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Spirits (Spirits Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Destiny Patterson

  “Okay. So you play baseball?” Drew asks. I can tell he’s trying to make conversation so Blake doesn’t dislike him for hanging out with Carson.

  “Yeah, you?”

  “Heck yeah! I love it. I’m not very pleased about quitting the team because of the move though.” He frowns.

  “I’ve just been playing for so long now it’s like whatever. Have your parents talk to Coach Zimmerman, I’m sure he can pull some strings provided you play well.”

  “Dude that would be awesome!” Drew says collecting the dirty dishes.

  I start rinsing out the pans and Dae all but pushes me away from the sink. “Drew and I’ve got this, why don’t you and Blake head on out?” She winks.

  “Okay…” I say looking over at Blake.

  He’s already heading towards me, “Thanks sis.”

  He takes my hand and proceeds to lead me outside.

  We could have gone out the backdoor but I’m not complaining, more alone time with him. I just wish I knew what to say. He makes me more nervous than Carson. I look down at our hands, fingers interlaced. It feels so natural and the silence doesn’t bother me but I worry it might make him uncomfortable. There are so many things I want to know about him but I don’t want to seem nosy and annoying…

  “This is a mess.” Blake stops looking around at the overgrown back yard.

  “Ugh, I feel overwhelmed already.” I groan.

  “Me too, but we’ll get it done together.”

  I nod, “Yeah but it would be nice if we had a few more hands.”

  “Agreed, I guess I could call Carson.”

  “No.” I say quickly.

  He looks relieved, “Good, I wanted you all to myself anyway.”

  I smile up at him, “Well you’ve got me.”

  “It’s what I’m hoping for.” He admits then looks away shyly, “Is that a pool?”

  “I guess, mom said she found one yesterday after removing an old wooden patio,”

  “Watch your step.” He says as I follow him through the tall grass and sticks to get a better look.

  We stop at the edge looking at the odd mosaic tiling. Symbols are spaced evenly around it and the bottom is a depiction of the moon eclipsing the sun but it looks foreboding.

  “I don’t like it.” We both say at the same time and look at each other surprised.

  “Why not?” We ask in unison.

  “You first.” Blake says smiling.

  “I’m not sure honestly, it just makes me feel uncomfortable. How about you?” I ask bending to touch the tiles but Blake pulls me back.

  “Don’t.” He says looking at me warily.

  “Okay, explain.”

  “I don’t know how to, I just don’t like it, it feels wrong. Maybe they should cover it back up.”

  A light wind blows and it sounds like whispering all around. We look at each other. They are here, I feel them, and they are not happy about our talk of covering it back up.

  “I don’t think they’ll allow it.” My thought slips out before I realize it.

  “I don’t think so either.” He shakes his head.

  “You can hear them to?”

  He closes his eyes and nods.

  “How long?”

  “A couple of years now,” he pauses, “every since that night they’ve haunted me.”

  “Can you see them?”

  “Yes when they allow it.”

  I stand there completely shocked, someone like me and not just anyone, Blake. He may be the boy of my dreams in more ways than one. Not baring this burden alone, being able to be open with someone I could easily fall for… It’s a dream come true.

  “Hey you two, admiring the pool?” Mom asks stepping out onto the back porch before I have a chance to tell him any of my thoughts.

  “It’s weird, are you sure it’s a pool?” I ask.

  She walks through the freshly cleared path, stops at the edge and looks down, “What else could it be?”

  Blake and I look at each other unsure. I don’t know but I plan on finding out and I believe he’s thinking the same thing.

  “Well, lets get to work. I think we should remove all the stick and limbs first, then we’ll get the mower out.” Mom says and we nod in agreement.

  I think I’m going to die of a heat stroke. I’m ready to fill the creepy butt pool up and jump in! Yeah it’s that freaking hot! I glance over at Blake; I know he’s got to be roasting with all those clothes on.

  “Water or lemonade?” Mom asks throwing sticks on the large pile we’ve gathered.

