a house, the mansion looked like a bank vault, and Casey had told him about the attack the mansion had sustained a few months before. Add to that the scientists who experimented on shifters, and Dominic had felt the need to amp up security. It made sense, and Nolan actually felt better knowing about the fences and the alarms. He’d had a hard time sleeping since his capture, but it was getting better now that he didn’t sleep alone anymore.

  The car stopped in the small gravel covered area on the right of the house and Nolan jumped down the stairs, running toward it. He barely gave his mother the time to exit
the car before he was on her, hugging the hell out of her and blattering nonsense.

  “Mom! I missed you so much!”

  His mom held him tight and Nolan breathed in her scent. It always helped him calm down, and this time wasn’t any different. He felt his heartbeat slow down and the tears he hadn’t noticed were streaming down his cheeks stopped.

  Nolan’s mom moved, holding him at arm’s length and examining him from head to toes. “How are you, honey? You look well.”

  “I’m fine, mom.”

  Casey just then cleared his throat next to them and Nolan beamed at him, unable to contain his joy. Grabbing Casey’s hand, he pulled his mate near. “Mom, this is Casey Dillon, my mate.”

  Only then did Nolan look around and hurry to hug his father and his brothers. He was both sad and relieved that only his litter mates had come. He wanted to see all his siblings, but they were too much to handle all at once, especially for someone who wasn’t used to it.

  After he presented everyone to Casey, Nolan’s mate proposed that they move the conversation in the upstairs living room, where it would be more comfortable and more secluded. He then left them there to go and get drinks for everyone, and Nolan couldn’t help the sigh that escaped him at the sight of Casey’s ass moving from side to side as he walked away.

  “He’s quite a catch, Nol,” his brother Glenn whispered, elbowing him in the ribs.

  “Glenn, don’t hit your brother like that—we still don’t know what they did to him. You could hurt him,” Nolan’s mom scolded.

  Glenn blushed and whispered an excuse, but Nolan quickly reassured him with a hug. “I’m fine, mom, really. I was lucky that one of the guards helped me escape. The wounds I had…they’re mostly healed. I’ll always have the scars, but I’m fine.” Nolan could see the horror in his brother’s eyes. It took a lot for a shifter to scar, so they could imagine how hurt he had been.

  His mom looked at Nolan in the face as if to check if he was telling the truth. She must have been satisfied with what she saw there, because she nodded at him before saying, “I think Glenn is right. Your Casey does seem to be quite a catch.” Her gaze went to the mating bite that showed where the collar of Nolan’s shirt ended, and he blushed. Sure, Casey was right, Nolan’s parents knew what they did in the privacy of their bedroom, but that didn’t mean he wanted them to acknowledge it.

  Nolan’s dad patted his knee, drawing Nolan’s attention to him. “I’m happy for you, son. Not only Casey will be good for you, but this place looks nice. You’ll be happy here.”

  “How do you know I decided to move here, dad?”

  The smile his dad gave Nolan was at the same time sad and happy. “You’re beginning a new chapter in your life. A lot of things happened to you, both good and bad. You’re not the same Nolan as you were three months ago, and you can’t go back to that life, as much as you might want it. It seems right for you to start from where your mate is.”

  Tears once again escaped Nolan’s eyes, but his brother Billy stopped them. “Hey, we’re not far from here, Nol. We can see each other whenever we want.” He squeezed Nolan’s hand. Nolan knew he would miss all his siblings, but his three litter mates held a special place in his heart. He would miss the special connection they shared, the way they slept in a kitten pile and cuddled in cat form.

  It would be hard leaving his family, but Nolan had a whole new future to look forward to, and in that moment he was glad that the scientists had captured him. It had led him to Casey. All that pain had been worth it in the end.

  The rest of the day passed so fast Nolan couldn’t believe it. He talked about what he had been through, not in too many details, though. Some of those things he wanted to share only with Casey, when he was ready.

  He learned that his sister Alicia was pregnant with her second litter and that his litter mate Austin had a new job. In short, he reacquainted himself with his family, and when it was finally time to go to bed, Nolan was exhausted but also so happy.

  “So, what did you think?” he asked Casey, flopping on the bed.

  “Your brothers are quite…a handful.”

  Nolan laughed. “And that’s only three of them. Wait until you meet them all at the same time!”

  The look of horror on Casey’s face made Nolan laugh even harder.

  “You’re making fun of me, uh?” Casey growled as he got on the bed, stalking Nolan like the cat he was, making Nolan shiver in delight. His cock hardened in anticipation, but instead of kissing Nolan, Casey caught him around the waist and started tickling him. Nolan squeaked in surprise, squirming and wiggling, peals of laughter resounding in the room.

  “Uncle! Uncle!” Nolan yelled between two bouts of laughter. Casey stopped, their lips so near that Nolan could feel Casey’s hot breath fanning on his skin. The mood shifted from playful to sensual. Nolan was surrounded by his mate’s scent and he soaked it in, his fatigue only a memory in front of the heat he could see in Casey’s eyes.

