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Page 8

by Catherine Lievens

  Just after lunch Dominic called Casey and asked him to go to his office. The Alpha wanted to reassure Casey once more that he would support him no matter what he decided, which reinforced Casey’s decision to stay with the pride. He was still talking with Dominic when the phone on the lion’s desk rang. Casey started to get up when the Alpha answered, but Dominic raised a hand to stop him.

  “Let them in, but call Denver and Joshua first and make them wait near the front door. I’ll come down and meet them there.”

  It was obvious that Casey’s guest had arrived, and he wasn’t alone. Dominic turned to Casey. “Do you want Nolan to be with you when you meet Alpha Howard?”

  “Honestly I’d prefer not, but I know how Nolan would react if I tried to talk him out of it.” Casey grimaced. “I’ll go and tell him Gregory is here.”

  “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs near the entrance.”

  Casey left Dominic and went looking for his mate, finding him in what was now their suite, talking with two of his brothers while a movie played on the TV screen.

  “Hey, babe!” Nolan’s smile never failed to make Casey happy, and this time wasn’t any different, in spite of what was about to happen.

  “Gregory is here. Do you want to come down and meet him with me?” Casey knew that even though so many years had passed and nothing had really happened with his old childhood friend, Nolan still considered the man a danger to their relationship, at least unconsciously. Why he thought so, Casey couldn’t understand, but he knew Nolan needed to be there with him when he met Gregory.

  Dominic was waiting for them when they got downstairs. He nodded then opened the door, the three of them stepping out to greet Gregory. It wasn’t only a matter of friendship, since Gregory was an Alpha and Dominic had to greet him as such.

  Casey watched as the car stopped, his heart beating a little bit faster. He was nervous, mostly because he had an uneasy feeling but also because this was someone who belonged to his tormented past. Just thinking about Gregory triggered painful memories.

  A man stepped out of the driver’s seat, and Casey immediately recognized his old friend. Gregory might have grown up, but his face was still the same. He had put on a lot of muscles on his now six foot four or five frame, but he maintained the lean built that cheetah shifters usually had. He had abandoned the long hair he used to love so much, His dark blond hair was now cut in a short buzz just a little longer than the five-o’clock shadow on his cheeks.

  As the man neared them, he could see the gray eyes he had known so well looking at him, raking his eyes on Casey from head to toes and making him uneasy. There was something that shouldn’t be there in that gaze, something that might have pleased Casey when they were fourteen but that was out of place now, especially since Casey had his arm wrapped around Nolan’s waist. Nolan’s hands rested on Casey’s chest in a possessive gesture no one could misunderstand, and Casey felt warm inside at the thought of Nolan being protective of him that way.

  Dominic went down the stairs, welcoming the Alpha, and Casey focused on the other two people that had come out of the car. He immediately recognized his aunt. She looked so much like Casey’s mother that it hurt looking at her. Her long blond hair was bound on her nape, her green eyes looking up at him with both joy and nervousness. The man looked like her enough to make Casey guess that he was his uncle. If he remembered correctly, Trevor was only fifteen years or so older than Casey, while Elena should be about seventy.

  Casey grabbed Nolan’s hand, needing the link to ground him as he moved forward. He didn’t know what he would say to them, but he needed to get near. Nolan came willingly, squeezing Casey’s hand before releasing it once they got in front of Elena. They looked at each other for a few seconds before moving together, their arms opening as Elena drew Casey in a tight hug. Casey could feel the wetness of his aunt’s tears against his neck, and he knew she wasn’t the only one to shed them. His eyes were wet too, and he could hear Nolan sniffing behind him.

  Trevor stepped to them, engulfing both of them in his arms in a group hug. His mouth ended up near Casey’s ear and Casey froze when he heard him whisper, “Watch out for Gregory. He doesn’t mean well.”

  Casey wanted to ask what was going on, but Trevor moved away, quickly followed by Elena. Now that he knew what he was looking for, the two looked agitated and anxious, their eyes darting often to where Gregory was talking with Dominic. Casey also saw that Gregory’s eyes kept on moving to him, his eyes narrowing when Casey reached and brought Nolan near.