  “I could crush a bottled water.” Blake says wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

  “Me too.”

  “Okay, take a break. I’ll be right back.” She says walking to the porch.

  She doesn’t have to tell me twice, I drop to the ground and stretch my legs out, “How do you deal with this sticky heat?” I look up at him.

  “This is nothing, it’ll get hotter, but I usually don’t have on this much clothing.”

  “Yeah I can’t wait to ditch mine and take a shower.”

  He smiles and starts unbuttoning his shirt. “Me either, I brought my stuff so I could get ready here if that’s alright.”

  “Uh huh,” I mumble unable to tear my eyes away from his perfectly chiseled torso. I thought he would be wearing a tank top but no, and I’m not complaining because the view is amazing! UMMM.

  He chuckles and tosses his shirt at me.

  “What?” I ask feeling a little embarrassed for ogling which I’m sure he noticed.

  “You sighed.”

  That was NOT supposed to be verbalized!

  “It’s cool, I thought it was cute.” He says as I look away in an attempt to collect myself.

  “Y’all still need a hand?”

  I nearly give myself whiplash turning my head. You have got to be kidding me! Blake glares at Noah as he grins. I shake my head and stand. How am I supposed to explain this?! “Blake this is Noah.” I introduce them.

  “Nice to meet you.” Noah says holding out his hand.

  Blake shakes it reluctantly, “Yeah, you to.”

  “Aright, I’m back.” Mom says and stops at the bottom of the steps once she spots Noah.

  “Mom this is Noah, he came to help, though he shouldn’t have.” I wish he wouldn’t have! I’m tempted to punch him in the face!

  “It’s not a problem.” Noah shrugs.

  “No really, you shouldn’t have.” I cross my arms.

  “Well aren’t you the popular one.” Mom says smiling at me. “I certainly appreciate all the help I can get. Would you like something to drink?”

  “No ma’am but thank you for the offer.”

  Blake keeps looking at me, I’m sure he’s thinking something horrible about me. I quickly take Blake’s hand, “We’ll be right back.” We start past Noah and he grabs my arm giving me a warning look.

  “Remove your hand from her.” Blake says darkly.

  Noah releases me with a smirk.

  “I’m not trying to sound possessive but who the heck is that guy and why does he seem so comfortable touching you?” Blake asks as we round the house.

  I shake my head, “Long story but not what you are thinking I’m sure. Can I explain when we leave?” I drop my voice and glance around worried that he’s spying on us. “I promise I’ll tell you everything, I hope you don’t have a curfew.”

  “So you’re not seeing him?”

  “I only SEE him when he wants me to.” I hope he gets that.

  He looks at me confused, “You mean he’s,”

  I put my hand to his mouth quickly and nod, “Here to help.” I assure him, he nods slightly so I remove my hand. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “I’ll say. Lets get this over with, shall we?” He asks holding out his hand.

  “Joy.” I groan. The only bright side to this is he’s shirtless and glistening with sweat, which probably sounds gross but totally isn’t. I’m fighting to keep myself in check!

“Just think a few more hours and we’ll be all alone.” He grins at me.

  Alone, like in a public setting or alone alone? Not sure if I can be trusted but, “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Mom looks impressed as Noah points around the yard talking about his ideas for it. “I love it!” She gushes and turns her attention to me, “I don’t know where you found this young man at but it was fate, he’s something else.”

  “He’s something alright.” I glower at him.

  “Journey, he is very talented when it comes to this landscaping stuff. Our yard will be the envy of all Savannah when he’s finished.”

  “You plan on fixing it up?” I ask Noah shocked.

  “Why not? I don’t have anything better to do and I live really close.” He smiles hugely.

  Oh he’s going to get it later! I bet he was planning this last night! So much for keeping him a secret, why not invite Rouge and Kadence to lend a hand? For that matter the rest of the ghosts could pitch in, we’d knock it out today. “Whatever,” I roll my eyes, “what’s next?”

