Book Read Free

Crossroads of the Heart

Page 1

by Savannah Maris



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40


  (Turn the page for the playlist from Crossroads of the Heart and a list of other books by Savannah Maris)


  Other books by Savannah Maris

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events portrayed in this book are the product of the author’s imagination or are either fictitious or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


  ISBN-10: 1724493345

  Copyright: Copyright © 2018 Savannah Maris

  All Rights Reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in whole or in part by any means.

  Author: Savannah Maris

  Editor: Jennifer Roberts-Hall

  Cover Photo(s): Chris Redd Photography

  Cover Design: MadHat Books

  Crossroads of the Heart is dedicated to all the busy couples out there who have lost their connection.

  I’ve been there.

  I’ve made rash decisions that I later regretted, and I am so grateful my husband weathered those storms with me. He is my true North, and without him my life wouldn’t make sense.

  I’d like to say thank you to Chris Redd Photography and Daniel Rengering. I could not have imagined a more perfect cover. You captured the character perfectly without even knowing, and you brought Noah Carmichael to life. This has only happened one other time for me. Thank you for an awesome picture.

  For everyone who has helped this book come to be (and kept me sane in the process): alpha/beta readers, editors, formatters, cover designers, and promotions. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

  To the readers: I hope you enjoy Crossroads of the Heart as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  To my dad: you left us during the final stages of publishing this book. I hope I made you proud.

  To Annelle Willard: I miss your advice and encouragement. Soar in the Heavens, my friend.



  Three Weeks Earlier

  “Ladies and gentlemen please prepare as we make our descent into Lihue Airport.”

  I take a deep breath and immediately close my eyes as I grab the hand next to me. I hate takeoffs and landings. With each drop, my hand squeezes tighter until I hear a whimper coming from beside me.

  “Tam-ryn,” the strained voice squeaks.

  I loosen my grip. “Oh no, Maggie, I’m so sorry.”

  Maggie massages the hand I was squeezing with her other one. “Girl, we’ve got to find you something to take when you fly. Thank God I’m right- handed, or your makeup might look like shit.”

  I take an exaggerated breath. “I know. I just hate flying without Noah.” A sad smile tilts my lips. “Speaking of flying, how long is the doctor allowing you to continue?” I ask as I look at her baby bump.

  She smiles. “This is my last assignment where flying is involved.”

  “Thank you for flying United Airlines. Enjoy your stay on the island of Kaua’i,” a female voice comes over the speakers.

  I turn on my phone as we stand and remove our carry-on bags from the overhead compartments then move toward the exit. Our entire crew is in first class, and the attendants know exactly who we are. I, for one, am grateful they just smile and wish us well.

  As usual, the Captain is at the door while we disembark.

  “Nice landing,” I say with a grateful smile.

  He tips his hat to me as I move onto the gangplank. As soon as I’m inside the airport and out of other people’s way, I call Noah. It’s six in the evening here but midnight in Atlanta. He always waits up for me to check in when I’m on an assignment.

  As his phone rings, I hear static, but just when I’m about to hang up, his scratchy voice comes through the receiver. “Tam-?”

  “Noah, can you hear me?”

  “N-t c-mp----ly.”

  “I’ll try from the hotel later.”


  Thankfully the drive to the hotel is short, and I’m able to get checked in quickly so I can try to call Noah again. “All circuits are busy. Please try your call again later.”


  I quickly send him a text, so he’ll know we really need to talk:

  I’ve got something I need to tell you.

  I set the phone on my bed with the arrow still spinning while I take a shower, hoping it’ll go through by the time I wash off the travel grime.

  The room phone is ringing as I step out of the bathroom.


  Maggie’s tired voice is on the other end. “They want to get a few pictures in the setting sun. Be on the beach in twenty minutes for hair and makeup.”

  I’ve worked with this group several times, so I should have known the photographer wouldn’t want to waste any time. I don’t care for the lighting guy, but I like Maggie, the makeup artist.

  I put on some lounging clothes because I know I’ll be changing once I’m on the beach. I didn’t want to take this assignment because I need time with Noah. I miss him. But Harold, my agent, has talked me into it.

  Harold has been my agent since I started modeling, and he’s like a protective brother. He’s helped me maneuver the pitfalls of this job and knows which assignments are good for me. He understands how important my marriage is to me even though he and Noah don’t see eye to eye after my last contract negotiation.