  “Nolan, these are my aunt and uncle, Elena and Trevor. This is Nolan, my mate.”

  Elena and Trevor paled, their eyes moving to Gregory before quickly returning to Nolan and Casey. “Your mate?” Elena asked hesitantly. “When…when did you meet him?”

  Nolan shot a bright smile to Casey’s family members. “Just a few days ago. I’m very happy to meet Casey’s family.” Casey knew that Nolan was aware that something was wrong, even if he was acting normally. He could feel the uneasiness through their bond.

  Casey wanted to talk with them, to ask them what had happened to them in all these years, but he didn’t get the opportunity. Gregory chose that moment to move away from Dominic, grabbing Casey’s arm and pulling him in a bear hug, severing Casey’s connection to Nolan.

  “Cas! How have you been?” Gregory leaned away but didn’t release him until Nolan moved and wrapped his arm around Casey’s waist, laying his head on Casey’s chest and clearly staking his claim.

  “Hi, I’m Nolan, Casey’s mate.”

  Gregory’s reaction would have been funny if the situation didn’t feel so wrong. His eyes narrowed as he glared to Nolan, his lips pursing with suppressed anger and his fists tightening by his sides.

  “Your mate?” he grinded between clenched teeth. “I didn’t know you were mated.”

  “Well, many things have happened in thirty years, Gregory.” Casey made a point of not using his friend’s old nickname. “I found Nolan only a few days ago, but I already love him very much.”

  The tension between them was so thick Casey thought he could choke on it. He wasn’t sure how to react to the angry glares the Alpha was shooting at Nolan. He wanted to say something, but Gregory was an Alpha, and he didn’t want to give the man the impression that he was insulting or challenging him. Luckily for him Dominic chose that moment to interfere.

  “Why don’t we all go inside and share a drink? I’m sure you must all want to rest after that long drive.”

  Gregory nodded, glaring one last time at Nolan before following Dominic inside. He passed by Elena and Trevor, jerking his head at them in a sign that said they had to follow him. It was obvious that the man didn’t want them to speak to Casey on their own, and he wondered again in what trouble he had gotten himself into.

  Chapter Five

  Nolan wouldn’t tell Casey I told you so because he didn’t want to push, but damn, he had been right! He’d suspected that Gregory wanted Casey back, and now he knew it was true. He had watched the way the Alpha looked at Casey, like he wanted to take a bite out of Nolan’s man, and most of all, how Gregory looked at Nolan. Nolan had seen hate in those eyes. Sure, it was weird that Gregory would still want Casey after all these years and all, but those things weren’t always logical. God knew that passion and lust were based on instinct and needs, not on thought.

  It was obvious that Alpha Howard had searched for Casey until he had found him, but since Casey hadn’t been mated to Nolan for long the man hadn’t found out about him. That explained the surprise on his face, and the worry Nolan had seen in Casey’s aunt and uncle’s eyes. If he had to guess, they were here because they had been forced to, probably to lure Casey into going back to Orston by letting him see his family and then take it away unless Casey moved. It might have worked if Casey hadn’t found Nolan, but now…

  The little group entered the room that was used when other Alphas came to the mansion. The refreshments were already waiting
on the coffee table, so everyone sat down on the armchairs and couches, and Nolan noticed that Gregory made a point on sitting next to Casey. That meant that Nolan would have to sit somewhere else since the small couch wasn’t big enough for three people, and Gregory gave Nolan a wicked smile. Nolan wasn’t going to be put aside so easily, though. After grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee, he handed it to Casey and flopped down in his mate’s lap, grinning at Gregory and showing him that he knew very well that they were playing a game over Casey. Nolan was the one with the upper hand, though, what with being mated to Casey and all.