  “Susan had the right idea, lets get it mowed and start digging the spots for the flower beds.” Noah instructs.

  “Fine, point to where Blake and I should dig,” A hole to bury you in, though I know it wouldn’t do any good, “then you can get to mowing.” I smirk.

  “Actually I was thinking Blake mow, you and I dig while Susan takes a trip to the local nursery for flowers and shrubs.”

  I start to object but Blake squeezes my hand, “That’ll be fine, I don’t mind.”

  Oh but I mind, I’m going to be tempted to knock him in the head with the shovel! I wonder if it would hurt him…

  “Now that that’s settled if you’ll write out a list I’ll run on.” Mom looks directly at me, “You guys play nice while I’m gone.”

  “Of course.” I say looking at her innocently.

  “I can’t believe you.” I huff at Noah once mom is gone and Blake fires up the lawn mower.

  “You said y’all could use more help. I’m just trying to do my part, I do live here after all.”

  “I bet.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Why not keep it up while it was vacant?”

  “Do you know how odd it would have seemed with no one living here yet the yard was pristine?”

  “I think you enjoy me being in the hot seat, I’m surprised you didn’t text Carson and invite him anyway.”

  He grins impishly, “The thought had crossed my mind but I figured that would be over doing it just a tad.”

  “How considerate of you.” I sneer.

  “I try.” He glances at Blake and continues shoveling, “I don’t think he likes me very much.”

  “Hum, I wonder why…”

  “I do to, I’m just trying to be friendly.”

  “Sure you are. Anyway, aren’t the others going to be upset that you are running around parading as a human?”

  “I am a human, I’m just not a live one anymore.”

  “You know what I mean.” I say annoyed.

  “The only one that knows my secret is you and as long as it stays that way we won’t have a problem.”

  “A problem, is that a threat?” I cut my eyes to him.

  “What? No, I would never harm you. How could you even think that? I’ve protected you and everyone else from the moment you arrived.” He says looking at me as though I’ve hurt his feelings.

  “Sorry, I just assumed,”

  He cuts me off, “No more making assumptions.” He shakes his head and jabs the shovel into the ground, “I will be the one in trouble. They dislike my… predilection for you, for the living.” He drops his shovel and looks at me, “I can’t help it though, y’all are much more at peace than them. Their turmoil is more than my spirit can bare at times, it eats at me like a sickness. I thought for certain I would be forced to endure their pain for the rest of my time here then you came along.” He rests his hand on my shoulder, “Thank you for showing me kindness.”

  There is tranquility about him, his eyes as welcoming as the bright blue sky. I can’t help but feel bad for my thoughts moments ago. All he wants is a friend and I was ready to bury him. “Not a problem.” I nod. He smiles and continues digging silently.

  “Why do they dislike you communicating with us?” I ask.

  “It’s not the communicating they have an issue with, it’s that I prefer your company. They are worried that I am going to expose us all… I think.”

  “Big deal, it’s not like there aren’t others like you walking around. They are everywhere, not only here but all over the world and there are plenty of people that believe you exist.”

  “Things are different here okay. Just keep this to yourself.”

  “Fine.” So I hope Blake is awesome at keeping secrets, wait whom would he tell? Like he wants everyone to know he sees them too. Heck we could schedule our shrink appointments together. It could be our couple time for the week. Oh no, I can’t believe I just went there… We are only talking. I’m trying to make an informed decision before jumping into this relationship business.

  Noah directs Mom back, I’m so thankful she can drive that school bus better than I thought. I half expected her to take out the side of the house the way she reversed, all gas no break. “Would you look at this!” She says excitedly as she rounds the end of the Suburban. We weren’t able to finish it all but Blake got the majority of it cut. Noah said he’d take care of the rest, which consists of the part near the woods. I could see the relief on Blake’s face at his statement. I don’t care for them either and seriously doubt I’ll go wandering through them any time soon, like ever. “You guys have been on the ball. I owe you all.”