  I check my phone first thing when I wake up, but there’s nothing from Tamryn yet. A heavy sigh leaves me because I hate that we didn’t have a good connection when she called earlier. I loathe her taking long assignments, and this one is three weeks long. I miss her already, and she hasn’t even been gone a day. It’s the middle of the night there, but maybe the connection will be better.

  “N- -h?”

  I can hardly hear her. “Tams, baby, can you hear me?

  “B-d c - - ect- -n.”


  “Tr- - d.”


  “Try l-t-r.”

  I decide to try email once I get to the office. It isn’t the same as hearing Tamryn’s voice, but something is better than nothing.




  “Noah? I’m home!”

  My heart flutters when Noah walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, drying his face. I scan his body from head to toe. He must have had several meetings on the golf course since I’ve been gone because his light-brown hair has sun-kissed streaks that make it look almo
st blond. I stare into the soulful brown eyes with gold flakes when he’s playful, turn the color of whiskey when he was aroused, and almost black in the throes of passion. God, I love this man. He’s always been the sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on but has grown better looking with age.

  “I didn’t expect you back tonight. Why didn’t you call?”

  “Um, we wrapped early, so I could catch a flight to surprise you.”

  “That you did.” He kisses my cheek. “I got your text this morning, and thought you’d finally gotten good reception. What do you want to talk about?”

  “Want to catch dinner? We can discuss it then.” I wrap my arms around his neck and give him his favorite smile, the one that says I’ve missed him.

  “Can’t, Tams, sorry.” He unwraps my arms from around his neck. “Simon set up this dinner with a new model from New York. Promises to be the next Tamryn Carmichael.” He winks and walks into our closet.

  “Yeah, you can’t pass that up.” Even I can hear the disappointment in my voice.

  A few moments later, he steps back into our bedroom fully dressed with his tie under his collar. “Now, don’t be like that. I didn’t know you’d be here tonight.” He stands in front of the mirror tying the perfect Windsor knot. As good as he looks in a suit, I’d rather see him in jeans.

  “I’m thinking about being here for a while.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yeah, I told Harold I missed my husband and needed some time with him.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “So, plan on dinner here tomorrow night. I’m cooking.” I picked up a few recipes on this trip to Hawaii, and I want to impress my husband.

  He flashes me a playful grin. “You remember how?”

  I throw a decorative pillow from the bed at him with a playful smile of my own. “Of course, I remember how.”

  He leans over the bed and quickly kisses me. “I should be home by ten.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait up so we can talk.”

  Over the next few hours I unpack my suitcase, find something to warm for dinner, and take a nice hot bath. I’m refreshed with renewed energy as I wait for Noah to return home. His job as an entertainment attorney causes him to spend many nights out. Hell, he’s the attorney who negotiated my last modeling contract, but nights like tonight is why I need a break. With our careers at the top of our respective fields, we barely pass each other in the hall because we’re rarely in the same location.

  Looking at the clock, I see it’s thirty minutes later than he said he’d be. I try to call his cell, but it goes straight to voicemail, so I send him a quick text:

  Are you on your way home? The jetlag is getting to me. Wake me when you come in.

  I hope he responds quickly, but when I don’t hear anything from him, I slip into bed, the disappointment weighing heavily. I keep reminding myself that he’d already had this meeting set up. He’ll be home soon.

  It feels as if I just laid down when I hear him bumping into the walls on the way down the hall. I quickly glance at the clock to see it’s after one in the morning. He’s drunk. I keep my back to him as I feel a tear slide across the bridge of my nose.

  He fumbles getting undressed and falls against the bedpost. The closet light reflects off the windows into my eyes. Could he make any more noise? Does he even remember I’m home? A few seconds after he slides into bed, I get a faint whiff of a woman’s perfume. Yes, I hugged him before he left, but that’s not my scent.

  More tears fall as I lay there in the dark.



  The sun shines through the curtains letting me know I had too much to drink last night. My head is splitting, and my eyes throb. Tamryn had come home early to surprise me, and she couldn’t have picked a worse week. Our lives are never easy. All I wanted to do last night was stay home and bury myself inside her, but I’d made appointments every night to fill the time while she was gone and I couldn’t cancel them.

  Last night’s dinner was a complete bust. All the girl wanted to do was party. We’d had too many drinks before we left the restaurant for a night club, but when she wanted more than alcohol, I was done. God, I’d missed a night with Tamryn for nothing. I’ll send her flowers and a beautiful piece of jewelry with an apology note when I get to work. She understands it’s my job. She’ll forgive me. She always does.