  Looking around, Nolan noticed Elena and Trevor whispering to each other, probably taking advantage of the fact that their Alpha was now talking with Dominic. Nolan wanted to ask them what was going on, but he didn’t want to draw attention to them. From the way they acted, he didn’t think they were okay with the way their Alpha was using them, and Nolan planned to find a way to talk to them later. He should probably talk to Dominic about it, since Gregory wouldn’t be able to refuse a request from the lion without seeming rude and risking issues between their two prides. Nolan guessed he could have used the time Gregory would surely want to spend with Casey, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to risk it.

  Not that Nolan thought Casey would be unfaithful, not really, but his cat didn’t want to leave their mate with a potential danger for their relationship.

  “So, what brings you here exactly, Alpha Howard? I understand that you thought Casey was dead, but found out otherwise.” Dominic was practically telling Gregory that he didn’t know the exact situation, but Nolan knew the lion just wanted to know what the other Alpha’s version would be.

  “Well, Casey and I were childhood friends, but due to a…misunderstanding, Casey’s parents were killed and I was told Casey had died, too. A few years ago I challenged my father for the Alpha role. I wish I could have avoided it, but the man’s mind wasn’t all here since my mother’s death, and it was impacting the pride’s health, so I didn’t really have a choice. I wanted him to step down but he refused, and I had to kill him.”

  Nolan was horrified by the cold tone of Gregory’s voice. He looked at the other people in the room and noticed Dominic frowning, while Casey’s eyes were on his family rather than on Gregory.

  “Once I became Alpha, I talked with my father’s Betas and friends, and during the conversation one of them told me that Casey hadn’t been killed with his parents. It took me nearly two years of contacting prides to find him here. I needed to see for myself that he was alive and well, and to tell him that now that my father wasn’t Alpha anymore, it was safe for him to come home.”

  “Is that why you came? To bring Casey home?” Nolan asked, earning himself a glare from Gregory.

  “Yes. He didn’t leave because he wanted to, and his family lives in Orston.”

  “What if he doesn’t want to go back there? Have you thought about the fact that in thirty years he might have built himself a new life and he wouldn’t want to leave that one behind?”

  “Why don’t you let Casey decide, kid?” Gregory was obviously sure that Casey would chose him, and Nolan couldn’t wait to see his face when Casey told him he wanted to stay here.

  “Kid?” Nolan snorted. “I’m eighty-two years old. I should be the one to call you kid.”

  “Nolan.” Dominic didn’t have to say anything more. Nolan knew he had crossed a line. He shouldn’t have answered like that, but Gregory had implied that Nolan was too young for Casey and he couldn’t let that pass.

  “Sorry, Alpha.” It might sound like Nolan was apologizing to Gregory, but in fact he was talking to Dominic.

  “Nolan is right, though. I’m happy to see you, Gregory, and to see my family, but I’ve built myself a life here and I don’t want to leave. After what happened to my parents…I don’t think I could go back there anyway. I’m sorry, but I won’t be going back with you.”

  Gregory’s face reddened and Nolan expected him to yell or at least insist, but the man let it go, at least for now. “Of course. I’d still like to talk to you in private,” Gregory pointedly looked at Nolan, “before going back, though.”

  “You can tell me anything you have to say in front of Nolan—he is my mate after all.” Nolan wasn’t sure that Casey was aware of Gregory’s feelings for him, but he didn’t seem to care, and he had been clear about Nolan being his mate. Point one for the cat!

  “I have to insist. Some of the things I have to tell you should be kept private.”

  Nolan could see that Casey was about to refuse once more, but he needed to get Elena and Trevor away from Gregory, so he gave his mate a little nudge, squeezing his arm where it rested on Nolan’s thighs. “I wouldn’t want to be a bother. I don’t think it would be a problem for the two of you to talk alone. I could spend that time with my family since they are leaving soon. Don’t worry about me, babe. Spend some time with your friend. I’m sure you have so many things to tell each other after thirty years apart.”

  Casey looked stunned but he finally acquiesced. “Okay. You’re going to be fine, love?”

  Nolan gave him a broad smile before answering. “Of course. I’ll just be with mom and dad.”