  Casey leaned in, capturing Nolan’s lips with his own, and Nolan lost himself in his mate. Their clothes quickly disappeared, leaving them writhing and rutting against each other, sweat covering their skins and easing their movements. Casey’s fingers travelled down Nolan’s body until they reached his hole. He ghosted the tip against the pink star, making Nolan shiver, his breath hitching as he felt it breach the tight muscle.

  Nolan didn’t know when Casey had grabbed the lube, but since they kept it under one of their pillows just for occasions like this, it didn’t surprise him much. He was just glad Casey had thought of it because it hadn’t crossed his mind.

  It didn’t take long for Casey to stretch him. They had been going at it like, well, rabbits since yesterday, so he was still pretty loose, but it seemed that Casey had set his mind on making Nolan go crazy with lust. He was fucking him with his fingers, brushing against Nolan’s prostate every two or three thrusts while his other hand echoed the rhythm his fingers had set on his cock, and Nolan didn’t know if he should push back on Casey’s fingers or fuck himself in his mate’s hand.

  “Casey, please, please!”

  “You beg so prettily, love. Are you ready for my cock?” Casey punctuated his question with a well assessed touch on Nolan’s sweet spot, making him see stars as he felt his balls tightened.

  “Please, I want you in me!”

  “You’re going to come on my cock, love? You’re going to tighten that sweet little hole on my dick?” Nolan would have never guessed that Casey was the type to talk dirty in bed, and he would have thought he would be embarrassed, but his mate’s words rocketed his desire even higher.

  “Yes, yes! Now put it in, damn it!”

  Casey chuckled above him but he obeyed, slipping his fingers from Nolan’s ass and pushing his cock against it instead. Nolan felt the head of his mate’s dick kiss his hole before Casey slowly pushed in until he was fully seated. His mate didn’t give him the time to get used to his girth. Nolan didn’t need it. What he needed right now was to Casey to fuck him.

  * * * *

  Nolan’s body was hot and tight around Casey’s cock, making it hard to push his impending orgasm away. Just entering him had brought Casey so close that he had to stop and stay still for a while, but Nolan was having none of it. He slapped Casey’s chest, urging him to move. Casey smiled. Nolan’s personality was showing a bit more every day, and Casey loved what he saw.

  “Move, damn it! What the heck are you doing, thinking about your grocery list?” Nolan snarled, his palm now smacking Casey’s butt, creating a surprisingly arousing sensation. Casey’s skin tingled where Nolan had paddled his ass, the pleasure radiating to his cock.


  This time Casey gave in to his lover’s order. He started pounding into Nolan’s ass, adjusting the angle with every thrust until Nolan went rigid beneath him, his back arching as a loud moan escaped his lips. Casey had found his prostate, and he made sure that he touched it with every thrust he made into his mate�
�s body. Casey wanted Nolan to come with him, so he kept the angle right and hammered his hips into Nolan’s channel until his mate writhed under him, his words mostly incoherent as he urged Casey on, his hands now tightly gripping both of Casey’s ass cheeks, probably leaving marks.

  Casey grabbed Nolan’s short hair and tilted his face in the right position to kiss his mate. The kiss was sloppy, their tongues moving against each other as Casey continued to hammer his hips. He bit on Nolan’s lower lip and his mate stiffened under him, crying out his release. Hot cum splashed on both their stomachs, the heady scent of his mate’s release going straight to Casey’s head as Nolan’s channel spasmed, milking Casey’s cock as he came too. That was when Casey felt Nolan’s teeth penetrate the soft flesh of his neck, making him come a second time. His cock pulsed, jet after jet of cum filling Nolan’s rectum and marking him as Casey’s from the inside.

  Casey collapsed on Nolan’s chest, making sure to roll immediately to avoid hurting his mate. Nolan rolled with him, ending up draped on top of Casey, his thighs encasing Casey’s hips as they waited for their racing breaths to calm down. They were still linked, Casey’s cock now softening inside his mate, and he wished he could stay there forever, forgetting about life and its problems.

  They fell asleep like that, and when they woke up the following morning Casey couldn’t hold back his groan. They were stuck together, Nolan’s cum having dried while they were sleeping, and while Nolan had little to no hair on his chest, Casey did have some, and it hurt like a bitch when they separated. Nolan laughed at him and called him a big baby, but Casey couldn’t help but wonder how women could stand waxing.

  The mood quickly changed as they showered and dressed, Casey already thinking about the impending meeting with Gregory. He didn’t know why, but he had a bad feeling about it, and he couldn’t shake it off. Nolan tried to make him smile, joking with his brothers over breakfast, but he just couldn’t. Nolan’s family noticed something was wrong but they didn’t pry, and Casey was glad. They did make plans to go back to Colorado Springs with them the following day so that Nolan could pack and bring his things back to the mansion, though.


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