  I turn toward Tamryn’s side of the bed and find it empty and cold. Where the hell is she? I roll out of bed and make my way to the kitchen for a mug of coffee and ibuprofen. My beautiful Tamryn. Yes, she’s one of the hottest models out there right now, but she’s been mine long before modeling ever appeared on her radar. Her blonde curly hair flows down her back with blue eyes that look like the Caribbean Sea. Just thinking about her curves and legs makes me hard. Fuck, I miss her. Running my hand over my face helps bring me back to the present. I sigh when I find the note beside the coffee pot. “I’ve gone to the gym. Remember, I’m cooking dinner so please don’t be late. We need to talk. Love, me.”

  A smile breaks across my face so I quickly send her a text:

  Sorry about last night. I wouldn’t dream of being late. Looking forward to it.

  Thirty minutes later I’m sitting in the back of the town car with Donald, my driver, weaving through the Atlanta traffic. Having a car and driver is one of the perks my law firm gave me when I landed a prominent country music singer for the company.

  Three years ago, I became partner when one of the founding partners of the firm retired, and I inherited my plush corner office on the twenty-second floor overlooking downtown Atlanta. I also inherited Carol, my assistant. She’s a middle-aged woman who’s very good at her job. Since I was new to my position at the time, we were a perfect match.

  I’m standing in front of the windows wondering what Tamryn is doing when a light tap sounds on my door. “Come in.” I turn to see my assistant walking through the door.

  “Good morning, Mr. Carmichael. Here are your messages, sir.”

  I take the stack of papers from Carol and flip through them. “Please call Simon and tell him we’re not interested in that Mitzy whatever her name was that I had dinner with last night. Whichever law firm takes her on better include babysitting services unless they want to bail her out of jail every other morning. I’m too old for that shit anymore. Um, sorry, Carol.”

  She smiles at me, and I know it’s because she likes the passion I have for my job. “Quite all right, Mr. Carmichael. I’ll handle Simon. Anything else, sir?”

  I take a deep breath. “Carol, Tamryn surprised me by coming home early last night, and I had that stupid dinner. I didn’t get to spend any time with her, and I feel terrible. I need big flowers and a nice piece of jewelry. Make sure the card expresses how sorry I am and how much I love her.”

  “Yes, sir. Anything else?”

  “That’s all for now, Carol. What time is my first appointment?”

  “Ten. It’s with Mr. Levi Landers. His new contract is on your computer.” She waves her hand in the air as she walks out the door.

  I hang my suit jacket behind my office door and settle in at my desk to read the contract before my meeting. I’m making notes when Carol announces Mr. Landers’ arrival. She ushers him into the office as she tells me she’s leaving to run my errand, and another secretary has the phones.

  Mr. Landers and I hammer out the specifics and negotiating points of the presented contract from a music company. “Levi, I think it’s straight forward. I’d be surprised if they have any issues with it. I’ll email it to them and let you know when they get back with me.” We shake hands, and I escort him out of the office.

  Closing the door, I check the time on my watch. It’s early afternoon, and I haven’t heard anything from Tamryn. When I pick up my phone to call, I see a text from her:

  Thank you for the flowers and earrings. They’re both beautiful. xoxo. P.S. – I don’t need the jewelry. I need my husband.

  A pair of lips ends the text.

  God, I miss her
. I can’t wait to see her tonight. Three weeks. It’s been three weeks since I was inside that beautiful body. I feel myself start to thicken when my cell phone rings.

  “Noah Carmichael.”

  “Noah, it’s Jason. I’m in town this afternoon. Do you have time to sit down? I’ve been asked to be a spokesperson for a charity and want your take on it.”

  “Hang on, let me make sure Carol doesn’t have me scheduled for something.” I pull up the calendar that Carol has synced on my phone and computer as well as hers. “Looks like I’m free at three.”

  “See you then.”



  I roll my eyes and close the door after accepting the delivery that always follows Noah choosing work over me. The flowers are a huge bouquet of white calla lilies, my favorite. Once I place them on the counter, I open the teal colored box with the black ribbon. There sits a beautiful pair of gold drop earrings with diamonds nestled at the bottom. I walk into our bedroom and open the top drawer in my dresser to add this box to his other guilt gifts, then I send the obligatory thank you text, snag my sunglasses and purse on my way out.


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