  Dominic stood up and gestured to Casey’s relatives. “Why don’t you come with me? I’ll have someone show you around the house.” God, Nolan loved that man! It seemed like Dominic had a sixth sense or something. He always knew when something was wrong.

  Gregory didn’t seem overly happy that Elena and Trevor would be left alone but he couldn’t say anything since he had been the one to insist that he and Casey needed to be alone. Nolan decided to give a last kiss to Casey, and to make a show of it. He slipped his tongue into his mate’s mouth, stroking and sucking while he ground his ass on the growing erection in Casey’s jeans. When the anger and jealousy he could smell coming in waves from Gregory started to rise, Nolan leaned away, giving one last nip to Casey’s lower lip. His mate’s face was flushed and his lips a little swollen, giving him the look of someone who had just been thoroughly kissed. Good!

  “I’m going, babe. See you later.” Nolan gave a last wave to his mate before closing the door to the small room and following Dominic’s scent to his office.

  * * * *

  Casey watched as Nolan sashayed out of the room, the movement of his hot, tight little ass nearly hypnotizing. The way his mate had shown Gregory who Casey belonged to, had made Casey so hard that the only thing he wanted was to throw Nolan on the couch and fuck him into next week, which he was sure was exactly what Nolan wanted. Casey had felt his amusement through their bond when he had walked away.

  Casey wasn’t blind—he’d seen the hateful glances Gregory had sent Nolan and the appreciative ones he gave Casey. He just couldn’t believe that the man in front of him could have the same feelings for him that he had when they were kids. Well, maybe not exactly the same. The lust he could now see in Gregory’s eyes had never been there when they were fourteen, but then they had been young and experimenting. They didn’t know what sex was back then, at least not real sex, but what Casey could now see in Gregory made him shudder.

  “So, what did you want to talk about?” he asked Gregory, wanting to end this as soon as possible.

  “Your…mate, how long have you known him?”

  “Not long. We met only a few days ago. Why?”

  “So it’s nothing serious.” Nothing serious?

  “What do you mean? We’re mated, of course it’s serious!” Casey stood, wanting to put as much distance as he could between the two of them.

  “I’ll let you keep him if you really have to, but he won’t live with us, and I don’t want anyone else to know about him.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Casey couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and the worst part was that Gregory looked totally serious.

  “I came here to take you back home. I never forgot you, and when I found out you were still alive I knew that Fate wanted us to be togethe
r after all. Why would she have saved you otherwise? I’ll take you home, and you’ll become the Alpha mate.” Gregory stood too, getting closer to Casey and making him nervous.

  Casey didn’t know what to do. This was both so serious and so…well, funny, in a weird sort of way. “I told you, Gregory, I’m already mated. I love Nolan and I want no one else, not even you. I know that we kissed that night, but it didn’t mean anything. It was just two kids having fun.”

  Gregory’s face turned red, resentment written all over it. “What are you saying? I’m in love with you, I always have been! You’re mine!” Gregory lunged, grabbing Casey’s arm and pulling him in his arms. He tightened, one of his hands rising to grab Casey’s jaw while his lips crashed on Casey’s. Everything happened so fast and Casey was so surprised that Gregory managed to slip his thick tongue in Casey’s mouth, holding the rest of Casey’s body still even though Casey tried to dislodge him, bucking and trashing. He tried to push the Alpha away, but he knew he wasn’t strong enough.

  Not seeing any other solution, Casey bit on the tongue that was invading his mouth, hard enough to draw blood. Gregory howled, finally releasing Casey, and Casey swung, nailing the other man’s jaw with his fist. Gregory scrambled backward, a hand on his face.

  “What the fuck!”

  Casey growled. He had enough of this shit! “Fuck! I should be the one to say that! What the hell were you thinking, kissing me like that? I told you I don’t want you in any way or shape, so fuck off!” It was only as he finished his little speech that Casey realized that he had talked like that to an Alpha. The man could decide to punish him for being disrespectful at the least, or for assaulting him if he really wanted to be a bastard. The next words tasted foul on his tongue, but he had to say them. “I’m…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I didn’t want this.”


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