  I shake my head, “I don’t expect anything. The look on your face is payment enough.” And getting to watch Blake half naked all day was definitely an added bonus.

  “You don’t owe me either ma’am.” Blake smiles, “I’m happy to help. I will say I’m relieved you have a riding mower, I would not have wanted to push mow all this.”

  Noah cuts his eyes to Blake. I don’t need to hear his thoughts, the look on his face says it all, spoiled, lazy child.

  I catch myself before I can say, Yes Noah I know when you were young you probably used scissors to cut the grass, instead I opt for rolling my eyes at him.

  “Are we ready to start planting?” Mom can barely hide her enthusiasm.

  “Uh, Blake and I should start getting ready, we have a date.” I remind her and automatically want to kick myself for using the d word. I’m not certain if he considers it a date… I glance at Blake shyly, he’s grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  “Oh that’s right, in all my joy of getting the yard beautified it completely slipped my mind honey.” Mom admits as Noah looks at me disapprovingly.

  “It’s okay, we still have a little bit, where should we start?” Blake tries not to glare at Noah and focus his attention on mom.

  “Great!” She all but jumps with joy, “This place will be Southern Homes and Gardens worthy in weeks.”

  Sure, if they did a haunted house article. I can see it now, most charming house in Savannah plagued by the dead. Perhaps they could interview our landscaper, Noah. He could tell them all about his natural and unnatural time spent here. The tricks he’s learned to gardening over his MANY years. Okay I’m being ugly, I like Noah but I swear if I’m stuck doing this everyday I’ll shove his head in a potted plant!

  Noah grins at me like he found a prize in a cereal box, “Blake you can help Mrs. Susan plant the trees over there and there,” he stops pointing and pulls a piece of paper from his pocket, “actually just follow the layout, it’ll be much easier.” He hands it to Mom, “Journey and I will get started on the shrubs then we’ll pull out the flowers.”

  “Any particular reason you’ve kept Blake and me separated today?” I ask once we start lugging the shrubs.

  He looks at me dumbfounded, “Is that what you think I’ve been doing? I just t
hought it would be easier for you to work with me.”

  “Easier would have been sitting on my butt driving in circles around the yard not breaking my back digging. Try again.”

  “Fine, you caught me, I enjoy your company.”

  “Like you wouldn’t have been around later to hangout.” I huff.

  “That depends.”

  “On what, were you planning a vacation for this evening?”

  “No, I didn’t know if you were coming home tonight.”

  “Of course I am. Like my parents are going to let me spend the night with Blake.”

  “Well you are friends with his sister.”

  “True but that means Blake and Carson would be there, not sure I can handle that situation right now.”

  “To much temptation?”

  I spin to fuss at him and end up slapping him in the face with the shrub.

  He looks at me stunned. “I didn’t mean I thought you were loose, you didn’t have to hit me.”

  “It was an accident but thanks for clarifying that. Anyway I meant both of them in the same house vying for my attention and I can’t choose, not right now.”

  He nods, “I wasn’t trying to offend you, swear.”

  “Alright. I really didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “Are you going to be late?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Where are y’all going?”

  “Jeesh Noah, when did you become my father?”

  “Excuse me for caring.”

  “I’m not used to having friends, Kay was basically it, I had no social life minus a couple of I guess you’d say acquaintances.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well I thought they were my friends but they haven’t called or text so…”

  “I don’t understand some people,” he shakes his head, “you are an amazing young lady and I’m sure you will make plenty of friends here. Just do me a favor.” He pauses and drops the shrub in the hole then takes the one I’m carrying and drops it in the next spot.

  “What?” I ask as he gazes at me.

  He gently takes my hand placing his other one on top of it, “Don’t forget about me.”

  “I couldn’t, even if I wanted to, it’s hard to ignore someone you live with. Believe me, I tried to ignore Drew for countless years but it never worked.” I smirk and look away. Blake is once again giving Noah a death glare and Mom looks quite surprised. I pull my hand away, “I guess what I’m saying is you don’t have to worry about that okay?”


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